Homosexual Waiter Says He Was Refused Tip Because Of His Sexual Orientation

Bigotry exist and waiters and waitress are an easy target. Black against white, white against black, gay against straight and straight against gay, etc, etc. The story is believable because it happens so often. Not often with a written note on the bill, but it is pretty common and clear to servers when they get shafted out of a tip.

How do you know it happens so often?
Well. Is my face red. I thought you guys were my age. I was in my early 20's when Match Game and Hollywood Squares went off the air. Of course if you were just kids then no. Of course you wouldn't know.


I remember when Lynde and Reilly actually did something other than stupid game shows. I.e. Paul Lynde was Uncle Arthur on "Bewitched", and Charles Reilly was the ghost's nephew on "The Ghost and Mrs. Muir".

Okay, now this is getting confusing. You're going in the opposite direction, which means either we're the same age, or you're older.

I had a crush on him on The Ghost. I realized it was fruitless when he started with the game shows. And those shows were NOT stupid, right [MENTION=18905]Sherry[/MENTION]?

I have no idea what's going on in this thread, but chiming in for this post only because of the mention...you are correct, Boop. I was born in '69, so I was just a little one when a lot of the classics like Match Game and Hollywood Squares were on, but thanks to GSN I can still enjoy them.:thup:
The waiter's name is not known. Kinda hard to go for the sympathy vote.

Did you read the article in the OP?

According to that, a former pastor went to the restaurant to support the waiter, was seated by his mother, etc. So the fact that the article doesn't give the waiter's name doesn't mean this could not have been done for sympathy.

Hell, it could have been done to garner sympathy from the friends, family, or co-workers of the waiter.

Garnering sympathy is not only about the public at large.



You don't like people much, do ya. ;)

Either that, or you're INCREDIBLY conniving, and think everybody else is as well.

Not sure how you come to this conclusion from my post.

Are you saying that when someone wants sympathy, they must want it from the general public?

Are you saying that not automatically accepting this story as true means I think everyone is conniving? Does that mean if you do accept it, you think everyone is a bigoted bastard? :lol:

I don't know the waiter. I have no idea what kind of person he is, whether he might be likely to fake something like this or not. I do know that whether I believe his story or not, I'm believing that someone involved was a douchebag.
If the guy served on time, kept them happy with their refills, did a good job...their "good conscience" pretty much sucks...gay or not. His sexual orientation didn't seem to bother them while he waited on them.

How do you know that? I don't "hate" homosexuals but frankly I find homosexuality disgusting...especially male homosexuality. There is no way I feel comfortable having someone who makes frequent or even occasional contact with feces handle my food or drink or what they are served and eaten with. Ya...I'm sure there is nothing real to fear from butt fuckers or fuckee's or dick suckers or suckee's but when I'm paying money for the food and the service I like to be comfortable.

Many serious diseases are transfered via feces. Many serious diseases are transfered via blood exposure. You can say my concerns are irrational but again... I don't pay for someone else's comfort when dining out.

The complaint stated in this thread was of a religious nature... I do find THAT irrational. But again the religious bigot still has a right to food service that makes him comfortable and feel like eating.

Gays have or should have every public and personally private right as any straight person. What they do not have, at least when dealing with me, is the right to impose thier gayness on me in all circustance. You can say well HUGGY you do not have to eat in that restaurant...and if you do you will have no say by whom you food is prepared or served. I agree. I wouldn't try to embarrass the homo. I would just get up and leave. I don't need to justify my comfort zone any more than the homo does.

Thank you for that truthful post. I had no idea. My perceptions of you as a man just did a complete 180 ... But shit happens.

No pun intended.

Now to the older among us.

Were you under the impression that Charles Nelson Reilly and Paul Lynde were straight?

How do you know that? Because you saw it on the internets? I really don't care one way or the other about the gays. I don't think about them at all. While you are in that spin you are in keep in mind that once in a while I will argue a point just for the fuck of it. :lol:

And in answer to Abraham... Ya...I very rarely go out to eat. It's not because of gays. I do prepare 99% of the food I eat. Type II diabetes.. I've been on a very strict diet for over three years. Oh and ya I wipe till there is nothing there and then wash my hands with antibacterial soap and my whole butt after with sanitizing wipes. I'm a clean freak. I even wipe my dogs asses when they poop so they don't get any doggy cling-ons in the living space.

I'm not as crazy as "Monk" about germs ...I don't use the sani-wipes on my grocery cart handle before shopping but I do wash my hands when I get home after going grocery shopping.
Do you know those two names. Did you watch them on game shows back in the day.

You could try honesty. I ask a direct, simple question, you offer a direct, simple answer.

Were you under the impression that Charles Nelson Reilly and Paul Lynde were straight.

I did not know there were homosexuals growing up. Not something that ever came up. As for mannerisms one should never judge another solely on how they act. As I said I never asked and they never told. As I understand it Rock Hudson was a homosexual..... could you tell he was? Unless someone announces it or tells me I prefer not to assume anything about their personal private life. For one thing it is none of my business.

Okay. I'm sorry you'd rather die than admit to something that might cause to reconsider the point you are arguing.

Carry on.

I don't judge people, neither does Gunny, why is that bad?

I do have a question though, do you really think anyone is that over the top all the time? Why wouldn't people look at the way people act on camera, and stage, and think they were just acting? In fact, living the flamboyant lifestyle you are so sure made it obvious that Paul Lynde was gay drove him to drink.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8zlLFafCZo]The Paul Lynde Story. Mysteries & Scandals. Produced by Alison Martino - YouTube[/ame]
How do you know that? I don't "hate" homosexuals but frankly I find homosexuality disgusting...especially male homosexuality. There is no way I feel comfortable having someone who makes frequent or even occasional contact with feces handle my food or drink or what they are served and eaten with. Ya...I'm sure there is nothing real to fear from butt fuckers or fuckee's or dick suckers or suckee's but when I'm paying money for the food and the service I like to be comfortable.

HAHAHAHahhaahaahaaaa... oooh.. so, you don't shit, eh? Or is it that you don't use TP when you're done? And this is true of all the people with whom you hang out? Wow... where'd you find them? Oh.. yeah... I guess they weren't hard to sniff out, were they.

Many serious diseases are transfered via feces. Many serious diseases are transfered via blood exposure. You can say my concerns are irrational but again... I don't pay for someone else's comfort when dining out.

I think you do. Why else go to a facility built to feed, say, a hundred people simultaneously? Why go out at all? For much less money you can prepare your own meal exactly as you wish, sit at home all alone and not risk being made to feel uncomfortable by other people... by DIFFERENT people.

It is irrational. Every bit of it. But you err here. The bigot (and everyone else) has a right to reject every available food services for any reason. We do NOT have a right to GET food service that makes us feel comfortable or feel like eating.

Guess what? They do.

That's an interesting way to express yourself. I really don't know what you mean there with "impose thier (sic) gayness (sic) on" you, but what it sounds like is that you don't believe they have the right to make you gay. Since that's not possible, the next alternative interpretation would be that they don't have the right to expose YOUR gayness. Is that the real issue here?

You can say well HUGGY you do not have to eat in that restaurant...and I you do you will have no say by whom you food is prepared or served. I agree. I wouldn't try to embarrass the homo. I would just get up and leave.

And what if the waiter or his or her manager asked you what was wrong on the way out? What if your wife and kids asked you why you were leaving when they were getting ready to do some chowing down? What would you say to these people? Would you tell them that you were uncomfortable eating food served by someone who gives you the impression of being a homosexual?

I don't need to justify my comfort zone any more than the homo does.

Interesting euphemism for bigotry. But if you really don't need to justify yourself, what are you doing here?

You probably won't see it, but even though Huggy is wrong, he is more tolerant than you are.
Thank you all for this hilarious thread!

Assuming this story is true is worth a nice laugh, especially after the similar story of the waitress that was discussed in some depth on this site. :lol:

Assuming that no one would write the alleged note because they couldn't be 100% certain the waiter is gay is also pretty damn laughable. Because no one ever assumes they know a person is gay! Especially not anti-gay bigots! :rofl:

This story could be bullshit made up by the waiter to garner sympathy and/or more tips. This story could be true and the customers who wrote it either assumed the waiter was gay based on his effeminate speech or mannerisms, or perhaps he mentioned a boyfriend, who knows?
This story could be a hoax that some third party committed, writing the comments on the check when no one was looking.

Who knows?

But it's fun reading the reactions of so many of you! :lmao:

The waiter's name is not known. Kinda hard to go for the sympathy vote.

People know the exact restaurant he works at, and can ask for him by reputation. Sounds like a pretty successful sympathy bid to me.
Thank you all for this hilarious thread!

Assuming this story is true is worth a nice laugh, especially after the similar story of the waitress that was discussed in some depth on this site. :lol:

Assuming that no one would write the alleged note because they couldn't be 100% certain the waiter is gay is also pretty damn laughable. Because no one ever assumes they know a person is gay! Especially not anti-gay bigots! :rofl:

This story could be bullshit made up by the waiter to garner sympathy and/or more tips. This story could be true and the customers who wrote it either assumed the waiter was gay based on his effeminate speech or mannerisms, or perhaps he mentioned a boyfriend, who knows?
This story could be a hoax that some third party committed, writing the comments on the check when no one was looking.

Who knows?

But it's fun reading the reactions of so many of you! :lmao:

The waiter's name is not known. Kinda hard to go for the sympathy vote.

People know the exact restaurant he works at, and can ask for him by reputation. Sounds like a pretty successful sympathy bid to me.

The glass isn't always half empty. Sometimes it is half full.
The waiter's name is not known. Kinda hard to go for the sympathy vote.

People know the exact restaurant he works at, and can ask for him by reputation. Sounds like a pretty successful sympathy bid to me.

The glass isn't always half empty. Sometimes it is half full.

I thought you said it happens more often than not. I'd like to know how you know that or is that an opinion based on your limited life knowledge.
People know the exact restaurant he works at, and can ask for him by reputation. Sounds like a pretty successful sympathy bid to me.

The glass isn't always half empty. Sometimes it is half full.

I thought you said it happens more often than not. I'd like to know how you know that or is that an opinion based on your limited life knowledge.

My experience is limited to having a restaurant related business in a resort town with a large number of restaurants for 15 years, having many friends in the business and a wife that has worked as a part time waitress for the last 5 years.
Here we go again. I personally think this guy is making it up. He is trying to copycat that negro waitress from Red Lobster who claimed the customer left the word 'Nigg*r' on her tip receipt. What is it with these deranged minorities?

Anti-gay customers refuse tip to server, other patrons rally - KCTV5

A 20-year-old waiter provided exemplary service at an Overland Park Italian restaurant, but his anti-gay customers refused to tip him because of his sexual orientation.

As word has spread through social media, other customers are coming in to offer words of encouragement and tip the young server extra.

His mother also works as a hostess and she was very upset by what was written on the back of the check earlier this week after he waited on a couple.

Liberals will be the first to tell you that it's ok to be a bigot.

They're also the first ones to bitch about bigotry when it happens to them.

Conservatives have thicker skin.
The glass isn't always half empty. Sometimes it is half full.

I thought you said it happens more often than not. I'd like to know how you know that or is that an opinion based on your limited life knowledge.

My experience is limited to having a restaurant related business in a resort town with a large number of restaurants for 15 years, having many friends in the business and a wife that has worked as a part time waitress for the last 5 years.

So, how do you know that most people are tipped according to skin color, race, sex or sexual preference?

You have nothing but a bias opinion based on your limited experience.

My sister in law has been a waitress and owned several restaurants. She believes bad tippers are just bad tippers, prejudice isn't the main factor, it matters not how good or bad the service, they aren't going to tip. That is her opinion.
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I thought you said it happens more often than not. I'd like to know how you know that or is that an opinion based on your limited life knowledge.

My experience is limited to having a restaurant related business in a resort town with a large number of restaurants for 15 years, having many friends in the business and a wife that has worked as a part time waitress for the last 5 years.

So, how do you know that most people are tipped according to skin color, race, sex or sexual preference?

You have nothing but a bias opinion based on your limited experience.

My sister in law has been a waitress and owned several restaurants. She believes bad tippers are just bad tippers, prejudice isn't the main factor, it matters not how good or bad the service, they aren't going to tip. That is her opinion.

My late wife was a waitress before we were married and she's told me that blacks were the worst tippers.
I thought you said it happens more often than not. I'd like to know how you know that or is that an opinion based on your limited life knowledge.

My experience is limited to having a restaurant related business in a resort town with a large number of restaurants for 15 years, having many friends in the business and a wife that has worked as a part time waitress for the last 5 years.

So, how do you know that most people are tipped according to skin color, race, sex or sexual preference?

You have nothing but a bias opinion based on your limited experience.

My sister in law has been a waitress and owned several restaurants. She believes bad tippers are just bad tippers, prejudice isn't the main factor, it matters not how good or bad the service, they aren't going to tip. That is her opinion.

I agree with your sister. I did not mean to imply that people tipped by the color of the servers skin or sexual preference, etc. all the time. It happens sometimes, and I guess the word "often" is open to interpretation. The point I was making is that it happens often enough to make the allegation made by the gay server believable.
Because I live in a resort town, the clientele is very diverse. My wife looks very middle eastern but speaks with a slight Russian accent. Many of the servers I know are from Eastern Europe and also have accents. I don't think my experience is all that limited.
Waiters need to grow up and stop whining

Some people are assholes. They may stiff you for any stupid reason

Some people will also tip you far more than your service is worth. It is the nature of the job you have chosen
Waiters need to grow up and stop whining

Some people are assholes. They may stiff you for any stupid reason

Some people will also tip you far more than your service is worth. It is the nature of the job you have chosen

You are right. The servers I know are very professional and expect to get shafted on the tip sometimes. It's part of the job. They will joke about it or mention it in small talk rather than whine. If the servers on a shift know one of them got a bad table, they will sometimes throw that server an extra table or known good tipper to make up the difference.
All this hullabaloo about tipping. I just figure I'm doing better than the person serving me so I tip that person well. I don't care if they are male, female, black white or their sexual orientation. I once waited tables and was pleased to get a good tip, and I pay ahead for my grand children when they will be waiting tables too.
Was the waiter acting like a Flamer?

If it looks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are, it's a duck.

And, did we ever find out what was written on the back of the check?
I thought you said it happens more often than not. I'd like to know how you know that or is that an opinion based on your limited life knowledge.

My experience is limited to having a restaurant related business in a resort town with a large number of restaurants for 15 years, having many friends in the business and a wife that has worked as a part time waitress for the last 5 years.

So, how do you know that most people are tipped according to skin color, race, sex or sexual preference?

You have nothing but a bias opinion based on your limited experience.

My sister in law has been a waitress and owned several restaurants. She believes bad tippers are just bad tippers, prejudice isn't the main factor, it matters not how good or bad the service, they aren't going to tip. That is her opinion.

Waiters have printed cards that list all their vital statistics, age, race, sex, sexual preference, religion, school, preferred language, and everything else that is applicable to tipping that they hand out when the customer comes in, didn't you know that?

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