Homosexuality is declining

Can I pick C..all of the above.

The one thing I have come to realize...you can not have a sensible conversation on this topic with anyone who takes their guidance from a book written hundered's of years ago, who thought it was still OK to sell your daughter for a camel.

Lets not forget....the earth was made in 7 days......lol...anyone duped by that BS is a missing a few screws....

You know.......I used to think so also, until I'd seen a segment of the Naked Archaeologist on Elijah. There is an ivory figure that is over 2,500 years old, and, if you follow all the curves into complete circles, the centers of those circles were actually what the position of the stars was back then. Additionally, there was another mathematician who took that, combined it with some basic physics, and came up with ripples in time that are evenly spaced. If you went back and divided the age of the Universe, (15,000,000,000,000 years) by the number of these dialations, they come out to six days. It was really interesting and based in some pretty sound math.
Ripples in time...really....see that Q...I knew he messed with the time / space continuum.

I wonder what Moses was thinking as he was writing it, when God was whispering in his ear....6 days...really...you want me to put 6 days..come on, these people are going to take the piss out of me....please, let me put 2000 years....ok, 1000 maybe...but 6...oh god, they are going to laugh all the way to the next watering hole.
Ripples in time...really....see that Q...I knew he messed with the time / space continuum.

I wonder what Moses was thinking as he was writing it, when God was whispering in his ear....6 days...really...you want me to put 6 days..come on, these people are going to take the piss out of me....please, let me put 2000 years....ok, 1000 maybe...but 6...oh god, they are going to laugh all the way to the next watering hole.

Well, Einstein proved that the closer you got to the speed of light, the slower time went, which is where this mathematician came up with his stuff. And, based on the WMAP, they can figure out where the center of the Universe is. Now, figuring out where the center of the Universe is, and then measuring the distance from here to there, they came up with the formula for the "ripples" in time, and, when your perspective is from the center, rather than towards the outside edges like we are, the time to take to create the Universe was 6 days.

You'd have to get this information from several different souces by the way, it's not just theology.
What do you expect from people attending state K-12 schools in Mississippi. Those schools are like attending a school some third world country.

Schools in Mississippi are amongst the best in the South and in the nation, what are you smoking?
So you guys have a thought police? Are you that afraid of homosexuality being accepted that you have to resort to those measures?

Really if you're going through that much effort to stop the spreading of ideas, the ideas must really worry you.

Its not fear, its simple organising to stop the spread of something evil from being accepted and protesting against homosexuality here in Mississippi have brought white and black people together here in Mississippi because its a common cause to fight against. Protests like these have silver linings within them.
Again, I think the vast majority of woman, just like the vast majority of men, would find having any guy ramming his dick up your ass to be ugly, no matter what the guy looked like. I also think your imagine of a typical gay man is based more on watching too much PC TV or looking at fashion magazines rather then reality.

Um yeah, living in what is probably the most diverse city in the US and I wouldn't have any gay friends .... yeah. Truth is, I have a lot of gay friends, some men and some women. The men are hot, and yeah I am jealous that they have no interest in dating me, but it's nice to talk to some men who aren't so fixated on treating me like a sex object, so it's a good trade off. As for TV, most TV shows have scrawny dweebs play the gay men so not sure where you get that connection. As I said, you are just jealous because they get more female friends than you, though it's mostly because they don't look at us like sex toys only for their pleasure like you.

As a slightly off topic, many straight men and women DO actually have anal play in bed. The butt plug is bought more often by straight women and men than gay men, why? Because gay men already have their own butt plugs built in. How do I know this, because for some reason every time you do a search for something online you get thousands of straight porn sites mixed in with the results and they mask themselves as other sites so yeah, if no one has accidentally click on a few of these then they aren't searching very well.
His posts don't contain fact. They contain pseudo-intellectual psycho babble and absolutely no substance whatsoever.
His posts don't contain fact. They contain pseudo-intellectual psycho babble and absolutely no substance whatsoever.

Yours contain nothing but regurgitated myths which we know are not true ... so yeah, even if his posts don't contain fact (which they do actually if you read them) it's still better than hearing the same crap over and over again when many have said it's crap, myth, and nonsense.

Would rather see some nice and interesting psycho babble instead of christian scripture and your messed up opinion repeated any day. Much less your one liner insults that always seem to miss their mark.
Schools in Mississippi are amongst the best in the South and in the nation, what are you smoking?

What a load of bullshit, bASS.

In 2004, Mississippi was ranked last among the fifty states in academic achievement by the American Legislative Exchange Council's Report Card on Education, with the lowest average ACT scores and spending per pupil in the nation.
What regurgitated myths? You mean the news stories?

Define a fact, KK. I've challenged you to do that before, and you were incapable of it then. Try it now. See if you know what it means.
I know what facts are and I use them excessively. That's why my posts are full of links, statistics and quotes.

KK, and yourself, don't understand the difference between "fact" and "what I want to be true". Frankly, I find it amazing that she is so transparent that she refuses even to define the term. It just proves that she has no interest in fact whatsoever.
I know what facts are and I use them excessively. That's why my posts are full of links, statistics and quotes.

KK, and yourself, don't understand the difference between "fact" and "what I want to be true". Frankly, I find it amazing that she is so transparent that she refuses even to define the term. It just proves that she has no interest in fact whatsoever.

Like you do ya self-righteous bitch? I've yet to see you show an open mind about ANYTHING.
Why don't you define "fact", then?

It's not that difficult a task. Really. But it seems to give you and KK no end of difficulty.

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