Homosexuality is declining

It's not genetic, and it's not hardwired.

You do the math. YOu can keep whining that it's not about choice..but if it isn't about choice, then women can't "help" themselves when they repeatedly get pregnant and it's "hardwired" that they're sluts.
It's not genetic, and it's not hardwired.

You do the math. YOu can keep whining that it's not about choice..but if it isn't about choice, then women can't "help" themselves when they repeatedly get pregnant and it's "hardwired" that they're sluts.

Admitting your own flaws does not change facts. The fact is we don't know yet because people like you are more interested in just attacking something rather than letting science do its studies. So, until you allow scientists to actually prove one way or another (real ones not those biased wannabes you normally listen to) perhaps then you could make an argument, otherwise, it's all nothing but opinion. There is however a lot of evidence that it may be genetic mutation, in which case only science could do anything about it anyway. There is also a lot of evidence it's because of abuse from parents (which means straight people abusing their kids) and that would require a LOT of work to stop, but then there would be no cure ever because psychological problems cannot be cured, at least not humanely.
LOL Um yeah, if kids were really scared to death of AIDs then why are they having sex more at younger ages? AIDs can be spread by anyone having sex, only the morons think it's a 'gay disease'.

The increase in teen pregnancy has nothing to do with this, as you know.

You were wrong:
More U.S. Teens Delay Having Sex, Study Finds (washingtonpost.com)
American teenagers are waiting longer before first engaging in sexual intercourse, and an overwhelming majority of those who are sexually active report using contraception, according to a comprehensive, well-respected government survey released yesterday.

Teens are waiting longer to have sex than they did in the past. Some 13% of females and 15% of males aged 15-19 in 2002 had had sex before age 15, compared with 19% and 21%, respectively, in 1995.[4]
Facts on American Teens' Sexual and Reproductive Health

And the alleged recent increase in teen pregnancy does nothing to alter the fact that teen pregnancy has been declining for years:

U.S. Teen Pregnancy Rates Decline As Result Of Improved Contraceptive Use
Eighty-six percent of the recent decline in U.S. teen pregnancy rates is the result of improved contraceptive use, while a small proportion of the decline (14%) can be attributed to teens waiting longer to start having sex, according to a report by John Santelli, MD, MPH, department chair and professor of Clinical Population and Family Health at the Mailman School of Public Health and published in the January issue of the American Journal of Public Health.

I shall sit back and wait for you to admit you're an idiot and your comment about teens having sex at younger and younger ages was simply gas exiting via your computer.
Funny, I found all these right-wingnut sources that disagree:
Report: Teenage Pregnancy on the Rise Again : NPR
Teen pregnancy: Hip or blip? - Kids and parenting- msnbc.com
Report: Teen pregnancies up for first time in 15 years - CNN.com
Teen Pregnancy On The Rise - Abstinence Only Programs Failing Our Children « women 4 hope
Teen Pregnancy statistics, signs, facts teenage pregnancy prevention

Here's a longer study in another country that shows the correlation between the rise and the lack of sex-ed in schools:
Sex education demand after rise in teenage pregnancies | Society | The Guardian

Then there's the Maury show, which not only shows the increase first hand but glamorizes breeding and even goes so far as to encourage it by making it so popular.
The decline was before 2005, as mentioned in all articles, and today it's considered an epidemic by the CDC.
Actually, one theory is that some guys turn gay because they can't find a woman that wants to have sex as often that they want, and in the perverted ways that they want it. :eusa_whistle:

That theory is just nuts, have you seen how HOT the gay men tend to be these days! If any one of them can't find a woman that would just love to be touched by them there's something wrong with us not the gay men.
I don't have an attitude "toward them". I have an opinion about whether or not homosexuality is "hardwired" and yes they do know. And in fact, many homosexuals agree with it.
Bisexuals are the only ones that can choose their sexuality.

There are four instincts that all animals have when they see another animal, and yes, you as a human being are an animal. These instincts are the four F's, fight it, flee it, feed on it, or have sex with it. These instincts come from the brain. Genetics is only one thing that affects the development of human brains in the womb. The environment in the womb also affects development. This is why identical twins are never truly identical, also the reason why one of them could be homosexual while the other is heterosexual.

Sexually Antagonistic Selection in Human Male Homosexuality

Several lines of evidence indicate the existence of genetic factors influencing male homosexuality and bisexuality. In spite of its relatively low frequency, the stable permanence in all human populations of this apparently detrimental trait constitutes a puzzling ‘Darwinian paradox’. Furthermore, several studies have pointed out relevant asymmetries in the distribution of both male homosexuality and of female fecundity in the parental lines of homosexual vs. heterosexual males. A number of hypotheses have attempted to give an evolutionary explanation for the long-standing persistence of this trait, and for its asymmetric distribution in family lines; however a satisfactory understanding of the population genetics of male homosexuality is lacking at present. We perform a systematic mathematical analysis of the propagation and equilibrium of the putative genetic factors for male homosexuality in the population, based on the selection equation for one or two diallelic loci and Bayesian statistics for pedigree investigation. We show that only the two-locus genetic model with at least one locus on the X chromosome, and in which gene expression is sexually antagonistic (increasing female fitness but decreasing male fitness), accounts for all known empirical data. Our results help clarify the basic evolutionary dynamics of male homosexuality, establishing this as a clearly ascertained sexually antagonistic human trait.
This is an example of how evolution would favor homosexuality. Basically the gene that is said to cause homosexuality in males also makes females more fertile. There are trade offs in life, and it makes perfect sense for evolution to favor a gene that makes the female population more fertile even though it has the side effect of making a small portion of the male population homosexual.

We have little choice in that matter, so many just learn to ignore or lure them into making themselves look the fools while still reading any actual posts that are not. It's an art form to be able to read through the flame stuff and pick out the actual discussion, one that you get good at the longer you deal with it.
Why do you discriminate against flamers?

That theory is just nuts, have you seen how HOT the gay men tend to be these days! If any one of them can't find a woman that would just love to be touched by them there's something wrong with us not the gay men.
Well its complete bollocks that they 'turn gay' but straight (not bisexual) men do have sex with other men.

Gay Guise: When Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men
Understanding Straight Men Who Have Sex with Men

There's growing evidence that many men who have sex with men aren't all gay or bisexual. According to the Centers for Disease Control, more than 3 million men who self-identify as straight secretly have sex with other men-putting their wives or girlfriends at risk for HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases.

A recent New York City survey that appeared in the September 19, 2006, issue of the Annals of Internal Medicine found that nearly 1 in 10 men say they're straight and have occasional sex with men. In addition, 70 percent of these men are heterosexually married. In fact, 10 percent of all married men in this survey reported engaging in same-sex behavior during the previous year.


For straight men who have sex with men, same-sex encounters aren't about romance or sexual attraction and desire, but about sexual and physiological arousal-"getting off" with another who's male and accessible. They don't sexually desire or get aroused by looking at other men, only by the sexual act. But if they don't actively desire other men, how do they get to the point of having sex with them? These men typically want to bond with and get affection from other men. Their behavior may reflect a desire to experiment, to engage in something that's taboo, or to express inner psychological conflicts involving their sexual feelings and desires that have nothing to do with having a gay or bisexual identity.

Straight men who have sex with men do so for a variety of reasons. Some have been sexually abused and are compulsively reenacting childhood sexual trauma by male perpetrators; some find sexual release with another man more accessible; some have sex with men because it's easier and requires fewer social skills than those required to have sex with women; some are "gay for pay" and get financial rewards; some like the attention they receive from other men; some like anal sex, which they're otherwise too ashamed to talk about or engage in with their female partners.
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That theory is just nuts, have you seen how HOT the gay men tend to be these days! If any one of them can't find a woman that would just love to be touched by them there's something wrong with us not the gay men.
Pardon me if I don't agree that most women would enjoy being being poked up the ass repeatedly by dude, even if he did step out of the cover of GQ.
Bisexuals are the only ones that can choose their sexuality.

There are four instincts that all animals have when they see another animal, and yes, you as a human being are an animal. These instincts are the four F's, fight it, flee it, feed on it, or have sex with it. These instincts come from the brain. Genetics is only one thing that affects the development of human brains in the womb. The environment in the womb also affects development. This is why identical twins are never truly identical, also the reason why one of them could be homosexual while the other is heterosexual.

Sexually Antagonistic Selection in Human Male Homosexuality

This is an example of how evolution would favor homosexuality. Basically the gene that is said to cause homosexuality in males also makes females more fertile. There are trade offs in life, and it makes perfect sense for evolution to favor a gene that makes the female population more fertile even though it has the side effect of making a small portion of the male population homosexual.

Why do you discriminate against flamers?

Well its complete bollocks that they 'turn gay' but straight (not bisexual) men do have sex with other men.

Gay Guise: When Straight Men Have Sex With Other Men

Nice opinion pieces, but none have any basis in fact.

The fact is, nobody has been able to prove that homosexuality, any more than heterosexuality, is anything other than a choice. We choose who we have sex with, unless we're raped. It doesn't matter who you are. We aren't "forced" by our "genetics" to choose one sex over another.
Pardon me if I don't agree that most women would enjoy being being poked up the ass repeatedly by dude, even if he did step out of the cover of GQ.

That does not make them ugly, that just makes them unappealing in bed. They are still hot, well muscled, very healthy, and a fashion sense that increases the attraction. You just sound jealous now.
Funny, I found all these right-wingnut sources that disagree:
Report: Teenage Pregnancy on the Rise Again : NPR
Teen pregnancy: Hip or blip? - Kids and parenting- msnbc.com
Report: Teen pregnancies up for first time in 15 years - CNN.com
Teen Pregnancy On The Rise - Abstinence Only Programs Failing Our Children « women 4 hope
Teen Pregnancy statistics, signs, facts teenage pregnancy prevention

Here's a longer study in another country that shows the correlation between the rise and the lack of sex-ed in schools:
Sex education demand after rise in teenage pregnancies | Society | The Guardian

Then there's the Maury show, which not only shows the increase first hand but glamorizes breeding and even goes so far as to encourage it by making it so popular.
The decline was before 2005, as mentioned in all articles, and today it's considered an epidemic by the CDC.

Once again slowly.

It's the first time the rate has increased in more than a decade. For more than a decade, the rate has been decreasing.

So to portray it as some sort of terrible catastrophe and an indication that MORE YOUNG GIRLS ARE GETTING PREGNANT THAN EVERY BEFORE is intellectually dishonest and just a lie.

There's an increase, the first one in 14 years. That means for 14 years it's been declining, and the number of young girls getting pregnant is still much less than it was before the decline started.

Not only that, but you're being intellectually dishonest for going on this weird tangent when your INITIAL comment was that girls were having sex at younger and younger ages. When I disputed and proved that they weren't, you went off on this ridiculous side road...which has nothing to do with the increasing age of first-time sex...you were wrong.

Accept it and move on.
Nice opinion pieces, but none have any basis in fact.

The fact is, nobody has been able to prove that homosexuality, any more than heterosexuality, is anything other than a choice. We choose who we have sex with, unless we're raped. It doesn't matter who you are. We aren't "forced" by our "genetics" to choose one sex over another.

Actually, if that was the case then who is to say that straight people are choosing the correct side? It IS a chemical reaction that causes one to be attracted to another sexually. If it is a choice then it's not wrong unless it directly threatens an unwilling party. So no matter how you spin it, being against gay men and women is stupidity at it's purest.
Once again slowly.

It's the first time the rate has increased in more than a decade. For more than a decade, the rate has been decreasing.

So to portray it as some sort of terrible catastrophe and an indication that MORE YOUNG GIRLS ARE GETTING PREGNANT THAN EVERY BEFORE is intellectually dishonest and just a lie.

There's an increase, the first one in 14 years. That means for 14 years it's been declining, and the number of young girls getting pregnant is still much less than it was before the decline started.

Not only that, but you're being intellectually dishonest for going on this weird tangent when your INITIAL comment was that girls were having sex at younger and younger ages. When I disputed and proved that they weren't, you went off on this ridiculous side road...which has nothing to do with the increasing age of first-time sex...you were wrong.

Accept it and move on.

So, you think all change in policy happens overnight ... odd way to think. It takes years for the effects of changes to become known to society. But the fact of the matter, it proves that you were wrong in saying that kids are having less sex, which makes both parts of the post that I was proving wrong completely false, but of course you really don't care about fact as I said.
Are you mentally deficient?

The fact that teen pregancy has risen for the first time in 14 years does NOT prove that teens are having sex at a younger age, any more than it proves that it's anything but a weird blip on the screen.

It could be a sign that more teens are opting not to get abortions. It could be a sign that after 14-15 years of decreasing teen pregnancy, there's a weird blip that will be gone next year.

Your argument is shit, and you need to drop it before you make more of a fool of yourself.

And your comment about "policy" doesn't even make sense, ding bat. What the hell policy are you talking about, and when did it come into the conversation? Do you know?
Nice opinion pieces, but none have any basis in fact.

The fact is, nobody has been able to prove that homosexuality, any more than heterosexuality, is anything other than a choice. We choose who we have sex with, unless we're raped. It doesn't matter who you are. We aren't "forced" by our "genetics" to choose one sex over another.

So at what point do people choose between straight and gay?

Oh and eh here's some evidence (not proof but evidence) that it's not always a choice.

SpringerLink - Journal Article

To make a long story short it says that when certain genes get mutated it causes male-male courtship to increase.
So at what point do people choose between straight and gay?

Oh and eh here's some evidence (not proof but evidence) that it's not always a choice.

SpringerLink - Journal Article

To make a long story short it says that when certain genes get mutated it causes male-male courtship to increase.

Basically it would be that the pheromone recepters are wired wrong, thus the attraction would result in homosexual attraction. However this does bring the question as to why, since there are many accounts of homosexuality in humans since the beginning of recorded history.
But absolutely no evidence that it's anything but a choice.

"Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Dr. Francis S. Collins, Head Of The Human Genome Project
By A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D, MBA, MPH

April 4, 2007 - Dr. Francis S. Collins, one of the world's leading scientists who works at the cutting edge of DNA, concluded that "there is an inescapable component of heritability to many human behavioral traits. For virtually none of them is heredity ever close to predictive."
"Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Dr. Francis S. Collins, Head Of The Human Genome Project

How do genes influence behavior?

No single gene determines a particular behavior. Behaviors are complex traits involving multiple genes that are affected by a variety of other factors. This fact often gets overlooked in media reports hyping scientific breakthroughs on gene function, and, unfortunately, this can be very misleading to the public.
Behavioral Genetics

In 2003, the Human Genome Project finished. Since then a genetic predisposition to homosexuality has not been found despite the fact that we know so much about the genome. So in other words, if a scientist pulled ten random people out of a crowd and examined their DNA, scientists would not be able to classify who was homosexual. The only way that one would know who was gay or not was if they shared their sexual history. The use of scientific inquiry is inadequate at identifying homosexual people.

Gay Genetics
But absolutely no evidence that it's anything but a choice.

"Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Dr. Francis S. Collins, Head Of The Human Genome Project
By A. Dean Byrd, Ph.D, MBA, MPH

April 4, 2007 - Dr. Francis S. Collins, one of the world's leading scientists who works at the cutting edge of DNA, concluded that "there is an inescapable component of heritability to many human behavioral traits. For virtually none of them is heredity ever close to predictive."
"Homosexuality Is Not Hardwired," Concludes Dr. Francis S. Collins, Head Of The Human Genome Project

How do genes influence behavior?

No single gene determines a particular behavior. Behaviors are complex traits involving multiple genes that are affected by a variety of other factors. This fact often gets overlooked in media reports hyping scientific breakthroughs on gene function, and, unfortunately, this can be very misleading to the public.
Behavioral Genetics

In 2003, the Human Genome Project finished. Since then a genetic predisposition to homosexuality has not been found despite the fact that we know so much about the genome. So in other words, if a scientist pulled ten random people out of a crowd and examined their DNA, scientists would not be able to classify who was homosexual. The only way that one would know who was gay or not was if they shared their sexual history. The use of scientific inquiry is inadequate at identifying homosexual people.

Gay Genetics
If you actually understood the sources you cite, you'd know that they do not support your position that homosexuality is a choice. It's rather hilarious that you cite them though :lol:

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