Homosexuals and transsexuals are persecuted in the world

What do you think??

What I think is that I support gay rights unequivocally.

Since my world view is based upon principle, this places me quite at odds with most of the left as well as right. The right, by and large, is hostile to gays. The identity-politics of the left has led most to make common cause with some of the most egregious violators of gay rights imaginable.
I know, let's let more unvetted Muslims move into western culture. What could go wrong?

So you have identified a social wrong in this world. Bully for you. Does that make you great?

I also noticed you have a great disdain for Judaism and Christianity. Now I have identified a wrong with you.

You will never find any meaningful answers without God.

So you have identified a social wrong in this world. Bully for you. Does that make you great?

I also noticed you have a great disdain for Judaism and Christianity. Now I have identified a wrong with you.

You will never find any meaningful answers without God.

I believe in the Great Mother, the primordial and native European deity: of satanic Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), I do not give anything !!!

alien religions to Europe, despotic and sexually repressive

So you have identified a social wrong in this world. Bully for you. Does that make you great?

I also noticed you have a great disdain for Judaism and Christianity. Now I have identified a wrong with you.

You will never find any meaningful answers without God.

I believe in the Great Mother, the primordial and native European deity: of satanic Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), I do not give anything !!!

alien religions to Europe, despotic and sexually repressive

That's nice.
What empirical evidence do you have of your deity being real?
Or is this one of those "gods" who sounds cool but you have no proof it is true?

So you have identified a social wrong in this world. Bully for you. Does that make you great?

I also noticed you have a great disdain for Judaism and Christianity. Now I have identified a wrong with you.

You will never find any meaningful answers without God.

I believe in the Great Mother, the primordial and native European deity: of satanic Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), I do not give anything !!!

alien religions to Europe, despotic and sexually repressive

That's nice.
What empirical evidence do you have of your deity being real?
Or is this one of those "gods" who sounds cool but you have no proof it is true?

^ so ironic

So you have identified a social wrong in this world. Bully for you. Does that make you great?

I also noticed you have a great disdain for Judaism and Christianity. Now I have identified a wrong with you.

You will never find any meaningful answers without God.

I believe in the Great Mother, the primordial and native European deity: of satanic Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), I do not give anything !!!

alien religions to Europe, despotic and sexually repressive

That's nice.
What empirical evidence do you have of your deity being real?
Or is this one of those "gods" who sounds cool but you have no proof it is true?

Maybe it's because his "god" can talk with a dick in it's mouth.

So you have identified a social wrong in this world. Bully for you. Does that make you great?

I also noticed you have a great disdain for Judaism and Christianity. Now I have identified a wrong with you.

You will never find any meaningful answers without God.

I believe in the Great Mother, the primordial and native European deity: of satanic Semitic religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam), I do not give anything !!!

alien religions to Europe, despotic and sexually repressive

That's nice.
What empirical evidence do you have of your deity being real?
Or is this one of those "gods" who sounds cool but you have no proof it is true?

^ so ironic

Triple ironic in your case.

I give you empirical evidence for the Judeo-Christian G-d and what do you do? You either hit the "funny button" as usual, or you run away.

In other words Old School, you are a total phony who fools no one but himself.
I give you empirical evidence for the Judeo-Christian G-d
You've never even come close to doing that. One time your "proof" was crying Mary statues! :rofl:
Yes and your response was what? ---

That the nuns had hooked up some apparatus to play a trick on the people?

Or was it that everybody lies and it never happened?

It’s always one or the other. And you sleep well at night? Bizarre!

101 times this statue alone wept human tears or tears of blood. http://www.catholictradition.org/Mary/akita.htm
I give you empirical evidence for the Judeo-Christian G-d
You've never even come close to doing that. One time your "proof" was crying Mary statues! :rofl:
Yes and your response was what? ---

That the nuns had hooked up some apparatus to play a trick on the people?

Or was it that everybody lies and it never happened?

It’s always one or the other. And you sleep well at night? Bizarre!

101 times this statue alone wept human tears or tears of blood. OUR LADY OF AKITA
Yes someone hooked up something to trick the people. All religions have been performing stunts to trick people since the first religion was invented thousands and thousands of years ago. Every weeping Mary that has been inspected has been found to be fake.

Do It Yourself Weeping Madonna Statue
Statues crying blood???????

"Thou shalt not make any graven, or any likeness of things that are in heaven above and in the waters under the earth; you do not bow down before these things and not serve them, for I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God. "
(Exodus 20: 2-5; Deuteronomy 4: 15-19

"You shall not make idols, do not you ascend graven image, nor statues will place and not in your country of any ornate stone figures, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 26: 1)

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths but can not speak, eyes but do not see, have ears but do not hear, they have noses and smell not, have hands and do not touch, they walk and do not walk their throat does not make any sound. "(Psalm 115: 4- 9; 135: 15; Habakkuk 2: 18-20)

Post Scriptum:

If you really believe in a monotheistic god, then it means that you are hypocrites, and idolaters, as well as moralists !!

Statues crying blood???????

"Thou shalt not make any graven, or any likeness of things that are in heaven above and in the waters under the earth; you do not bow down before these things and not serve them, for I, the LORD, your God, am a jealous God. "
(Exodus 20: 2-5; Deuteronomy 4: 15-19

"You shall not make idols, do not you ascend graven image, nor statues will place and not in your country of any ornate stone figures, to bow down unto it: for I am the Lord your God." (Leviticus 26: 1)

Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths but can not speak, eyes but do not see, have ears but do not hear, they have noses and smell not, have hands and do not touch, they walk and do not walk their throat does not make any sound. "(Psalm 115: 4- 9; 135: 15; Habakkuk 2: 18-20)

Post Scriptum:

If you really believe in a monotheistic god, then it means that you are hypocrites, and idolaters, as well as moralists !!

Don't make me laugh.

I love you nit pickers of scripture who think they have trapped the Catholics (or Christians) with our own words.

Do you believe in the Bible --- you, the one who put an X through Judaism and Christianity? Yes? Good then can I hold you to other verses? If, no, then why are you using it to tell me what is right or wrong?

Face it, you are on some shit with no rudder or sail just drifting through life trying to find some philosophy or ideology or mystical experience that tickles your fancy and sort of lines up with the things and pleasures you want to engage in. There is nothing unusual about that... man is a selfish and proud animal.

But do you have any empirical evidence for your religion or deity? Heavens no. So instead you are on some ill fated mission to try to take down Christianity because it impugns your way of life and makes you uncomfortable. So now you are telling me the Virgin Mary weeping tears of blood for our sinful ways and treatment of the poor is of the devil. You are very impressive.
hese persecutions are the result of a regime despotic from Heterocratic and Heterocentric.

No, they exist because there are delusional folks who live a delusional life pushing their delusions on others.

Shit happens when you try to convince folks that these delusions are normal.

Rarely turns out well.
The fact that I do not believe in the God Semitic does not mean I do not know anything certain religion, Is there anyway I did not stop me from talking about it.
I came to this awareness by reading and making a culture, unlike you, as talk of statues crying blood, without knowing
that Yahweh (also called El), severely condemned idolatry, as, indeed, even adultery (both male and famminile).

The Mother Goddess is the daughter of the Earth, is the representation anthropomorphic (resembling a woman) of nature: telluric deities, in contrast with the celestial gods from the sky.

By the way was also a deity (along with many others), just as warmongering and anything but pacifist.

These are hymns and praises to the Mother Goddess:

.because I am she who is first and last
I am she who is worshiped and despised,
I am she who is a prostitute and holy,
I am married and a virgin,
I am the mother and daughter,
I am the arms of my mother,
I'm sterile, yet many are my children,
I am married woman and unmarried,
I am the one who gives birth and she who has never given birth,
I am the one who comforts the pain of childbirth.
I am the bride and groom,
And my man nurtured my fertility,
I am the Mother of my father,
I am my husband's sister,
And he is the son I rejected.
Always Respect me, for I am one who gives scandal, and the one who sanctifies.

Hello to our mother, while striding in the belly of the Earth has done blooming yellow flowers, and has sown the seeds Agave. Hello to our mother, while striding in the belly of the Earth, he has dispensed flowers in abundance, and has sown the seeds Agave.Hello to our mother, while striding in the belly of the Earth has done blooming yellow flowers; Ella, who sowed the seeds Agave.Hello to our Mother, which has white flowers dispensed in abundance, who scattered the seeds Agave, while striding into the belly of the Earth.
Hail to the Goddess who shines like a bright butterfly in the thorny bush.
Oh! She is our mother, goddess of the earth, which provides food for the wild beasts of the desert, and makes them survive.So, therefore, you make sure that she is always a living model of generosity towards all mankind.
And how do you see the Goddess of the earth to the wild beasts, so too does for green plants and fish.

Land, a matron seated, dressed
of full of various herbs and flowers dress,
with your right hand hold a globe,
head a garland of greenery, flowers and fruits,
and it will be full of such a horn of plenty,
who holds in his left hand,
and a hand there will be a Lion,
and other terrestrial animals.

Holy goddess Earth, the mother of the things of nature,
that all genres and regenerate in the day,
that only protect the bowels of the people,
divine arbiter of skies and seas, and of all things,
for which nature becomes quiet and sleep welcomes,
and also the light begins again and the night flees:
thou Orco shadows upholster and immense Discord
and the winds and rainy hold storms,
and when you want, to let go and incites Eddy
and the sun and escape the storms unleashed
and the same, when you want, you grant us a day smiling.
You food gifts of life in perpetual trust,
and when the soul departs, we take refuge in you:
Therefore, whatever gifts, in you everything returns.
Rightly call you the Great Mother,
because in mercy did you conquer the divine gods.
And you really are the parent
Without which nothing can accrue or arise.
You are great, and you are the queen, the divine oh.
You, Goddess, I adore, and I invoke your god,
indulgent and grant me what you would like to receive;
and entrust grateful to you, Goddess, deserved trust.
Hear me, I beg you in and befriend my intentions;
what I ask you, Goddess, you want garantirmelo.
Herbs, whatever generates your majesty,
Due to healthy entrusts to all nations:
This, now, let me your medicine.
Is the medicine with your virtues:
no matter what we face, having a good event,
and the same to anyone who will give you, and the same
to anyone who will accept it from me,
keep them healthy. Finally now, Goddess, that I
ensures your majesty,
what I, a suppliant, I request you.

I will never forget the one who gives happiness;
She is, or Mother who, in the form of the Moon
creates a world filled with sounds and their meanings,
and still, with His power in the form of Sun,
is the one who sustains the world,
and it is also she who in the form of Fire
It destroys the entire universe at the end of the ages.

O Mother of the world,
those who will worship with the verses of the hymn,
come to you by purchasing all the powers
the word is the Supreme Abode.

O Mother of the Worlds,
those among men reached
that birth so difficult to buy,
and that birth their full faculties,
nevertheless, if they do not love you,
while being ascended to the stars,
again fall down.

You are the Great Mother who chairs the language.
You're the climbing plant that fulfills all desires.

O Mother Earth! You who hear the desires of the devotees,
who would destroy the pain of the world,
bent under the weight of thy womb,
we revere you!

I pray Thee, I praise Thee, I bow before You,
pervieni to my tongue and not let me anymore,
That my intelligence never go astray,
that my sins may be blotted out,
that I am free from suffering.
That hour of danger I ever confuse.
That my thoughts flow free and unhindered.

Not even the water of which it is a liquid substance
can exist; no receptacle:
therefore, I seek refuge with You, Mother of all beings
that in the form of power exists in all things.

Mother, you who remove the pain of Thy supplicants,
be gracious. Be gracious, O Mother of the world!
Be gracious, O Queen of the universe!
protect the universe.
You are you, Mother, Divinity
of all movable and immovable.

You are the only support of the world,
because you have the shape of the Earth.
From you, who exist in the form of water,
the entire universe is pervaded.
Your powers are unsurpassed.

All science are parts of you you, as well
all living beings of this world, bar none.
Thee only, O Mother, the universe is full.
How can we praise you if You are
beyond all praise and high speech?
hese persecutions are the result of a regime despotic from Heterocratic and Heterocentric.

No, they exist because there are delusional folks who live a delusional life pushing their delusions on others.

Shit happens when you try to convince folks that these delusions are normal.

Rarely turns out well.

The main problem is the mass despotism, which is inherent in most human beings.
The real disease is this.

I learned a lot from Wilhelm Reich :)

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