Homosexuals attacking Virginia now

Lesbians seek class action against Virginia gay-marriage ban

Since it seems like the democrap is going to win the Governors race looks like Va will be first state in the south to allow legalized faggotry.

It’s already ‘legal’ to be homosexual, in all 50 states.

And there’s nothing wrong with Virginia or any other state obeying the Constitution and acknowledging the equal protection rights of same-sex couples.

America is coming along nicely, regardless the ignorance, hate, and stupidity exhibited by the OP and others on the right.
Time to legalize POT.

No one, NOT black, NOT white, NOT yellow or purple should go to prison over a leaf. Now this is a civil rights issue!
How exactly is it considered an 'attack' for consenting adults to desire to legally marry, and then file a law suit when their state's governor and legislature put laws in place that disallow them that choice?
Time to legalize POT.

No one, NOT black, NOT white, NOT yellow or purple should go to prison over a leaf. Now this is a civil rights issue!

yep what legitimate authority does government have to tell free persons of age what they may or may not ingest, or whom they may have sex with?
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Marriage is God's instrument. Why should we allow sick freaks to make a mockery of it? We don't have to. They're the minority.
Lesbians seek class action against Virginia gay-marriage ban

Since it seems like the democrap is going to win the Governors race looks like Va will be first state in the south to allow legalized faggotry.

It’s already ‘legal’ to be homosexual, in all 50 states.

And there’s nothing wrong with Virginia or any other state obeying the Constitution and acknowledging the equal protection rights of same-sex couples.

America is coming along nicely, regardless the ignorance, hate, and stupidity exhibited by the OP and others on the right.
No one's right to equal protection is being violated. Marriage is between a man and a woman plain and simple. See this has turned into a war on the religious and ANYONE who refuses to take faggots business. A cake store in New Mexico,A minister in Washington St. Its horrible that people can't merely decline to take someone's business but if we had listened to the liar in chief the SC decision wouldn't have affected them not wanting to do business with faggots. As usual he lied.
Time to legalize POT.

No one, NOT black, NOT white, NOT yellow or purple should go to prison over a leaf. Now this is a civil rights issue!

yep what legitimate authority does government have to tell free persons of age what they may or may not ingest, or whom they may have sex with?
No one is. Marriage is sacred plain and simple. Not for degenerates to play games with.America is being pushed to the brink of destruction and it won't be pretty when we start pushing back against the degeneration of this country.
One of the main points of communist agitators turned ACORN etc is simply to destroy the American family unit from within. No better way to do that with feminist bullshit, followed by gay filth, and eventually a version of marriage that means you can marry groups of people, animals etc. Peds will be the next group demanding their rights and the left will be right there to defend them. It will take time, but that's the path we're headed down.
No one is. Marriage is sacred plain and simple. Not for degenerates to play games with.America is being pushed to the brink of destruction and it won't be pretty when we start pushing back against the degeneration of this country.

If marriage was really sacred, people wouldn't be going on reality TV shows and marrying someone after knowing them for a couple of weeks.

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