homosexual's file suit in Tn

Course you would be OK with this yer a Libertardian.

How fucking pathetic that you have to have so many account to get your "point" across
You do realize I had my name changed from AncapAtheist to National Socialist correct? You are making an ass of yourself its quite amusing.
What's weird is how the "national socialist" sounds so much like national christians...
I am an Atheist but nice try.

Which is even weirder...
How fucking pathetic that you have to have so many account to get your "point" across
You do realize I had my name changed from AncapAtheist to National Socialist correct? You are making an ass of yourself its quite amusing.
What's weird is how the "national socialist" sounds so much like national christians...
I am an Atheist but nice try.

Which is even weirder...
Why is that?

I hope they win. They were already married and TN has the nerve to nullify it?
Then go live in a state that recognizes such filth.
Why don't you just drag a homo behind your camaro for a few blocks and get it out of your system?

Sounds good but not sure my Honda could get that much power...:D

I'm sure you can find a pre teen that fits your horsepower.
Now you are fantasizing about pre teens...man yer sick.
It won't be long anyway

Homosexual marriage will be the law of the land within ten years
I hope they win. They were already married and TN has the nerve to nullify it?

Sorry but as Tennesseeans we have the right to make our own State laws. If you like your State's law better than ours nobody is going to force you to move here. When in Rome...
If our State law violated the Constitution I suspect someone might have noticed somewhere in the last century or so.
It won't be long anyway

Homosexual marriage will be the law of the land within ten years
You can shove as many laws down our throat you want doesn't mean we will accept them.
I hope they win. They were already married and TN has the nerve to nullify it?

Sorry but as Tennesseeans we have the right to make our own State laws. If you like your State's law better than ours nobody is going to force you to move here. When in Rome...
I hope they win. They were already married and TN has the nerve to nullify it?

Sorry but as Tennesseeans we have the right to make our own State laws. If you like your State's law better than ours nobody is going to force you to move here. When in Rome...

Unless those laws violate the Constitution
Which they don't. The DOMA ruling only dealt with FEDERAL recognition not states.
and TN has the nerve to nullify it?

That's because it was the moral and ethical thing to do in order to preserve the traditional marriage and family values that built and sustained this nation from it's inception.

Like the 50% divorce rate and kids being dragged back and forth between separated parents and family courts bankrupting spouses with unreasonable child support and alimony requirements? Are those the family values you are referring to that built and sustained this nation from its inception?

Liberals would never be able to raise the same sex marriage issue if they had not first done so much to destroy traditional marriage. Liberals passed the laws that led to separated parents and unreasonable child support. Liberals are responsible for a social climate in which parents don't bother getting married at all.
and TN has the nerve to nullify it?

That's because it was the moral and ethical thing to do in order to preserve the traditional marriage and family values that built and sustained this nation from it's inception.

What is moral and ethical about it? It was also traditional to burn witches at the stake. Not all traditions are good things.

Then don't get married and leave your various girlfriends to raise your children alone.
Has any group ever conducted a study of queers by state etc? I'd be curious to see the demographics. My hope is that they get the hell out of Dodge and get to Cali or New Yawk if they can't keep it under control. Better yet, check themselves into a qualified facility to unfuck themselves and become normal again.
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That's because it was the moral and ethical thing to do in order to preserve the traditional marriage and family values that built and sustained this nation from it's inception.

Like the 50% divorce rate and kids being dragged back and forth between separated parents and family courts bankrupting spouses with unreasonable child support and alimony requirements? Are those the family values you are referring to that built and sustained this nation from its inception?

So that means faggots should be allowed to marry...makes perfect sense! Lets fuck up kids even more by allowing queers to adopt them!

You have any shred of evidence that being raised by a gay couple would screw a child up?
Like the 50% divorce rate and kids being dragged back and forth between separated parents and family courts bankrupting spouses with unreasonable child support and alimony requirements? Are those the family values you are referring to that built and sustained this nation from its inception?

So that means faggots should be allowed to marry...makes perfect sense! Lets fuck up kids even more by allowing queers to adopt them!

You have any shred of evidence that being raised by a gay couple would screw a child up?

Jesus christ...common sense tells you that a child raised by 2 butt fuckers or 2 carpet munchers is gonna be fucked up. Lets just let them be raised by wolves while we are at it.
So that means faggots should be allowed to marry...makes perfect sense! Lets fuck up kids even more by allowing queers to adopt them!

You have any shred of evidence that being raised by a gay couple would screw a child up?

Jesus christ...common sense tells you that a child raised by 2 butt fuckers or 2 carpet munchers is gonna be fucked up. Lets just let them be raised by wolves while we are at it.

More fucked up than being raised by a racist homophobe?
I am neither. I am a pro white,traditionalist. I am not scared of faggots I simply don't like them or want them around me or my family. There is a difference but wouldn't expect someone of your low iq mind set to realize that.
I am neither. I am a pro white,traditionalist. I am not scared of faggots I simply don't like them or want them around me or my family. There is a difference but wouldn't expect someone of your low iq mind set to realize that.

Now there are many people who believe that children would be better raised in a loving home by homosexuals than by a father who calls them faggots
I am neither. I am a pro white,traditionalist. I am not scared of faggots I simply don't like them or want them around me or my family. There is a difference but wouldn't expect someone of your low iq mind set to realize that.

Now there are many people who believe that children would be better raised in a loving home by homosexuals than by a father who calls them faggots

Then there was me who really doesn't give a shit what people like you say or think. Faggotry is a choice you aren't born like that.
I am neither. I am a pro white,traditionalist. I am not scared of faggots I simply don't like them or want them around me or my family. There is a difference but wouldn't expect someone of your low iq mind set to realize that.

Now there are many people who believe that children would be better raised in a loving home by homosexuals than by a father who calls them faggots

Then there was me who really doesn't give a shit what people like you say or think. Faggotry is a choice you aren't born like that.
You know?

There was a time when people like you had the upper hand. Now, it is you who is the social outcast. Relegated to spewing your hate on anonymous message boards
Now there are many people who believe that children would be better raised in a loving home by homosexuals than by a father who calls them faggots

Then there was me who really doesn't give a shit what people like you say or think. Faggotry is a choice you aren't born like that.
You know?

There was a time when people like you had the upper hand. Now, it is you who is the social outcast. Relegated to spewing your hate on anonymous message boards

Sure thing chief. Again I don't care. You disgusting view on things won't stop NORMAL people from raising their kids the correct way.

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