Homosexuals trying to force their perverse lifestyle on Hetro majority.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:
Oh my GAWD!

They want to attend "proms"????????

They want to "get married"??????????

They even want to raise the unwanted children of straight people?????????

Oh my GAWD!

They want to attend "proms"????????

They want to "get married"??????????

They even want to raise the unwanted children of straight people?????????


America must criminalize Homosexuality.Now.!!:razz:
52nd street is so gay. Personally, I think he is an embarrassment to homosexuals since he is a closeted self hater, but dude....how many threads will you create pertaining to the Gays?

We get it, you are Gay..who because of the way he was raised in that country, you had to hide it. WE get it. Be gay, be happy, be queer and just shut the fuck up with your fake hatred of gays.

I find it astounding how you as a black man will look down on another minority group. You have to understand the hate, because you lived it as a black man, and you lived it as a black gay man from that country.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

Well, I don't agree with the homosexual "lifestyle" but I do know from studies that two gay parents are better than one parent, therefore when it comes to adoption I believe priority should always go to heterosexual couples, followed by gay couples, followed by single parents.

As for the parades...thankfully those aren't the majority of gays but only a handful of rather perverse people that probably need severe counseling.
52nd street is so gay. Personally, I think he is an embarrassment to homosexuals since he is a closeted self hater, but dude....how many threads will you create pertaining to the Gays?

We get it, you are Gay..who because of the way he was raised in that country, you had to hide it. WE get it. Be gay, be happy, be queer and just shut the fuck up with your fake hatred of gays.

I find it astounding how you as a black man will look down on another minority group. You have to understand the hate, because you lived it as a black man, and you lived it as a black gay man from that country.

Being black is being part of a race. Homosexuality is a sexual abnormality ,perversion.
There is no comparison. Do not insult me by making that comparison.
52nd street is so gay. Personally, I think he is an embarrassment to homosexuals since he is a closeted self hater, but dude....how many threads will you create pertaining to the Gays?

We get it, you are Gay..who because of the way he was raised in that country, you had to hide it. WE get it. Be gay, be happy, be queer and just shut the fuck up with your fake hatred of gays.

I find it astounding how you as a black man will look down on another minority group. You have to understand the hate, because you lived it as a black man, and you lived it as a black gay man from that country.

Being black is being part of a race. Homosexuality is a sexual abnormality ,perversion.
There is no comparison. Do not insult me by making that comparison.

Either way, you love black cock and hate yourself for it. The solution is not masquerading as a black republican on an internet forum.

Get help/ Or kill yourself. Either way.
Homosexuals are not forcing their views on heterosexuals, they are trying to fight for what is right. Could you imagine as a heterosexual you could not have the same rights as others? You would want to fight for what you wanted. I am tired of people (heterosexuals) thinking that gays have an agenda, we do not, we just want to live our lives and have the same rights as heterosexuals.
Homosexuals are not forcing their views on heterosexuals, they are trying to fight for what is right. Could you imagine as a heterosexual you could not have the same rights as others? You would want to fight for what you wanted. I am tired of people (heterosexuals) thinking that gays have an agenda, we do not, we just want to live our lives and have the same rights as heterosexuals.

Prinx is the first admitted homosexual post I have read.

So Prinx, can you tell me something.

Is homoexuality a choice or were you born a homosexual?

This question is the hottest debate topic and none of us can convince each other which is actually true.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

Hey.........Takes 5 2 Skeet on Me.......hows tricks you homophobic sperm burping gutter snipe? A quick question there sportcheck.......how many countries have you really been to? Do you understand the reasoning behind their culture? Have you ever met any foreign gay people?

So.......lemmie get this right.........some girl wants to take her girlfriend to the prom and you think that is forcing it on everyone else?

And.......for the record.........the only backlash being provided on the subject is from idiots like yourself.

Know what I wish for you? Kids........several of them, happy, healthy and smart......

And all of them queer as 3 dollar bills. Maybe then you could learn something.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

You seem to have a somewhat sparse repetoire...or maybe you are just a troll with with a limited skill set?

Why are you so worried about what homosexuals do or don't?
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

You seem to have a somewhat sparse repetoire...or maybe you are just a troll with with a limited skill set?

Why are you so worried about what homosexuals do or don't?

I think he's angling for Charlie Bass' throne.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

Hey.........Takes 5 2 Skeet on Me.......hows tricks you homophobic sperm burping gutter snipe? A quick question there sportcheck.......how many countries have you really been to? Do you understand the reasoning behind their culture? Have you ever met any foreign gay people?

So.......lemmie get this right.........some girl wants to take her girlfriend to the prom and you think that is forcing it on everyone else?

And.......for the record.........the only backlash being provided on the subject is from idiots like yourself.

Know what I wish for you? Kids........several of them, happy, healthy and smart......

And all of them queer as 3 dollar bills. Maybe then you could learn something.

That is funny stuff.
52nd street is so gay. Personally, I think he is an embarrassment to homosexuals since he is a closeted self hater, but dude....how many threads will you create pertaining to the Gays?

We get it, you are Gay..who because of the way he was raised in that country, you had to hide it. WE get it. Be gay, be happy, be queer and just shut the fuck up with your fake hatred of gays.

I find it astounding how you as a black man will look down on another minority group. You have to understand the hate, because you lived it as a black man, and you lived it as a black gay man from that country.

Being black is being part of a race. Homosexuality is a sexual abnormality ,perversion.
There is no comparison. Do not insult me by making that comparison.

Hate is hate. Period. Homophobes, racists, sexists...its all the same to me, hate is hate.
Seems like the homophobes always have something wrong with them. They're child molesters, or they torture animals. They never seem to have social skills. A great many secretly give blowjobs.
I think I can understand now why Homosexuals are treated so harshly in many other countries
outside of America.

Here in America homosexuals have been accepted and tolerated. Now, the homosexuals
are trying to force their perverse and immoral lifestyle upon everyone else that is not homosexual.

They want to attend proms, they want to marry, they want to adopt impressionable children and raise them as a normal Man and Wife couple.

So , what we will begin to see now is a backlash against this overt flamboyancy that is being displayed by many homosexuals toady. This is why many homosexuals ,I feel , should keep their homosexuality in the closet. It causes less problems.They are parading their homosexuality in front of the majority hetrosexual society.This will have negative repercussions. ::razz:azz:

most gays are decent, hard working people.

gays are in our families, they live in our neighborhoods, they are our friends and co-workers

in many ways they tend to be culturally & intellectually superior to large portions of the heterosexual population, especially people like you.

I have spent many an hour in the company of gay friends and find them to be much more delightful dinner companions than the average conservative

and they don't belch and fart the way conservatives do.

all in all
they are better people than most conservatives

Most of us accept them in society these days and society is better for it

your desire to persecute and discriminate against homosexuals is merely a reflection of your backward ignorance and your primitive fears

your outdated hatreds and fears are a perversion to todays modern evolved human

you are a pervert

you disgust me

you should be banned from society

everything you want to do to gays should be done to YOU first
Homosexuals are not forcing their views on heterosexuals, they are trying to fight for what is right. Could you imagine as a heterosexual you could not have the same rights as others? You would want to fight for what you wanted. I am tired of people (heterosexuals) thinking that gays have an agenda, we do not, we just want to live our lives and have the same rights as heterosexuals.

Prinx is the first admitted homosexual post I have read.

So Prinx, can you tell me something.

Is homoexuality a choice or were you born a homosexual?

This question is the hottest debate topic and none of us can convince each other which is actually true.

It's actually only a debate among the hypocritical. Ask a phobe how old they were before they "decided" that they wouldn't be "gay" and "chose" to stop being attracted to other guys and they will tell you, "I never was attracted to guys".

The next obvious question is, "Then you never had to chose?" and they will say "Yes", they personally NEVER had to choose, but they know it's a "choice".

What they are saying is, "If I don't like it, but someone else does, then it's a choice even though it was never a choice for me".

Think about it. It fits right in with their world view on evolution and the importance of education. About prayer in public schools. If they decide it's the "right" thing to do, then no matter how much damage it causes, no matter how rotten it is, no matter the lie, "it's right, period".

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