Honest Question: "Who do you think wrote the sequester bill?"

It was a bill written in the house.

The bill was the final chance in a series of proposals to resolve the 2011 United States debt-ceiling crisis, which featured bitter divisions between the parties and also pronounced splits within them. Earlier ideas included the Obama-Boehner $4 trillion "Grand Bargain", the House Republican Cut, Cap and Balance Act, and the McConnell-Reid "Plan B" fallback. All eventually failed to gain enough general political or specific Congressional support to move into law, as the midnight August 2, 2011, deadline for an unprecedented U.S. sovereign default drew nearer and nearer.

Ultimately, the solution came from White House National Economic Council Director Gene Sperling, who, on July 12, 2011, proposed a compulsory trigger that would go into effect if another agreement was not made on tax increases and/or budget cuts equal to or greater than the the debt ceiling increase by a future date.The intent was to secure the commitment of both sides to future negotiation by means of an enforcement mechanism that would be unpalatable to Republicans and Democrats alike. President Obama agreed to the plan. House Speaker John Boehner expressed reservations, but also agreed.

On July 26, 2011, White House Budget Director Jack Lew and White House Legislative Affairs Director Rob Nabors met with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to discuss the plan. Reid, like Boehner several days before, was initially opposed to the idea, but was eventually convinced to go along with it, with the understanding that the sequester was intended as an enforcement tool rather than a true budget proposal.

On the evening of July 31, 2011, Obama announced that the leaders of both parties in both chambers had reached an agreement that would reduce the deficit and avoid default.The same day, Speaker of the House John Boehner's office outlined the agreement for House Republicans. One key element in the deal being reached and the logjam being broken earlier that afternoon was U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's ability to negotiate with his 25-year Senate colleague, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.
Biden had spent the most time bargaining with Congress on the debt question of anyone in the administration, and McConnell had viewed him as the one most trustworthy.

So the Sequester came from Gene Sperling Director the National Economic Council.
Even Boob Woodward no longer tries to defend his false claim that Sperling came up with the sequester since it has been so thoroughly discredited!!!!!! In Boob's discredited book he has Sperling bringing up the sequester in a meeting with himself and Boner and Obama on July 12, the problem with that fabrication is Boner and Obama stopped talking to each other on July 9 and didn't speak again for 5 days until Boner called Obama on July 14, so there was no way the three of them could have been together in the same room having Boob's imaginary conversation, complete with quotes, as found in Boob's discredited book.

So after the Sperling claim was thoroughly discredited, Boob then changed it to the Jack Lew claim which in Boob's book took place July 26, but in Boob's WoPo article he changed it to July 27, which was discredited by none other than Boner himself who had the sequester posted on his speaker.gov website on July 25 as part of his "two step approach to hold President Obama accountable."

Face it, Boob Woodward does not have a credible leg to stand on!!!

Still think the Woodward brouhaha isn't significant?

All the President?s unaccountable men - NYPOST.com

Kathleen Parker: The Obama White House ?threat? to Bob Woodward matters - The Washington Post

Unless the public demands that access be given, we'll end up with state sponsored journalism. That is a threat.
All your links, written by Right-wing hacks, do is repeat Boob Woodward's discredited BS, from his discredited timeline of the sequester to his discredited "threat."

From your link:

Woodward not only names the individuals involved, but also gives exact timelines for when the discussions took place and how the final agreement came about.

As you can see from my previous post, it is those very timelines that discredit Boob!!!!

Ame®icano;6898098 said:

WH Adviser Gene Sperling: We Did Put Forward The Framework Of Sequester

WH Adviser Gene Sperling: We Did Put Forward The Framework Of Sequester - YouTube

gotta give props to Gregory here....:clap2:

:lol:....now that thats settled, who cares.........:rolleyes:

I want the balance of the 1.8 trillion obama owes in cuts, to make them, as he said, "balanced" to tax revenues enacted....
So a President gets all the credit pr blame for all bills and laws passed and signed into law? Really? You people have been blaming Democratic led Congresses for ages now.

glad you cleared that all up


Who are you people?

The president blames the congress, the congress blames the president.

It's all bullshit. The idea is that if everyone is to blame then no one is at fault.

The buck stops with the president. So yes the president is to blame for the bills he signs into law.
No, the GOP gets full blame because they have set up a "Catch 22."

Boner said the House was done negotiating over spending cuts until the Senate “begins to do something." And Turtle McConnell filibusters whatever they begin to do in the Senate!!!!

the bill, S.388, if I recall the number correctly would have increased spending by 7.2 Bn according to the cbo...try again....
Even Boob Woodward no longer tries to defend his false claim that Sperling came up with the sequester since it has been so thoroughly discredited!!!!!! In Boob's discredited book he has Sperling bringing up the sequester in a meeting with himself and Boner and Obama on July 12, the problem with that fabrication is Boner and Obama stopped talking to each other on July 9 and didn't speak again for 5 days until Boner called Obama on July 14, so there was no way the three of them could have been together in the same room having Boob's imaginary conversation, complete with quotes, as found in Boob's discredited book.

So after the Sperling claim was thoroughly discredited, Boob then changed it to the Jack Lew claim which in Boob's book took place July 26, but in Boob's WoPo article he changed it to July 27, which was discredited by none other than Boner himself who had the sequester posted on his speaker.gov website on July 25 as part of his "two step approach to hold President Obama accountable."

Face it, Boob Woodward does not have a credible leg to stand on!!!

All your links, written by Right-wing hacks, do is repeat Boob Woodward's discredited BS, from his discredited timeline of the sequester to his discredited "threat."

From your link:

As you can see from my previous post, it is those very timelines that discredit Boob!!!!

Ame®icano;6898098 said:

WH Adviser Gene Sperling: We Did Put Forward The Framework Of Sequester

WH Adviser Gene Sperling: We Did Put Forward The Framework Of Sequester - YouTube

gotta give props to Gregory here....:clap2:

:lol:....now that thats settled, who cares.........:rolleyes:
Did YOU hear those words "We Did Put Forward The Framework Of Sequester" come out of Sperling's mouth?
So you agree the Congress wrote the bill.


Who in the Congress wrote the bill? A Democratic Senator sponsored the bill in the US Senate and a GOP House member sponsored the bill in the US House. The GOP led House voted overwhelmingly for the bill

Seriously, Dante.
Spell it out.
What's your point?

Congressional Rs overwhelmingly supported it.
Senate Ds overwhelmingly supported it.

And Republicans want cuts in programs they refuse to list, yet Democrats listed teh taxes they wanted raised and the loopholes they want closed

Why won't the GOP be honest and open with the American people and just tell them what they want to cut and why they want to protect the wealthy elites?
^ that
2: 07...Sperling- we did put forward the design in how to do that......Gregory- which was the sequester...

here, let me save you the time;

Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawing, business process, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns).[1] Design has different connotations in different fields (see design disciplines below). In some cases the direct construction of an object (as in pottery, engineering, management, cowboy coding and graphic design) is also considered to be design.

A policy framework is a logical structure that is established to organize policy documentation into groupings and categories that make it easier for employees to find and understand the contents of various policy documents. Policy frameworks can also be used to help in the planning and development of the policies for an organization.

you wanna latch onto the use of the word 'framework' vs. 'design'? have at it....:rolleyes:
2: 07...Sperling- we did put forward the design in how to do that......Gregory- which was the sequester...

here, let me save you the time;

Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawing, business process, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns).[1] Design has different connotations in different fields (see design disciplines below). In some cases the direct construction of an object (as in pottery, engineering, management, cowboy coding and graphic design) is also considered to be design.

A policy framework is a logical structure that is established to organize policy documentation into groupings and categories that make it easier for employees to find and understand the contents of various policy documents. Policy frameworks can also be used to help in the planning and development of the policies for an organization.

you wanna latch onto the use of the word 'framework' vs. 'design'? have at it....:rolleyes:
So you admit that the "sequester" came from Gregory's mouth. The word that came from Sperling's mouth was "THAT." So to know what "that" refers to you need a little more of the quote than you supplied (no surprise there). So clearly Sperling says 3 times that the sequester we have now of all spending cuts was the idea of the Republicans.

GENE SPERLING: We know, everyone knows, that the president wanted an enforcement mechanism that included revenues on the most well-off. The speaker insisted, the Republicans insisted that if this be an enforcement mechanism, that it be on all spending cuts. Because we were forced to do that, it is true we suggested going back to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings mechanism.

GENE SPERLING: But I think it's most accurate that they [the Republicans] did propose an all-spending cut mechanism that would have this type of harmful impact on defense, and on education and research.

GENE SPERLING: I think the president was overall right in that the idea of an across-the-board, all-spending cut was the idea of Republicans. But, yes, we put forward the design of how to do that.
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The blame game is nothing but a right wing noise machine attempt to keep the base riled up and together after a string of losing battles.

Taking the whole thing out of context, taking statements the President made that appear to be misleading, but given the benefit of the doubt are more of an honest point of view, that an attempt to deceive.

The right wing, unlike Woodward in is writing, goes to motive. They always attack motive and make things personal.

Woodward summarizes the thoughts of the Obama team: "There would be no chance the Republicans would want to pull the trigger and allow the sequester to force massive cuts to Defense." Democrats, meanwhile, didn’t want to see their favorite domestic programs cut.

As the negotiations proceeded, Republicans seemed to think the same thing.

"Boehner told the House Republican leadership and other key members not to worry about the sequester … ‘Guys, this would be devastating to Defense,’ he said. ‘This would be devastating, from their perspective, on their domestic priorities. This is never going to happen,’" Woodward wrote.


President Obama signed the bill shortly after it was passed by the Senate.[14] In doing so, the president said, "Is this the deal I would have preferred? No. But this compromise does make a serious down payment on the deficit reduction we need, and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year."
2: 07...Sperling- we did put forward the design in how to do that......Gregory- which was the sequester...

here, let me save you the time;

Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawing, business process, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns).[1] Design has different connotations in different fields (see design disciplines below). In some cases the direct construction of an object (as in pottery, engineering, management, cowboy coding and graphic design) is also considered to be design.

A policy framework is a logical structure that is established to organize policy documentation into groupings and categories that make it easier for employees to find and understand the contents of various policy documents. Policy frameworks can also be used to help in the planning and development of the policies for an organization.

you wanna latch onto the use of the word 'framework' vs. 'design'? have at it....:rolleyes:
So you admit that the "sequester" came from Gregory's mouth. The word that came from Sperling's mouth was "THAT." So to know what "that" refers to you need a little more of the quote than you supplied (no surprise there). So clearly Sperling says 3 times that the sequester we have now of all spending cuts was the idea of the Republicans.

GENE SPERLING: We know, everyone knows, that the president wanted an enforcement mechanism that included revenues on the most well-off. The speaker insisted, the Republicans insisted that if this be an enforcement mechanism, that it be on all spending cuts. Because we were forced to do that, it is true we suggested going back to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings mechanism.

GENE SPERLING: But I think it's most accurate that they [the Republicans] did propose an all-spending cut mechanism that would have this type of harmful impact on defense, and on education and research.

GENE SPERLING: I think the president was overall right in that the idea of an across-the-board, all-spending cut was the idea of Republicans. But, yes, we put forward the design of how to do that.

So, we are going to parse, "that", and ignore their admitting to designing it :lol:

What, wanna revisit the meaning of "is"?

So, how is this statement wrong Ed?

My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.

Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved.

Nabors has told others that they checked with the president before going to see Reid. A mandatory sequester was the only action-forcing mechanism they could devise. Nabors has said, “We didn’t actually think it would be that hard to convince them” — Reid and the Republicans — to adopt the sequester. “It really was the only thing we had. There was not a lot of other options left on the table.”

A majority of Republicans did vote for the Budget Control Act that summer, which included the sequester. Key Republican staffers said they didn’t even initially know what a sequester was — because the concept stemmed from the budget wars of the 1980s, when they were not in government.

Bob Woodward: Obama?s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post

President Obama signed the bill shortly after it was passed by the Senate.[14] In doing so, the president said, "Is this the deal I would have preferred? No. But this compromise does make a serious down payment on the deficit reduction we need, and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year."

The bill was first passed in the House and unlike others, Woodward does not attempt to divine motive and make personal attacks meant to deflect blame

Woodward summarizes the thoughts of the Obama team: "There would be no chance the Republicans would want to pull the trigger and allow the sequester to force massive cuts to Defense." Democrats, meanwhile, didn’t want to see their favorite domestic programs cut.

As the negotiations proceeded, Republicans seemed to think the same thing.

"Boehner told the House Republican leadership and other key members not to worry about the sequester … ‘Guys, this would be devastating to Defense,’ he said. ‘This would be devastating, from their perspective, on their domestic priorities. This is never going to happen,’" Woodward wrote.
Honest Question: "Who do you think wrote Obama's sequester bill?"

It was not Obama's bill. Obama suggested a way out. He did not send over a bill to the GOP House. :laugh2:

He suggested the bill. They passed it. (He couldn't vote on it since he is not in that Branch.)

But --

He did sign the bill they passed, which he suggested.

He owns it at least as much as they do.
Honest Question: "Who do you think wrote Obama's sequester bill?"

It was not Obama's bill. Obama suggested a way out. He did not send over a bill to the GOP House. :laugh2:
He suggested the bill. They passed it. (He couldn't vote on it since he is not in that Branch.)

But -- He did sign the bill they passed, which he suggested. He owns it at least as much as they do.

Now we are getting somewhere. :clap2: What did he say when he signed the bill and why did he say it and in what context? I'll help you out here:

"President Obama signed the bill shortly after it was passed by the Senate. In doing so, the president said, "Is this the deal I would have preferred? No. But this compromise does make a serious down payment on the deficit reduction we need, and gives each party a strong incentive to get a balanced plan done before the end of the year." Budget Control Act of 2011 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

the context: "In the summer of 2011, Obama and Congress were in a high-stakes stand-off over the debt limit. House Republicans insisted on spending cuts before increasing the debt limit. This was a notable change from the past, when members of Congress from both parties would pass debt ceiling increases with relatively little fuss." PolitiFact | PolitiFact's guide to sequestration
2: 07...Sperling- we did put forward the design in how to do that......Gregory- which was the sequester...

here, let me save you the time;

Design is the creation of a plan or convention for the construction of an object or a system (as in architectural blueprints, engineering drawing, business process, circuit diagrams and sewing patterns).[1] Design has different connotations in different fields (see design disciplines below). In some cases the direct construction of an object (as in pottery, engineering, management, cowboy coding and graphic design) is also considered to be design.

A policy framework is a logical structure that is established to organize policy documentation into groupings and categories that make it easier for employees to find and understand the contents of various policy documents. Policy frameworks can also be used to help in the planning and development of the policies for an organization.

you wanna latch onto the use of the word 'framework' vs. 'design'? have at it....:rolleyes:
So you admit that the "sequester" came from Gregory's mouth. The word that came from Sperling's mouth was "THAT." So to know what "that" refers to you need a little more of the quote than you supplied (no surprise there). So clearly Sperling says 3 times that the sequester we have now of all spending cuts was the idea of the Republicans.

GENE SPERLING: We know, everyone knows, that the president wanted an enforcement mechanism that included revenues on the most well-off. The speaker insisted, the Republicans insisted that if this be an enforcement mechanism, that it be on all spending cuts. Because we were forced to do that, it is true we suggested going back to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings mechanism.

GENE SPERLING: But I think it's most accurate that they [the Republicans] did propose an all-spending cut mechanism that would have this type of harmful impact on defense, and on education and research.

GENE SPERLING: I think the president was overall right in that the idea of an across-the-board, all-spending cut was the idea of Republicans. But, yes, we put forward the design of how to do that.

So, we are going to parse, "that", and ignore their admitting to designing it :lol:

What, wanna revisit the meaning of "is"?

So, how is this statement wrong Ed?

My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.

Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved.

Nabors has told others that they checked with the president before going to see Reid. A mandatory sequester was the only action-forcing mechanism they could devise. Nabors has said, “We didn’t actually think it would be that hard to convince them” — Reid and the Republicans — to adopt the sequester. “It really was the only thing we had. There was not a lot of other options left on the table.”

A majority of Republicans did vote for the Budget Control Act that summer, which included the sequester. Key Republican staffers said they didn’t even initially know what a sequester was — because the concept stemmed from the budget wars of the 1980s, when they were not in government.

Bob Woodward: Obama?s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post
We've been over this in another thread, but you always run away or try to divert, If Obama designed it on the 27th according to the discredited Boob Woodward, how did the already designed sequester get on Boner's website on the 25th??????

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov


The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011
So you admit that the "sequester" came from Gregory's mouth. The word that came from Sperling's mouth was "THAT." So to know what "that" refers to you need a little more of the quote than you supplied (no surprise there). So clearly Sperling says 3 times that the sequester we have now of all spending cuts was the idea of the Republicans.

GENE SPERLING: We know, everyone knows, that the president wanted an enforcement mechanism that included revenues on the most well-off. The speaker insisted, the Republicans insisted that if this be an enforcement mechanism, that it be on all spending cuts. Because we were forced to do that, it is true we suggested going back to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings mechanism.

GENE SPERLING: But I think it's most accurate that they [the Republicans] did propose an all-spending cut mechanism that would have this type of harmful impact on defense, and on education and research.

GENE SPERLING: I think the president was overall right in that the idea of an across-the-board, all-spending cut was the idea of Republicans. But, yes, we put forward the design of how to do that.

So, we are going to parse, "that", and ignore their admitting to designing it :lol:

What, wanna revisit the meaning of "is"?

So, how is this statement wrong Ed?

My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.

Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved.

Nabors has told others that they checked with the president before going to see Reid. A mandatory sequester was the only action-forcing mechanism they could devise. Nabors has said, “We didn’t actually think it would be that hard to convince them” — Reid and the Republicans — to adopt the sequester. “It really was the only thing we had. There was not a lot of other options left on the table.”

A majority of Republicans did vote for the Budget Control Act that summer, which included the sequester. Key Republican staffers said they didn’t even initially know what a sequester was — because the concept stemmed from the budget wars of the 1980s, when they were not in government.

Bob Woodward: Obama?s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post
We've been over this in another thread, but you always run away or try to divert, If Obama designed it on the 27th according to the discredited Boob Woodward, how did the already designed sequester get on Boner's website on the 25th??????

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov


The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011

:lol: I would ask jay carney, woodward, sperling et al. and while you're at is ask obama why he defended it so vehemently ( yes before his balanced approach comments in the same speech

who you gonna believe me? or your lying eyes?

Headlines on yahoo, says that Obama is willing to cut social nets now, and so I say that if he is going to include them in the cutting, he is only doing this because he feels that the people are blaming the repubs for all of this mess, and he knows that most voters who are the working poor and working middle class numbering in the hundreds of thousands or millions, are tied together at the hip in this nation. Now once they start feeling the pain everywhere as a result of this cutting, then it will embolden them even further to hate the repubs in which they have been convinced by the dems lies to do, and so they would or should support the dems in the 2016 election as a result of Obama's move on this or they will support Obama more if he turns it all back around afterwards.
Honest Question: "Who do you think wrote Obama's sequester bill?"

It was not Obama's bill. Obama suggested a way out. He did not send over a bill to the GOP House. :laugh2:

Actually, if we are to believe the White House official who went on the talking heads show today the White House did propose the sequester, not Congress. Since this is the very same guy who told Woodward he would regret taking the position that it was the White House who started this "mess" in the first place, I think we can safely declare that you lost this argument.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTkn3bY6qmQ]WH Adviser Gene Sperling: We Did Put Forward The Framework Of Sequester - YouTube[/ame]
So you admit that the "sequester" came from Gregory's mouth. The word that came from Sperling's mouth was "THAT." So to know what "that" refers to you need a little more of the quote than you supplied (no surprise there). So clearly Sperling says 3 times that the sequester we have now of all spending cuts was the idea of the Republicans.

GENE SPERLING: We know, everyone knows, that the president wanted an enforcement mechanism that included revenues on the most well-off. The speaker insisted, the Republicans insisted that if this be an enforcement mechanism, that it be on all spending cuts. Because we were forced to do that, it is true we suggested going back to the Gramm-Rudman-Hollings mechanism.

GENE SPERLING: But I think it's most accurate that they [the Republicans] did propose an all-spending cut mechanism that would have this type of harmful impact on defense, and on education and research.

GENE SPERLING: I think the president was overall right in that the idea of an across-the-board, all-spending cut was the idea of Republicans. But, yes, we put forward the design of how to do that.

So, we are going to parse, "that", and ignore their admitting to designing it :lol:

What, wanna revisit the meaning of "is"?

So, how is this statement wrong Ed?

My extensive reporting for my book “The Price of Politics” shows that the automatic spending cuts were initiated by the White House and were the brainchild of Lew and White House congressional relations chief Rob Nabors — probably the foremost experts on budget issues in the senior ranks of the federal government.

Obama personally approved of the plan for Lew and Nabors to propose the sequester to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.). They did so at 2:30 p.m. July 27, 2011, according to interviews with two senior White House aides who were directly involved.

Nabors has told others that they checked with the president before going to see Reid. A mandatory sequester was the only action-forcing mechanism they could devise. Nabors has said, “We didn’t actually think it would be that hard to convince them” — Reid and the Republicans — to adopt the sequester. “It really was the only thing we had. There was not a lot of other options left on the table.”

A majority of Republicans did vote for the Budget Control Act that summer, which included the sequester. Key Republican staffers said they didn’t even initially know what a sequester was — because the concept stemmed from the budget wars of the 1980s, when they were not in government.

Bob Woodward: Obama?s sequester deal-changer - The Washington Post
We've been over this in another thread, but you always run away or try to divert, If Obama designed it on the 27th according to the discredited Boob Woodward, how did the already designed sequester get on Boner's website on the 25th??????

Two-Step Approach to Hold President Obama Accountable | Speaker.gov


The framework imposes spending caps that would establish clear limits on future spending and serve as a barrier against government expansion while the economy grows. Failure to remain below these caps will trigger automatic across-the-board cuts (otherwise known as sequestration). This is the same mechanism used in the 1997 Balanced Budget Agreement.
John Boehner, July 25, 2011

You lost, give it up.
The guy who threatened Woodward for not backing them on the Obama Sequester, admits it's Obama's Sequester...

And the Progs still haven't been instructed to acknowledge the obvious
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the sequester is a rw invention just like Obamacare (HC mandate).

True story


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