Honest Questions For Religious Conservatives About LBGT


Proud Liberal
Mar 5, 2012
I'm liberal more than anything else, but I like to reach out and try to understand the POV of conservatives so I don't think y'all are one big lump.

In light of the White House's directive reversing anti-discrimination employment rules for gay folks, I was hoping some religious conservatives could help me understand by answering a few questions. (Or, since I know this site, call me an idiotic libturd who hates America.)

1. I understand that the Bible says homosexual sex is a sin, but what about other sins like lying, adultery, or re-marrying? Would you refuse to hire someone who had violated the Commandments?

2. It seems to me that Christ spent most of his time with sinners. How do you reconcile forgiveness and love that Jesus preached with wanting to keep your work free from sinners?

3. Do you feel that hiring someone gay violates your faith? If so, why?

(NOTE: I am not addressing the whole "gay wedding cake" clusterfuck. This is about supporting the White House saying employers can fire or refuse to hire someone based on religion.)

As usual, I'll give respect when respect is shown. Thanks!
1. I understand that the Bible says homosexual sex is a sin, but what about other sins like lying, adultery, or re-marrying? Would you refuse to hire someone who had violated the Commandments?
Are those sinners running around and are in your face yelling "I am an adulterer" or "I am a liar?" If your answer is no to those then you already have your answer to your question. I did not address re-marrying because it has different criteria.

To your #2 and #3 questions the answer is the same. Quit the "in your face" attitude and everything will be just fine.
Why would anyone mention their sexual preference to an employer?

Maybe because they want to make sure their spouse, Bob, gets on the company health insurance program.

Or that no one is shocked when they bring their same sex spouse to a holiday gathering. (I actually had a coworker who did that, and they fired her a couple weeks later.)
wjmacguffin ... Let me turn that around for you...should liars and adulterers (those who remarry would also be classified as adulterous) be given special protections under the law?

If a religious person chooses to overlook sin that is completely different than being forced to embrace sin by the government.
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If a religious person chooses to overlook sin that is completely different than being forced to embrace sin by the government.

It's what you get when you choose to have a secular government, as opposed to one where a religion gets to make the laws of the land.
I'm liberal more than anything else, but I like to reach out and try to understand the POV of conservatives so I don't think y'all are one big lump.

In light of the White House's directive reversing anti-discrimination employment rules for gay folks, I was hoping some religious conservatives could help me understand by answering a few questions. (Or, since I know this site, call me an idiotic libturd who hates America.)

1. I understand that the Bible says homosexual sex is a sin, but what about other sins like lying, adultery, or re-marrying? Would you refuse to hire someone who had violated the Commandments?

2. It seems to me that Christ spent most of his time with sinners. How do you reconcile forgiveness and love that Jesus preached with wanting to keep your work free from sinners?

3. Do you feel that hiring someone gay violates your faith? If so, why?

(NOTE: I am not addressing the whole "gay wedding cake" clusterfuck. This is about supporting the White House saying employers can fire or refuse to hire someone based on religion.)

As usual, I'll give respect when respect is shown. Thanks!

Do you have a link?
You don't have to be a practicing your belief in Christ to use the bible to promote your political views.
Why would anyone mention their sexual preference to an employer?

Maybe because they want to make sure their spouse, Bob, gets on the company health insurance program.

Or that no one is shocked when they bring their same sex spouse to a holiday gathering. (I actually had a coworker who did that, and they fired her a couple weeks later.)
They could have fired her because they didn't like her too. Company parties always seem to open personal aspects to people lives up to scrutiny. My ex got fired after a company party because they learned what an asshole he was. Thing is though he was such an ass he didn't even realize it even though it was as plain as day.

Why would anyone mention their sexual preference to an employer?

Lesbian teacher loses job after wedding

She was a teacher at a Catholic University and understood that this was an institution of religious instruction. She was correctly fired.
She actually wasn't fired just moved to an administrative position which she chose to decline.
A secular government that must not infringe religious freedom.

Religious freedom does not mean you can violate the law.

Just ask the Branch Davidians.

It does if that law is an unconstitutional infringement on religious freedom...in fact, breaking the law is usually the only way to have standing to challenge the law.

Isn't the wedding cake case going to be heard by the supreme court very soon?
1. I understand that the Bible says homosexual sex is a sin, but what about other sins like lying, adultery, or re-marrying? Would you refuse to hire someone who had violated the Commandments?
Are those sinners running around and are in your face yelling "I am an adulterer" or "I am a liar?" If your answer is no to those then you already have your answer to your question. I did not address re-marrying because it has different criteria.

To your #2 and #3 questions the answer is the same. Quit the "in your face" attitude and everything will be just fine.
So your stance is as long as your sexual preference is a secret I have no problem? To 2 and 3 you didn't answer at all. How do you reconcile Jesus teachings concerning forgiveness with refusing to hire gay people? That was the question.
1. I understand that the Bible says homosexual sex is a sin, but what about other sins like lying, adultery, or re-marrying? Would you refuse to hire someone who had violated the Commandments?
Are those sinners running around and are in your face yelling "I am an adulterer" or "I am a liar?" If your answer is no to those then you already have your answer to your question. I did not address re-marrying because it has different criteria.

To your #2 and #3 questions the answer is the same. Quit the "in your face" attitude and everything will be just fine.
So your stance is as long as your sexual preference is a secret I have no problem? To 2 and 3 you didn't answer at all. How do you reconcile Jesus teachings concerning forgiveness with refusing to hire gay people? That was the question.
Simple, the Bible is bigger than Jesus

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