Hong Kong Bill

That is fair. I think he should and will sign it.

I am critical of Trump too but not for the stupid collusion theories but instead for:

  1. Not addressing the rising debt and continual deficit. I believe he will if he garners a 2nd term.
  2. Not addressing our inefficient healthcare but the headwinds may just be too strong for that one.

Thanks for the reply.

I think he has to sign it after China more or less threatened him over it. Not sure if he will though, his trade deal is very important to him.

I agree with you on all the collision and impeachment bill shit.

Not sure why you think he will address the debt, he does not think it is a problem.

The only way to address it is to attack entitlements. Cannot do that when running for a 2nd term but there is no 3rd terms so that is when you do it. Revamp SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. No chance the Democrats do that but I have hope that the Republicans will. Our spending is out of control.

I think he will go the other way. Debt to him is not an issue.
He has been an advocate for UHC his whole life and even talked about it during the campaign.
If he gets a 2nd term I think that will be the legacy he tries to leave behind

You think Trump will push for Universal Healthcare? Really?

I honestly do.
He won't get my vote if he does. That I promise you. I think it is a terrible idea for the United States as constituted. Now if he gets rid off or amends the 14th amendment and enforces immigration policies then we may discuss it.
Thanks for the reply.

I think he has to sign it after China more or less threatened him over it. Not sure if he will though, his trade deal is very important to him.

I agree with you on all the collision and impeachment bill shit.

Not sure why you think he will address the debt, he does not think it is a problem.

The only way to address it is to attack entitlements. Cannot do that when running for a 2nd term but there is no 3rd terms so that is when you do it. Revamp SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. No chance the Democrats do that but I have hope that the Republicans will. Our spending is out of control.
Seniors love SS and Medicare and seniors vote, so it is very unlikely either party will cut those benefits in any significant way. Our national debt will never be repaid; it will simply be refinanced at very low interest rates. As long as the US continues to service the debt faithfully and to redeem Treasuries when they mature, the debt will not be a problem.

I disagree. You can only kick the can for so long.
How long?
Therein lies the question. Another generation at best?
What makes you think so? I can't see any reason why we can't go on like this forever as long as the government faithfully services the debt and redeems the bonds when they come due. Please explain why you think it won't.
The only way to address it is to attack entitlements. Cannot do that when running for a 2nd term but there is no 3rd terms so that is when you do it. Revamp SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. No chance the Democrats do that but I have hope that the Republicans will. Our spending is out of control.
Seniors love SS and Medicare and seniors vote, so it is very unlikely either party will cut those benefits in any significant way. Our national debt will never be repaid; it will simply be refinanced at very low interest rates. As long as the US continues to service the debt faithfully and to redeem Treasuries when they mature, the debt will not be a problem.

I disagree. You can only kick the can for so long.
How long?
Therein lies the question. Another generation at best?
What makes you think so? I can't see any reason why we can't go on like this forever as long as the government faithfully services the debt and redeems the bonds when they come due. Please explain why you think it won't.

Because if rates go up then the interest expense goes up significantly, meanwhile you're not solving the problem of additional expense of SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. It would be like you continually mounting credit card debt, only paying interest on it and then expecting your kids, grandkids, etc. to keep paying it. Not very fair to future generations. And you don't know what sort off head winds we may face. Right now the world is addicted to the USD but that may not always be the case. Prudent budget management is important IMO.
Seniors love SS and Medicare and seniors vote, so it is very unlikely either party will cut those benefits in any significant way. Our national debt will never be repaid; it will simply be refinanced at very low interest rates. As long as the US continues to service the debt faithfully and to redeem Treasuries when they mature, the debt will not be a problem.

I disagree. You can only kick the can for so long.
How long?
Therein lies the question. Another generation at best?
What makes you think so? I can't see any reason why we can't go on like this forever as long as the government faithfully services the debt and redeems the bonds when they come due. Please explain why you think it won't.

Because if rates go up then the interest expense goes up significantly, meanwhile you're not solving the problem of additional expense of SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. It would be like you continually mounting credit card debt, only paying interest on it and then expecting your kids, grandkids, etc. to keep paying it. Not very fair to future generations. And you don't know what sort off head winds we may face. Right now the world is addicted to the USD but that may not always be the case. Prudent budget management is important IMO.
Seniors love SS and Medicare and seniors vote, so it is very unlikely either party will cut those benefits in any significant way. Our national debt will never be repaid; it will simply be refinanced at very low interest rates. As long as the US continues to service the debt faithfully and to redeem Treasuries when they mature, the debt will not be a problem.

I disagree. You can only kick the can for so long.
How long?
Therein lies the question. Another generation at best?
What makes you think so? I can't see any reason why we can't go on like this forever as long as the government faithfully services the debt and redeems the bonds when they come due. Please explain why you think it won't.

Because if rates go up then the interest expense goes up significantly, meanwhile you're not solving the problem of additional expense of SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. It would be like you continually mounting credit card debt, only paying interest on it and then expecting your kids, grandkids, etc. to keep paying it. Not very fair to future generations. And you don't know what sort off head winds we may face. Right now the world is addicted to the USD but that may not always be the case. Prudent budget management is important IMO.
The interest rates will never get too high because the Fed won't allow them to. When market rates start to rise too much, the Fed buys bonds from the Treasury and "prints" enough money to cover the cost so the interest rate the government has to pay to refinance the debt remains very low.

As you note, the problem is not the size of the debt but the cost of servicing the debt, but as long as the cost of servicing the debt does not grow much faster than the GDP, it will remain constant relative to the GDP.
I disagree. You can only kick the can for so long.
How long?
Therein lies the question. Another generation at best?
What makes you think so? I can't see any reason why we can't go on like this forever as long as the government faithfully services the debt and redeems the bonds when they come due. Please explain why you think it won't.

Because if rates go up then the interest expense goes up significantly, meanwhile you're not solving the problem of additional expense of SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. It would be like you continually mounting credit card debt, only paying interest on it and then expecting your kids, grandkids, etc. to keep paying it. Not very fair to future generations. And you don't know what sort off head winds we may face. Right now the world is addicted to the USD but that may not always be the case. Prudent budget management is important IMO.
The interest rates will never get too high because the Fed won't allow them to. When market rates start to rise too much, the Fed buys bonds from the Treasury and "prints" enough money to cover the cost so the interest rate the government has to pay to refinance the debt remains very low.

As you note, the problem is not the size of the debt but the cost of servicing the debt, but as long as the cost of servicing the debt does not grow much faster than the GDP, it will remain constant relative to the GDP.

Never say never. They did go up and now have gone back down. So long as USD is the dominant currency we can withstand massive debt but that is a dangerous way to live IMO. Especially wasting money on interest expense vs. infrastructure build out and improvements.
Interesting that not a single Trump follower will take a stand.

Though not surprising, Trump has not told you what to think yet.

STFU you fucking retarded moronic under the bridge dweller

Hong Kong is protesting BECAUSE Trump, and not a Globalist cocksucker like the Bushs or Obama in in the Oval Office.
The bills appear to have broad bipartisan support, so my guess is if it does hit the Resolute desk it will be signed by President Trump. If not, I wouldn't be surprised to see a successful override vote.

It has been on his desk since Wednesday. The Chinese say if he signs it the trade deal will be in jeopardy.
You mean the imaginary trade deal will be in jeopardy.
Interesting that not a single Trump follower will take a stand.

Though not surprising, Trump has not told you what to think yet.

STFU you fucking retarded moronic under the bridge dweller

Hong Kong is protesting BECAUSE Trump, and not a Globalist cocksucker like the Bushs or Obama in in the Oval Office.

Dude, you think the sun came up this morning because of Trump.

So tell us, should Trump sign the bill or no?
Sign it don't sign it, It is not going to change the future of Hong Kong. The bottom line is Hong Kong will be subjected to all of China's laws on January 1st, 2047. So in less than Right now Hong Kong exists under a "Special Administrative Region" negotiated between the UK and China and signed in 1997 when the UK agreed to give Hong Kong back to China.

As a matter of fact Trump should sign it just for the PR value what does it do?
1) Annually re-certify Hong Kong’s autonomous nature, in order for the so-called “special treatment” the U.S. affords Hong Kong to continue.
2)It would also mandate the U.S. government identify any specific people involved in abductions of Hong Kong protesters or extraditions of Hong Kong citizens to mainland China, and freeze any of their U.S.-based assets and deny them physical entry into the U.S.
3) Lastly, it would clarify under federal law that nobody should be denied a visa to the U.S. on the basis of participating in Hong Kong protests.

1) Will the USA fight for Hong Kong continued "special treatment" after 2047?
2) So we will freeze the personnel assets of any Chinese citizen involved in abductions of Hong Kong protesters or extraditions of Hong Kong citizens to mainland China,
Sure this will stop them right.
3) So Hong Kong protester get a pass to enter the USA , OK I can deal with that, how will you identify the correct ones? A three time murderer , rapist get to enter the USA because he was a Hong Kong protester?

This is a valueless bullshit bill in bullshit times for federal politics .

It is a we are with you bill that has no balls, you are either going to take and defend Hong Kong from the Chinese or you are not.

Trump should sign it just for the PR value. because that is all it is worth.
Hopefully we don't see a spike in Hong Kong youth dying protesting because they believe the US federal government has their back once this bill is the law of the land.:iyfyus.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
So you [Golfing Gator] admit that the Bill is amorphous and has no teeth.

What good is it then?
It will demonstrate Trump is prepared to promote US values to autocratic regimes at the price of a domestic political hit in regard to trade. Wholly admirable, don't you think?

You have vilified Trump nonstop here and if he does sign you’ll criticize him for it and if he doesn’t sign you ll do the same. According to you he has not done one thing right as POTUS. Not falling for your troll thread.

I see what you are doing, you will wait till he acts on the bill and then say that what he did was the greatest decision in the history of the planet....like you do for everything your god does.

We see what you're doing, if he signs it you'll drag him through the mud for pissing China off and if he doesn't you'll for failing to back "Human Rights". You're a joke.
Interesting that not a single Trump follower will take a stand.

Though not surprising, Trump has not told you what to think yet.

STFU you fucking retarded moronic under the bridge dweller

Hong Kong is protesting BECAUSE Trump, and not a Globalist cocksucker like the Bushs or Obama in in the Oval Office.

Dude, you think the sun came up this morning because of Trump.

So tell us, should Trump sign the bill or no?

Signing a bill....what's the point? We have a 4th Amendment and Obama STILL spied on Trump. Without meaningful consequences what's the point of a piece of paper?

They're protesting in Hong Kong BECAUSE of Trump.
Trumpy should realize that you can't have fair trade with communists. He should raise tariffs immediately and sign that bill. China is exactly the kind of totalitarians that need to be kicked when they're down. Time to decouple.
Raise tariffs, eh?

How...far left liberal of you.
I disagree. You can only kick the can for so long.
How long?
Therein lies the question. Another generation at best?
What makes you think so? I can't see any reason why we can't go on like this forever as long as the government faithfully services the debt and redeems the bonds when they come due. Please explain why you think it won't.

Because if rates go up then the interest expense goes up significantly, meanwhile you're not solving the problem of additional expense of SSI, Medicare and Medicaid. It would be like you continually mounting credit card debt, only paying interest on it and then expecting your kids, grandkids, etc. to keep paying it. Not very fair to future generations. And you don't know what sort off head winds we may face. Right now the world is addicted to the USD but that may not always be the case. Prudent budget management is important IMO.
The interest rates will never get too high because the Fed won't allow them to. When market rates start to rise too much, the Fed buys bonds from the Treasury and "prints" enough money to cover the cost so the interest rate the government has to pay to refinance the debt remains very low.

As you note, the problem is not the size of the debt but the cost of servicing the debt, but as long as the cost of servicing the debt does not grow much faster than the GDP, it will remain constant relative to the GDP.
Wow. You actually think more and more debt won't result in higher and higher interest payments?!?

Trump is growing our debt far faster than GDP.

Endgame: Starting In 2024, All US Debt Issuance Will Be Used To Pay For Interest On Debt
Interesting that not a single Trump follower will take a stand.

Though not surprising, Trump has not told you what to think yet.

STFU you fucking retarded moronic under the bridge dweller

Hong Kong is protesting BECAUSE Trump, and not a Globalist cocksucker like the Bushs or Obama in in the Oval Office.

Dude, you think the sun came up this morning because of Trump.

So tell us, should Trump sign the bill or no?

Signing a bill....what's the point? We have a 4th Amendment and Obama STILL spied on Trump. Without meaningful consequences what's the point of a piece of paper?

They're protesting in Hong Kong BECAUSE of Trump.

And the sun came up because of Trump in your world. You give Trump credit for everything. If you have gotten laid since he was elected you probably gave him credit for that as well.
Where has the Uighur Bill been all this time? Shit is crazy in HK, but it's not a million people in fucking concentration camps crazy.
Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act of 2019 (S. 1838)So, will Trump sign it? Should he sign it?

In 1997, British handed over Hong Kong to China. Chinese laws rule Hong Kong

The handover was for one country two systems until 2047. Yeah, technically it is under chinese rule now but those were some of the stipulations of the handover.
My hats off to Trump for signing the bill.

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