Hong Kong recognizes Trump as world leader of freedom and make an appeal for help.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
They know that Trump is the man that gets done. They also know that Trump is the leader of the resistance to Global Communism and crypto-Marxism.




They know that Trump is the man that gets done. They also know that Trump is the leader of the resistance to Global Communism and crypto-Marxism.


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It really sucked when the fucking Limeys turned Hong Kong over to the Commies. That's the kind of thing a commie president would do (not naming names, but you know who I mean).

They should join forces with Taiwan and Japan, and secede from The People's Commie Republic.

It won't matter who the protesters turn to for "salvation", in the end China will win out. China has no intention of letting Hong Kong once again fall under the sway of the western powers and obviously has no intention on living up to the agreement that was made when Hong Kong was returned to Chinese control.
In reality the protests will most likely cause China to directly intervene allowing Beijing to exert the type of control it wants over Hong Kong much sooner than the Chinese ruling body hoped.
Why not?
Britain threw them under the bus in the turnover.
They know that Trump is the man that gets done. They also know that Trump is the leader of the resistance to Global Communism and crypto-Marxism.


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View attachment 276698
It really sucked when the fucking Limeys turned Hong Kong over to the Commies. That's the kind of thing a commie president would do (not naming names, but you know who I mean).

They should join forces with Taiwan and Japan, and secede from The People's Commie Republic.

We gave up the Panama canal.
They know that Trump is the man that gets done. They also know that Trump is the leader of the resistance to Global Communism and crypto-Marxism.


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View attachment 276698
It really sucked when the fucking Limeys turned Hong Kong over to the Commies. That's the kind of thing a commie president would do (not naming names, but you know who I mean).

They should join forces with Taiwan and Japan, and secede from The People's Commie Republic.

We gave up the Panama canal.
/—-/ We didn’t, Jimma Carter gave up thePanama Canal.
They know that Trump is the man that gets done. They also know that Trump is the leader of the resistance to Global Communism and crypto-Marxism.


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View attachment 276698
It really sucked when the fucking Limeys turned Hong Kong over to the Commies. That's the kind of thing a commie president would do (not naming names, but you know who I mean).

They should join forces with Taiwan and Japan, and secede from The People's Commie Republic.

We gave up the Panama canal.
In that agreement we are still allowed to defend the canal.
I'm sure if protests were in the Atlantic Airport and shut them down, tramp would send the NG's in.

Heck they even arrested disabled at the capital.

Tramp should stay out of it, they are protecting a murderer.
They know that Trump is the man that gets done. They also know that Trump is the leader of the resistance to Global Communism and crypto-Marxism.


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/——/ I’m sure CNN is all over this story.
It is up to the citizen to step it up on their own. Sorry but you have to shed your own blood we can not help you in person we can only hope that freedom can be your driving force. You have enough people to make the diff, but to help you is called a invasion and China is a Nation like we are. The Citizen of the US would not stand for another Nation to invade us. So understand your freedom is within your people and what fortunes you will invest in freedom. Good luck we as a Nation will help when you take control of your City. You will get help from the FREE people in Formosa. They are from China and they understand Freedom.
It won't matter who the protesters turn to for "salvation", in the end China will win out. China has no intention of letting Hong Kong once again fall under the sway of the western powers and obviously has no intention on living up to the agreement that was made when Hong Kong was returned to Chinese control.
In reality the protests will most likely cause China to directly intervene allowing Beijing to exert the type of control it wants over Hong Kong much sooner than the Chinese ruling body hoped.

Yep, nobody is going to do shit and ultimately Beijing will win.
Funny the liberals always bitching about Trump and overseas those people would love to have such a leader.
They know that Trump is the man that gets done. They also know that Trump is the leader of the resistance to Global Communism and crypto-Marxism.


View attachment 276699


View attachment 276698
It really sucked when the fucking Limeys turned Hong Kong over to the Commies. That's the kind of thing a commie president would do (not naming names, but you know who I mean).

They should join forces with Taiwan and Japan, and secede from The People's Commie Republic.

We gave up the Panama canal.
/—-/ We didn’t, Jimma Carter gave up thePanama Canal.

We didn't want to pay to upgrade the Canal.
Hong Kong is better off under China. If Hong Kong has Trump meddle it will become the next destabilized country due to war.
It won't matter who the protesters turn to for "salvation", in the end China will win out. China has no intention of letting Hong Kong once again fall under the sway of the western powers and obviously has no intention on living up to the agreement that was made when Hong Kong was returned to Chinese control.
In reality the protests will most likely cause China to directly intervene allowing Beijing to exert the type of control it wants over Hong Kong much sooner than the Chinese ruling body hoped.

Yep, nobody is going to do shit and ultimately Beijing will win.
What can anyone do in this instance? Send the fleet as a show of force? To Hong Kong? Even staying in international waters a show of force in this instance would most definitely be viewed as provocative, it is Chinese territory we're talking about. That would be like China setting a fleet in international waters off of Hawaii or California.......
Sanctions? Really? Not at this point.
UN condemnation......? Even if that would happen the Chinese wouldn't give a shit.
China is starting to truly assert herself as a major world player not to be lightly taken for granted, it wouldn't surprise me if China eventually becomes the next world superpower in our place.
Hong Kong is better off under China. If Hong Kong has Trump meddle it will become the next destabilized country due to war.
Good luck with that theory........ It would never become "destabilized", Beijing would make sure of that. Welcome to the real world..........

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