Honor Killing caught on tape


Mar 5, 2008
Honor Killing Caught On Film | Tedland Daily, TedShoebat.com

"Killed in broad daylight while women in Egypt suffer from post-Mubarak insanity and with Sharia Housewife killed in Hariri’s manor in eastern province while the crowds stand by and watch. A cellphone was available to film the gory details.

Notice how the killer is stabbing the woman while she is turtled on the floor with a small blade. Honor killings are becoming more and more common in Egypt, since the toppling of Mubarak. On April of this year it was reported by Emirates24 that an Egyptian man murdered his three daughters with two cobras. These killings will be becoming more and more common as the days go by, and as Jihad more followed."

Ah yes....The religion of Peace............

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