Hookers LIE?....Who Knew?

A rapist is far worse and you backed them
I never backed the rapist Donald Trump.

That would be you.
You backed the rapist Bill Clinton. No one has accused Trump of rape.

Ivanna did.

She retracted it and admitted it was bullshit.

You mean how Stormy Daniels is retracting her statement that she never had sex with Trump and is admitting that it was bullshit?
So when was she telling the truth, the first time she retracted her statement, or the 2nd time?

The only thing your posts prove is that you're the lowest douchebag on this forum.
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished?


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair
Trump lies, big time.
If she did not have a romantic with Trump, why did Trump pay her off? I don't doubt that she's not the most truthful person on the planet, but that does not mean that she's lying about having an intimate session with Trump.

It is, however, very interesting to see the stark difference between the way Dems treated Clinton's numerous affairs and sexual harassment accusations and the way they are treating Stormy Daniels' story.
Funny how Monica was a slut and Daniels is a hero.

No, what's funny is watching you guys who insisted a private affair with an intern was an impeachable offense now claiming that a corrupt payoff to a porn star is no big deal.

No, no, no. The impeachable offense was when Clinton lied under oath in the deposition for the sexual harassment suit and when he tried to influence a witness. Go read the impeachment articles.
Funny how Monica was a slut and Daniels is a hero.

No, what's funny is watching you guys who insisted a private affair with an intern was an impeachable offense now claiming that a corrupt payoff to a porn star is no big deal.

There's nothing "private" about banging a subordinate employee in the Oval office, moron. Clinton was trying to pay her off before she squeeled by getting her a high paying job on Madison Avenue. He was also coaching her potential testimony, which means he suborned perjury. On the other hand, you can't blame Trump when gold digging whores start shaking him down for cash. Stormy hasn't admits she doesn't have one shred of tangible evidence that she had sex with Trump. No voice mails, no phone logs, no texts, no emails.
If she did not have a romantic with Trump, why did Trump pay her off? I don't doubt that she's not the most truthful person on the planet, but that does not mean that she's lying about having an intimate session with Trump.

It is, however, very interesting to see the stark difference between the way Dems treated Clinton's numerous affairs and sexual harassment accusations and the way they are treating Stormy Daniels' story.

Why should anyone believe a thing she says? Is Trump guilty before he proves his innocence?
It is, however, very interesting to see the stark difference between the way Dems treated Clinton's numerous affairs and sexual harassment accusations and the way they are treating Stormy Daniels' story.

Let's look at that.

Stormy got a segment on 60 Minutes.

Paula Jones got a segment on 60 minutes.

Kathleen Willey got a segment on 60 minutes, which promptly blew up in their faces when the White House released letters and phone calls from her where she continued to beg for a job after the incident.

Juanita Brodderick got a segment on NBC Dateline.

No, no, no. The impeachable offense was when Clinton lied under oath in the deposition for the sexual harassment suit and when he tried to influence a witness. Go read the impeachment articles.

A sexual harrassment suit that was dismissed as having no merit.
On an issue that was ruled irrelevant
There's nothing "private" about banging a subordinate employee in the Oval office, moron.

Nobody ever claimed they had sex in the Oval Office

Clinton was trying to pay her off before she squeeled by getting her a high paying job on Madison Avenue.

She had a $40K job working at the Pentagon. Hardly glamorous.

He was also coaching her potential testimony, which means he suborned perjury.

Except she never testified... and any good lawyer will tell you to not to admit to anything on the stand.

On the other hand, you can't blame Trump when gold digging whores start shaking him down for cash. Stormy hasn't admits she doesn't have one shred of tangible evidence that she had sex with Trump. No voice mails, no phone logs, no texts, no emails.

the proof is the $130K payoff and the NDA.

You boy banged a porn star. Now, normally, I'd totally respect that, but when it includes stuff like, "You look like my daughter", there's just a huge Ick factor.
Did she take 130,000 for sex ? I say no more

Nope- she took $130,000 to not talk about the sex she had with Donald Trump

Isn’t that what you pay a prostitute for?

I have never been with a prostitute- so if that is what you do- well I acknowledge your greater experience.

But according to rumors- johns pay prostitutes for having sex with them.

Politicians pay prostitutes to keep quiet about that sex so that they can get elected.

I never been with a prostitute either however if a person has half a brain, you pay a prostitute for sex and to keep quiet so it doesn’t get back to your significant other. Are you really that dumb?

I don't think it works that way. If you pay a prostitute, it's for sex. That's it.
Plus, while I couldn't guess what the going rate is, I'm pretty sure no prostitute anywhere goes for $130,000.
Then you have no idea. So it could be any price!
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished?


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

Hookers like, politicians lie. Who do you believe the most?

Well, Trump won't come out and say IN PERSON that he didn't sleep with this woman. It's always "press secretary says the President didn't do it"

And if he didn't do it, then why would his lawyer re-mortgage his house to give her money to be quiet about something which didn't happen...........?
What does it have to do with anything?
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished?


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair
Trump lies, big time.
Everyone lies. I’ve asked and not received what lies you’re concerned with

When a woman (or man, whichever) accepts money for performing a sex act with another, then, by definition, they are a whore.

Does this really fly over anyone’s head?

Okay, but here's the thing.

We wouldn't have whores if we didn't have people willing to pay them.

Now, personally, I think we should legalize prostitution and make it like any other profession. Why should selling sex be less shameful than selling your creativity or physical labor.

In the case of Ms. Daniels, she's someone who is attractive enough where people want to watch her have sex and pay to have sex with her. Good for her, I guess.

Meanwhile, Trump has all this fame, all this popularity, is married to a super-model, and he STILL has to pay to get some, and then pay more to keep her quiet about it.

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