Hookers LIE?....Who Knew?

When a woman (or man, whichever) accepts money for performing a sex act with another, then, by definition, they are a whore.

Does this really fly over anyone’s head?
I think George Carlin said it best...

"I don't understand why prostitution is illegal? Selling is legal. And fucking is legal. So why is selling fucking illegal? Why is illegal to sell something, that is perfectly legal to give away?"
Yep, so?
I have often advocated for legal prostitution.

That does not, nor would it change the fact they would remain whores, and their credibility questionable

I'd trust a whore before I'd trust Trump. Trump doesn't even know what the truth is.

You realize you took a giant leap, right?

He didn't take a "leap" at all --- YOU did. You did it the other day, I called you on it, and you still can't back it up even now.

You're trying to equate prostitution -- sex for hire -- with "credibility". You cannot build that bridge and we all know it. A prostitute enters into a business arrangement like any other deal. Unless she fails to hold up her end, there's no "credibility" factor even involved there. If two parties enter into an agreement, and they both do what they agreed to do --- where's the credibility issue?

Hm? Where?

Again, this is an irrelevant tangent since nobody has claimed this event to be 'prostitution' anyway.

That “bridge” was built long before I came along.

Was it now.

Then why can't you find it?

You've had, what, ten different challenges to demonstrate that bridge, and days later you still can't find it? Ten proverbial trips to the batter's box, each one watching three strikes whiz by. Not even an attempt to swing.

Yet it doesn't dawn on you that the reason you can't find it is that it doesn't exist?

That's a special kind of Stupid. Does it hurt?

But why bother arguing with someone who thinks crime should not be reported once the criminal flees the scene?

No idea. Perhaps you could go find such a person instead of just making shit up.

Lol, running from yourself again.

Pogo, go trust your wealth with a hooker.

Us adults have little time for fools like you.

Proceed with your deflections. Gives us hours and hours of laughs
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished?


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

Kinda sucks when a "hooker" has more integrity than the President of the United States huh?

A majority of Americans believe the women who have alleged affairs with Donald Trump rather than the president’s denials, according to a poll released on Monday.

Sixty-three percent of those surveyed in the CNN poll say they believe the women who have come forward with the allegations of extramarital affairs with Trump, while 21 percent say they believe the president and 16 percent say they have no opinion on the matter.​


Poll: Americans believe women over Trump on affair allegations
Funny how Monica was a slut and Daniels is a hero.

No, what's funny is watching you guys who insisted a private affair with an intern was an impeachable offense now claiming that a corrupt payoff to a porn star is no big deal.

I never claimed that, that is what is funny, now if Trump lies under oath about the affair then we have an impeachable offense, otherwise you are a bunch of hypocritical old ladies gossiping over the fence

You left wing nuts want to make a big deal about an affair, while claiming Clinton’s affair is no big deal. Clinton when asked should have took the 5th or claimed it wasn’t anyone’s business, that is what he should have done.
I'd trust a whore before I'd trust Trump. Trump doesn't even know what the truth is.

You realize you took a giant leap, right?

He didn't take a "leap" at all --- YOU did. You did it the other day, I called you on it, and you still can't back it up even now.

You're trying to equate prostitution -- sex for hire -- with "credibility". You cannot build that bridge and we all know it. A prostitute enters into a business arrangement like any other deal. Unless she fails to hold up her end, there's no "credibility" factor even involved there. If two parties enter into an agreement, and they both do what they agreed to do --- where's the credibility issue?

Hm? Where?

Again, this is an irrelevant tangent since nobody has claimed this event to be 'prostitution' anyway.

That “bridge” was built long before I came along.

Was it now.

Then why can't you find it?

You've had, what, ten different challenges to demonstrate that bridge, and days later you still can't find it? Ten proverbial trips to the batter's box, each one watching three strikes whiz by. Not even an attempt to swing.

Yet it doesn't dawn on you that the reason you can't find it is that it doesn't exist?

That's a special kind of Stupid. Does it hurt?

But why bother arguing with someone who thinks crime should not be reported once the criminal flees the scene?

No idea. Perhaps you could go find such a person instead of just making shit up.

Lol, running from yourself again.

Pogo, go trust your wealth with a hooker.

Us adults have little time for fools like you.

Proceed with your deflections. Gives us hours and hours of laughs

I'm uh not the one deflecting here Sparklybits. YOU are.

Which one of us is making an ass-sertion? YOU are.

Which one of us is unable to substantiate that ass-sertion? YOU are.

I'm just here to watch pretzels making themselves. Chomp chomp.

Once AGAIN --- before you take a position, make some effort to determine that it's on some kind of solid ground. You failed to do that, and this is the price you pay -- mockery.
You realize you took a giant leap, right?

He didn't take a "leap" at all --- YOU did. You did it the other day, I called you on it, and you still can't back it up even now.

You're trying to equate prostitution -- sex for hire -- with "credibility". You cannot build that bridge and we all know it. A prostitute enters into a business arrangement like any other deal. Unless she fails to hold up her end, there's no "credibility" factor even involved there. If two parties enter into an agreement, and they both do what they agreed to do --- where's the credibility issue?

Hm? Where?

Again, this is an irrelevant tangent since nobody has claimed this event to be 'prostitution' anyway.

That “bridge” was built long before I came along.

Was it now.

Then why can't you find it?

You've had, what, ten different challenges to demonstrate that bridge, and days later you still can't find it? Ten proverbial trips to the batter's box, each one watching three strikes whiz by. Not even an attempt to swing.

Yet it doesn't dawn on you that the reason you can't find it is that it doesn't exist?

That's a special kind of Stupid. Does it hurt?

But why bother arguing with someone who thinks crime should not be reported once the criminal flees the scene?

No idea. Perhaps you could go find such a person instead of just making shit up.

Lol, running from yourself again.

Pogo, go trust your wealth with a hooker.

Us adults have little time for fools like you.

Proceed with your deflections. Gives us hours and hours of laughs

I'm uh not the one deflecting here Sparklybits. YOU are.

Which one of us is making an ass-sertion? YOU are.

Which one of us is unable to substantiate that ass-sertion? YOU are.

I'm just here to watch pretzels making themselves. Chomp chomp.

Once AGAIN --- before you take a position, make some effort to determine that it's on some kind of solid ground. You failed to do that, and this is the price you pay.

No, we get it.......

You find those who have sex for cash as upstanding citizens in which to put your trust in......

Keep it up kid, you are entertaining as hell.

“Sparklybits”? Oh ouch!, did you think of that while having tea and crumpets? Pinkies our lil fella.
Funny how Monica was a slut and Daniels is a hero.

No, what's funny is watching you guys who insisted a private affair with an intern was an impeachable offense now claiming that a corrupt payoff to a porn star is no big deal.

I never claimed that, that is what is funny, now if Trump lies under oath about the affair then we have an impeachable offense, otherwise you are a bunch of hypocritical old ladies gossiping over the fence

You left wing nuts want to make a big deal about an affair, while claiming Clinton’s affair is no big deal. Clinton when asked should have took the 5th or claimed it wasn’t anyone’s business, that is what he should have done.

Once AGAIN, the sex part here is irrelevant to anything. It's all about the hush money.

I believe that's what the words "corrupt payoff" in the post you quoted, mean. There isn't any way around that.
Why did I have to? The question was based on the two options
You can't figure it out that if I said I don't lie, then obviously, option #1 would be the answer? Do I have to talk to you like you are a 3rd grader? Wait, don't tell me, home school, right?
Isn’t that what you pay a prostitute for?

I have never been with a prostitute- so if that is what you do- well I acknowledge your greater experience.

But according to rumors- johns pay prostitutes for having sex with them.

Politicians pay prostitutes to keep quiet about that sex so that they can get elected.

I never been with a prostitute either however if a person has half a brain, you pay a prostitute for sex and to keep quiet so it doesn’t get back to your significant other. Are you really that dumb?

I don't think it works that way. If you pay a prostitute, it's for sex. That's it.
Plus, while I couldn't guess what the going rate is, I'm pretty sure no prostitute anywhere goes for $130,000.

I believe discretion would be part of the equation, if she blabbers about it I don’t think she’d have customers. Maybe I’m wrong but would you want a prostitute to go blabbing about you paying her for sex?

She worked for an escort agency, whether Trump hired her or not I wouldn’t know or care. I have as much interest in her as I did with Lewiensky

The prostitute in this scenario has no particular reason to discuss clients outside that client. It serves no purpose. Her client similarly has no reason to expect she would, for the same reason. Therefore there's no implicit NDA involved since it's simply not a factor. David Vitter for example wasn't exposed because some hooker brought it up --- his name appeared on a list of clients law enforcement got hold of. Obviously it doesn't serve either hooker or client to have that name come out --- it's bad for business. Vitter could have paid extra as hush money if he feared the exposure, but it would have served him no purpose since law enforcement would not be bound by it, and it isn't in the hooker service's interest to do so anyway.

That's a different situation from this though. Stormy isn't a hooker and the tryst was not a prostitution. It was simply consensual sexual encounter, not a purchase, public knowledge of which the male desired to keep quiet, enter the $130,000. Why that figure? Apparently he must have figured it was worth that to buy the silence.

So two completely different scenaria but only in the latter one is anyone "paid for silence". There's no reason to pay a hooker for "silence" when she has no incentive to the contrary. There is however reason to pay for silence if a politician thinks some story, whatever it is and whether legal or illegal, would work against his campaign. And that's what we have here. Not rocket surgery.

So working for an escort service is not being a hooker?

Stormy Daniels » Nexxxt Level Talent Agency
Once proud "60 Minutes" now finds itself is the same gutter as CNN and MSLSD. A look at the players in this seedy hit-job tells us all we need to know. Stormy is a prostitute with gigantic plastic breasts and a gift for gab...that's what made her a porn star instead of a drug-addicted street whore, Anderson Cooper is the homosexual face of CNN. Stormy's lawyer is a democrat operative, a former associate of Rahm Emanuel, and an LA tough guy...which means he's probably also a homo. Then there's the former Bush man, now running what appears to be a one-man think tank telling us about "campaign finance laws" being broken while pecking at his keyboard with one finger. So now Stormy has told told her tale, broken her signed confidentiality-agreement and opened herself up to a $20M defamation suit, as has CBS, Anderson Cooper, and whomever produced that mess. The only thing missing is Lakhota....why isn't he here breathlessly telling us how Trump is finished?


Stormy Daniels Claims She Was Threatened in Parking Lot Against Revealing Alleged Trump Affair

Kinda sucks when a "hooker" has more integrity than the President of the United States huh?

A majority of Americans believe the women who have alleged affairs with Donald Trump rather than the president’s denials, according to a poll released on Monday.

Sixty-three percent of those surveyed in the CNN poll say they believe the women who have come forward with the allegations of extramarital affairs with Trump, while 21 percent say they believe the president and 16 percent say they have no opinion on the matter.​


Poll: Americans believe women over Trump on affair allegations

Did CNN conduct a poll about whether the public believed Paula Jones or Jaunita Brodderick more than they believed Slick Willy? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I didn't think so.
Funny how Monica was a slut and Daniels is a hero.

No, what's funny is watching you guys who insisted a private affair with an intern was an impeachable offense now claiming that a corrupt payoff to a porn star is no big deal.

I never claimed that, that is what is funny, now if Trump lies under oath about the affair then we have an impeachable offense, otherwise you are a bunch of hypocritical old ladies gossiping over the fence

You left wing nuts want to make a big deal about an affair, while claiming Clinton’s affair is no big deal. Clinton when asked should have took the 5th or claimed it wasn’t anyone’s business, that is what he should have done.

Once AGAIN, the sex part here is irrelevant to anything. It's all about the hush money.

I believe that's what the words "corrupt payoff" in the post you quoted, mean. There isn't any way around that.

Oh, another deflection.

Now it’s not the credibility of someone who, as a profession, has sex for money, it’s something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

you crack me up!

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