Hookers LIE?....Who Knew?

Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

They do that because he "doesn't sell solutions -- he sells FEELINGS".

Nothing more than FEE .. LINGS....

And they line up for it like drones, with blank stares. Apparently the term "zombie apocalypse" wasn't to be taken completely literally --- but close.

OK, what did Trump lie about?

You want to fit all that in a POST? :rofl:

I don't think the USMB servers could handle it. We can toss a few highlights off the top of one's head though.

The latest I guess is Amazon, and the starting point was the Birfer Bullshit. In between we've had "thousands dancing on rooftops", "more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan" and the "largest audience in history" when it "wasn't raining" self-delusion package, the "got more done in the first year than anybody since Truman" song and dance, the fake Pershing story, the fake Black Crime tweet, the denial of ever having supported the Iraq war, "three million illegal voters", "Obama tappped my wires", failure to release his tax returns (the lie being that he pledged he would), right on down to pretending to have Rump Ice (water) and Rump Steaks at a campaign event, which were also faked as those products disappeared from the market long ago. Not to mention faking a freaking Time Magazine cover to feed his tiny little prepubescent ego.

There''s a dozen or more to chew on as an appetizer. Here's something to wash it down.

You'd have to be wilfully blind AND have your head stuck in the sand to even pose that que...

oh wait. I see what you did there.

Here's the compendium I was actually looking for. There are so many..
Have it for dessert.

This one contains at minimum 50% lies. Who says they're lies? Rump himself. Onliest thing is, we can't tell which side of the waffle iron is the lie. Sometimes both of them are.

And this is why I keep pointing out, Rumpleshillskin has no politics. He can't be categorized as "right" or "left" or "liberal" or "conservative" because he waffles between them constantly depending on who's listening and what serves the immediate moment. If Donald Rump were a power source he'd be Alternating Current. Constantly shifting, never landing anywhere.

Trumpettes will watch & still believe Trump.

we believe facts. present some.


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