Hookers LIE?....Who Knew?

You don't even know what you're laughing about.
Oh, another deflection.

Now it’s not the credibility of someone who, as a profession, has sex for money, it’s something COMPLETELY DIFFERENT.

you crack me up!

You must be going for some kind of Guinness record for doubling down on Duh Stoopid.

Your task remains, as it has over the past dozen challenges over multiple days, to back up your ass-sertion that a profession involving sex somehow impacts "credibility". Presumably in a way that a profession that involves, say, fixing cars or playing sports or selling groceries, does not.

And you have FAILED to make that case. Every time. Which is, to be fair, understandable since you're floating a non sequitur.

Now back to you to continue FAILING. Take it away.

The record belongs to the great Pogo.

Never to be broken.

Keep deflecting and defending the integrity of a Porn Star!

Real smart Einstein.

As I have pointed out- if we compare the integrity of the Reality TV star to the Porn Star- the Reality TV Star has a long and documented record of lying, and cheating.

The Porn Star? Not so much.

You love ya dim Porn Stars!

Go with that.

You make me laugh

And you love big donkey dicks.

Go with that.


Have I ever posted that I have?

You on the other hand............
And then he’s in jail, right?

Or are you the king of some kangaroo court?
No, he's not in jail, because the right don't care if he is a criminal. For all their talk about the Constitution being the Supreme Law of the Land, they certainly don't follow it in practice.

The right controls the courts?

You can’t make this stuff up folks!
Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

They do that because he "doesn't sell solutions -- he sells FEELINGS".

Nothing more than FEE .. LINGS....

And they line up for it like drones, with blank stares. Apparently the term "zombie apocalypse" wasn't to be taken completely literally --- but close.
You must be going for some kind of Guinness record for doubling down on Duh Stoopid.

Your task remains, as it has over the past dozen challenges over multiple days, to back up your ass-sertion that a profession involving sex somehow impacts "credibility". Presumably in a way that a profession that involves, say, fixing cars or playing sports or selling groceries, does not.

And you have FAILED to make that case. Every time. Which is, to be fair, understandable since you're floating a non sequitur.

Now back to you to continue FAILING. Take it away.

The record belongs to the great Pogo.

Never to be broken.

Keep deflecting and defending the integrity of a Porn Star!

Real smart Einstein.

As I have pointed out- if we compare the integrity of the Reality TV star to the Porn Star- the Reality TV Star has a long and documented record of lying, and cheating.

The Porn Star? Not so much.

You love ya dim Porn Stars!

Go with that.

You make me laugh

And you love big donkey dicks.

Go with that.


Have I ever posted that I have?

You on the other hand............

We have already established that your posts have no relations to what I actually have said- you just make crap up.

So yes- you have said you love big donkey dicks as twice as many times as I have said I love porn stars.
Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

So one of the latest is the lies about Amazon.

Why exactly is the President lying about Amazon not paying sales taxes?

Apparently he is pissed off at the Washington Post and Bezos owns the Wapo.
The record belongs to the great Pogo.

Never to be broken.

Keep deflecting and defending the integrity of a Porn Star!

Real smart Einstein.

As I have pointed out- if we compare the integrity of the Reality TV star to the Porn Star- the Reality TV Star has a long and documented record of lying, and cheating.

The Porn Star? Not so much.

You love ya dim Porn Stars!

Go with that.

You make me laugh

And you love big donkey dicks.

Go with that.


Have I ever posted that I have?

You on the other hand............

We have already established that your posts have no relations to what I actually have said- you just make crap up.

So yes- you have said you love big donkey dicks as twice as many times as I have said I love porn stars.

Nah, you just say that cuz you get the thought of them in your mind while typing your tripe.

Whatever floats your boat I guess
As I have pointed out- if we compare the integrity of the Reality TV star to the Porn Star- the Reality TV Star has a long and documented record of lying, and cheating.

The Porn Star? Not so much.

You love ya dim Porn Stars!

Go with that.

You make me laugh

And you love big donkey dicks.

Go with that.


Have I ever posted that I have?

You on the other hand............

We have already established that your posts have no relations to what I actually have said- you just make crap up.

So yes- you have said you love big donkey dicks as twice as many times as I have said I love porn stars.

Nah, you just say that cuz you get the thought of them in your mind while typing your tripe.

Whatever floats your boat I guess

Hey you were the one telling us you love donkey dicks- don't fault me for your posts.
Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

They do that because he "doesn't sell solutions -- he sells FEELINGS".

Nothing more than FEE .. LINGS....

And they line up for it like drones, with blank stares. Apparently the term "zombie apocalypse" wasn't to be taken completely literally --- but close.

OK, what did Trump lie about?
You love ya dim Porn Stars!

Go with that.

You make me laugh

And you love big donkey dicks.

Go with that.


Have I ever posted that I have?

You on the other hand............

We have already established that your posts have no relations to what I actually have said- you just make crap up.

So yes- you have said you love big donkey dicks as twice as many times as I have said I love porn stars.

Nah, you just say that cuz you get the thought of them in your mind while typing your tripe.

Whatever floats your boat I guess

Hey you were the one telling us you love donkey dicks- don't fault me for your posts.

No, I said I had one the size of a Donkey Dick...........

And no, I ain't about to show it to ya Nancy
Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

They do that because he "doesn't sell solutions -- he sells FEELINGS".

Nothing more than FEE .. LINGS....

And they line up for it like drones, with blank stares. Apparently the term "zombie apocalypse" wasn't to be taken completely literally --- but close.

OK, what did Trump lie about?
You mean what has Trump lied about in the last few days?

The entire list is far, far, far too long to list.

But here is my favorite recent lie:
Trump Lies About Amazon, Taxes and the Postal Service
It’s a day that ends in Y and that means Trump is lying about something. This time it’s a repeat of two different lies that have already been debunked time and time again, that Amazon doesn’t pay taxes and that the U.S. Postal Service loses money delivering packages for them.

I have stated my concerns with Amazon long before the Election. Unlike others, they pay little or no taxes to state & local governments, use our Postal System as their Delivery Boy (causing tremendous loss to the U.S.), and are putting many thousands of retailers out of business!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 29, 2018

In 2012, Amazon began collecting and paying state taxes in California. Since April 2017, Amazon has collected sales taxes in all states that levy one.

Additionally, in its latest annual report to the Securities and Exchange Commission, Amazon said it paid $957 million in income taxes in 2017. The company previously reported paying $412 million in income taxes in 2016, $273 million in 2015 and $177 million in 2014, according to the commission.
Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

They do that because he "doesn't sell solutions -- he sells FEELINGS".

Nothing more than FEE .. LINGS....

And they line up for it like drones, with blank stares. Apparently the term "zombie apocalypse" wasn't to be taken completely literally --- but close.

OK, what did Trump lie about?

You want to fit all that in a POST? :rofl:

I don't think the USMB servers could handle it. We can toss a few highlights off the top of one's head though.

The latest I guess is Amazon, and the starting point was the Birfer Bullshit. In between we've had "thousands dancing on rooftops", "more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan" and the "largest audience in history" when it "wasn't raining" self-delusion package, the "got more done in the first year than anybody since Truman" song and dance, the fake Pershing story, the fake Black Crime tweet, the denial of ever having supported the Iraq war, "three million illegal voters", "Obama tappped my wires", failure to release his tax returns (the lie being that he pledged he would), right on down to pretending to have Rump Ice (water) and Rump Steaks at a campaign event, which were also faked as those products disappeared from the market long ago. Not to mention faking a freaking Time Magazine cover to feed his tiny little prepubescent ego.

There''s a dozen or more to chew on as an appetizer. Here's something to wash it down.

You'd have to be wilfully blind AND have your head stuck in the sand to even pose that que...

oh wait. I see what you did there.
Watching the liberals hang on every word of a porn star recanting every detail as fact yet dismissed the many woman that came forward accusing the guy of your gal of abuse.

Funny how Monica was a slut and Daniels is a hero.

Sad how some people feel a need to label women as sluts or whores.

Equally sad some wags around here doggedly want to impinge a woman's "credibility" based on promiscuity, yet can't find the same standard when the promiscuous one is male.

Amirite Pop?

You sure she’s not trailer park trash working the vast Left Wing Conspiracy?
Watching the liberals hang on every word of a porn star recanting every detail as fact yet dismissed the many woman that came forward accusing the guy of your gal of abuse.

Funny how Monica was a slut and Daniels is a hero.

Sad how some people feel a need to label women as sluts or whores.

Equally sad some wags around here doggedly want to impinge a woman's "credibility" based on promiscuity, yet can't find the same standard when the promiscuous one is male.

Amirite Pop?

You sure she’s not trailer park trash working the vast Left Wing Conspiracy?

Pop23 is a "she"?
I had no idee.
Purty damn dumb for a girl I must say.
Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

They do that because he "doesn't sell solutions -- he sells FEELINGS".

Nothing more than FEE .. LINGS....

And they line up for it like drones, with blank stares. Apparently the term "zombie apocalypse" wasn't to be taken completely literally --- but close.

OK, what did Trump lie about?

Pick a subject.

"I know more about SIS than the generals" - That is my favorite lie because you are so stupid that you believe it.

No, we did not start building his wall as he claimed in a recent tweet.

And the USPS does not lose money on package delivery.

You must be one dumb Trumpette to think your orange POS does not lie.
Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

They do that because he "doesn't sell solutions -- he sells FEELINGS".

Nothing more than FEE .. LINGS....

And they line up for it like drones, with blank stares. Apparently the term "zombie apocalypse" wasn't to be taken completely literally --- but close.

OK, what did Trump lie about?

You want to fit all that in a POST? :rofl:

I don't think the USMB servers could handle it. We can toss a few highlights off the top of one's head though.

The latest I guess is Amazon, and the starting point was the Birfer Bullshit. In between we've had "thousands dancing on rooftops", "more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan" and the "largest audience in history" when it "wasn't raining" self-delusion package, the "got more done in the first year than anybody since Truman" song and dance, the fake Pershing story, the fake Black Crime tweet, the denial of ever having supported the Iraq war, "three million illegal voters", "Obama tappped my wires", failure to release his tax returns (the lie being that he pledged he would), right on down to pretending to have Rump Ice (water) and Rump Steaks at a campaign event, which were also faked as those products disappeared from the market long ago. Not to mention faking a freaking Time Magazine cover to feed his tiny little prepubescent ego.

There''s a dozen or more to chew on as an appetizer. Here's something to wash it down.

You'd have to be wilfully blind AND have your head stuck in the sand to even pose that que...

oh wait. I see what you did there.

Here's the compendium I was actually looking for. There are so many..
Have it for dessert.

This one contains at minimum 50% lies. Who says they're lies? Rump himself. Onliest thing is, we can't tell which side of the waffle iron is the lie. Sometimes both of them are.

And this is why I keep pointing out, Rumpleshillskin has no politics. He can't be categorized as "right" or "left" or "liberal" or "conservative" because he waffles between them constantly depending on who's listening and what serves the immediate moment. If Donald Rump were a power source he'd be Alternating Current. Constantly shifting, never landing anywhere.
Trump lies everty day. Why do you assbutts believe him?

They do that because he "doesn't sell solutions -- he sells FEELINGS".

Nothing more than FEE .. LINGS....

And they line up for it like drones, with blank stares. Apparently the term "zombie apocalypse" wasn't to be taken completely literally --- but close.

OK, what did Trump lie about?

You want to fit all that in a POST? :rofl:

I don't think the USMB servers could handle it. We can toss a few highlights off the top of one's head though.

The latest I guess is Amazon, and the starting point was the Birfer Bullshit. In between we've had "thousands dancing on rooftops", "more electoral votes than anybody since Reagan" and the "largest audience in history" when it "wasn't raining" self-delusion package, the "got more done in the first year than anybody since Truman" song and dance, the fake Pershing story, the fake Black Crime tweet, the denial of ever having supported the Iraq war, "three million illegal voters", "Obama tappped my wires", failure to release his tax returns (the lie being that he pledged he would), right on down to pretending to have Rump Ice (water) and Rump Steaks at a campaign event, which were also faked as those products disappeared from the market long ago. Not to mention faking a freaking Time Magazine cover to feed his tiny little prepubescent ego.

There''s a dozen or more to chew on as an appetizer. Here's something to wash it down.

You'd have to be wilfully blind AND have your head stuck in the sand to even pose that que...

oh wait. I see what you did there.

Here's the compendium I was actually looking for. There are so many..
Have it for dessert.

This one contains at minimum 50% lies. Who says they're lies? Rump himself. Onliest thing is, we can't tell which side of the waffle iron is the lie. Sometimes both of them are.

And this is why I keep pointing out, Rumpleshillskin has no politics. He can't be categorized as "right" or "left" or "liberal" or "conservative" because he waffles between them constantly depending on who's listening and what serves the immediate moment. If Donald Rump were a power source he'd be Alternating Current. Constantly shifting, never landing anywhere.

Trumpettes will watch & still believe Trump.

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