Hope Hicks Acknowledges She Sometimes Tells White Lies for Trump

What a circus!!!
Trump, his followers, his staff represent everything that's wrong with the US.
She's being given nothing but we'll wishes from everyone including the President who stated he'd hope to work with her again. Journalist are saying she did a wonderful job. She's going to work in the private sector. Will post a link soon as the prestigious member of the White House Press corps, Gateway Pundit has the story up.. Hope Hicks, a shining beautiful woman will be missed. General Kelly offered her praise on her departure.

Here's the link.

BREAKING: Hope Hicks to Resign as White House Comms Director
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Yeah and the White House is spinning it as she has other outside interests and that's why she's leaving. Bullsnot! She's feeling the heat like the other two dozen or so folks who have abandoned this ship of fools. After her admission of "white lies" Mueller will want to re-interview her and soon.
"An another one bites the dust"; just one day after spending 9 hours interviewing with the Mueller Investigation, and after admitting telling "white lies" as part of her job as communications director, she decided (?) to seek other opportunities.

My guess, there is an entire closet of shoes still to fall, and all this noise that there is nothing there by Trump&Co. and his supporters, is white noise from the panic room.

Ms. Hope had better cooperate an answer future questions, or suffer the indignity and loss of liberty for telling "white lies" under oath.
I just got a “Breaking News” alert from Washington Post saying she’s leaving for “other opportunities”. Probably one where’s there’s little chance of ending up wearing an orange jump suit.

Methinks she may be too late.

The plot thickens.

Trump treats her like shit and she takes it. Told her "you're the best piece of ass (Core L.) is ever going to have."

He must have gone off on her about "white lies" or something and she ran out crying.

She's obviously not as bright as she likes to think. Full of herself but got in with the wrong crowd.

OR MAYBE... she was the one wearing the wire and now she's going into witness protection.
What will the 29 year old former model that has never had a real job do after leaving the White House?

Maybe FoxNews will hire her, she meets all their qualifications.
What will the 29 year old former model that has never had a real job do after leaving the White House?

Maybe FoxNews will hire her, she meets all their qualifications.

Good point. Maybe she can also team up with Monica Lewinsky...or Stormy Daniels...
Saw this elsewhere..it makes some sense:

Hicks has been the quiet little shadow that follows Trump around wherever he goes for a long time now. She was his personal assistant during the campaign, but she was hired long before the campaign ever began.

She was his official 'steamer', who steamed the creases out of his suits while he was still wearing them while on the plane as he flew from one stop to another. Her present job was another Trump insider promotion. Of all of those who were close to Trump in 2015-2016, there was no one closer than Hope Hicks.

So naturally, Hicks knows some stuff. She has always been the most circumspect of all of his bunch, and has always avoided the press or any kind of notice. So she probably knows a lot of stuff. She's probably profited by some of that knowledge.

She can use executive privilege when called up to testify to a Congressional committee, but not to a Grand Jury. With some discovery, it's quite possible she can't be prevented from testifying to a committee either by using executive privilege.

Watergate showed the limits of executive privilege. As a stone wall, it can only hold for so long. When it breaks, using it tends to take down many others who used it earlier once the wall cracks.

So Hicks may decide on her own to quit, or Trump may decide she has to go for his own protection.

Either is equal as I see it. Mueller will go light on those who cooperate, and will go heavy on those who don't.

Credit to BanjoMike

White House communications director, Hope Hicks, one of Trump's longest serving advisers, is going to resign. The New York Times broke the news Wednesday afternoon.

Timing: The news comes one day after Hicks testified before the House Intelligence Committee, where she told the panel that she is occasionally forced to tell "white lies" from her work in the administration.

NYT: Hope Hicks set to resign as WH comms director

Was it the "lying"...?

BWAHAHAHAHAHAA........The House of Trump is made of fucking cards.
What did Mueller know and WHEN did he know it?
That's what these Trumpanzees don't understand.....
Mueller goes in knowing everything before the interview fucking begins.
What will the 29 year old former model that has never had a real job do after leaving the White House?

Maybe FoxNews will hire her, she meets all their qualifications.

Are you kidding? Trump's not going to let her go homeless. But then again, being the fucking sociopath that he is, if she told Mueller the truth, Trump will cut her out like a surgeon with the sharpest scalpel he can find.
What will the 29 year old former model that has never had a real job do after leaving the White House?

Maybe FoxNews will hire her, she meets all their qualifications.
What will the 29 year old former model that has never had a real job do after leaving the White House?

Maybe FoxNews will hire her, she meets all their qualifications.

She’s not blonde but a quick trip to the salon will fix that.

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