Hope Hicks and the dirty old man...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Republicans talk about Joe Biden supposedly being a pedophile with no evidence, but Trump, a man who bragged about waking into dressing rooms of naked teenage girls to get his peep on, well, we get excuses. I always wondered about Trump and Hope Hicks..

Hope Hicks and the dirty old man...​

Hope Hicksā€™ testimony has been sliced and diced, chopped and whirred to a fine powder after her turn on the stand. Fox commentators looked to spot a silver lining among the gathering darkness of her tale about her time with the ex-president. The rest of us recognized the sheer terror her words had to bring to her ā€œmentorā€ who listened closely eyes wide shut-like. While what was asked and answered made news, I was struck by her performance.

Hicks testified under duress but not the kind of pressure we associate with those who have to tell the truth about someone they truly care for. There was a tawdriness about the relationship that came through. She laughed, she cried, she needed time to think. She was performing. Trumpā€™s reaction, his eyes averted always, but attentive to her every word, reminded me of the creepiness that sits beneath the persona of the billionaire businessman with little time for details. One detail he attends to is his need to be surrounded and doted on by pretty young women. Hope Hicksā€™ resume never screamed ā€œoval office,ā€ her skillset hardly suggested ā€˜communications specialistā€ or whatever title Trump cooked up to place her within leer of the resolute Desk he wasted our time behind.

The longer she testified the more we were reminded of his inability to control himself around cute young things. We are reminded of E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougalā€¦ and Jeffrey Epstein. Our memories are drawn to his inappropriateness surrounding his relationship with daughter Ivanka, whom he once revealed he would date if she werenā€™t his childā€” and worse....

Republicans talk about Joe Biden supposedly being a pedophile with no evidence, but Trump, a man who bragged about waking into dressing rooms of naked teenage girls to get his peep on, well, we get excuses. I always wondered about Trump and Hope Hicks..

Hope Hicks and the dirty old man...​

Hope Hicksā€™ testimony has been sliced and diced, chopped and whirred to a fine powder after her turn on the stand. Fox commentators looked to spot a silver lining among the gathering darkness of her tale about her time with the ex-president. The rest of us recognized the sheer terror her words had to bring to her ā€œmentorā€ who listened closely eyes wide shut-like. While what was asked and answered made news, I was struck by her performance.

Hicks testified under duress but not the kind of pressure we associate with those who have to tell the truth about someone they truly care for. There was a tawdriness about the relationship that came through. She laughed, she cried, she needed time to think. She was performing. Trumpā€™s reaction, his eyes averted always, but attentive to her every word, reminded me of the creepiness that sits beneath the persona of the billionaire businessman with little time for details. One detail he attends to is his need to be surrounded and doted on by pretty young women. Hope Hicksā€™ resume never screamed ā€œoval office,ā€ her skillset hardly suggested ā€˜communications specialistā€ or whatever title Trump cooked up to place her within leer of the resolute Desk he wasted our time behind.

The longer she testified the more we were reminded of his inability to control himself around cute young things. We are reminded of E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougalā€¦ and Jeffrey Epstein. Our memories are drawn to his inappropriateness surrounding his relationship with daughter Ivanka, whom he once revealed he would date if she werenā€™t his childā€” and worse....

Wow, I'm getting dizzy from all that spin. But hey, I guess you can expect fiction from the daily kook.

Republicans talk about Joe Biden supposedly being a pedophile with no evidence, but Trump, a man who bragged about waking into dressing rooms of naked teenage girls to get his peep on, well, we get excuses. I always wondered about Trump and Hope Hicks..

Hope Hicks and the dirty old man...​

Hope Hicksā€™ testimony has been sliced and diced, chopped and whirred to a fine powder after her turn on the stand. Fox commentators looked to spot a silver lining among the gathering darkness of her tale about her time with the ex-president. The rest of us recognized the sheer terror her words had to bring to her ā€œmentorā€ who listened closely eyes wide shut-like. While what was asked and answered made news, I was struck by her performance.

Hicks testified under duress but not the kind of pressure we associate with those who have to tell the truth about someone they truly care for. There was a tawdriness about the relationship that came through. She laughed, she cried, she needed time to think. She was performing. Trumpā€™s reaction, his eyes averted always, but attentive to her every word, reminded me of the creepiness that sits beneath the persona of the billionaire businessman with little time for details. One detail he attends to is his need to be surrounded and doted on by pretty young women. Hope Hicksā€™ resume never screamed ā€œoval office,ā€ her skillset hardly suggested ā€˜communications specialistā€ or whatever title Trump cooked up to place her within leer of the resolute Desk he wasted our time behind.

The longer she testified the more we were reminded of his inability to control himself around cute young things. We are reminded of E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougalā€¦ and Jeffrey Epstein. Our memories are drawn to his inappropriateness surrounding his relationship with daughter Ivanka, whom he once revealed he would date if she werenā€™t his childā€” and worse....

Republicans talk about Joe Biden supposedly being a pedophile with no evidence, but Trump, a man who bragged about waking into dressing rooms of naked teenage girls to get his peep on, well, we get excuses. I always wondered about Trump and Hope Hicks..

Hope Hicks and the dirty old man...​

Hope Hicksā€™ testimony has been sliced and diced, chopped and whirred to a fine powder after her turn on the stand. Fox commentators looked to spot a silver lining among the gathering darkness of her tale about her time with the ex-president. The rest of us recognized the sheer terror her words had to bring to her ā€œmentorā€ who listened closely eyes wide shut-like. While what was asked and answered made news, I was struck by her performance.

Hicks testified under duress but not the kind of pressure we associate with those who have to tell the truth about someone they truly care for. There was a tawdriness about the relationship that came through. She laughed, she cried, she needed time to think. She was performing. Trumpā€™s reaction, his eyes averted always, but attentive to her every word, reminded me of the creepiness that sits beneath the persona of the billionaire businessman with little time for details. One detail he attends to is his need to be surrounded and doted on by pretty young women. Hope Hicksā€™ resume never screamed ā€œoval office,ā€ her skillset hardly suggested ā€˜communications specialistā€ or whatever title Trump cooked up to place her within leer of the resolute Desk he wasted our time behind.

The longer she testified the more we were reminded of his inability to control himself around cute young things. We are reminded of E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougalā€¦ and Jeffrey Epstein. Our memories are drawn to his inappropriateness surrounding his relationship with daughter Ivanka, whom he once revealed he would date if she werenā€™t his childā€” and worse....

Hope Hicks isnā€™t a minorā€¦joey xidenā€™s victims were, including his minor daughter

Not surprised you are imagining trump being with a woman though, itā€™s obvious you got a thing for him. A lot of projection on your part
Hope Hicks isnā€™t a minorā€¦joey xidenā€™s victims were, including his minor daughter

Not surprised you are imagining trump being with a woman though, itā€™s obvious you got a thing for him. A lot of projection on your part
Biden is no pedophile. Trump has bragged about walking into a room of naked minors to get his peep on. And then there is the case that was filed aganst him and Epstein. And fyi, the linked article you didn't read was written by the Daily KOS.
bragged about walking into a room of naked minors to get his peep on. And then there is the case that was filed aganst him and Epstein.
It amazes me that your hatred is so strong you literally ignore Biden's inappropiate actions around SMALL CHILDREN, his N words he used regularly which is a major insult to your own people, his raising prices on EVERYTHING, his giving money to Ukraine, the BORDER problem just to name a few. Seek help. You have TDS plus.
Republicans talk about Joe Biden supposedly being a pedophile with no evidence, but Trump, a man who bragged about waking into dressing rooms of naked teenage girls to get his peep on, well, we get excuses. I always wondered about Trump and Hope Hicks..

Hope Hicks and the dirty old man...​

Hope Hicksā€™ testimony has been sliced and diced, chopped and whirred to a fine powder after her turn on the stand. Fox commentators looked to spot a silver lining among the gathering darkness of her tale about her time with the ex-president. The rest of us recognized the sheer terror her words had to bring to her ā€œmentorā€ who listened closely eyes wide shut-like. While what was asked and answered made news, I was struck by her performance.

Hicks testified under duress but not the kind of pressure we associate with those who have to tell the truth about someone they truly care for. There was a tawdriness about the relationship that came through. She laughed, she cried, she needed time to think. She was performing. Trumpā€™s reaction, his eyes averted always, but attentive to her every word, reminded me of the creepiness that sits beneath the persona of the billionaire businessman with little time for details. One detail he attends to is his need to be surrounded and doted on by pretty young women. Hope Hicksā€™ resume never screamed ā€œoval office,ā€ her skillset hardly suggested ā€˜communications specialistā€ or whatever title Trump cooked up to place her within leer of the resolute Desk he wasted our time behind.

The longer she testified the more we were reminded of his inability to control himself around cute young things. We are reminded of E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougalā€¦ and Jeffrey Epstein. Our memories are drawn to his inappropriateness surrounding his relationship with daughter Ivanka, whom he once revealed he would date if she werenā€™t his childā€” and worse....

Do you have any original thought capacity or are you merely a parrot?
Biden is no pedophile. Trump has bragged about walking into a room of naked minors to get his peep on. And then there is the case that was filed aganst him and Epstein. And fyi, the linked article you didn't read was written by the Daily KOS.
quote him bragging about walking into a room with minors to peep on them.

I can quote Xiden's daughter talking about her pedophile dad....https://archive.ph/olt8W
He's always whining about whites and how "turrible" whites are against his people.... but...get this..amazingly...he SUPPORTS a man that said:

Joe Biden has a decades-long habit of making overtly racist remarks, taking discriminatory positions and cavorting with known racistsā€”things that would get anyone to his political right tossed out of polite society. But being on the left must make it okay.

Just a few days ago, while lamenting the difficulty in convincing many Latinos and blacks to take the COVID vaccine, he committed a series of racially charged blunders that barely registered in the corporate mediaā€™s consciousness.

Biden white-splained that Latinos in America resist vaccinations because ā€œtheyā€™re worried that theyā€™ll be vaccinated and deported.ā€

This statement makes the insane assumption that all Latinos present in this country are illegal aliens subject to expulsion. It never occurred to Biden that more than 60 million Latinos are actually American citizens, according to recent census figures.

In the same breath as his ā€œLatinxā€ comment, Biden lectured about the fears that blacks may have of the vaccine, attempting to point to historically shameful episodes when they were subjected to inhumane medical experiments.

ā€œThey are used to being experimented onā€”the Tuskegee Airmen and others,ā€ Biden said.

In this, he confused legendary World War II fighter pilots with a long, notorious governmental study of syphilis among black menā€”the Tuskegee Experiment.

In 2010, he warmly eulogized Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Exalted Cyclops in the Ku Klux Klan, saying he was ā€œone of my mentorsā€ and that ā€œthe Senate is a lesser place for his going.ā€
In 2007, he referred to Barack Obama as ā€œthe first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.ā€

In 2006, he said, ā€œYou cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkinā€™ Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent.ā€

Way back in 1977, he said that forced busing to desegregate schools would cause his children to ā€œgrow up in a racial jungle.ā€

See? I can cut and paste too.
Republicans talk about Joe Biden supposedly being a pedophile with no evidence, but Trump, a man who bragged about waking into dressing rooms of naked teenage girls to get his peep on, well, we get excuses. I always wondered about Trump and Hope Hicks..
You got your answer, all the cult members quickly voted this 'fake news'.

They don't need a shred of eviodence to believe there was a 'stolen election' or that Pres. Biden is a 'pedophile' but when presented with actual evidence on Dear Leader, they always choose to ignore it.
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You got your answer, all the cult members quickly voted this 'fake news'.

They don't need a shred of eviodence to believe there was a 'stolen election' or that Pres. Biden is a 'pedophile' but when presented with actual evidence on Dear Leader, they always choose to ignore it.
It's fake news until you can provide us the quote.

I provided the quote from Xiden's victim saying she was abused.
Republicans talk about Joe Biden supposedly being a pedophile with no evidence, but Trump, a man who bragged about waking into dressing rooms of naked teenage girls to get his peep on, well, we get excuses. I always wondered about Trump and Hope Hicks..

Hope Hicks and the dirty old man...​

Hope Hicksā€™ testimony has been sliced and diced, chopped and whirred to a fine powder after her turn on the stand. Fox commentators looked to spot a silver lining among the gathering darkness of her tale about her time with the ex-president. The rest of us recognized the sheer terror her words had to bring to her ā€œmentorā€ who listened closely eyes wide shut-like. While what was asked and answered made news, I was struck by her performance.

Hicks testified under duress but not the kind of pressure we associate with those who have to tell the truth about someone they truly care for. There was a tawdriness about the relationship that came through. She laughed, she cried, she needed time to think. She was performing. Trumpā€™s reaction, his eyes averted always, but attentive to her every word, reminded me of the creepiness that sits beneath the persona of the billionaire businessman with little time for details. One detail he attends to is his need to be surrounded and doted on by pretty young women. Hope Hicksā€™ resume never screamed ā€œoval office,ā€ her skillset hardly suggested ā€˜communications specialistā€ or whatever title Trump cooked up to place her within leer of the resolute Desk he wasted our time behind.

The longer she testified the more we were reminded of his inability to control himself around cute young things. We are reminded of E. Jean Carroll, Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougalā€¦ and Jeffrey Epstein. Our memories are drawn to his inappropriateness surrounding his relationship with daughter Ivanka, whom he once revealed he would date if she werenā€™t his childā€” and worse....

NYT and every other reliable news org, reporting from inside the Manhattan courtroom "Stormy Daniels says that Trump told her she reminded him of his daughter?" Add this to Trump's embarrassing revelations that when asked what he had in common with his daughter, he replied "sex"

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