Hope Solo Says Teammate Megan Rapinoe Would 'Almost Bully' Team to Kneel During Anthem

Hope Solo? Not surprised to see the Right put their eggs in a Domestic Violence person's basket.

The "right"? First of all this is a Newsweek article. Hardly a mouthpiece for the right.

I'm aware of her despicable history, and was shocked to see she's still on the team. Another reason to loathe the U.S. women's team.

Bottom line is, it's interesting to find out that Rapinoe is a bully. Hardly the person Subway Sandwiches should be using as their spokesperson.
If anyone tried to intimate me to kneel during the National Anthem I would teach him/her some colorful language I learned from my drill Instructor during Air Force basic training back in the mid 1960s.
Hope WHO? Megan WHO? Meh. College and pro athletes can kiss my ass--get out and get a real job and quit whining about something that you've never experienced in the country that has given you everything you have.
The "right"? First of all this is a Newsweek article. Hardly a mouthpiece for the right.

I'm aware of her despicable history, and was shocked to see she's still on the team. Another reason to loathe the U.S. women's team.

Bottom line is, it's interesting to find out that Rapinoe is a bully. Hardly the person Subway Sandwiches should be using as their spokesperson.
The Subway franchisees want Meagain Rapememo replaced. Send her to Afghanistan. She can head up the Taliban soccer team.
Remember Brady Chastain and how uplifting that was? Then Hope the Dope followed by an even worse militant lesbian and America hater. Yeah, that’s fun to tune into
The basketball team had class. They stood and faced the correct direction for the Anthem. Some did not place their hands over their hearts but that was subtle and barely detectable versus the soccer teams attention seeking self oriented gaudy display

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