Hoping for a Veto and Shut Down, How About you?

Whatever gets the wall done baby, Trump has power and resources at his disposal. It's really a bad look for Democrats to not support securing the border. Especially after promising to in 1989 and not delivering yet.
Or he might sign it, THEN declare an emergency and use his powers to appropriate more funds to the wall.

I hope like hell he does declare a F'n emergency. THEN all of you brain dead fuktards will get to see Trump wind up with his dick in his hand and your foot in your yap.

when in the hell are you going to learn he cant do what he says he can ?


There are currently 31 declared national emergencies in effect.

Try again, dumbass.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

that Congress approved .

dumbass -
Or he might sign it, THEN declare an emergency and use his powers to appropriate more funds to the wall.

I hope like hell he does declare a F'n emergency. THEN all of you brain dead fuktards will get to see Trump wind up with his dick in his hand and your foot in your yap.

when in the hell are you going to learn he cant do what he says he can ?


There are currently 31 declared national emergencies in effect.

Try again, dumbass.

National Emergencies Act - Wikipedia

that Congress approved .

dumbass -

Wrong, they were enacted by a Presidential executive order, and renewed by Congress each year.

Congress does have the ability to overturn such an executive order. They just need a veto proof majority. Good luck.

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