Trump’s first major actions should he be elected…What are you hoping for?

And how about the ones that died, did they defeat this Covid psyop?
They are the victims of Gov't bio-war on its own citizens. Someone should have to pay for that. WE are talking about the killer covid vaxx which the submitters will have to consider. Personally. many of us won't have to deal with THAT. I don't need to tell you which ones. You needn't be angry with me for my refusal to submit. I think you're more annoyed at yourself but you have to take it out on the anti covid vaxxers because that is easier for you.
Fix the border situation. Strengthen social security and Medicare. Encourage employers to treat their employees so much better.
They are the victims of Gov't bio-war on its own citizens. Someone should have to pay for that. WE are talking about the killer covid vaxx which the submitters will have to consider. Personally. many of us won't have to deal with THAT. I don't need to tell you which ones. You needn't be angry with me for my refusal to submit. I think you're more annoyed at yourself but you have to take it out on the anti covid vaxxers because that is easier for you.
I'm not angry at you...?
Only one action necessary… Calling a Constitutional Convention for the purpose of rewrite the entire Constitution.
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
What the hell are you hoping for if Biden is reelected? A rational president who is capable of making good decisions and fixing what's wrong with America? It ain't gonna happen so stop fooling yourself.
Oh, you mean in your imagination.

The Satanic, Pedophile, Financial Vampire, Drug, Child and Sex Trafficking Overlords who rule the democrat Party know their time on Earth is coming to an end so they're determined to take as much of humanity down with them as they can
The Satanic, Pedophile, Financial Vampire, Drug, Child and Sex Trafficking Overlords who rule the democrat Party know their time on Earth is coming to an end so they're determined to take as much of humanity down with them as they can
You really should talk to someone about those paranoid delusions.
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
The most important thing he can do is stabilize the currency.
Pick a reasonable interest rate for the dollar exchange and freeze it. Change the IRS from a payroll collection agency to a consumption tax collection agency. Eliminate payroll taxation. Stimulate the economy by supporting agriculture in scale. Find a way to get Ukraine's massive wheat fields back into the international marketplace.
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
Reverse Biden’s energy policies. Secure the border.
I’m guessing, atop the list, all good Americans are hoping he immediately takes extreme measures to shut the border down, fix the asylum scam, streamline deportations and rollout an effective seek and arrest program aimed at the 10 million Biden just shoved down our throats…..But what else do you want to see him go after in week one?
Let's all chip in for a bag of cement. :dance:

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