Horowitz: Treasons of the Democrats


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
the people who still thinks you are supporting the Democrat party of old. You need to wake up. they are now taken over by PROGRESSIVES who are nothing like a Democrat of old. this a good article that has a lot of truth about: that Not the democrat party of old.
LONG article but finally the truth about this Progressive party with people like Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the whole party except for a few.

Our country is at a perilous crossroads, one made immeasurably more dangerous by a treacherous national party.
Truth Revolt

A slightly different version of this first appeared at the National Review Online.

The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders. These enlightened enablers of Stalin’s crimes included leading intellectuals of the day, even Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and the arts like Frederic Joliot-Curie and Andre Gide. Brilliant as they were, they were blind to the realities of the Stalinist regime and therefore of the virtues of the societies they lived in.

What glued up their brains was the belief that a brave new world of social justice – a world governed by progressive principles - existed in embryo in Soviet Russia, and had to be defended by any means necessary. As a result of this illusion, they put their talents and prestige at the service of the totalitarian enemies of democracy, acting, in Trotsky’s words, as “frontier guards” for the Stalinist empire. They continued their efforts even after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe, acquired nuclear weapons and initiated a “cold war” with the West. To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc. Even half a century later a progressive culture still refers to the formative phase of the Cold War as years of a “Red Scare” – as though the fifth column of American progressives whose loyalties were to the Soviet enemy, whose members included Soviet spies, was not a matter of serious concern, and as though a nuclear-armed, rapacious Soviet empire did not pose a credible threat.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support the most brutal and oppressive dictatorship in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous communist regime as its victim? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values, which will take place in a magical socialist future. Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact.

Once the Stalin regime was identified with the imaginary progressive future, everything followed – its status as a persecuted victim, and its adversary’s role as a reactionary force standing in the way of the noble aspiration. Every fault of the Stalin regime, every crime it committed if not denied by progressives was attributed to the nefarious actions of its enemies, most glaringly the United States. Once a promise of redemption is juxtaposed to an imperfect real world actor, all of these responses become virtually inevitable. Hence the glueing of the brain.

Black Lives Matter is a movement built on the fiction that police have declared an open season on innocent blacks. According to progressive fictions, police are the agents of a “white supremacist society” – a claim alone that should make one wary of the sanity of those who advance it. Facts belie the very basis of the claim that there is open hunting season on African Americans. African American males, accounting for 6% of the population are responsible for more than 40% of violent crimes. But a Washington Post report on all 980 police shootings of 2015 reveals that only 4% of fatal police shootings involved white officers and black victims, while in three-quarters of the incidents, cops were either under attack themselves or defending civilians,” in other words,” as Michael Walsh observed in the NY Post, they were “doing their jobs.”[2]


How could any reasonable citizen – let alone one with progressive aspirations - support a roving lynch mob like Black Lives Matter? How could half the Democratic Party support a movement that condemns America as a white supremacist society, disregarding the reality that the president and chief law enforcement officer and thousands of civil servants and elected officials including the mayors and police chiefs of large urban centers, like Memphis, Atlanta, and Philadelphia are black? (In Detroit the new mayor is actually the first white mayor in 40 years, while its police chief is still black). You can embrace the absurdity that America is a white supremacist society only if you are afflicted with the illusion that everybody is the same and all statistical inequalities affecting African Americans, like high crime rates, are not reflections of culture and character but marks of racist oppression. (This particular absurdity - universal as it is among American progressives and the current U.S. Department of Justice - is easily refuted: If statistical disparities proved racism, the National Basketball Association in which 95% of the starting multimillionaires are black would be an association controlled by black racists, as would the National Football League, while the National Hockey League would be under the thumb of white racists.) Progressives are delusional about black racism and black crime because they are in thrall to the vision of an imaginary progressive future in which social justice will guarantee that every individual outcome is the same.

all of it here:
Horowitz: Treasons of the Democrats

so some rabid person offers an opinion and you lap it up. poor brainwashed steffie baby.

also, do you think you're capable of following board copyright rules?
the people who still thinks you are supporting the Democrat party of old. You need to wake up. they are now taken over by PROGRESSIVES who are nothing like a Democrat of old.

Yeah the Democrats of old were out in the open racists, the Democrats of today are politically correct in the closet racists.

Beyond that they're still the same old gang of authoritarian, gub'mint worshipping lemmings.
It is nice to see someone actually thinking here and using the tools that the regressives dare not touch - logic and reason. Well done.

To these regressives feelings are more precious than human lives, and opinions reign supreme over facts. Marx, the man whose ideology is responsible of more deaths than any - is their hero. To make his disastrous ideology attractive they have had to convince us of unfathomable self-contradicting gibberish, central pillar of which is that "there is no truth". Only if there is no truth, can Marxism look even somewhat sensible.
the people who still thinks you are supporting the Democrat party of old. You need to wake up. they are now taken over by PROGRESSIVES who are nothing like a Democrat of old. this a good article that has a lot of truth about: that Not the democrat party of old.
LONG article but finally the truth about this Progressive party with people like Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the whole party except for a few.

Our country is at a perilous crossroads, one made immeasurably more dangerous by a treacherous national party.
Truth Revolt

A slightly different version of this first appeared at the National Review Online.

The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders. These enlightened enablers of Stalin’s crimes included leading intellectuals of the day, even Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and the arts like Frederic Joliot-Curie and Andre Gide. Brilliant as they were, they were blind to the realities of the Stalinist regime and therefore of the virtues of the societies they lived in.

What glued up their brains was the belief that a brave new world of social justice – a world governed by progressive principles - existed in embryo in Soviet Russia, and had to be defended by any means necessary. As a result of this illusion, they put their talents and prestige at the service of the totalitarian enemies of democracy, acting, in Trotsky’s words, as “frontier guards” for the Stalinist empire. They continued their efforts even after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe, acquired nuclear weapons and initiated a “cold war” with the West. To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc. Even half a century later a progressive culture still refers to the formative phase of the Cold War as years of a “Red Scare” – as though the fifth column of American progressives whose loyalties were to the Soviet enemy, whose members included Soviet spies, was not a matter of serious concern, and as though a nuclear-armed, rapacious Soviet empire did not pose a credible threat.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support the most brutal and oppressive dictatorship in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous communist regime as its victim? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values, which will take place in a magical socialist future. Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact.

Once the Stalin regime was identified with the imaginary progressive future, everything followed – its status as a persecuted victim, and its adversary’s role as a reactionary force standing in the way of the noble aspiration. Every fault of the Stalin regime, every crime it committed if not denied by progressives was attributed to the nefarious actions of its enemies, most glaringly the United States. Once a promise of redemption is juxtaposed to an imperfect real world actor, all of these responses become virtually inevitable. Hence the glueing of the brain.

Black Lives Matter is a movement built on the fiction that police have declared an open season on innocent blacks. According to progressive fictions, police are the agents of a “white supremacist society” – a claim alone that should make one wary of the sanity of those who advance it. Facts belie the very basis of the claim that there is open hunting season on African Americans. African American males, accounting for 6% of the population are responsible for more than 40% of violent crimes. But a Washington Post report on all 980 police shootings of 2015 reveals that only 4% of fatal police shootings involved white officers and black victims, while in three-quarters of the incidents, cops were either under attack themselves or defending civilians,” in other words,” as Michael Walsh observed in the NY Post, they were “doing their jobs.”[2]


How could any reasonable citizen – let alone one with progressive aspirations - support a roving lynch mob like Black Lives Matter? How could half the Democratic Party support a movement that condemns America as a white supremacist society, disregarding the reality that the president and chief law enforcement officer and thousands of civil servants and elected officials including the mayors and police chiefs of large urban centers, like Memphis, Atlanta, and Philadelphia are black? (In Detroit the new mayor is actually the first white mayor in 40 years, while its police chief is still black). You can embrace the absurdity that America is a white supremacist society only if you are afflicted with the illusion that everybody is the same and all statistical inequalities affecting African Americans, like high crime rates, are not reflections of culture and character but marks of racist oppression. (This particular absurdity - universal as it is among American progressives and the current U.S. Department of Justice - is easily refuted: If statistical disparities proved racism, the National Basketball Association in which 95% of the starting multimillionaires are black would be an association controlled by black racists, as would the National Football League, while the National Hockey League would be under the thumb of white racists.) Progressives are delusional about black racism and black crime because they are in thrall to the vision of an imaginary progressive future in which social justice will guarantee that every individual outcome is the same.

all of it here:
Horowitz: Treasons of the Democrats

Both the republicans and democrats have normal people and then the crazy extremes who give everybody a headache.
the people who still thinks you are supporting the Democrat party of old. You need to wake up. they are now taken over by PROGRESSIVES who are nothing like a Democrat of old. this a good article that has a lot of truth about: that Not the democrat party of old.
LONG article but finally the truth about this Progressive party with people like Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the whole party except for a few.

Our country is at a perilous crossroads, one made immeasurably more dangerous by a treacherous national party.
Truth Revolt

A slightly different version of this first appeared at the National Review Online.

The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders. These enlightened enablers of Stalin’s crimes included leading intellectuals of the day, even Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and the arts like Frederic Joliot-Curie and Andre Gide. Brilliant as they were, they were blind to the realities of the Stalinist regime and therefore of the virtues of the societies they lived in.

What glued up their brains was the belief that a brave new world of social justice – a world governed by progressive principles - existed in embryo in Soviet Russia, and had to be defended by any means necessary. As a result of this illusion, they put their talents and prestige at the service of the totalitarian enemies of democracy, acting, in Trotsky’s words, as “frontier guards” for the Stalinist empire. They continued their efforts even after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe, acquired nuclear weapons and initiated a “cold war” with the West. To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc. Even half a century later a progressive culture still refers to the formative phase of the Cold War as years of a “Red Scare” – as though the fifth column of American progressives whose loyalties were to the Soviet enemy, whose members included Soviet spies, was not a matter of serious concern, and as though a nuclear-armed, rapacious Soviet empire did not pose a credible threat.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support the most brutal and oppressive dictatorship in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous communist regime as its victim? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values, which will take place in a magical socialist future. Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact.

Once the Stalin regime was identified with the imaginary progressive future, everything followed – its status as a persecuted victim, and its adversary’s role as a reactionary force standing in the way of the noble aspiration. Every fault of the Stalin regime, every crime it committed if not denied by progressives was attributed to the nefarious actions of its enemies, most glaringly the United States. Once a promise of redemption is juxtaposed to an imperfect real world actor, all of these responses become virtually inevitable. Hence the glueing of the brain.

Black Lives Matter is a movement built on the fiction that police have declared an open season on innocent blacks. According to progressive fictions, police are the agents of a “white supremacist society” – a claim alone that should make one wary of the sanity of those who advance it. Facts belie the very basis of the claim that there is open hunting season on African Americans. African American males, accounting for 6% of the population are responsible for more than 40% of violent crimes. But a Washington Post report on all 980 police shootings of 2015 reveals that only 4% of fatal police shootings involved white officers and black victims, while in three-quarters of the incidents, cops were either under attack themselves or defending civilians,” in other words,” as Michael Walsh observed in the NY Post, they were “doing their jobs.”[2]


How could any reasonable citizen – let alone one with progressive aspirations - support a roving lynch mob like Black Lives Matter? How could half the Democratic Party support a movement that condemns America as a white supremacist society, disregarding the reality that the president and chief law enforcement officer and thousands of civil servants and elected officials including the mayors and police chiefs of large urban centers, like Memphis, Atlanta, and Philadelphia are black? (In Detroit the new mayor is actually the first white mayor in 40 years, while its police chief is still black). You can embrace the absurdity that America is a white supremacist society only if you are afflicted with the illusion that everybody is the same and all statistical inequalities affecting African Americans, like high crime rates, are not reflections of culture and character but marks of racist oppression. (This particular absurdity - universal as it is among American progressives and the current U.S. Department of Justice - is easily refuted: If statistical disparities proved racism, the National Basketball Association in which 95% of the starting multimillionaires are black would be an association controlled by black racists, as would the National Football League, while the National Hockey League would be under the thumb of white racists.) Progressives are delusional about black racism and black crime because they are in thrall to the vision of an imaginary progressive future in which social justice will guarantee that every individual outcome is the same.

all of it here:
Horowitz: Treasons of the Democrats

Both the republicans and democrats have normal people and then the crazy extremes who give everybody a headache.

that's true. but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.
the people who still thinks you are supporting the Democrat party of old. You need to wake up. they are now taken over by PROGRESSIVES who are nothing like a Democrat of old. this a good article that has a lot of truth about: that Not the democrat party of old.
LONG article but finally the truth about this Progressive party with people like Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the whole party except for a few.

Our country is at a perilous crossroads, one made immeasurably more dangerous by a treacherous national party.
Truth Revolt

A slightly different version of this first appeared at the National Review Online.

The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders. These enlightened enablers of Stalin’s crimes included leading intellectuals of the day, even Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and the arts like Frederic Joliot-Curie and Andre Gide. Brilliant as they were, they were blind to the realities of the Stalinist regime and therefore of the virtues of the societies they lived in.

What glued up their brains was the belief that a brave new world of social justice – a world governed by progressive principles - existed in embryo in Soviet Russia, and had to be defended by any means necessary. As a result of this illusion, they put their talents and prestige at the service of the totalitarian enemies of democracy, acting, in Trotsky’s words, as “frontier guards” for the Stalinist empire. They continued their efforts even after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe, acquired nuclear weapons and initiated a “cold war” with the West. To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc. Even half a century later a progressive culture still refers to the formative phase of the Cold War as years of a “Red Scare” – as though the fifth column of American progressives whose loyalties were to the Soviet enemy, whose members included Soviet spies, was not a matter of serious concern, and as though a nuclear-armed, rapacious Soviet empire did not pose a credible threat.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support the most brutal and oppressive dictatorship in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous communist regime as its victim? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values, which will take place in a magical socialist future. Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact.

Once the Stalin regime was identified with the imaginary progressive future, everything followed – its status as a persecuted victim, and its adversary’s role as a reactionary force standing in the way of the noble aspiration. Every fault of the Stalin regime, every crime it committed if not denied by progressives was attributed to the nefarious actions of its enemies, most glaringly the United States. Once a promise of redemption is juxtaposed to an imperfect real world actor, all of these responses become virtually inevitable. Hence the glueing of the brain.

Black Lives Matter is a movement built on the fiction that police have declared an open season on innocent blacks. According to progressive fictions, police are the agents of a “white supremacist society” – a claim alone that should make one wary of the sanity of those who advance it. Facts belie the very basis of the claim that there is open hunting season on African Americans. African American males, accounting for 6% of the population are responsible for more than 40% of violent crimes. But a Washington Post report on all 980 police shootings of 2015 reveals that only 4% of fatal police shootings involved white officers and black victims, while in three-quarters of the incidents, cops were either under attack themselves or defending civilians,” in other words,” as Michael Walsh observed in the NY Post, they were “doing their jobs.”[2]


How could any reasonable citizen – let alone one with progressive aspirations - support a roving lynch mob like Black Lives Matter? How could half the Democratic Party support a movement that condemns America as a white supremacist society, disregarding the reality that the president and chief law enforcement officer and thousands of civil servants and elected officials including the mayors and police chiefs of large urban centers, like Memphis, Atlanta, and Philadelphia are black? (In Detroit the new mayor is actually the first white mayor in 40 years, while its police chief is still black). You can embrace the absurdity that America is a white supremacist society only if you are afflicted with the illusion that everybody is the same and all statistical inequalities affecting African Americans, like high crime rates, are not reflections of culture and character but marks of racist oppression. (This particular absurdity - universal as it is among American progressives and the current U.S. Department of Justice - is easily refuted: If statistical disparities proved racism, the National Basketball Association in which 95% of the starting multimillionaires are black would be an association controlled by black racists, as would the National Football League, while the National Hockey League would be under the thumb of white racists.) Progressives are delusional about black racism and black crime because they are in thrall to the vision of an imaginary progressive future in which social justice will guarantee that every individual outcome is the same.

all of it here:
Horowitz: Treasons of the Democrats

Both the republicans and democrats have normal people and then the crazy extremes who give everybody a headache.

that's true. but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.

Another drone that believes they are not an extremist!

The far left hijacked the DNC openly in the late 70's..

See how the far left drones do not understand their own history?
but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.
Neither have the republican loons, why the hell would they need to take their respective party hostage? after all the loons have been running the show in both parties all along;.

Political parties are nothing more than lunatic asylums for lemmings.
but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.
Neither have the republican loons, why the hell would they need to take their respective party hostage? after all the loons have been running the show in both parties all along;.

Political parties are nothing more than lunatic asylums for lemmings.

the far right loons have forced the party to dance to their toon. that's why they've failed to govern. they're called the "freedom caucus" and they've interfered in the management of this country since the 40 wingers got into office.

normal republicans are not generally loons. but to keep from being primaried, they've had to pander to the wingers.
the people who still thinks you are supporting the Democrat party of old. You need to wake up. they are now taken over by PROGRESSIVES who are nothing like a Democrat of old. this a good article that has a lot of truth about: that Not the democrat party of old.
LONG article but finally the truth about this Progressive party with people like Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the whole party except for a few.

Our country is at a perilous crossroads, one made immeasurably more dangerous by a treacherous national party.
Truth Revolt

A slightly different version of this first appeared at the National Review Online.

The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders. These enlightened enablers of Stalin’s crimes included leading intellectuals of the day, even Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and the arts like Frederic Joliot-Curie and Andre Gide. Brilliant as they were, they were blind to the realities of the Stalinist regime and therefore of the virtues of the societies they lived in.

What glued up their brains was the belief that a brave new world of social justice – a world governed by progressive principles - existed in embryo in Soviet Russia, and had to be defended by any means necessary. As a result of this illusion, they put their talents and prestige at the service of the totalitarian enemies of democracy, acting, in Trotsky’s words, as “frontier guards” for the Stalinist empire. They continued their efforts even after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe, acquired nuclear weapons and initiated a “cold war” with the West. To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc. Even half a century later a progressive culture still refers to the formative phase of the Cold War as years of a “Red Scare” – as though the fifth column of American progressives whose loyalties were to the Soviet enemy, whose members included Soviet spies, was not a matter of serious concern, and as though a nuclear-armed, rapacious Soviet empire did not pose a credible threat.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support the most brutal and oppressive dictatorship in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous communist regime as its victim? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values, which will take place in a magical socialist future. Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact.

Once the Stalin regime was identified with the imaginary progressive future, everything followed – its status as a persecuted victim, and its adversary’s role as a reactionary force standing in the way of the noble aspiration. Every fault of the Stalin regime, every crime it committed if not denied by progressives was attributed to the nefarious actions of its enemies, most glaringly the United States. Once a promise of redemption is juxtaposed to an imperfect real world actor, all of these responses become virtually inevitable. Hence the glueing of the brain.

Black Lives Matter is a movement built on the fiction that police have declared an open season on innocent blacks. According to progressive fictions, police are the agents of a “white supremacist society” – a claim alone that should make one wary of the sanity of those who advance it. Facts belie the very basis of the claim that there is open hunting season on African Americans. African American males, accounting for 6% of the population are responsible for more than 40% of violent crimes. But a Washington Post report on all 980 police shootings of 2015 reveals that only 4% of fatal police shootings involved white officers and black victims, while in three-quarters of the incidents, cops were either under attack themselves or defending civilians,” in other words,” as Michael Walsh observed in the NY Post, they were “doing their jobs.”[2]


How could any reasonable citizen – let alone one with progressive aspirations - support a roving lynch mob like Black Lives Matter? How could half the Democratic Party support a movement that condemns America as a white supremacist society, disregarding the reality that the president and chief law enforcement officer and thousands of civil servants and elected officials including the mayors and police chiefs of large urban centers, like Memphis, Atlanta, and Philadelphia are black? (In Detroit the new mayor is actually the first white mayor in 40 years, while its police chief is still black). You can embrace the absurdity that America is a white supremacist society only if you are afflicted with the illusion that everybody is the same and all statistical inequalities affecting African Americans, like high crime rates, are not reflections of culture and character but marks of racist oppression. (This particular absurdity - universal as it is among American progressives and the current U.S. Department of Justice - is easily refuted: If statistical disparities proved racism, the National Basketball Association in which 95% of the starting multimillionaires are black would be an association controlled by black racists, as would the National Football League, while the National Hockey League would be under the thumb of white racists.) Progressives are delusional about black racism and black crime because they are in thrall to the vision of an imaginary progressive future in which social justice will guarantee that every individual outcome is the same.

all of it here:
Horowitz: Treasons of the Democrats

Both the republicans and democrats have normal people and then the crazy extremes who give everybody a headache.

that's true. but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.

If you are implying that the right wing extremism is as prevalent as the left wing's complete regression, you would be a failure.

One of the dem candidate is self proclaimed socialist, and the regressives have pretty much taken over some universities. Need I remind you of the case that is Mizzou?

Marx's work is openly cherished... while I am not seeing many mein kampf reading sessions being conducted.
but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.
Neither have the republican loons, why the hell would they need to take their respective party hostage? after all the loons have been running the show in both parties all along;.

Political parties are nothing more than lunatic asylums for lemmings.

the far right loons have forced the party to dance to their toon. that's why they've failed to govern. they're called the "freedom caucus" and they've interfered in the management of this country since the 40 wingers got into office.

normal republicans are not generally loons. but to keep from being primaried, they've had to pander to the wingers.
Yeah, yeah.. spare me the partisan talking points, a pox on both your houses.

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." -- Matthew 7:5
the people who still thinks you are supporting the Democrat party of old. You need to wake up. they are now taken over by PROGRESSIVES who are nothing like a Democrat of old. this a good article that has a lot of truth about: that Not the democrat party of old.
LONG article but finally the truth about this Progressive party with people like Obama, Hillary, Bernie, and the whole party except for a few.

Our country is at a perilous crossroads, one made immeasurably more dangerous by a treacherous national party.
Truth Revolt

A slightly different version of this first appeared at the National Review Online.

The Bolshevik leader Leon Trotsky once described Stalinism as “the perfect theory for glueing up the brain.” What he meant to dramatize was the fact that a regime as monstrous as Stalin’s, which murdered 40 million people and enslaved many times more, was nonetheless able to persuade progressives and “social justice” advocates all over the world to act as its supporters and defenders. These enlightened enablers of Stalin’s crimes included leading intellectuals of the day, even Nobel Prize winners in the sciences and the arts like Frederic Joliot-Curie and Andre Gide. Brilliant as they were, they were blind to the realities of the Stalinist regime and therefore of the virtues of the societies they lived in.

What glued up their brains was the belief that a brave new world of social justice – a world governed by progressive principles - existed in embryo in Soviet Russia, and had to be defended by any means necessary. As a result of this illusion, they put their talents and prestige at the service of the totalitarian enemies of democracy, acting, in Trotsky’s words, as “frontier guards” for the Stalinist empire. They continued their efforts even after the Soviets conquered Eastern Europe, acquired nuclear weapons and initiated a “cold war” with the West. To the progressives seduced by Stalinism, democratic America represented a greater evil than the barbaric police states of the Soviet bloc. Even half a century later a progressive culture still refers to the formative phase of the Cold War as years of a “Red Scare” – as though the fifth column of American progressives whose loyalties were to the Soviet enemy, whose members included Soviet spies, was not a matter of serious concern, and as though a nuclear-armed, rapacious Soviet empire did not pose a credible threat.

How were these delusions of otherwise intelligent and well-intentioned people possible? How were otherwise informed individuals able to deny the obvious and support the most brutal and oppressive dictatorship in history? How did they come to view a relatively humane, decent, democratic society like the United States as evil, while regarding the barbarous communist regime as its victim? The answer lies in the identification of Marxism with the promise of social justice and the institution of progressive values, which will take place in a magical socialist future. Defense of the progressive idea trumped recognition of the reactionary fact.

Once the Stalin regime was identified with the imaginary progressive future, everything followed – its status as a persecuted victim, and its adversary’s role as a reactionary force standing in the way of the noble aspiration. Every fault of the Stalin regime, every crime it committed if not denied by progressives was attributed to the nefarious actions of its enemies, most glaringly the United States. Once a promise of redemption is juxtaposed to an imperfect real world actor, all of these responses become virtually inevitable. Hence the glueing of the brain.

Black Lives Matter is a movement built on the fiction that police have declared an open season on innocent blacks. According to progressive fictions, police are the agents of a “white supremacist society” – a claim alone that should make one wary of the sanity of those who advance it. Facts belie the very basis of the claim that there is open hunting season on African Americans. African American males, accounting for 6% of the population are responsible for more than 40% of violent crimes. But a Washington Post report on all 980 police shootings of 2015 reveals that only 4% of fatal police shootings involved white officers and black victims, while in three-quarters of the incidents, cops were either under attack themselves or defending civilians,” in other words,” as Michael Walsh observed in the NY Post, they were “doing their jobs.”[2]


How could any reasonable citizen – let alone one with progressive aspirations - support a roving lynch mob like Black Lives Matter? How could half the Democratic Party support a movement that condemns America as a white supremacist society, disregarding the reality that the president and chief law enforcement officer and thousands of civil servants and elected officials including the mayors and police chiefs of large urban centers, like Memphis, Atlanta, and Philadelphia are black? (In Detroit the new mayor is actually the first white mayor in 40 years, while its police chief is still black). You can embrace the absurdity that America is a white supremacist society only if you are afflicted with the illusion that everybody is the same and all statistical inequalities affecting African Americans, like high crime rates, are not reflections of culture and character but marks of racist oppression. (This particular absurdity - universal as it is among American progressives and the current U.S. Department of Justice - is easily refuted: If statistical disparities proved racism, the National Basketball Association in which 95% of the starting multimillionaires are black would be an association controlled by black racists, as would the National Football League, while the National Hockey League would be under the thumb of white racists.) Progressives are delusional about black racism and black crime because they are in thrall to the vision of an imaginary progressive future in which social justice will guarantee that every individual outcome is the same.

all of it here:
Horowitz: Treasons of the Democrats

Both the republicans and democrats have normal people and then the crazy extremes who give everybody a headache.

that's true. but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.

If you are implying that the right wing extremism is as prevalent as the left wing's complete regression, you would be a failure.

One of the dem candidate is self proclaimed socialist, and the regressives have pretty much taken over some universities. Need I remind you of the case that is Mizzou?

stopped reading at yet another of your misuses of the term "regression".

learn english. then come back.
but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.
Neither have the republican loons, why the hell would they need to take their respective party hostage? after all the loons have been running the show in both parties all along;.

Political parties are nothing more than lunatic asylums for lemmings.

the far right loons have forced the party to dance to their toon. that's why they've failed to govern. they're called the "freedom caucus" and they've interfered in the management of this country since the 40 wingers got into office.

normal republicans are not generally loons. but to keep from being primaried, they've had to pander to the wingers.
Yeah, yeah.. spare me the partisan talking points, a pox on both your houses.

"You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye." -- Matthew 7:5

feel free to keep deluding yourself.

or you can get your facts straight.

feel free to keep deluding yourself.
Thanks, it's always such a relief to have the permission of brain washed, partisan lemmings to exercise my right to independent thinking.

.... and as a show of my appreciation; you have my permission to continue to let the Democrat Party do your thinking for you. :)
but the dems loons haven't taken their party hostage.
Neither have the republican loons, why the hell would they need to take their respective party hostage? after all the loons have been running the show in both parties all along;.

Political parties are nothing more than lunatic asylums for lemmings.

the far right loons have forced the party to dance to their toon. that's why they've failed to govern. they're called the "freedom caucus" and they've interfered in the management of this country since the 40 wingers got into office.

normal republicans are not generally loons. but to keep from being primaried, they've had to pander to the wingers.

See the far left accuses the other side of what has happened to them, yet they can not see it ion their own far left party..

See how dangerous the far left religion truly is?

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