Horror 13 yr old girl laughs as she breaks 76 year old woman’s hip

CRT it breeds a special kinda stupid racist. These are your schools teaching your kids to “ Hate “ !
As they teach your kids and or grandkids to hate , they will turn on you and hate you just as well .
Just wait.
You are one ignorant, racist POS. CRT is not taught in ANY school in this country in K-12 education. I have learned one thing about Trump Humpers, keep repeating a lie until some of the naive folks think it is the truth.
Of course not. Just where is this happening? I only see hysterical Trumpies talkies about this.
Lol, even Disney is getting involved in attacting DeSantis bill which prevents teachers discussing sex with 4 to 8 year olds.

CRT it breeds a special kinda stupid racist. These are your schools teaching your kids to “ Hate “ !
As they teach your kids and or grandkids to hate , they will turn on you and hate you just as well .
Just wait.
So...if it was so horrible?
Why thee fuck are you subjecting us to it?


CRT it breeds a special kinda stupid racist. These are your schools teaching your kids to “ Hate “ !
As they teach your kids and or grandkids to hate , they will turn on you and hate you just as well .
Just wait.

Animals like that should be killed.


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