Hospital....Smokers need not apply!


Trust the pie.
Dec 17, 2009
(CNN) -- A Pennsylvania hospital is expected to begin screening job applicants for signs of nicotine early next year, claiming it will not hire smokers, a hospital spokeswoman said Friday.

Geisinger Health System -- a facility located in the eastern town of Danville -- will institute its no-nicotine policy on February 1, 2012, said Marcy Marshall.

Applicants that test positive will be offered help to quit and are encouraged to re-apply after six months, she said.

Smoking has been banned on Geisinger hospital grounds since 2007, added Marshall, who said the new program is part of a plan to make the hospital staff smoke free.

Secondhand smoke, she noted, will not result in a positive test.

Hospital: Smokers need not apply -

I remember being a nursing student thinking I would die of suffocation from the staff smoking in the tiny report room. In those days staff smoked on the units. I wasn't sure how I would make it. But I moved to Nashville where Vanderbilt had just become a 'non smoking' facility. Smoking was permitted outside only. Soon other facilities followed.

Not surprised about this bit of news. The smoker is not particularly appealing to employers on various levels. This, no doubt, has more to do with the cost of employee health care than anything else.
It's not an employer's business if one takes part in a legal activity outside of work hours.
(CNN) -- A Pennsylvania hospital is expected to begin screening job applicants for signs of nicotine early next year, claiming it will not hire smokers, a hospital spokeswoman said Friday.

Geisinger Health System -- a facility located in the eastern town of Danville -- will institute its no-nicotine policy on February 1, 2012, said Marcy Marshall.

Applicants that test positive will be offered help to quit and are encouraged to re-apply after six months, she said.

Smoking has been banned on Geisinger hospital grounds since 2007, added Marshall, who said the new program is part of a plan to make the hospital staff smoke free.

Secondhand smoke, she noted, will not result in a positive test.

Hospital: Smokers need not apply -

I remember being a nursing student thinking I would die of suffocation from the staff smoking in the tiny report room. In those days staff smoked on the units. I wasn't sure how I would make it. But I moved to Nashville where Vanderbilt had just become a 'non smoking' facility. Smoking was permitted outside only. Soon other facilities followed.

Not surprised about this bit of news. The smoker is not particularly appealing to employers on various levels. This, no doubt, has more to do with the cost of employee health care than anything else.

Someday tobacco will be banned as a dangerous drug.
(CNN) -- A Pennsylvania hospital is expected to begin screening job applicants for signs of nicotine early next year, claiming it will not hire smokers, a hospital spokeswoman said Friday.

Geisinger Health System -- a facility located in the eastern town of Danville -- will institute its no-nicotine policy on February 1, 2012, said Marcy Marshall.

Applicants that test positive will be offered help to quit and are encouraged to re-apply after six months, she said.

Smoking has been banned on Geisinger hospital grounds since 2007, added Marshall, who said the new program is part of a plan to make the hospital staff smoke free.

Secondhand smoke, she noted, will not result in a positive test.

Hospital: Smokers need not apply -

I remember being a nursing student thinking I would die of suffocation from the staff smoking in the tiny report room. In those days staff smoked on the units. I wasn't sure how I would make it. But I moved to Nashville where Vanderbilt had just become a 'non smoking' facility. Smoking was permitted outside only. Soon other facilities followed.

Not surprised about this bit of news. The smoker is not particularly appealing to employers on various levels. This, no doubt, has more to do with the cost of employee health care than anything else.

Someday tobacco will be banned as a dangerous drug.

No it won't the fucking government makes too much money off of it.

As long as smoking is legal no one should be discriminated against for partaking.
Hospital: Smokers need not apply -

I remember being a nursing student thinking I would die of suffocation from the staff smoking in the tiny report room. In those days staff smoked on the units. I wasn't sure how I would make it. But I moved to Nashville where Vanderbilt had just become a 'non smoking' facility. Smoking was permitted outside only. Soon other facilities followed.

Not surprised about this bit of news. The smoker is not particularly appealing to employers on various levels. This, no doubt, has more to do with the cost of employee health care than anything else.

Someday tobacco will be banned as a dangerous drug.

No it won't the fucking government makes too much money off of it.

As long as smoking is legal no one should be discriminated against for partaking.

Smoking is not a protected Constitutional right.
Smoking is still legal last time I looked. Would they get away with refusing to hire male homosexuals who test positive for HIV? Would they get away with refusing to hire overweight people who suffer from hypertension or diabeties? Maybe next time.
Smoking is still legal last time I looked. Would they get away with refusing to hire male homosexuals who test positive for HIV? Would they get away with refusing to hire overweight people who suffer from hypertension or diabeties? Maybe next time.

That HIV thing has already been tested in the courts. Fat people moan that they suffer discrimination all the time. Most large companies do have a physical that one has to pass in order to work. Where I work, they don't drug test you but you do have to take an HIV test.

I know of one nursing student while I was teaching who was HIV+. She threatened staff with legal action if it became known. But she was not allowed to work in the newborn nursery or with other areas where the patient had an open wound through which she could contaminate them.
Fire and police departments have had a no smoking policy for years now. Health care is doing it for insurance purposes but also to keep patients from being exposed to the off-gassing nurse, doc, x-ray tech, etc. who just came in from burning one. The industry wants to lead the way and promote healthy living.
Hospital: Smokers need not apply -

I remember being a nursing student thinking I would die of suffocation from the staff smoking in the tiny report room. In those days staff smoked on the units. I wasn't sure how I would make it. But I moved to Nashville where Vanderbilt had just become a 'non smoking' facility. Smoking was permitted outside only. Soon other facilities followed.

Not surprised about this bit of news. The smoker is not particularly appealing to employers on various levels. This, no doubt, has more to do with the cost of employee health care than anything else.

Someday tobacco will be banned as a dangerous drug.

No it won't the fucking government makes too much money off of it.

As long as smoking is legal no one should be discriminated against for partaking.
The government could make a lot off of marijuana, too.
What about those who use nicotene patches or chew nicotene gum? Are they discriminated against?
Smoking is still legal last time I looked. Would they get away with refusing to hire male homosexuals who test positive for HIV? Would they get away with refusing to hire overweight people who suffer from hypertension or diabeties? Maybe next time.

Perhaps what you're failing to understand is this..


Remember kiddies...corporations' rights are much more important than citizens' rights.


Because PROPERTY rights trump citizens' rights.
'First they came for the smokers, and I said nothing, because I did not smoke"...

"Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves." -Abraham Lincoln

Our local hospital campus is smoke-free now, and during break time the smokers have to cross a busy highway to light up. Walking to the corner a half block away takes too much time, so they jaywalk in large groups. I'm waiting for someone to get killed.

But it's for their own good, right? :mad:
It is unfair and discrimination. The health insurance industry has been charging me higher premiums. Life insurance cost more. Yet fat is where its at.
Remember how that Prohibition thing worked out in the 20s? We look at it now and say "WTH"?

Some people don't like smoking. I get that. But when it does not affect anyone else at work, I don't get it. There are all kinds of unhealthy or "socially unacceptable" behaviors that all people are guilty of, and I would say that smoking is one of the least of them. What's next? Will they be testing for alcohol as well? It's discrimination, but no one expects a lawsuit because smokers are a minority.

In fact, minorities have a higher smoking rate. I'd be curious how their affirmative action numbers pan out in a year from now. Where's Holder??? This policy is racist! Lol
All too often smoking enfringes on the rights of nonsmokers. Smokers think that they can control the smoke and residue, so somehow others are not effected by it. That is a myth.
First, Happy New Year Chanel!

My neighbor across the street smokes on her front porch and it ends up smelling up our front porch. That means the cancer causing agents are visiting me too.

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