Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim

Nothing of the sort has been proven.

What hasn't been proven or even suggested, in fact, avoided by you and your ignorant ilk is WHY?

WHY Pale? WHY?

Why did a pregnant teenager do this? How did she do it?

Why did this teenage girl fly to Kenya, 9 months pregnant, in 1961?

Why did she then sprint back to Hawaii in less than 4 days to file for a BC?

Hawaii was giving away BCs in a free for all, according to you. Why did she rush back from half way around the world and get this BC filed in the exact time frame as a normal BC, issued everyday in Hawaii? Why Pale? Was she clarvoiant?

If this was all a ploy, by a teenage girl, to get citizenship for her son, why did she go to Kenya? Why Pale? If she wanted citizenship so badly for him, WHY Pale? WHY did she go to Kenya? Did she enjoy traveling as a pregnant teenager? Did she enjoy traveling with a three day old baby, as a teenager, in 1961, half around the globe, in order to get back to Hawaii to get a BC filedthat you just said could be filed ANYFUCKINGTIME? WHY? WHY Pale?

Why did a teenage girl not only go to the trouble of flying around the world to have a baby and then fly back to Hawaii to get a BC, but she also made sure to go to the papers, not only report the birth, but get to the layout person of both papers and have the birth listed right with the other babies born the same day, in the same hospital? WHY Pale?

Are you claiming that a pregnant teenager has pulled off the biggest political scam in human history?

And there is absolutley no reasonable explanation for this except one: HE WAS BORN IN HAWAII. That's why he has a Hawaiian BC, that's why it was filed 4 days later, that's why his birth was announced in both papers. To contend that someone covered all these bases, in 1961, not only for the sake of a BC, ANYONE COULD GET THAT*, but also to supply every normal and expected procedure for such a birth JUST IN CASE THIS KID EVER GROWS UP TO BE PRESIDENT ........

That's fucking insane.

You are a fucking retard.

Since Obama refuses to have the long form released it makes me wonder . . . . he started running for president when he became Senator (and he likely set the wheels in motion before then) . . . . if this whole 'not born in Hawaii/citizenship thing' is real, he could have had his short form bc doctored rather recently, not that some 'conspiracy' has taken place since the day he was born. Could a powerful and power hungry politician buy people off in order to attain a goal? Of course. Could that include falsifying legal documents? Of course. Anything is possible. Is that what happened? I don't know. I do know that I don't trust politicians and I do believe that they are a power and money hungry lot who put their own interests first, regardless of what they say. Does it sound loony? No doubt. Would I put it past a politician to do this, especially a politician as narcissistic as Obama? Nope.

The birth certificate was filed in 1961. His birth was announced to the public in two news papers as being August 4th, 1961. You simply can't get around the events of 1961 to arrive at any reasonable doubt that something was done later. If you claim that Obama was not born in Hawaii, in 1961, then you have to discount the documented events of 1961. WHY? HOW?

Forgetting the BC, explain the birth notices in the news papers. Who did that and why?

I haven't discounted anything. I believe he was born August 4, 1961. It's the 'where' that is in dispute.

You don't think Obama needs to produce his long form original bc in order to put to rest this whole thing . . . . yet you believe that a birth announcement placed in a newspaper stating the date he was born and an address (but not the hospital) is proof he was born in Hawaii? Who would have put that in the paper? My guess, if he was born there, his parents. If he wasn't, his grandmother. Or his parents. They had phones back in 1961, didn't they?

Maybe this is all bunk. But since there are numerous lawsuits and many people involved . . . . the easiest, simplest thing to do to dispute it all and put it to rest would be for Obama to obtain and release the original long form. This would be the end of the story for the majority of doubters. It's such a simple thing . . . .
I read where one person had researched the route she would have traveled and it comes out to more than 100 hours to get to Hawaii from Kenya, in 1961. And that is considering that every flight and schedule is kept exactly. I don't think many people here are using their heads for much more than a hat rack. Traveling the globe in 1961 was difficult. More difficult than a pregnant or new teenage mother could manage.

So, if she didn't do it, there must have been others involved. Maybe she made a phone call or two on her cell phone from Kenya, back in 1961, and set the whole thing up.

Why don't you idiots first do a little research and find out what it took to make a fucking phone call from Kenya in 1961. Then move on up to airplanes and international transport.

I'm sure that he was born a week before his reported birthday, to allow his mother the time to travel from Kenya to Honolulu.

(Watch this little theory propagate throughout the interweb by the conspiracy loons)

Sure....and Obama's father, who had only arrived in Hawaii by the virtue of donated airfares, and his mother who was also a student at the university, funded these thousands and thousands of dollars in airfare to make this trip, out of their broke ass teenage college student pockets.


This white girl from Kansas had family that was so proud of her getting married to an African in 1961, that they footed the bill for the whole conspiracy.


Obama Sr.'s family sold enough fucking dirt to pay for it.

Get it through your heads, you idiots. This was a young black / white couple in 1961, attending school in Hawaii. Try to remember, it isn't Barak jr. you're accusing of this. It's his parents in 1961.

They simply were not capable and additionally, had no reason what so ever to try and pull off such an elaborate hoax.

If they wanted US citizenship for little Barak, it would be easy: Stay in Hawaii. We're already here.

But no, for some reason, it makes sense to some idiots that a pregnant teenager, one smart enough to know all about BCs and birth announcements, was dumb enough to leave Hawaii in order to birth her child in a third world country, even though she wanted US citizenship for him.

So.....I want so badly to give birth in a diesease infested, 110 degree, African shit hole of a Hospital, and also want US citizenship for my kid, that I am willing to take on a task that Magellan himself would be proud of.

Rather than have the baby in Hawaii, in a nice air conditioned hospital, with good doctors, this young couple went to Africa?

You're a bunch of fucking idiots. I can't say that enough.

I remember when I got my black girlfriend pregnant in college...we wanted to have a tribal birth in Mali, but we just couldn't afford the trip.
Since Obama refuses to have the long form released it makes me wonder . . . . he started running for president when he became Senator (and he likely set the wheels in motion before then) . . . . if this whole 'not born in Hawaii/citizenship thing' is real, he could have had his short form bc doctored rather recently, not that some 'conspiracy' has taken place since the day he was born. Could a powerful and power hungry politician buy people off in order to attain a goal? Of course. Could that include falsifying legal documents? Of course. Anything is possible. Is that what happened? I don't know. I do know that I don't trust politicians and I do believe that they are a power and money hungry lot who put their own interests first, regardless of what they say. Does it sound loony? No doubt. Would I put it past a politician to do this, especially a politician as narcissistic as Obama? Nope.

The birth certificate was filed in 1961. His birth was announced to the public in two news papers as being August 4th, 1961. You simply can't get around the events of 1961 to arrive at any reasonable doubt that something was done later. If you claim that Obama was not born in Hawaii, in 1961, then you have to discount the documented events of 1961. WHY? HOW?

Forgetting the BC, explain the birth notices in the news papers. Who did that and why?

I haven't discounted anything. I believe he was born August 4, 1961. It's the 'where' that is in dispute.

You don't think Obama needs to produce his long form original bc in order to put to rest this whole thing . . . . yet you believe that a birth announcement placed in a newspaper stating the date he was born and an address (but not the hospital) is proof he was born in Hawaii? Who would have put that in the paper? My guess, if he was born there, his parents. If he wasn't, his grandmother. Or his parents. They had phones back in 1961, didn't they?

Maybe this is all bunk. But since there are numerous lawsuits and many people involved . . . . the easiest, simplest thing to do to dispute it all and put it to rest would be for Obama to obtain and release the original long form. This would be the end of the story for the majority of doubters. It's such a simple thing . . . .

The BC that EVERYONE uses in Hawaii is such a simple thing too. The sole intended purpose of that document is to establish the facts of your birth. The last thing anyone with anything to do with the law or the state or the courts will allow to happen is to come anywhere close to agreeing that this BC is not proof of the details of your birth. That turns our entire countries system of vital statistics on it's head.

Your guesses about the paper are wrong. It list the address and names of the parents, supplied by the DOH in Hawaii. If you guess the grandparents did it, then you must also guess that they staked out the hospital, took the names of all the babies born that day, found the editor and layout person at both papers and had Obama's birth listed smack in the middle of the same babies born that day, at that hospital.

The newspaper listings are EVIDENCE. That is what you lack. If you have a credible certificate or birth announcement that dispoutes it, then you've got something. But the fact is, you don't.

You admitt that it is only the dismissed, frivilous court cases that make you think this might be true. You have no reasonable cause. You have rejected and disproved theories and frivilous cases. NOTHING.
Here is the link sweetwilly....

The State Health Bureau listed the Hawaiian births....including obama's

Also, read this link with other pertinent information which is evidence disputing the Birther's speculation...

PolitiFact | Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter. This time we mean it!

Moreover, WorldNetDaily claims even the state of Hawaii doesn't accept "Certification of Live Birth" as proof that an individual was physically born in Hawaii.

They point to a policy from the Hawaii Department of Home Lands, which stated on its Web site:

"In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL."

That's actually a misnomer, said Lloyd Yonenaka, a spokesman for DHLL. In order to be eligible for their program, you must prove that your ancestry is at least 50 percent native Hawaiian. And when he says native, he means indigenous. They don't even care if you were born in Hawaii. They use birth certificates as a starting point to look into a person's ancestry. Very different.

Here's what the DHLL site says now: "The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands accepts both Certificates of Live Birth (original birth certificate) and Certifications of Live Birth because they are official government records documenting an individual’s birth. The Certificate of Live Birth generally has more information which is useful for genealogical purposes as compared to the Certification of Live Birth which is a computer-generated printout that provides specific details of a person’s birth. Although original birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth) are preferred for their greater detail, the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth."

When we spoke to a spokeswoman for the Hawaii Department of Health, she said too much was being made of the difference between the so-called "long" and "short" forms.

"They're just words," said spokeswoman Janice Okubo. "That (what was posted on the Internet) is considered a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii."

"There's only one form of birth certificate," she said, and it's been the same since the 1980s. Birth certificates evolve over the decades, she said, and there are no doubt differences between the way birth certificates looked when Obama was born and now.

"When you request a birth certificate, the one you get looks exactly like the one posted on his site," she said. "That's the birth certificate."

As for the theory that Obama's original birth certificate might show he was foreign-born, Okubo said the "Certification of Live Birth" would say so. Obama's does not. Again, it says he was born in Honolulu.

We have one more thing. We talked to reporter Will Hoover, who wrote a well-researched story for the Honolulu Advertiser on Nov. 9, 2008, about Obama's childhood years in the the Aloha State. It ran under the headline "Obama Slept Here."

In researching the story, he went to the microfilm archives and found the birth announcement for Obama. Actually, he found two of them, one in his Honululu Advertiser on Aug. 13 , 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin the next day . They both said the same thing: "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, son, Aug. 4."

But here's the thing. Newspaper officials he checked with confirmed those notices came from the state Department of Health.

With all that Care, not one thing proves obama was born in Hawaii. That whole bunch of rigamaroll is just an obama support website saying, "we say he was born in Hawaii, and that's that." But there's still no proof. That tiny little entry in the newspaper is a generic ad put in the paper whenever anyone was issued a certification of live birth, and it still proves absolutely NOTHING. No hospital, no doctors name, no nothing... absolutely still 100% void of anything that could even remotely be considered PROOF.


You'll have to come up with something that PROVES, 1) what hospital he was born in, since he's claimed two different ones to date, and 2) the doctors name that delivered him, and 3) this information must be verifiable.... like on a REAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE.

Do that, then you'll have something. Actually, you'll have enough to put an end to this. Until then, you guys are just pumping gas.
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Here is the link sweetwilly....

The State Health Bureau listed the Hawaiian births....including obama's

Also, read this link with other pertinent information which is evidence disputing the Birther's speculation...

PolitiFact | Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter. This time we mean it!

Moreover, WorldNetDaily claims even the state of Hawaii doesn't accept "Certification of Live Birth" as proof that an individual was physically born in Hawaii.

They point to a policy from the Hawaii Department of Home Lands, which stated on its Web site:

"In order to process your application, DHHL utilizes information that is found only on the original Certificate of Live Birth, which is either black or green. This is a more complete record of your birth than the Certification of Live Birth (a computer-generated printout). Submitting the original Certificate of Live Birth will save you time and money since the computer-generated Certification requires additional verification by DHHL."

That's actually a misnomer, said Lloyd Yonenaka, a spokesman for DHLL. In order to be eligible for their program, you must prove that your ancestry is at least 50 percent native Hawaiian. And when he says native, he means indigenous. They don't even care if you were born in Hawaii. They use birth certificates as a starting point to look into a person's ancestry. Very different.

Here's what the DHLL site says now: "The Department of Hawaiian Home Lands accepts both Certificates of Live Birth (original birth certificate) and Certifications of Live Birth because they are official government records documenting an individual’s birth. The Certificate of Live Birth generally has more information which is useful for genealogical purposes as compared to the Certification of Live Birth which is a computer-generated printout that provides specific details of a person’s birth. Although original birth certificates (Certificates of Live Birth) are preferred for their greater detail, the State Department of Health (DOH) no longer issues Certificates of Live Birth. When a request is made for a copy of a birth certificate, the DOH issues a Certification of Live Birth."

When we spoke to a spokeswoman for the Hawaii Department of Health, she said too much was being made of the difference between the so-called "long" and "short" forms.

"They're just words," said spokeswoman Janice Okubo. "That (what was posted on the Internet) is considered a birth certificate from the state of Hawaii."

"There's only one form of birth certificate," she said, and it's been the same since the 1980s. Birth certificates evolve over the decades, she said, and there are no doubt differences between the way birth certificates looked when Obama was born and now.

"When you request a birth certificate, the one you get looks exactly like the one posted on his site," she said. "That's the birth certificate."

As for the theory that Obama's original birth certificate might show he was foreign-born, Okubo said the "Certification of Live Birth" would say so. Obama's does not. Again, it says he was born in Honolulu.

We have one more thing. We talked to reporter Will Hoover, who wrote a well-researched story for the Honolulu Advertiser on Nov. 9, 2008, about Obama's childhood years in the the Aloha State. It ran under the headline "Obama Slept Here."

In researching the story, he went to the microfilm archives and found the birth announcement for Obama. Actually, he found two of them, one in his Honululu Advertiser on Aug. 13 , 1961, and in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin the next day . They both said the same thing: "Mr. and Mrs. Barack H. Obama, 6085 Kalanianaole Highway, son, Aug. 4."

But here's the thing. Newspaper officials he checked with confirmed those notices came from the state Department of Health.

With all that Care, not one thing proves obama was born in Hawaii. That whole bunch of rigamaroll is just an obama support website saying, "we say he was born in Hawaii, and that's that." But there's still no proof. That tiny little entry in the newspaper was generated when his mother was issued his certification of live birth, and it still proves absolutely NOTHING. No hospital, no doctors name, no nothing... absolutely still 100% void of anything that would could even remotely be considered PROOF.


You'll have to come up with something that PROVES, 1) what hospital he was born in, since he's claimed two different ones to date, and 2) the doctors name that delivered him, and 3) this information must be verifiable.

Do that, then you'll have something. Actually, you'll have enough to put an end to this. Until then, you guys are just pumping gas.

You are completely and totally delusional.

There is no requirement to provide what hospital or the doctor.

You're a shit bag idiot.
I'm sure that he was born a week before his reported birthday, to allow his mother the time to travel from Kenya to Honolulu.

(Watch this little theory propagate throughout the interweb by the conspiracy loons)

Sure....and Obama's father, who had only arrived in Hawaii by the virtue of donated airfares, and his mother who was also a student at the university, funded these thousands and thousands of dollars in airfare to make this trip, out of their broke ass teenage college student pockets.


This white girl from Kansas had family that was so proud of her getting married to an African in 1961, that they footed the bill for the whole conspiracy.


Obama Sr.'s family sold enough fucking dirt to pay for it.

Get it through your heads, you idiots. This was a young black / white couple in 1961, attending school in Hawaii. Try to remember, it isn't Barak jr. you're accusing of this. It's his parents in 1961.

They simply were not capable and additionally, had no reason what so ever to try and pull off such an elaborate hoax.

If they wanted US citizenship for little Barak, it would be easy: Stay in Hawaii. We're already here.

But no, for some reason, it makes sense to some idiots that a pregnant teenager, one smart enough to know all about BCs and birth announcements, was dumb enough to leave Hawaii in order to birth her child in a third world country, even though she wanted US citizenship for him.

So.....I want so badly to give birth in a diesease infested, 110 degree, African shit hole of a Hospital, and also want US citizenship for my kid, that I am willing to take on a task that Magellan himself would be proud of.

Rather than have the baby in Hawaii, in a nice air conditioned hospital, with good doctors, this young couple went to Africa?

You're a bunch of fucking idiots. I can't say that enough.

I remember when I got my black girlfriend pregnant in college...we wanted to have a tribal birth in Mali, but we just couldn't afford the trip.

You poor thing... did you name it Oreo?
The birth certificate was filed in 1961. His birth was announced to the public in two news papers as being August 4th, 1961. You simply can't get around the events of 1961 to arrive at any reasonable doubt that something was done later. If you claim that Obama was not born in Hawaii, in 1961, then you have to discount the documented events of 1961. WHY? HOW?

Forgetting the BC, explain the birth notices in the news papers. Who did that and why?

I haven't discounted anything. I believe he was born August 4, 1961. It's the 'where' that is in dispute.

You don't think Obama needs to produce his long form original bc in order to put to rest this whole thing . . . . yet you believe that a birth announcement placed in a newspaper stating the date he was born and an address (but not the hospital) is proof he was born in Hawaii? Who would have put that in the paper? My guess, if he was born there, his parents. If he wasn't, his grandmother. Or his parents. They had phones back in 1961, didn't they?

Maybe this is all bunk. But since there are numerous lawsuits and many people involved . . . . the easiest, simplest thing to do to dispute it all and put it to rest would be for Obama to obtain and release the original long form. This would be the end of the story for the majority of doubters. It's such a simple thing . . . .

The BC that EVERYONE uses in Hawaii is such a simple thing too. The sole intended purpose of that document is to establish the facts of your birth. The last thing anyone with anything to do with the law or the state or the courts will allow to happen is to come anywhere close to agreeing that this BC is not proof of the details of your birth. That turns our entire countries system of vital statistics on it's head.

Your guesses about the paper are wrong. It list the address and names of the parents, supplied by the DOH in Hawaii. If you guess the grandparents did it, then you must also guess that they staked out the hospital, took the names of all the babies born that day, found the editor and layout person at both papers and had Obama's birth listed smack in the middle of the same babies born that day, at that hospital.

The newspaper listings are EVIDENCE. That is what you lack. If you have a credible certificate or birth announcement that dispoutes it, then you've got something. But the fact is, you don't.

You admitt that it is only the dismissed, frivilous court cases that make you think this might be true. You have no reasonable cause. You have rejected and disproved theories and frivilous cases. NOTHING.

Of course the newspaper would list the parents. Guess I missed putting that in my response. My guess that the grandmother put the announcement in the paper? My mom put an announcement in the paper when my oldest was born; it seemed logical to me that Obama's grandmother would do the same. Why would they stake out the hospital? Wouldn't they just call the newspaper to have the announcement placed?

The newspaper announcement I saw listed the parents name and address, child's sex, date of birth. Unless more information is provided, a birth announcement in a newspaper is simply that . . . and nothing more.

The court cases do make me wonder about it all. If it were me, I'd just produce the damn original long form once and for all and silence the majority of doubters. If this is all a non-issue . . .
Here is the link sweetwilly....

The State Health Bureau listed the Hawaiian births....including obama's

Also, read this link with other pertinent information which is evidence disputing the Birther's speculation...

PolitiFact | Obama's birth certificate: Final chapter. This time we mean it!

With all that Care, not one thing proves obama was born in Hawaii. That whole bunch of rigamaroll is just an obama support website saying, "we say he was born in Hawaii, and that's that." But there's still no proof. That tiny little entry in the newspaper was generated when his mother was issued his certification of live birth, and it still proves absolutely NOTHING. No hospital, no doctors name, no nothing... absolutely still 100% void of anything that would could even remotely be considered PROOF.


You'll have to come up with something that PROVES, 1) what hospital he was born in, since he's claimed two different ones to date, and 2) the doctors name that delivered him, and 3) this information must be verifiable.

Do that, then you'll have something. Actually, you'll have enough to put an end to this. Until then, you guys are just pumping gas.

You are completely and totally delusional.

There is no requirement to provide what hospital or the doctor.

You're a shit bag idiot.

Well yeah... slick... there is. You saying over and over there isn't is just, well, you saying it over and over. You may as well be flatulating.
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I haven't discounted anything. I believe he was born August 4, 1961. It's the 'where' that is in dispute.

You don't think Obama needs to produce his long form original bc in order to put to rest this whole thing . . . . yet you believe that a birth announcement placed in a newspaper stating the date he was born and an address (but not the hospital) is proof he was born in Hawaii? Who would have put that in the paper? My guess, if he was born there, his parents. If he wasn't, his grandmother. Or his parents. They had phones back in 1961, didn't they?

Maybe this is all bunk. But since there are numerous lawsuits and many people involved . . . . the easiest, simplest thing to do to dispute it all and put it to rest would be for Obama to obtain and release the original long form. This would be the end of the story for the majority of doubters. It's such a simple thing . . . .

The BC that EVERYONE uses in Hawaii is such a simple thing too. The sole intended purpose of that document is to establish the facts of your birth. The last thing anyone with anything to do with the law or the state or the courts will allow to happen is to come anywhere close to agreeing that this BC is not proof of the details of your birth. That turns our entire countries system of vital statistics on it's head.

Your guesses about the paper are wrong. It list the address and names of the parents, supplied by the DOH in Hawaii. If you guess the grandparents did it, then you must also guess that they staked out the hospital, took the names of all the babies born that day, found the editor and layout person at both papers and had Obama's birth listed smack in the middle of the same babies born that day, at that hospital.

The newspaper listings are EVIDENCE. That is what you lack. If you have a credible certificate or birth announcement that dispoutes it, then you've got something. But the fact is, you don't.

You admitt that it is only the dismissed, frivilous court cases that make you think this might be true. You have no reasonable cause. You have rejected and disproved theories and frivilous cases. NOTHING.

Of course the newspaper would list the parents. Guess I missed putting that in my response. My guess that the grandmother put the announcement in the paper? My mom put an announcement in the paper when my oldest was born; it seemed logical to me that Obama's grandmother would do the same. Why would they stake out the hospital? Wouldn't they just call the newspaper to have the announcement placed?

The newspaper announcement I saw listed the parents name and address, child's sex, date of birth. Unless more information is provided, a birth announcement in a newspaper is simply that . . . and nothing more.

The court cases do make me wonder about it all. If it were me, I'd just produce the damn original long form once and for all and silence the majority of doubters. If this is all a non-issue . . .

There is more information. The other babies listed before and after Obama. The babies born the same day, in the same hospital, listed in order. The birth reports came in and were listed as they were recieved, by hospital, in order. Who took the time to take this called in announcement and have it placed in propper order among the other babies born at that hopsital? How did that happen? Someone would need to know the names of the other babies, born at that hospital, on that day, and insist that Obama's announcement be placed in that order.

None of this adds up for anyone with an ounce of common sesne.
With all that Care, not one thing proves obama was born in Hawaii. That whole bunch of rigamaroll is just an obama support website saying, "we say he was born in Hawaii, and that's that." But there's still no proof. That tiny little entry in the newspaper was generated when his mother was issued his certification of live birth, and it still proves absolutely NOTHING. No hospital, no doctors name, no nothing... absolutely still 100% void of anything that would could even remotely be considered PROOF.


You'll have to come up with something that PROVES, 1) what hospital he was born in, since he's claimed two different ones to date, and 2) the doctors name that delivered him, and 3) this information must be verifiable.

Do that, then you'll have something. Actually, you'll have enough to put an end to this. Until then, you guys are just pumping gas.

You are completely and totally delusional.

There is no requirement to provide what hospital or the doctor.

You're a shit bag idiot.

Well yeah... slick... there is. You saying over and over there isn't is just, well, you saying it over and over. You may as well be flatulating.

You are delusional.

There is no requirement for anyone to provide the hospital or Doctor. If there is, bring it forward.

Don't you have a mod to fuck with?
The BC that EVERYONE uses in Hawaii is such a simple thing too. The sole intended purpose of that document is to establish the facts of your birth. The last thing anyone with anything to do with the law or the state or the courts will allow to happen is to come anywhere close to agreeing that this BC is not proof of the details of your birth. That turns our entire countries system of vital statistics on it's head.

Your guesses about the paper are wrong. It list the address and names of the parents, supplied by the DOH in Hawaii. If you guess the grandparents did it, then you must also guess that they staked out the hospital, took the names of all the babies born that day, found the editor and layout person at both papers and had Obama's birth listed smack in the middle of the same babies born that day, at that hospital.

The newspaper listings are EVIDENCE. That is what you lack. If you have a credible certificate or birth announcement that dispoutes it, then you've got something. But the fact is, you don't.

You admitt that it is only the dismissed, frivilous court cases that make you think this might be true. You have no reasonable cause. You have rejected and disproved theories and frivilous cases. NOTHING.

Of course the newspaper would list the parents. Guess I missed putting that in my response. My guess that the grandmother put the announcement in the paper? My mom put an announcement in the paper when my oldest was born; it seemed logical to me that Obama's grandmother would do the same. Why would they stake out the hospital? Wouldn't they just call the newspaper to have the announcement placed?

The newspaper announcement I saw listed the parents name and address, child's sex, date of birth. Unless more information is provided, a birth announcement in a newspaper is simply that . . . and nothing more.

The court cases do make me wonder about it all. If it were me, I'd just produce the damn original long form once and for all and silence the majority of doubters. If this is all a non-issue . . .

There is more information. The other babies listed before and after Obama. The babies born the same day, in the same hospital, listed in order. The birth reports came in and were listed as they were recieved, by hospital, in order. Who took the time to take this called in announcement and have it placed in propper order among the other babies born at that hopsital? How did that happen? Someone would need to know the names of the other babies, born at that hospital, on that day, and insist that Obama's announcement be placed in that order.

None of this adds up for anyone with an ounce of common sesne.

Can you link the announcement you're looking at because the one I'm looking at doesn't provide any hospital information. Actually, the announcement above Obama's is listed as August 5, so I'm not getting a sense of babies born the same day, in order, etc. I'm looking at the one from It's about 3/4 or so down the page. Born in the U.S.A.
Of course the newspaper would list the parents. Guess I missed putting that in my response. My guess that the grandmother put the announcement in the paper? My mom put an announcement in the paper when my oldest was born; it seemed logical to me that Obama's grandmother would do the same. Why would they stake out the hospital? Wouldn't they just call the newspaper to have the announcement placed?

The newspaper announcement I saw listed the parents name and address, child's sex, date of birth. Unless more information is provided, a birth announcement in a newspaper is simply that . . . and nothing more.

The court cases do make me wonder about it all. If it were me, I'd just produce the damn original long form once and for all and silence the majority of doubters. If this is all a non-issue . . .

There is more information. The other babies listed before and after Obama. The babies born the same day, in the same hospital, listed in order. The birth reports came in and were listed as they were recieved, by hospital, in order. Who took the time to take this called in announcement and have it placed in propper order among the other babies born at that hopsital? How did that happen? Someone would need to know the names of the other babies, born at that hospital, on that day, and insist that Obama's announcement be placed in that order.

None of this adds up for anyone with an ounce of common sesne.

Can you link the announcement you're looking at because the one I'm looking at doesn't provide any hospital information. Actually, the announcement above Obama's is listed as August 5, so I'm not getting a sense of babies born the same day, in order, etc. I'm looking at the one from It's about 3/4 or so down the page. Born in the U.S.A.

See Care's post.

The Honolulu Advertiser and the Star Bulletin both print the information released by the DOH.
health bureau STATISTICS, upper left on the ad

births, marriages and deaths

the state of hawaii ran the ad for HAWAIIAN BIRTHS, marriages and deaths....NOT individuals

The first link is the one posted on FactCheck. It's just an announcement, no hospital information. This doesn't provide any information that he was born there. Anyone can phone in announcements to be placed.

Honestly, I'm not being some stubborn looner . . . there are just too many unanswered questions about this. And I know I sound like a broken record but if the long form were released it would put this issue to rest.
health bureau STATISTICS, upper left on the ad

births, marriages and deaths

the state of hawaii ran the ad for HAWAIIAN BIRTHS, marriages and deaths....NOT individuals

The first link is the one posted on FactCheck. It's just an announcement, no hospital information. This doesn't provide any information that he was born there. Anyone can phone in announcements to be placed.

Honestly, I'm not being some stubborn looner . . . there are just too many unanswered questions about this. And I know I sound like a broken record but if the long form were released it would put this issue to rest.

No, not just anyone could have an announcement placed in the section headed "Health Bureau Statistics". They call it that for a reason. Can you guess why? And why did she call both News papers? Just wanted to be sure? So I'm sure you have the Kansas news paper announcement that this proud grand mother called in, right? Back home for the family?

In fact, the Honolulu Advertiser has a policy that no one can phone in annoucements at all. You must provided a copy of a BC to get a birth announcement.
The exact same notice appeared the following day in the Honolulu Star-Bulletin. The numerous birth announcements above and below the Obama listing also were identical in both papers, which were unaffiliated, competing publications.

Advertiser columnist and former Star-Bulletin managing editor Dave Shapiro was not at either paper in 1961, but he remembers how the birth notices process worked years later when both papers were jointly operated by the Hawaii Newspaper Agency — which no longer exists.

"Those were listings that came over from the state Department of Health," he said. "They would send the same thing to both papers."
Obama's Hawaii boyhood homes drawing gawkers | | The Honolulu Advertiser

The listings in the two papers were identical in their order. To suppose that this birth was called in and somehow ended up stuck right in the same order is absurd. Especially when the obvious answer is right there in front of your face: They were the same list, supplied by the DOH to each paper.
Actually, the President of the Hospital has read this letter aloud at the Hospital, during an anniversary celebration of some sort.

Get it? The Hospital President read this letter in public, at the hospital.

THe video of the celebration and the reading of the letter by the Hospital, out loud, saying that Obama was born there, is available on video. It's on the nut ball conspiracy page made just for debunking this horse shit.


I'll wait....

He has, and no it won't :lol:
I'm not reading all 28 pages now... is there a link to the letter on the hospital website? I've looked and can't seem to find it.

A link to the letter?

I don't know about the hospital web site. I can get you a link to the letter being read at the Hospital.
Actually, there is a video link on the hospital web site.

Kapi' olani Health Foundation | The Centennial Dinner 1/24/09

it is near the end of the first video.

Thanks. I just found that. What he's reading doesn't match the letter in the OP, though.

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