Hospital Won't Back Obama Birth Claim

Revealing the original will not end the controversy. The nut balls have already gone after these alternate theories about Indonesia and Pakistan. The BC does nothing to put them to rest. Nor any other theory.

The WND and other conspiracy claims are completely false. His BC was filed for four days after his birth. If you believe it was a hoax, then you are signing onto the afore mentioned scenario in which a pregnant teenager pulled this whole thing together or there was some other party or parties, who in 1961, conspired to care enough about the bi racial pregnancy of a teenager from Kansas, to concoct the whole conspiracy and carry it out for some unknown reason. Or do you believe they somehow knew this teenager was pregnant with a future president?

And who called in the birth announcements in both news papers and why did they do that and how did they get Obama listed on the proper day, in the propper order with the other babies confirmed to be born that day, at the same hospital?

How did that happen? Who knew all about the process and the timing of birth announcements in both papers? And who went to the lengths to track down all of the births that day? And who was it that knew the person that laid out the birth announcement page well enough to get to the them and have them place Obama's name in the right issue, with all the other babies from the same hospital, in the right order?

You can't make this stuff up any better. You guys should get off the political conspiracy wagon and put together a shitty spy movie script. Because that's all you have. A shitty, science fiction tale that no court is going to entertain.

Since Obama refuses to have the long form released it makes me wonder . . . . he started running for president when he became Senator (and he likely set the wheels in motion before then) . . . . if this whole 'not born in Hawaii/citizenship thing' is real, he could have had his short form bc doctored rather recently, not that some 'conspiracy' has taken place since the day he was born. That was my thought anyway. Does it sound loony? No doubt. Would I put it past a politician to do this, especially a politician as narcissistic as Obama? Nope.

It is strange that the one thing he could do to put this thing to rest is the one thing he refuses to do -- simply release the original long form birth certificate. While you're correct that there would be those who will always question and doubt, if he would just release the long form, the majority of skeptics would be quieted and the issue would go away.

The longer this goes on and the longer he refuses to release the one piece of paper that would shut people up, the guiltier it makes him look.

are you under the impression that hawaii could list honolulu as obama's birth place on the short form, even if he was not born in honolulu? And that the long form would not list honolulu as the birth place?

i looked at both forms, please point out to me, the information on the long form that would conflict or be entirely different on the short form, regarding his certified place of birth?

honolulu CAN NOT be listed as his BIRTH PLACE on EITHER forms, if he were not born there, and been foreign born? So what is it that you seem to think this long form will do?

I guess i don't understand why the long form would even make your case because WE KNOW the long form WILL SAY honolulu as his birth place, because the short form is GENERATED from the long form? So, what is it that makes the long form so interesting to you guys?

Do you think the short form was a fraud and forged? The state of hawaii confirmed it wasn't, so that can't be it?

I wish I could understand this obsession with getting the long form? How will it help?


I've no idea on any of this, Care. Could something be forged? Of course. Could people be bought off to say it wasn't? Of course. Anything is possible. The more I see what these pols (all pols) are capable of, the more I distrust them. I don't have faith that any of them have our best interest at heart. Mostly, I just find it odd that lawsuits continue to come up with this issue, that so many people have valid concerns and that the original long form certificate would seemingly put to rest all these suspicions and that the easiest, simplest thing is the one thing that Obama will not do. If there is no issue, why not just release the long form and shut everyone up.
That last sentence is completely wrong. The nut balls have already made "alternate" claims about exactly how Obama is not a citizen. The Indonesia and Pakistan theories have already been laid out and revealing the original BC will not end the controversy.

You simply don't feed this bullshit.

"Revealing the original BC will not end the controversy" . . . . hard to say since no one has seen the original. Which is what all the hoopla is about.

If you click on the link below it will show you what information is on a long form vs. a short form for forms from 1963. It also states that is it possible to have been born outside of Hawaii and still obtain the latter form (short form) but not the former (long form). You'll likely dismiss this because the source is WDN; I'm linking it because it shows the two different forms.

What's the difference?

I've no doubt that no matter what was presented, there will always be those who will dispute it. But if one phone call and one piece of paper would shut the lawsuits down and satisfy the majority, then . . . . why not just do it?

Revealing the original will not end the controversy. The nut balls have already gone after these alternate theories about Indonesia and Pakistan. The BC does nothing to put them to rest. Nor any other theory.

The WND and other conspiracy claims are completely false. His BC was filed for four days after his birth. If you believe it was a hoax, then you are signing onto the afore mentioned scenario in which a pregnant teenager pulled this whole thing together or there was some other party or parties, who in 1961, conspired to care enough about the bi racial pregnancy of a teenager from Kansas, to concoct the whole conspiracy and carry it out for some unknown reason. Or do you believe they somehow knew this teenager was pregnant with a future president?

And who called in the birth announcements in both news papers and why did they do that and how did they get Obama listed on the proper day, in the propper order with the other babies confirmed to be born that day, at the same hospital?

How did that happen? Who knew all about the process and the timing of birth announcements in both papers? And who went to the lengths to track down all of the births that day? And who was it that knew the person that laid out the birth announcement page well enough to get to the them and have them place Obama's name in the right issue, with all the other babies from the same hospital, in the right order?

You can't make this stuff up any better. You guys should get off the political conspiracy wagon and put together a shitty spy movie script. Because that's all you have. A shitty, science fiction tale that no court is going to entertain.

IOW, we aren't suppose to ask to see his long form birth certificate because even if it proves he was born in the USA, there is still the question of him being adopted by his Indonesian step father and giving up his American citizenship?

Yeah, right, no fair mentioning he robbed the liquor store because he might also have burned it down.
"Revealing the original BC will not end the controversy" . . . . hard to say since no one has seen the original. Which is what all the hoopla is about.

If you click on the link below it will show you what information is on a long form vs. a short form for forms from 1963. It also states that is it possible to have been born outside of Hawaii and still obtain the latter form (short form) but not the former (long form). You'll likely dismiss this because the source is WDN; I'm linking it because it shows the two different forms.

What's the difference?

I've no doubt that no matter what was presented, there will always be those who will dispute it. But if one phone call and one piece of paper would shut the lawsuits down and satisfy the majority, then . . . . why not just do it?

Revealing the original will not end the controversy. The nut balls have already gone after these alternate theories about Indonesia and Pakistan. The BC does nothing to put them to rest. Nor any other theory.

The WND and other conspiracy claims are completely false. His BC was filed for four days after his birth. If you believe it was a hoax, then you are signing onto the afore mentioned scenario in which a pregnant teenager pulled this whole thing together or there was some other party or parties, who in 1961, conspired to care enough about the bi racial pregnancy of a teenager from Kansas, to concoct the whole conspiracy and carry it out for some unknown reason. Or do you believe they somehow knew this teenager was pregnant with a future president?

And who called in the birth announcements in both news papers and why did they do that and how did they get Obama listed on the proper day, in the propper order with the other babies confirmed to be born that day, at the same hospital?

How did that happen? Who knew all about the process and the timing of birth announcements in both papers? And who went to the lengths to track down all of the births that day? And who was it that knew the person that laid out the birth announcement page well enough to get to the them and have them place Obama's name in the right issue, with all the other babies from the same hospital, in the right order?

You can't make this stuff up any better. You guys should get off the political conspiracy wagon and put together a shitty spy movie script. Because that's all you have. A shitty, science fiction tale that no court is going to entertain.

IOW, we aren't suppose to ask to see his long form birth certificate because even if it proves he was born in the USA, there is still the question of him being adopted by his Indonesian step father and giving up his American citizenship?

Yeah, right, no fair mentioning he robbed the liquor store because he might also have burned it down.

Now, everyone claiming that the original BC would end this bullshit, read the above.

This isn't about any reasonable claim, it's about harassing someone. It will not stop with the original BC.

And as we see in other responses here, no one seems to have a specific claim to make. Just wild "what if" scenarios.
"Revealing the original BC will not end the controversy" . . . . hard to say since no one has seen the original. Which is what all the hoopla is about.

If you click on the link below it will show you what information is on a long form vs. a short form for forms from 1963. It also states that is it possible to have been born outside of Hawaii and still obtain the latter form (short form) but not the former (long form). You'll likely dismiss this because the source is WDN; I'm linking it because it shows the two different forms.

What's the difference?

I've no doubt that no matter what was presented, there will always be those who will dispute it. But if one phone call and one piece of paper would shut the lawsuits down and satisfy the majority, then . . . . why not just do it?

Revealing the original will not end the controversy. The nut balls have already gone after these alternate theories about Indonesia and Pakistan. The BC does nothing to put them to rest. Nor any other theory.

The WND and other conspiracy claims are completely false. His BC was filed for four days after his birth. If you believe it was a hoax, then you are signing onto the afore mentioned scenario in which a pregnant teenager pulled this whole thing together or there was some other party or parties, who in 1961, conspired to care enough about the bi racial pregnancy of a teenager from Kansas, to concoct the whole conspiracy and carry it out for some unknown reason. Or do you believe they somehow knew this teenager was pregnant with a future president?

And who called in the birth announcements in both news papers and why did they do that and how did they get Obama listed on the proper day, in the propper order with the other babies confirmed to be born that day, at the same hospital?

How did that happen? Who knew all about the process and the timing of birth announcements in both papers? And who went to the lengths to track down all of the births that day? And who was it that knew the person that laid out the birth announcement page well enough to get to the them and have them place Obama's name in the right issue, with all the other babies from the same hospital, in the right order?

You can't make this stuff up any better. You guys should get off the political conspiracy wagon and put together a shitty spy movie script. Because that's all you have. A shitty, science fiction tale that no court is going to entertain.

Since Obama refuses to have the long form released it makes me wonder . . . . he started running for president when he became Senator (and he likely set the wheels in motion before then) . . . . if this whole 'not born in Hawaii/citizenship thing' is real, he could have had his short form bc doctored rather recently, not that some 'conspiracy' has taken place since the day he was born. That was my thought anyway. Does it sound loony? No doubt. Would I put it past a politician to do this, especially a politician as narcissistic as Obama? Nope.

It is strange that the one thing he could do to put this thing to rest is the one thing he refuses to do -- simply release the original long form birth certificate. While you're correct that there would be those who will always question and doubt, if he would just release the long form, the majority of skeptics would be quieted and the issue would go away.

The longer this goes on and the longer he refuses to release the one piece of paper that would shut people up, the guiltier it makes him look.

First, Obama only requested a ceritified Hawaii BC in June of 2007. That is when it was prepared.

Second, if this other piece of paper would shut people up, it would have been released. The evidence is the fact that this whole shit storm was precipitated by the first document being released. The first document is a legal, verified and reverified document, the people who prepared it have personally vouched for the damned thing.

Now you expect that another piece of paper, A PHOTOCOPIED PIECE OF PAPER, is going to settle a damned thing? And the people who prepared this piece of paper ARE DEAD. Oh yeah.....this next piece of paper is even easier for nut balls to latch onto.

But hey, the bottom line is, the longer birthers are tied up in this crap, the less credible they are and the less trouble they can make elsewhere. And that is a big part of the reason why no one is going to bend over backwards to appease them.

He was born in Hawaii, the evidence is more than overwhelming, it is unassailable.
"Revealing the original BC will not end the controversy" . . . . hard to say since no one has seen the original. Which is what all the hoopla is about.

If you click on the link below it will show you what information is on a long form vs. a short form for forms from 1963. It also states that is it possible to have been born outside of Hawaii and still obtain the latter form (short form) but not the former (long form). You'll likely dismiss this because the source is WDN; I'm linking it because it shows the two different forms.

What's the difference?

I've no doubt that no matter what was presented, there will always be those who will dispute it. But if one phone call and one piece of paper would shut the lawsuits down and satisfy the majority, then . . . . why not just do it?

Revealing the original will not end the controversy. The nut balls have already gone after these alternate theories about Indonesia and Pakistan. The BC does nothing to put them to rest. Nor any other theory.

The WND and other conspiracy claims are completely false. His BC was filed for four days after his birth. If you believe it was a hoax, then you are signing onto the afore mentioned scenario in which a pregnant teenager pulled this whole thing together or there was some other party or parties, who in 1961, conspired to care enough about the bi racial pregnancy of a teenager from Kansas, to concoct the whole conspiracy and carry it out for some unknown reason. Or do you believe they somehow knew this teenager was pregnant with a future president?

And who called in the birth announcements in both news papers and why did they do that and how did they get Obama listed on the proper day, in the propper order with the other babies confirmed to be born that day, at the same hospital?

How did that happen? Who knew all about the process and the timing of birth announcements in both papers? And who went to the lengths to track down all of the births that day? And who was it that knew the person that laid out the birth announcement page well enough to get to the them and have them place Obama's name in the right issue, with all the other babies from the same hospital, in the right order?

You can't make this stuff up any better. You guys should get off the political conspiracy wagon and put together a shitty spy movie script. Because that's all you have. A shitty, science fiction tale that no court is going to entertain.

IOW, we aren't suppose to ask to see his long form birth certificate because even if it proves he was born in the USA, there is still the question of him being adopted by his Indonesian step father and giving up his American citizenship?

Yeah, right, no fair mentioning he robbed the liquor store because he might also have burned it down.

as I have mentioned to you before, Obama, before the age of 18, can not have his citizenship relinquished if he was a citizen at birth of the USA....

An Adult, voluntarily relinquishing their USA citizenship, if overseas, has to file such action with the American Consulate.

Obama would have had to SWEAR ALLEGIENCE to this foreign country and even if he did AT THE SILLY AGE OF 6 YEARS OLD, it would NOT be binding in the USA because he was not an adult...

PLEASE do some reading up on the laws regarding this silly notion Again Sheila...

Revealing the original will not end the controversy. The nut balls have already gone after these alternate theories about Indonesia and Pakistan. The BC does nothing to put them to rest. Nor any other theory.

The WND and other conspiracy claims are completely false. His BC was filed for four days after his birth. If you believe it was a hoax, then you are signing onto the afore mentioned scenario in which a pregnant teenager pulled this whole thing together or there was some other party or parties, who in 1961, conspired to care enough about the bi racial pregnancy of a teenager from Kansas, to concoct the whole conspiracy and carry it out for some unknown reason. Or do you believe they somehow knew this teenager was pregnant with a future president?

And who called in the birth announcements in both news papers and why did they do that and how did they get Obama listed on the proper day, in the propper order with the other babies confirmed to be born that day, at the same hospital?

How did that happen? Who knew all about the process and the timing of birth announcements in both papers? And who went to the lengths to track down all of the births that day? And who was it that knew the person that laid out the birth announcement page well enough to get to the them and have them place Obama's name in the right issue, with all the other babies from the same hospital, in the right order?

You can't make this stuff up any better. You guys should get off the political conspiracy wagon and put together a shitty spy movie script. Because that's all you have. A shitty, science fiction tale that no court is going to entertain.

IOW, we aren't suppose to ask to see his long form birth certificate because even if it proves he was born in the USA, there is still the question of him being adopted by his Indonesian step father and giving up his American citizenship?

Yeah, right, no fair mentioning he robbed the liquor store because he might also have burned it down.

as I have mentioned to you before, Obama, before the age of 18, can not have his citizenship relinquished if he was a citizen at birth of the USA....

An Adult, voluntarily relinquishing their USA citizenship, if overseas, has to file such action with the American Consulate.

Obama would have had to SWEAR ALLEGIENCE to this foreign country and even if he did AT THE SILLY AGE OF 6 YEARS OLD, it would NOT be binding in the USA because he was not an adult...

PLEASE do some reading up on the laws regarding this silly notion Again Sheila...


And there is the heart of the matter. None of this is about facts and legalities, it's about Obama haters. Particularly ignorant ones. They'll jump on any bandwagon, legitimate or not, just because of their personal feelings about the man. There is no case here. Never has been. The guy that started all this bullshit began this whole sham by claiming that the Hawaii BC was a fraud, that it had been photo shopped. When that failed, ther rest of this poppy cock started being thrown about. There is no evidence or reasonable claim. Only conspiracy theorist with a bunch of very far fetched ideas. The question has moved from "prove you were born in Hawaii", which has been proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to the retarded notion of "prove you were not born in Kenya" or "prove you did not lose your citizenship." You can't prove a negative.

Once again, I must point out the fact that if this scenario happened, that all the stars alligned around this teenage pregnancy so that a child was born in Africa and yet somehow, way back in 1961, every single detail was covered, from birth announcements, to filing for the BC, in perfect order, without any delay, without even a hint of anything irregular, so precisiely that not only can the child be a US citizen but the ploy was carried out so meticulously that the child has ascended to the Presidency, then Obama was fucking destined to be President.

They knew he was going to president? OR, perhaps they wanted him to be born in Kenya? This teenage girl and the father wanted him to be born in Kenya so badly that they flew there so they could proudly claim.....oh wait....they couldn't proudly claim.....they specifically birthed the child in Kenya for the specific purpose of then covering it up. So he could grow up to be president. They birhted the child in Kenya so they would have a secret to keep and a conspiracy to deploy.

You birthers are fucking nuts. None of this makes any sense, what so ever. The required planning and execution of this supposed birth fraud is just ridiculous. A pregnant tennager simply didn't do this. And if you want to imply that Obama handlers traveled back in time, knowing he would oneday be president and directed the whole sham from the future, please do. I'd like to hear the exact details.
And there is the heart of the matter. None of this is about facts and legalities, it's about Obama haters. Particularly ignorant ones. They'll jump on any bandwagon, legitimate or not, just because of their personal feelings about the man. There is no case here. Never has been. The guy that started all this bullshit began this whole sham by claiming that the Hawaii BC was a fraud, that it had been photo shopped. When that failed, ther rest of this poppy cock started being thrown about. There is no evidence or reasonable claim. Only conspiracy theorist with a bunch of very far fetched ideas. The question has moved from "prove you were born in Hawaii", which has been proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to the retarded notion of "prove you were not born in Kenya" or "prove you did not lose your citizenship." You can't prove a negative.

Once again, I must point out the fact that if this scenario happened, that all the stars alligned around this teenage pregnancy so that a child was born in Africa and yet somehow, way back in 1961, every single detail was covered, from birth announcements, to filing for the BC, in perfect order, without any delay, without even a hint of anything irregular, so precisiely that not only can the child be a US citizen but the ploy was carried out so meticulously that the child has ascended to the Presidency, then Obama was fucking destined to be President.

They knew he was going to president? OR, perhaps they wanted him to be born in Kenya? This teenage girl and the father wanted him to be born in Kenya so badly that they flew there so they could proudly claim.....oh wait....they couldn't proudly claim.....they specifically birthed the child in Kenya for the specific purpose of then covering it up. So he could grow up to be president. They birhted the child in Kenya so they would have a secret to keep and a conspiracy to deploy.

You birthers are fucking nuts. None of this makes any sense, what so ever. The required planning and execution of this supposed birth fraud is just ridiculous. A pregnant tennager simply didn't do this. And if you want to imply that Obama handlers traveled back in time, knowing he would oneday be president and directed the whole sham from the future, please do. I'd like to hear the exact details.

If the short form is in dispute, and it is, then why not just release the long form? If there is no 'controversy', if everything is on the up and up . . . just release the original long form certificate. Sorry, but I disagree with you about it shutting people up. There will always be CT and doubters regardless of what is presented but I believe that if the long form was shown it would put to rest the lawsuits and the majority of doubters.

The whole 'conspiracy since birth' scenario you propose? I don't buy that for a minute. But could a powerful and power hungry politician buy people off in order to attain a goal? Of course. Could that include falsifying legal documents? Of course. Anything is possible. Is that what happened? I don't know. I do know that I don't trust politicians and I do believe that they are a power and money hungry lot who put their own interests first, regardless of what they say.

Has this ever happened before . . . . lawsuits requesting an original bc form? You say this is Obama haters . . . well, some perhaps but if the shoe were on the other foot, and numerous and repeated questions about eligibility went unanswered by a Republican when all they had to do was release one original form . . . . wouldn't you be wary if that person didn't produce the form? Wouldn't you wonder why they weren't? Wouldn't it make you wonder if there was more than meets the eye?

There is more information on the long form vs. the short form. That is fact. There are lawsuits from several sources on his legality/eligibility. That is a fact. The simplest solution to put the issue to rest for the majority of these doubters would be for Obama to request, obtain and release the original long form. Yet, that is the one thing he will not do. Just makes me wonder why he doesn't do this. If everything is as it should be, what's the big deal.

On the other hand, maybe the doubters are just fucking nuts.
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And there is the heart of the matter. None of this is about facts and legalities, it's about Obama haters. Particularly ignorant ones. They'll jump on any bandwagon, legitimate or not, just because of their personal feelings about the man. There is no case here. Never has been. The guy that started all this bullshit began this whole sham by claiming that the Hawaii BC was a fraud, that it had been photo shopped. When that failed, ther rest of this poppy cock started being thrown about. There is no evidence or reasonable claim. Only conspiracy theorist with a bunch of very far fetched ideas. The question has moved from "prove you were born in Hawaii", which has been proved, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to the retarded notion of "prove you were not born in Kenya" or "prove you did not lose your citizenship." You can't prove a negative.

Once again, I must point out the fact that if this scenario happened, that all the stars alligned around this teenage pregnancy so that a child was born in Africa and yet somehow, way back in 1961, every single detail was covered, from birth announcements, to filing for the BC, in perfect order, without any delay, without even a hint of anything irregular, so precisiely that not only can the child be a US citizen but the ploy was carried out so meticulously that the child has ascended to the Presidency, then Obama was fucking destined to be President.

They knew he was going to president? OR, perhaps they wanted him to be born in Kenya? This teenage girl and the father wanted him to be born in Kenya so badly that they flew there so they could proudly claim.....oh wait....they couldn't proudly claim.....they specifically birthed the child in Kenya for the specific purpose of then covering it up. So he could grow up to be president. They birhted the child in Kenya so they would have a secret to keep and a conspiracy to deploy.

You birthers are fucking nuts. None of this makes any sense, what so ever. The required planning and execution of this supposed birth fraud is just ridiculous. A pregnant tennager simply didn't do this. And if you want to imply that Obama handlers traveled back in time, knowing he would oneday be president and directed the whole sham from the future, please do. I'd like to hear the exact details.

If the short form is in dispute, and it is, then why not just release the long form? If there is no 'controversy', if everything is on the up and up . . . just release the original long form certificate. Sorry, but I disagree with you about it shutting people up. There will always be CT and doubters regardless of what is presented but I believe that if the long form was shown it would put to rest the lawsuits and the majority of doubters.

The whole 'conspiracy since birth' scenario you propose? I don't buy that for a minute. But could a powerful and power hungry politician buy people off in order to attain a goal? Of course. Could that include falsifying legal documents? Of course. Anything is possible. Is that what happened? I don't know. I do know that I don't trust politicians and I do believe that they are a power and money hungry lot who put their own interests first, regardless of what they say.

Has this ever happened before . . . . lawsuits requesting an original bc form? You say this is Obama haters . . . well, some perhaps but if the shoe were on the other foot, and numerous and repeated questions about eligibility went unanswered by a Republican when all they had to do was release one original form . . . . wouldn't you be wary if that person didn't produce the form? Wouldn't you wonder why they weren't? Wouldn't it make you wonder if there was more than meets the eye?

There is more information on the long form vs. the short form. That is fact. There are lawsuits from several sources on his legality/eligibility. That is a fact. The simplest solution to put the issue to rest for the majority of these doubters would be for Obama to request, obtain and release the original long form. Yet, that is the one thing he will not do. Just makes me wonder why he doesn't do this. If everything is as it should be, what's the big deal.

On the other hand, maybe the doubters are just fucking nuts.

HOW is it in dispute? What is the dispute on his certificate of live birth?

What on the certificate is legitimately in dispute Zoom?

there are hawaiian laws, that gives reason why the short form certificate of live birth, will not suffice...does Berg meet those requirements? IF SO, berg can request the original copy, according to the state of hawaiian laws, and he can pay to get a copy....

IF according to their laws, he does not meet the requirements of such laws, then Berg can not get it.

I have no idea why Obama has chosen to keep his long form to himself, other than he LEGALLY can....and that says it all....he has no legal obligation to show the entire world, this personal document, and Berg has no legal claim to insist on seeing it.

Whether Obama was born in hawaii or timbuktoo, he is a citizen at birth, received a birth certificate showing such....and a citizen at birth is a natural born citizen....?
PR or Yurt or someone else maybe able to better answer your questions about Berg, Care.

It's all the lawsuits that make me wonder. Here's a link to all eligibility lawsuits. It's not just one nutcase and it seems to be growing. The Right Side of Life » Eligibility Lawsuits

His eligibility is in question by many, many people who are going to great lengths to try and get information and, despite all these lawsuits, Obama refuses to release a form that may put the whole thing to rest. If you're ok with it all . . . . so be it. I find it unsettling and strange, to say the least, that Obama isn't doing anything to counter these suspicions.
Now, everyone claiming that the original BC would end this bullshit, read the above.

This isn't about any reasonable claim, it's about harassing someone. It will not stop with the original BC.

And as we see in other responses here, no one seems to have a specific claim to make. Just wild "what if" scenarios.

Quite right. They won't stop, probably they can't stop because their rage that a black man, a Democrat, and "the most liberal member of the Senate" (they can pick which one it is) is President of the United States will not allow them to stop.

The President made the appropriate documentation available to the appropriate Constitutional authorities. He has been certified of as qualified, was sworn in, and is serving as President.

Some people believe that he should make his private documentation available to the public - they have the right to their own opinion.

I agree with you that he shouldn't give in to the kooks, that only encourages them.
Now, everyone claiming that the original BC would end this bullshit, read the above.

This isn't about any reasonable claim, it's about harassing someone. It will not stop with the original BC.

And as we see in other responses here, no one seems to have a specific claim to make. Just wild "what if" scenarios.

Quite right. They won't stop, probably they can't stop because their rage that a black man, a Democrat, and "the most liberal member of the Senate" (they can pick which one it is) is President of the United States will not allow them to stop.

The President made the appropriate documentation available to the appropriate Constitutional authorities. He has been certified of as qualified, was sworn in, and is serving as President.

Some people believe that he should make his private documentation available to the public - they have the right to their own opinion.

I agree with you that he shouldn't give in to the kooks, that only encourages them.
this is as bad as the 9/11 troofers
no amount of proof will change their minds
Now, everyone claiming that the original BC would end this bullshit, read the above.

This isn't about any reasonable claim, it's about harassing someone. It will not stop with the original BC.

And as we see in other responses here, no one seems to have a specific claim to make. Just wild "what if" scenarios.

Quite right. They won't stop, probably they can't stop because their rage that a black man, a Democrat, and "the most liberal member of the Senate" (they can pick which one it is) is President of the United States will not allow them to stop.

The President made the appropriate documentation available to the appropriate Constitutional authorities. He has been certified of as qualified, was sworn in, and is serving as President.

Some people believe that he should make his private documentation available to the public - they have the right to their own opinion.

I agree with you that he shouldn't give in to the kooks, that only encourages them.

And not only will a copy of the original not put an end to it, it will fuel more absurd claims. There will be more conspirators, the people who make the photocopies will be "in on it". the people who make the photocopy machines will be "in on it", the only thing the public will ever see is scanned images of a photocopy posted on line and obviously, a scanned image of a photocopy is one generation farther down the line that what they have to look at now. The mere implication that a photocopy of the orignal is somehow more valid than a certified, prima facie document, fails on it's own merits. That is what the courts will continue to see. There is no reasonable claim that the original contains any evidence not already provided and certified as correct, by the certification. The hospital, the doctor, the time of day, etc., is NOT RELEVANT.

The reasons people like Zoom are giving are the exact reason why this is poppy cock. "Becasue some other people keep saying it.....must be some truth to it."

That's UFO logic.
are you under the impression that hawaii could list honolulu as obama's birth place on the short form, even if he was not born in honolulu? And that the long form would not list honolulu as the birth place?

Now you're getting the picture Care. Yes, Hawaii did back in 1961 give ANYONE a "certificate of live birth" and listed Honolulu on it simply because that's where it was "ISSUED." There is NOTHING on it that PROVES where you were born. You could have been born in Tim Buck To, and that's the whole point. The long form would not only say what "hospital" he was born in, but the "doctors name" that delivered him. To date NOTHING of the sort has been seen. And not only that, the TWO hospitals that claimed he was born there, ahem... TWO... now NEITHER are willing to stand behind their claim. Since the heat is getting turned up they now realize that THEY could ALSO be complicate in a cover up and people could go to jail, so now they're getting scared. I'd say with good reason.

And to slick willie... I've said time and again on this board that if it's proved that obama was born in Hawaii, I'll eat crow like I've never eaten crow before. But if it's proven obama was born in Kenya, and then adopted by his Indonesian step father, making him DOUBLE ineligible to be President, I'm going to make sure all those that said I was crazy, AND the ones that kept moving this into the conspiracy section, even though there's NOTHING conspiratorial about it, NEVER FORGET IT.

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Now, everyone claiming that the original BC would end this bullshit, read the above.

This isn't about any reasonable claim, it's about harassing someone. It will not stop with the original BC.

And as we see in other responses here, no one seems to have a specific claim to make. Just wild "what if" scenarios.

Quite right. They won't stop, probably they can't stop because their rage that a black man, a Democrat, and "the most liberal member of the Senate" (they can pick which one it is) is President of the United States will not allow them to stop.

The President made the appropriate documentation available to the appropriate Constitutional authorities. He has been certified of as qualified, was sworn in, and is serving as President.

Some people believe that he should make his private documentation available to the public - they have the right to their own opinion.

I agree with you that he shouldn't give in to the kooks, that only encourages them.

And not only will a copy of the original not put an end to it, it will fuel more absurd claims. There will be more conspirators, the people who make the photocopies will be "in on it". the people who make the photocopy machines will be "in on it", the only thing the public will ever see is scanned images of a photocopy posted on line and obviously, a scanned image of a photocopy is one generation farther down the line that what they have to look at now. The mere implication that a photocopy of the orignal is somehow more valid than a certified, prima facie document, fails on it's own merits. That is what the courts will continue to see. There is no reasonable claim that the original contains any evidence not already provided and certified as correct, by the certification. The hospital, the doctor, the time of day, etc., is NOT RELEVANT.

The reasons people like Zoom are giving are the exact reason why this is poppy cock. "Becasue some other people keep saying it.....must be some truth to it."

That's UFO logic.

No one wants to see a copy of anything, just the original long form. Once again, the majority of doubters will be satisfied if this were produced. And once again that Obama won't do the one thing that will quiet the majority of doubters just raises more questions and doubt.
are you under the impression that hawaii could list honolulu as obama's birth place on the short form, even if he was not born in honolulu? And that the long form would not list honolulu as the birth place?

Now you're getting the picture Care. Yes, Hawaii did back in 1961 give ANYONE a "certificate of live birth" and listed Honolulu on it simply because that's where it was "ISSUED." There is NOTHING on it that PROVES where you were born. You could have been born in Tim Buck To, and that's the whole point. The long form would not only say what "hospital" he was born in, but the "doctors name" that delivered him. To date NOTHING of the sort has been seen. And not only that, the TWO hospitals that claimed he was born there, ahem... TWO... now NEITHER are willing to stand behind their claim. Since the heat is getting turned up and they now realize that THEY could ALSO be complicate in a cover up and people could go to jail, so now they're getting scared. I'd say with good reason.

You are absolutley full of shit.

Not an ounce of truth, much less coherent thought, to any of that.

You are a lying piece of shit.
are you under the impression that hawaii could list honolulu as obama's birth place on the short form, even if he was not born in honolulu? And that the long form would not list honolulu as the birth place?

Now you're getting the picture Care. Yes, Hawaii did back in 1961 give ANYONE a "certificate of live birth" and listed Honolulu on it simply because that's where it was "ISSUED." There is NOTHING on it that PROVES where you were born. You could have been born in Tim Buck To, and that's the whole point. The long form would not only say what "hospital" he was born in, but the "doctors name" that delivered him. To date NOTHING of the sort has been seen. And not only that, the TWO hospitals that claimed he was born there, ahem... TWO... now NEITHER are willing to stand behind their claim. Since the heat is getting turned up and they now realize that THEY could ALSO be complicate in a cover up and people could go to jail, so now they're getting scared. I'd say with good reason.

You are absolutley full of shit.

Not an ounce of truth, much less coherent thought, to any of that.

You are a lying piece of shit.

No, he's not. He's posted much information about this . . . go back and read it.
Now, everyone claiming that the original BC would end this bullshit, read the above.

This isn't about any reasonable claim, it's about harassing someone. It will not stop with the original BC.

And as we see in other responses here, no one seems to have a specific claim to make. Just wild "what if" scenarios.

Quite right. They won't stop, probably they can't stop because their rage that a black man, a Democrat, and "the most liberal member of the Senate" (they can pick which one it is) is President of the United States will not allow them to stop.

The President made the appropriate documentation available to the appropriate Constitutional authorities. He has been certified of as qualified, was sworn in, and is serving as President.

Some people believe that he should make his private documentation available to the public - they have the right to their own opinion.

I agree with you that he shouldn't give in to the kooks, that only encourages them.
this is as bad as the 9/11 troofers
no amount of proof will change their minds

Bull shit. You may as well tell the sun it ain't gonna shine. Both are steaming piles of horse shit lies.

Get a life.
are you under the impression that hawaii could list honolulu as obama's birth place on the short form, even if he was not born in honolulu? And that the long form would not list honolulu as the birth place?

Now you're getting the picture Care. Yes, Hawaii did back in 1961 give ANYONE a "certificate of live birth" and listed Honolulu on it simply because that's where it was "ISSUED." There is NOTHING on it that PROVES where you were born. You could have been born in Tim Buck To, and that's the whole point. The long form would not only say what "hospital" he was born in, but the "doctors name" that delivered him. To date NOTHING of the sort has been seen. And not only that, the TWO hospitals that claimed he was born there, ahem... TWO... now NEITHER are willing to stand behind their claim. Since the heat is getting turned up and they now realize that THEY could ALSO be complicate in a cover up and people could go to jail, so now they're getting scared. I'd say with good reason.

You are absolutley full of shit.

Not an ounce of truth, much less coherent thought, to any of that.

You are a lying piece of shit.

You're a fucking sorry ass pile of steaming pig shit. ALL of what I just said has been PROVEN on this board. So you haven't read it and/or don't believe it. Tough shit.

Now you're getting the picture Care. Yes, Hawaii did back in 1961 give ANYONE a "certificate of live birth" and listed Honolulu on it simply because that's where it was "ISSUED." There is NOTHING on it that PROVES where you were born. You could have been born in Tim Buck To, and that's the whole point. The long form would not only say what "hospital" he was born in, but the "doctors name" that delivered him. To date NOTHING of the sort has been seen. And not only that, the TWO hospitals that claimed he was born there, ahem... TWO... now NEITHER are willing to stand behind their claim. Since the heat is getting turned up and they now realize that THEY could ALSO be complicate in a cover up and people could go to jail, so now they're getting scared. I'd say with good reason.

You are absolutley full of shit.

Not an ounce of truth, much less coherent thought, to any of that.

You are a lying piece of shit.

You're a fucking sorry ass pile of steaming pig shit. ALL of what I just said has been PROVEN on this board. So you haven't read it and/or don't believe it. Tough shit.


Nothing of the sort has been proven.

What hasn't been proven or even suggested, in fact, avoided by you and your ignorant ilk is WHY?

WHY Pale? WHY?

Why did a pregnant teenager do this? How did she do it?

Why did this teenage girl fly to Kenya, 9 months pregnant, in 1961?

Why did she then sprint back to Hawaii in less than 4 days to file for a BC?

Hawaii was giving away BCs in a free for all, according to you. Why did she rush back from half way around the world and get this BC filed in the exact time frame as a normal BC, issued everyday in Hawaii? Why Pale? Was she clarvoiant?

If this was all a ploy, by a teenage girl, to get citizenship for her son, why did she go to Kenya? Why Pale? If she wanted citizenship so badly for him, WHY Pale? WHY did she go to Kenya? Did she enjoy traveling as a pregnant teenager? Did she enjoy traveling with a three day old baby, as a teenager, in 1961, half around the globe, in order to get back to Hawaii to get a BC filedthat you just said could be filed ANYFUCKINGTIME? WHY? WHY Pale?

Why did a teenage girl not only go to the trouble of flying around the world to have a baby and then fly back to Hawaii to get a BC, but she also made sure to go to the papers, not only report the birth, but get to the layout person of both papers and have the birth listed right with the other babies born the same day, in the same hospital? WHY Pale?

Are you claiming that a pregnant teenager has pulled off the biggest political scam in human history?

And there is absolutley no reasonable explanation for this except one: HE WAS BORN IN HAWAII. That's why he has a Hawaiian BC, that's why it was filed 4 days later, that's why his birth was announced in both papers. To contend that someone covered all these bases, in 1961, not only for the sake of a BC, ANYONE COULD GET THAT*, but also to supply every normal and expected procedure for such a birth JUST IN CASE THIS KID EVER GROWS UP TO BE PRESIDENT ........

That's fucking insane.

You are a fucking retard.
Now, everyone claiming that the original BC would end this bullshit, read the above.

This isn't about any reasonable claim, it's about harassing someone. It will not stop with the original BC.

And as we see in other responses here, no one seems to have a specific claim to make. Just wild "what if" scenarios.

Quite right. They won't stop, probably they can't stop because their rage that a black man, a Democrat, and "the most liberal member of the Senate" (they can pick which one it is) is President of the United States will not allow them to stop.

The President made the appropriate documentation available to the appropriate Constitutional authorities. He has been certified of as qualified, was sworn in, and is serving as President.

Some people believe that he should make his private documentation available to the public - they have the right to their own opinion.

I agree with you that he shouldn't give in to the kooks, that only encourages them.

And not only will a copy of the original not put an end to it, it will fuel more absurd claims. There will be more conspirators, the people who make the photocopies will be "in on it". the people who make the photocopy machines will be "in on it", the only thing the public will ever see is scanned images of a photocopy posted on line and obviously, a scanned image of a photocopy is one generation farther down the line that what they have to look at now. The mere implication that a photocopy of the orignal is somehow more valid than a certified, prima facie document, fails on it's own merits. That is what the courts will continue to see. There is no reasonable claim that the original contains any evidence not already provided and certified as correct, by the certification. The hospital, the doctor, the time of day, etc., is NOT RELEVANT.

The reasons people like Zoom are giving are the exact reason why this is poppy cock. "Becasue some other people keep saying it.....must be some truth to it."

That's UFO logic.

LMAO.....your post is nothing but a conspiracy, a made up proof nada....


at least i've always presented facts and the law vs your made up meadowmuffins...if you don't have anything factual or legal to say, why bother saying anything as you yourself are peddling a notion with absolutely zero facts and yet you whine about others....good lord
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