Hospitals Are Overwhelmed? Where Is The Pandemic?

6,146 hospitals in the USA. 1,300 dead over a 2 month period. DO THE MATH.


Yes do the math. You said there were 65,000 dead of a 2 month period, then you changed it to 1,300

Do the math.
TRY DOING THE READING. That is 1300 dead PER STATE. See line 1. YOU EVEN CHECKED IT. Learn to comprehend before you ask stupid questions and tell others their math is wrong.

Your claim of 1,300 being "per state", doesn't go along with the preface where you said there were 6,146 hospitals, that would also have to be "per state"

You can't correct one error, by lying about it.

Man up.
Jesus you're an idiot. I wrote what I wrote expecting people to be able to extrapolate the rest from the provided figures. The calc was based on 123 hospitals per state which is 123 X 50 = WHAT?
Hospitals in Chicago are furloughing nurses and doctors, that was a supposed hot spot. Converted McCormick place into a hospital and they took 29 patients there once for show. I’ve been calling bullsnot for two months. BULLSNOT

Illinois Hospitals Race To Increase Staff For Expected Surge ... › local › 2020/04/03 › illinois-hospitals-incr...

Apr 3, 2020 - Dr. Jay Chauhan, president of the Chicago Medical Society which ... hospital could bring back "several hundred" furloughed workers.

University of Chicago Medical Center brings back furloughed ... › coronavirus › university-chica...

Mar 26, 2020 - Dr. Emily Landon on Thursday said the hospital is currently treating more than 50 patients that have tested positive for COVID-19 and over 70 ...
OH NO! 0.0125% of the US populous. LOOK OUT! PANDEMIC!
Things always look better when you average them out. But if you were losing a pint of blood a minute, you would immediately put a tourniquet on it. Or you could wait ten minutes first, while thinking about better solutions.
So I don't average them out and instead of one person dying per hospital every 6 days say that some few hospitals have a Covid death ONE PER DAY, that means that all rest are getting EVEN FEWER than one death per week!

So most of the hospitals are empty with rarely a death and some few have one death a day? Where's the overwhelming numbers? Where's the Pandemic?


We had 60,000 - 80,000 dead last season from the regular flu alone and there WAS NO PANDEMIC, NO PANIC, NO SHUTDOWNS, LOCKDOWNS, CLOSURES, END OF SCHOOL YEAR or economic COLLAPSE.
Hospitals in Chicago are furloughing nurses and doctors, that was a supposed hot spot. Converted McCormick place into a hospital and they took 29 patients there once for show. I’ve been calling bullsnot for two months. BULLSNOT

While I happen to believe that in the long run the government making prisoners of everyone is more dangerous, there actually is a pandemic and it is deadly.

But there are a whole lot of issues trying to sort things out.

Why are hospitals empty and some are at risk for failing? Hospitals generally make their money from procedures. That means that their Surgeons are their most valuable assets. The surgeons also tend to make more money for themselves. . .

Because caring for Covid-19 patients is very PPE-intensive they have had to shut down all but emergency procedures

That means that if you have a horrible hip which keeps you from walking or sleeping due to the pain you are just going to have to suffer and your cardiovascular health will suffer for a long time. And by a long time I don't just mean that you have to wait until the Covid-19 scare is over but
even after that because now there is a months-long virtual queue of people who need to have their surgeries done. It literally may take more than a year to get back down to our normal wait times and that means a lot of suffering and general health deterioration.

And very few people are in the hospital recovering from procedures so your surgical wards are relatively empty.

You also have people who are not getting their non-surgical procedures done.
Things like colonoscopies, upper endoscopies, bronchoscopies, etc. done. So diagnoses of cancer are being delayed which means early detection and treatment is being messed over - and the backlog will take a very long time to clear out.

There are very few people out riding dirt bikes and such so the emergency surgeries are way down as well.

Sick people who may need to be in the hospital won't go to the hospital due to the fear of Covid-19. I know this is true because I've urged a number of people to go because they had clearly had a stroke or might be having a heart attack and they wouldn't go to the hospital to get proper care.
They may never be as healthy as a result of not getting proper and timely care.

As to how many people have died due to Covid-19? No one actually knows. I think that overall the reporting of Covid-19 deaths is over-reported (and I saw one note/article that reported deaths due to CVA and MI are way down which would tend to support that) but there are almost certainly some deaths due to Covid-19 which are not recognized as such.

It's a mess and the government is (possibly unwittingly) working to destroy the systems and activities which are essential to health. Our state government appears to be trying to time it so that this winter we'll have a Covid-19 peak at about the time we have a Flu peak and that is the way to really generate a disaster.
Hospitals in Chicago are furloughing nurses and doctors, that was a supposed hot spot. Converted McCormick place into a hospital and they took 29 patients there once for show. I’ve been calling bullsnot for two months. BULLSNOT
Illinois Hospitals Race To Increase Staff For Expected Surge ... › local › 2020/04/03 › illinois-hospitals-incr...

Apr 3, 2020 - Dr. Jay Chauhan, president of the Chicago Medical Society which ... hospital could bring back "several hundred" furloughed workers.

University of Chicago Medical Center brings back furloughed ... › coronavirus › university-chica...

Mar 26, 2020 - Dr. Emily Landon on Thursday said the hospital is currently treating more than 50 patients that have tested positive for COVID-19 and over 70 ...
Where is this surge coming from, Ace? If so many people are shut down and distancing and wearing masks and the virus only lives hours or days on a surface, then what is causing all these new cases? Or is this still just part of the peak hump we are seeing? I smell a RAT.
So most of the hospitals are empty with rarely a death and some few have one death a day? Where's the overwhelming numbers? Where's the Pandemic?


13 deaths in a day: An 'apocalyptic' coronavirus surge at ... › news › national-news-2 › 2020/03/25

Elmhurst, a 545-bed public hospital in Queens, has begun transferring patients not suffering from coronavirus to other facilities ...
It's NEW YORK CITY. The world epicenter where all the good little Democrats go to heaven.

Just means that many other hospitals are THAT MUCH MORE EMPTY.

Either that or the numbers being fed us are a lie (again). When does the government never lie.
Your claim of 1,300 being "per state", doesn't go along with the preface where you said there were 6,146 hospitals, that would also have to be "per state"

You can't correct one error, by lying about it.

Man up.
Jesus you're an idiot. I wrote what I wrote expecting people to be able to extrapolate the rest from the provided figures. The calc was based on 123 hospitals per state which is 123 X 50 = WHAT?

And what you wrote was:

6,146 hospitals in the USA. 1,300 dead over a 2 month period. DO THE MATH.

If those numbers were "per state" as you claim, then why did you start by saying "in the usa"

You don't get to change the scale mid paragraph without saying you changed scales. And you didn't say you changed scsales from "in the usa" to "per state"

Man up.
OH NO! 0.0125% of the US populous. LOOK OUT! PANDEMIC!
Things always look better when you average them out. But if you were losing a pint of blood a minute, you would immediately put a tourniquet on it. Or you could wait ten minutes first, while thinking about better solutions.
So I don't average them out and instead of one person dying per hospital every 6 days say that some few hospitals have a Covid death ONE PER DAY, that means that all rest are getting EVEN FEWER than one death per week!

So most of the hospitals are empty with rarely a death and some few have one death a day? Where's the overwhelming numbers? Where's the Pandemic?


We had 60,000 - 80,000 dead last season from the regular flu alone and there WAS NO PANDEMIC, NO PANIC, NO SHUTDOWNS, LOCKDOWNS, CLOSURES, END OF SCHOOL YEAR or economic COLLAPSE.
Hospitals in Chicago are furloughing nurses and doctors, that was a supposed hot spot. Converted McCormick place into a hospital and they took 29 patients there once for show. I’ve been calling bullsnot for two months. BULLSNOT

While I happen to believe that in the long run the government making prisoners of everyone is more dangerous, there actually is a pandemic and it is deadly.

But there are a whole lot of issues trying to sort things out.

Why are hospitals empty and some are at risk for failing? Hospitals generally make their money from procedures. That means that their Surgeons are their most valuable assets. The surgeons also tend to make more money for themselves. . .

Because caring for Covid-19 patients is very PPE-intensive they have had to shut down all but emergency procedures

That means that if you have a horrible hip which keeps you from walking or sleeping due to the pain you are just going to have to suffer and your cardiovascular health will suffer for a long time. And by a long time I don't just mean that you have to wait until the Covid-19 scare is over but
even after that because now there is a months-long virtual queue of people who need to have their surgeries done. It literally may take more than a year to get back down to our normal wait times and that means a lot of suffering and general health deterioration.

And very few people are in the hospital recovering from procedures so your surgical wards are relatively empty.

You also have people who are not getting their non-surgical procedures done.
Things like colonoscopies, upper endoscopies, bronchoscopies, etc. done. So diagnoses of cancer are being delayed which means early detection and treatment is being messed over - and the backlog will take a very long time to clear out.

There are very few people out riding dirt bikes and such so the emergency surgeries are way down as well.

Sick people who may need to be in the hospital won't go to the hospital due to the fear of Covid-19. I know this is true because I've urged a number of people to go because they had clearly had a stroke or might be having a heart attack and they wouldn't go to the hospital to get proper care.
They may never be as healthy as a result of not getting proper and timely care.

As to how many people have died due to Covid-19? No one actually knows. I think that overall the reporting of Covid-19 deaths is over-reported (and I saw one note/article that reported deaths due to CVA and MI are way down which would tend to support that) but there are almost certainly some deaths due to Covid-19 which are not recognized as such.

It's a mess and the government is (possibly unwittingly) working to destroy the systems and activities which are essential to health. Our state government appears to be trying to time it so that this winter we'll have a Covid-19 peak at about the time we have a Flu peak and that is the way to really generate a disaster.
UAB is losing $70 million a month

ALL hospitals are losing money and they all have a financial incentive to label cases as Kung Flu

we have a new disease, that has a mortality rate comparable with the regular flu, it is especially dangerous for old and infirm people

and we have dramatically over reacted, the consequences of this shut down are far worse that the actual virus

this is one think that MeeMaw has gotten correct

she opened up all medical procedures

hopefully, it was soon enough, time to let anyone go to their doctor anywhere in the country





65,605 officially dead in the US from Covid. I think it safe to say many of these deaths were NOT caused by Covid as the primary cause, but tested + for Covid so got swept up in the data to help beef the numbers.
But we'll stick with 65,000 to --

MAKE THE POINT. What does 65,000 dead in the USA since beginning of March mean?

  1. That is 1,300 dead per state in toto.
  2. That is 21.7 dead per state per day.
  3. That is 0.176 people dead per hospital per day.
That is enough for 1 person dead per hospital per every 6 days.

I shit you not.

6,146 hospitals in the USA. 1,300 dead over a 2 month period. DO THE MATH.

That is why the hospitals are empty.

Now I understand that there are also those who are sick in the hospital who survive and don't die.
And that not all states have the same number of hospitals
or the same number sick at a time.


How do these states even know the number of Covid cases when nobody has a test and they send sick people home refusing to test them?

But what about the CDC? GOTTA BELIEVE THEM. But wait. The CDC was in on the coverup that poisoned 43,000 people in Flint Michigan who between every local, city, state and federal agency, fought TOOTH AND NAIL for years despite overwhelming evidence, to deny that there was a DAMNED THING WRONG WITH THEIR DRINKING WATER. That they had poisoned and covered up. That was 3X the level considered toxic waste. And stood by as the people of Flint, washed, bathed, cooked with and drank that for 18 months.

But they are the gospel truth now, right?


*CDC has modified the death total to under 40K
And I doubt that’s even close
On the bright side, the quarantine has saved +/-3000 lives

Driving miles are down 40% = 2600+/- saved fatalities and countless saved injuries, lost limbs, disfigurement and trauma. Plus, the police can attend to more important duties, like enforcing stay-at-home and wearing-mask orders. Insurers save billion$$ in settlements.

Workplace deaths from 25 million out of work has saved 145 workplace injury deaths and countless injuries, both minor and serious. This saves companies and insurers $$$$$, too.

Restaurants being closed has saved over 200 from choking to death, food poisoning and from allergic reactions, and also prevents hurting restaurants reputations, and also their pocketbooks, and saves their insurers $$$$.

See? It was all worthwhile.
First you guys bitch about shutting so much of the economy down by keeping us separated.

Then you bitch that death totals are lowered after we've been kept separated.

Which one is it? I think you guys just like to bitch.

Be happy. This is the Age Of Trump. You guys bitch too much.
Hospitals in Chicago are furloughing nurses and doctors, that was a supposed hot spot. Converted McCormick place into a hospital and they took 29 patients there once for show. I’ve been calling bullsnot for two months. BULLSNOT
Illinois Hospitals Race To Increase Staff For Expected Surge ... › local › 2020/04/03 › illinois-hospitals-incr...

Apr 3, 2020 - Dr. Jay Chauhan, president of the Chicago Medical Society which ... hospital could bring back "several hundred" furloughed workers.

University of Chicago Medical Center brings back furloughed ... › coronavirus › university-chica...

Mar 26, 2020 - Dr. Emily Landon on Thursday said the hospital is currently treating more than 50 patients that have tested positive for COVID-19 and over 70 ...
Naw, I live in Illinois near Chicago. Furloughed. Still. Empty beds
Where is this surge coming from, Ace? If so many people are shut down and distancing and wearing masks and the virus only lives hours or days on a surface, then what is causing all these new cases? Or is this still just part of the peak hump we are seeing? I smell a RAT.

Because people aren't doing all of the distancing and lockdowns. Just look at the protests, where you have a large gathering with many not distancing or wearing masks. Look at the minister who continued to hold mass services, and who died from the coronavirus.

As long as people behave as if there isn't a pandemic, it will continue.
what you wrote was:

6,146 hospitals in the USA. 1,300 dead over a 2 month period. DO THE MATH.

If those numbers were "per state" as you claim, then why did you start by saying "in the usa"

You don't get to change the scale mid paragraph without saying you changed scales. And you didn't say you changed scsales from "in the usa" to "per state" Man up.
LOOK you dickless, braindead idiot, YOU DON'T GET TO CHANGE MY WORDS OR TELL ME WHAT I CAN DO!


Screen Shot 2020-05-02 at 12.26.18 PM.png

I didn't know I'd be dealing with another braindead jerkoff idiot liberal with the IQ or attention span of a 4 year old.

Congrats. You just bought permanent IGNORE. Bye.
First you guys bitch about shutting so much of the economy down by keeping us separated.

Then you bitch that death totals are lowered after we've been kept separated.

Which one is it? I think you guys just like to bitch.

Be happy. This is the Age Of Trump. You guys bitch too much.
It’s mostly fake data. No one, I repeat, no has validated any data. In fact, scientists are now saying this was back into September. No lockdowns no nothing and we fking survived. People still died. People die daily every where of differing diseases. That’s a fact. To fudge figures to validate the lockdown is dangerous
First you guys bitch about shutting so much of the economy down by keeping us separated.

Then you bitch that death totals are lowered after we've been kept separated.

Which one is it? I think you guys just like to bitch.

Be happy. This is the Age Of Trump. You guys bitch too much.
Where is this surge coming from, Ace? If so many people are shut down and distancing and wearing masks and the virus only lives hours or days on a surface, then what is causing all these new cases? Or is this still just part of the peak hump we are seeing? I smell a RAT.

Because people aren't doing all of the distancing and lockdowns. Just look at the protests, where you have a large gathering with many not distancing or wearing masks. Look at the minister who continued to hold mass services, and who died from the coronavirus.

As long as people behave as if there isn't a pandemic, it will continue.
Are they by you? Do they affect you? Why do you care. They all didn’t. They, were good
First you guys bitch about shutting so much of the economy down by keeping us separated.

Then you bitch that death totals are lowered after we've been kept separated.

Which one is it? I think you guys just like to bitch.

Be happy. This is the Age Of Trump. You guys bitch too much.
It’s mostly fake data. No one, I repeat, no has validated any data. In fact, scientists are now saying this was back into September. No lockdowns no nothing and we fking survived. People still died. People die daily every where of differing diseases. That’s a fact. To fudge figures to validate the lockdown is dangerous
Funny how the only news and data that you guys believe is that which supports Trumpsters.

Well, not funny, disturbing.
LOOK you dickless, braindead idiot, YOU DON'T GET TO CHANGE MY WORDS OR TELL ME WHAT I CAN DO!


View attachment 330897

I didn't know I'd be dealing with another braindead jerkoff idiot liberal with the IQ or attention span of a 4 year old.

Congrats. You just bought permanent IGNORE. Bye.

Thanks you for admitting you f'ed up. And are doing a HIDE AWAY from shame.

You said there were 1,300 deaths per state, and then changed it to the "in the usa" scale when you posted:

6,146 hospitals in the USA. 1,300 dead over a 2 month period. DO THE MATH.

I expected you to MAN UP, and admit you f'ed up when you put two disjointed numbers together. But I was wrong. Some people are just too childish to admit their post was wrong.
First you guys bitch about shutting so much of the economy down by keeping us separated.

Then you bitch that death totals are lowered after we've been kept separated.

Which one is it? I think you guys just like to bitch.

Be happy. This is the Age Of Trump. You guys bitch too much.
It’s mostly fake data. No one, I repeat, no has validated any data. In fact, scientists are now saying this was back into September. No lockdowns no nothing and we fking survived. People still died. People die daily every where of differing diseases. That’s a fact. To fudge figures to validate the lockdown is dangerous
Funny how the only news and data that you guys believe is that which supports Trumpsters.

Well, not funny, disturbing.
How you figure? The CDC said to tag all deaths wuhan. Look at the actual data from the other categories, all dropped towards zero March 6! Hmmmmm I stopped listening to fauci three weeks ago. He’s a tool. He said on 60 minutes masks were no good. Not trump, not me. Him, the expert or goof more like it.
As long as people behave as if there isn't a pandemic, it will continue.
Are they by you? Do they affect you? Why do you care. They all didn’t. They, were good
Do you always suffer from myopia? The people in an Iowa meat packing plant where over 1/3rd of them tested positive means the plant gets shut down. That means the farmers can't get their cows and pigs and chickens to market. If they can't sell them, they can't afford to feed them, and it's like the dairys that are dumping milk down the sewer.

The pandemic is breaking the food chain because the critical industries aren't able to follow the guidelines, and have become hotbeds for virus spread.

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