Hostage Situation at Texas Synagogue.

When you visit RT, you wind up on two lists. A prospective list of America traitors for the Russian military, and a prospective list of America traitors for the FBI.
What do you think about that, Otis? Should Americans, in general, have to worry that in an innocent search for a news source, or when they randomly click on an interesting story, they may well be put on a "list" and thought of as potential criminals or worse?

In the old East Germany, they had a government agency that handled that kind of surveillance. They called it the Stasi. Before that, the Reich had the Schutzstaffel. I'm not particularly pleased that our FBI is now considered to closely resemble them, are you?

RT, "Russia Today", is ran by Russian military intelligence.

When you visit RT, you wind up on two lists. A prospective list of America traitors for the Russian military, and a prospective list of America traitors for the FBI.
You should end up on a list when you visit CNN.
Never said all Muslims, but interesting now you are quick to defend Muslims, in general. How unlike when leftists call all whites racist.

Perhaps a little sympathy for the innocent Jews, held captive by a Muslim, might be appropriate, rather than racing in to tell us how most Muslims don’t take hostages.
Most shoot upguys in the US are white Christians. Racist trash like you tend to overlook that.
You just couldn’t bring yourself to show sympathy for the Jews whose lives are at risk due to this antisemitic Islamic terrorist, could You? Instead, you are more angry at me. SUCH a typical leftist.
I have zero sympathy for any aduult Americans terrorised by guns.I will save that for the kids.
Another stupid comment. It might just be possible that not all Muslims were involved in 9-11, Just maybe 🤔
Thats right. I know several Muslims who were not involved and I suspect there were several more. You halfwits really struggle with that.
RT, "Russia Today", is ran by Russian military intelligence.

When you visit RT, you wind up on two lists. A prospective list of America traitors for the Russian military, and a prospective list of America traitors for the FBI.
What is your native language?

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