Hot (Water) For Teacher


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Ah yes. So peaceful!

Kids are such delightful scamps! Gettin’ into all kinds of Dennis the Menace-style trouble. Trampling mom’s flower bed, walking through the house with muddy feet…getting a man beheaded. That last one is the unique accomplishment of an unnamed “French” 13-year-old schoolgirl, who confessed last week to having killed her middle school teacher by proxy (the word “French” is in scare quotes because she’s from a family of lunatic Muslim immigrants living in Paris).

Knowing that this would infuriate her strict, unforgiving father, she quickly whipped up an excuse—an outright lie, in fact—for why she’d been missing her classes: She told her martinet dad that she ditched school because one of her teachers was forcing his students to view blasphemous drawings of the Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), and little Sharia Twain, not wanting to sully her eyes with such filth, chose truancy over blasphemy.

Of course, Taqwa-na Brawley’s father credulously believed every word his little girl said, in part because in His wisdom Allah has never seen fit to create a Muslim who doesn’t carry a combative chip on his shoulder, and in part because the father just assumed that fitting in as a “Frenchman” means acting at all times like a gullible idiot.


A week and a half after the false accusation, a Muslim immigrant named Abdoullakh Abouyedovich Anzorov (who’d been expelled from his native Chechen village for stealing all their letters) paid a visit to Paty’s school. He slipped two students 300€ (about $357) to identify Paty as he left for the day. And what teenager wouldn’t assist in an assassination for $357?


Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz followed Paty down the street and cut off his head and limbs (Pieces Be Upon Him).


And now everyone’s been arrested: the dad, the girl, the dad’s imam, the paid-off students…all but the assassin, who was shot to death (Lead Be Inside Him). Writing on Twitter, National Review’s A.G. Hamilton lamented the fact that the girl is facing legal consequences for causing the teacher’s death. “Not sure criminal charges are appropriate,” the “conservative” pundit wrote. “This girl will have to live with this for the rest of her life.”

Yes, psychopaths are terribly sensitive souls. She just needs to sit there and think about what she’s done. That’ll be punishment enough.


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