House and Senate call our President a LIAR

I see you are one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about. The idiots that believed the lies of Obamacare.

Why do you think that? I simply asked for a link so I know what you are talking about. What's wrong with that and why instead of doing so do you resort to the insults? Makes you look defensive

Are you denying that you are not one of the Americans that Gruber said who believed Obama's lies on Obamacare?

Do you think the asshole told the truth? Obama's man said the bill was a lie from the beginning and that only the stupid Americans believed it. Tell me that you are not a Moon Bat that believed Obama's lies or a dumbass that is in denial about his lies.
For the third time I'll ask... tell me what lie or lies you are talking about and I'll agree or disagree. So far you haven't said anything specific.
Post a quote or video of something he lied about so I know what you're talking about

You didn't answer my question.

Do you think the asshole told the truth about Obamacare?
That's three times I've asked and three times youve avoided answering. Last chance dude or I'm gonna take it as you admitting you're a blow hard that has no clue what he is talking about. I can't answer your question because you haven't stated what lie or lies you are talking about. So state them

You have continuously ran away from my my question about that laying asshole.

Do you think Obama was truthful to the American people about Obamacare?

How about Benghazi?

How about the IRS?

How about the economy?

How about illegal immigration?

How about Crooked Hillary being the most qualified Presidential candidate in the history of the Milky Way Galaxy?

Was there anything he was truthful about?

Please don't tell me you are one of these card carry Gruberidiots that believed the lying sonofabitch.. Nobody is that stupid, are they?
Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

Congresscritters should tell the public that they have created such a fucking mess wherein the deep state and FISA can collude WITHOUT CREATING A PAPER TRAIL.


Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

And 16 other republicans thought he was a joke during the primaries...and the Bush, clinton and obama political machines thought he was a you might want to wait before you side with these morons..........ask rachel maddow and how Trump didn't pay any taxes...until they saw his returns.....
Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

Congresscritters should tell the public that they have created such a fucking mess wherein the deep state and FISA can collude WITHOUT CREATING A PAPER TRAIL.


Our President did lie

He embraced conspiracy theories without verifying the facts
edward snowden disagrees, they tap all of our shit, but not trumps?????

how dumb are you?

Edward Snowden has never said a thing about Trump Tower being tapped....only our President has told that lie
Can you quote the lie and prove it is a lie?

President Obama tapped Trumps phone lines in Trump Tower

Burden of proof is on the ACCUSER
President Trump is not a USMB member. He does not post here and therefore he is not part of this conversation.

You made an accusation that Trump lied about the NYC Trump Tower being under surveillance. Therefore the onus is on you to prove that he lied. Otherwise you are committing a logical fallacy known as shifting the burden of proof. An argument from ignorance. Argumentum ad ignoratiam, which is a common logical fallacy spewed by the lesser minds in forums like this.

When you accuse some random person of lying, logically the onus is on you to prove your assertion. And not only that, you put yourself into the unenviable position of trying to prove a negative.

Good luck with that, jackass.
Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

And 16 other republicans thought he was a joke during the primaries...and the Bush, clinton and obama political machines thought he was a you might want to wait before you side with these morons..........ask rachel maddow and how Trump didn't pay any taxes...until they saw his returns.....
ummmmm...we get it
He won the election......that is what you use to excuse everything he does

But guess what?
He is president now. That means he is held to certain standards of integrity

Standards he is failing miserably
He very well could have and it wouldn't surprise me. It also wouldn't surprise me Obama did do it and Trump is gathering the evidence.

Trump is supposed to gather evidence BEFORE he makes wild accusations of criminal activity against a former President
1. I agree. But maybe he saw enough to announce it? IDK, like I said, it wouldn't surprise me if he just made it up or jumped to conclusions. and THEN doubles down..
2. Im still waiting for evidence for the Russian state hacking us and that was against another government..

1. Trump was already told that there are no wiretapping by his own intelligence party in Trump Tower but he still double down. He does this all the time and the sad part ........... It doesn't matter if it's true or false his followers believe him 100%%. Are you aware because of the stupidity of our president makes us look so stupid and laughable around the globe?
2. This was already presented to Trump.

Trump acknowledges Russia role in U.S. election hacking: aide

(Reuters) - President-elect Donald Trump accepts the U.S. intelligence community's conclusion that Russia engaged in cyber attacks during the U.S. presidential election and may take action in response, his incoming chief of staff said on Sunday.

Reince Priebus said Trump believed Russia was behind the intrusions into the Democratic Party organizations, although Priebus did not clarify whether the president-elect agreed that the hacks were directed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

"He accepts the fact that this particular case was entities in Russia, so that's not the issue," Priebus said on "Fox News Sunday."

It was the first acknowledgment from a senior member of the Republican president-elect's team that Trump had accepted that Russia directed the hacking and subsequent disclosure of Democratic emails during the 2016 presidential election.
Perhaps our President made his wild accusations without any evidence

Perhaps, but I'd like an investigation before jumping to conclusions like you.

Seems our President was the one jumping to conclusions

Any investigation should be put off until the White House can substantiate their claims. They have been given over a week to provide ANY justification and so far, the best they have offered is some obtuse claims about the true meaning of parenthesis
Obama was such a lying, sleazy coil of dog shit that I will give Trump a pass on this. You leftist scum did not, and do not, support Trump, so he owes you nothing.
So with that logic since you didn't support Obama he owed you nothing right? And if you are going to give Trump a pass for doing what you say Obama did, then that would make you a hypocrite. Glad we got that figured out
Obama certainly acted for 8 years like he owed me, and people like me, nothing. He just took and took, and destroyed.

Can you give us an example Rob?
Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

And 16 other republicans thought he was a joke during the primaries...and the Bush, clinton and obama political machines thought he was a you might want to wait before you side with these morons..........ask rachel maddow and how Trump didn't pay any taxes...until they saw his returns.....
ummmmm...we get it
He won the election......that is what you use to excuse everything he does

But guess what?
He is president now. That means he is held to certain standards of integrity

Standards he is failing miserably don't get guys lie about him and he then shows that you are morons...time after time and you keep doing it....
Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

And 16 other republicans thought he was a joke during the primaries...and the Bush, clinton and obama political machines thought he was a you might want to wait before you side with these morons..........ask rachel maddow and how Trump didn't pay any taxes...until they saw his returns.....
ummmmm...we get it
He won the election......that is what you use to excuse everything he does

But guess what?
He is president now. That means he is held to certain standards of integrity

Standards he is failing miserably don't get guys lie about him and he then shows that you are morons...time after time and you keep doing it....
House and Senate just told the world he is lying

It is our President who is made to look like a moron in front of the whole world

Trump shot himself in the foot on this one
Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

Congresscritters should tell the public that they have created such a fucking mess wherein the deep state and FISA can collude WITHOUT CREATING A PAPER TRAIL.


Our President did lie

He embraced conspiracy theories without verifying the facts

Stupid fuck

tell me clearly and succinctly

1) the deep state and FISA can collude - spying can be conducted WITHOUT CREATING A PAPER TRAIL

2) Secondly the facts can not be verified where Obama allowed GCHQ chief Robert Hannigan to do the dirty work

But that is something that a Hillary fanatic like you is not going to admit,

But the truth will eventually - somehow - come out.

Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

Congresscritters should tell the public that they have created such a fucking mess wherein the deep state and FISA can collude WITHOUT CREATING A PAPER TRAIL.


Our President did lie

He embraced conspiracy theories without verifying the facts

Stupid fuck

tell me clearly and succinctly

1) the deep state and FISA can collude - spying can be conducted WITHOUT CREATING A PAPER TRAIL

2) Secondly the facts can not be verified where Obama allowed GCHQ chief Robert Hannigan to do the dirty work

But that is something that a Hillary fanatic like you is not going to admit,

But the truth will eventually - somehow - come out.

You know....we have a Conspiracy Theory Forum just for you to make new friends
Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

There was no wiretap or surveillance of Trump Tower. Obama ordered no action against Trump. Nobody listened to his phones.

Any attempt to redefine what "wire tap" is or what parenthesis mean do not cover for our Presidents lies

Congresscritters should tell the public that they have created such a fucking mess wherein the deep state and FISA can collude WITHOUT CREATING A PAPER TRAIL.


Our President did lie

He embraced conspiracy theories without verifying the facts

Stupid fuck

tell me clearly and succinctly

1) the deep state and FISA can collude - spying can be conducted WITHOUT CREATING A PAPER TRAIL

2) Secondly the facts can not be verified where Obama allowed GCHQ chief Robert Hannigan to do the dirty work

But that is something that a Hillary fanatic like you is not going to admit,

But the truth will eventually - somehow - come out.

You know....we have a Conspiracy Theory Forum just for you to make new friends

You can ignore the issue because is not convenient to your narrative

What is good for the goose is good for the gander

DJT is the president now, he will be able to use the same technique against the democratic candidate in 2020 and 2024.

Payback is a bitch.


The accusation of wire tapping resulted in a complete investigation. The outcome is, there has been no contact between Trump and the Russians.

Point to Trump.

Why do you always post this kind of nonsense Tipsy?

1. The issue was........ Trump accused Obama of serious charge wiretapping. Senate intelligence committee by his own party wasted their time investigating....... Then they told Trump that he is LYING.... like you........ And still double down. Very disgusting like you.

2. This investigation has nothing to do with Russian contacts. Yes several of Trump closest staff had contacts with Russians. That includes his son in law and Flynn making money from Russians.

Ryan, Senate Intel committee see no evidence of Trump wiretap -

The White House later on Thursday got pushback from GCHQ, the NSA's counterpart in the United Kingdom, over some of Spicer's remarks. At his briefing, Spicer read a statement from Fox News' Judge Andrew Napolitano, who had cited sources claiming Obama "used GCHQ" to provide transcripts of Trump's conversations.
A GCHQ spokesman responded, saying: "Recent allegations made by media commentator Judge Andrew Napolitano about GCHQ being asked to conduct 'wire tapping' against the then President-elect are nonsense. They are utterly ridiculous and should be ignored."
Perhaps they do not have all of the evidence.

Perhaps our President made his wild accusations without any evidence

Perhaps, but I'd like an investigation before jumping to conclusions like you.

I'd like one too, but only to clear the way for suing the bejesus out of Trump for libel/slander. That path has already been made 3/4ths of the way clear; an investigation would simply make it rock solid. Trump needs to be taught a harsh lesson about what he can and cannot say when accusing others of misdeeds.
He accused the former President of the U.S. with a felony without any evidence.
You don't know what kind of evidence Trump has or does not have, you silly fruit loop.

He doesn't have a diddly shit.
Perhaps they do not have all of the evidence.
It was up to the p(R)resident to furnish his evidence, he failed badly
It was not a court case, dipshit. There is no burden on Trump. The only people having a fit are you leftist Fuck Sacks and the media.

Getting tough eh........ Trump made false major accusations...... It's up to the lying president to prove it with no support from the highest level of Intelligence by his own party.

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