House and Senate call our President a LIAR

Perhaps our President made his wild accusations without any evidence

Perhaps, but I'd like an investigation before jumping to conclusions like you.

I'd like one too, but only to clear the way for suing the bejesus out of Trump for libel/slander. That path has already been made 3/4ths of the way clear; an investigation would simply make it rock solid. Trump needs to be taught a harsh lesson about what he can and cannot say when accusing others of misdeeds.
He accused the former President of the U.S. with a felony without any evidence.
You don't know what kind of evidence Trump has or does not have, you silly fruit loop.
If he had the slightest bit of evidence he would have released it, long ago
How do you know that?
Perhaps, but I'd like an investigation before jumping to conclusions like you.

I'd like one too, but only to clear the way for suing the bejesus out of Trump for libel/slander. That path has already been made 3/4ths of the way clear; an investigation would simply make it rock solid. Trump needs to be taught a harsh lesson about what he can and cannot say when accusing others of misdeeds.
He accused the former President of the U.S. with a felony without any evidence.
You don't know what kind of evidence Trump has or does not have, you silly fruit loop.
If he had the slightest bit of evidence he would have released it, long ago
How do you know that?
Give me one good reason why Rump wouldn't have put forth the proof he has.
Adolf Trump is clearly our biggest conspiracy theorist president. He lies like a goose processes food.

I'd like one too, but only to clear the way for suing the bejesus out of Trump for libel/slander. That path has already been made 3/4ths of the way clear; an investigation would simply make it rock solid. Trump needs to be taught a harsh lesson about what he can and cannot say when accusing others of misdeeds.
He accused the former President of the U.S. with a felony without any evidence.
You don't know what kind of evidence Trump has or does not have, you silly fruit loop.
If he had the slightest bit of evidence he would have released it, long ago
How do you know that?
Give me one good reason why Rump wouldn't have put forth the proof he has.
NO. All you will do then is spin and smoke more.
The "Senate Intelligence committee" only knows what they heard from the "intelligence community" and it seems that the left over Hussein appointees in "intelligence" might be engaging in treason by leaking documents that tend to hurt the administration. John McCain heads the "Armed Forces Committee" but he deliberately undermined the efforts of the brave Navy Seals by calling the successful mission in Yemen "a failure" because he is apparently blinded by his own pride and hatred of the President.
The "Senate Intelligence committee" only knows what they heard from the "intelligence community" and it seems that the left over Hussein appointees in "intelligence might be engaging in treason by leaking documents that tend to hurt the administration. John McCain heads the "Armed Forces Committee" but he deliberately undermined the efforts of the brave Navy Seals by calling the successful mission in Yemen "a failure" because he is apparently blinded by his own pride and hatred of the President.
How do you know Yemen was a success, Einstein?
The "Senate Intelligence committee" only knows what they heard from the "intelligence community" and it seems that the left over Hussein appointees in "intelligence" might be engaging in treason by leaking documents that tend to hurt the administration. John McCain heads the "Armed Forces Committee" but he deliberately undermined the efforts of the brave Navy Seals by calling the successful mission in Yemen "a failure" because he is apparently blinded by his own pride and hatred of the President.

Jeff Sessions, asked if he gave Trump 'any reason to believe' he was wiretapped by Obama: 'Um, no'

Attorney General Jeff Sessions, made it clear on Wednesday that he had not given President Trump any reason to believe that Obama had wiretapped him. “Look, um, the answer is no,” Sessions said.
If he had the slightest bit of evidence he would have released it, long ago

Of course he would have. Anybody would have.
How do you know what "anybody" would have done?
Can you supply one reason why Rump wouldn't release the "proof" that he has?
Sure. But I refuse. I won't play your shill game. Whatever I provide you will simply lie spin and smoke more.
You aint got shyte honey bunch, just a lying piece of crap you are

Yeah post some quotes or videos of Obama lying... and make sure they are real lies not things like Keep your plan keep your doctor which was a bad assumption for a plan he was trying to roll out not a lie

I see you are one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about. The idiots that believed the lies of Obamacare.

Why do you think that? I simply asked for a link so I know what you are talking about. What's wrong with that and why instead of doing so do you resort to the insults? Makes you look defensive

Are you denying that you are not one of the Americans that Gruber said who believed Obama's lies on Obamacare?

Do you think the asshole told the truth? Obama's man said the bill was a lie from the beginning and that only the stupid Americans believed it. Tell me that you are not a Moon Bat that believed Obama's lies or a dumbass that is in denial about his lies.
For the third time I'll ask... tell me what lie or lies you are talking about and I'll agree or disagree. So far you haven't said anything specific.
Post a quote or video of something he lied about so I know what you're talking about
Perhaps they do not have all of the evidence.

Perhaps our President made his wild accusations without any evidence

Perhaps, but I'd like an investigation before jumping to conclusions like you.

Seems our President was the one jumping to conclusions

Any investigation should be put off until the White House can substantiate their claims. They have been given over a week to provide ANY justification and so far, the best they have offered is some obtuse claims about the true meaning of parenthesis

This was brought to my attention early this afternoon, and I think it's very telling. The republican chairman is so out-of-sorts over this meeting that he's letting his Democrat co-chair answer questions that are addressed to him. Look at them, really look. They have just been given some news that has shaken them both to the core.

Senators Feinstein and Grassley grim and silent after Trump-Russia briefings with Comey
After closed door meetings with FBI Director James Comey on Wednesday, top members of the Senate Judiciary Committee looked grim and rattled… what do they have on dumph???

Yeah post some quotes or videos of Obama lying... and make sure they are real lies not things like Keep your plan keep your doctor which was a bad assumption for a plan he was trying to roll out not a lie

I see you are one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about. The idiots that believed the lies of Obamacare.

Why do you think that? I simply asked for a link so I know what you are talking about. What's wrong with that and why instead of doing so do you resort to the insults? Makes you look defensive

Are you denying that you are not one of the Americans that Gruber said who believed Obama's lies on Obamacare?

Do you think the asshole told the truth? Obama's man said the bill was a lie from the beginning and that only the stupid Americans believed it. Tell me that you are not a Moon Bat that believed Obama's lies or a dumbass that is in denial about his lies.
For the third time I'll ask... tell me what lie or lies you are talking about and I'll agree or disagree. So far you haven't said anything specific.
Post a quote or video of something he lied about so I know what you're talking about

You didn't answer my question.

Do you think the asshole told the truth about Obamacare?

Yeah post some quotes or videos of Obama lying... and make sure they are real lies not things like Keep your plan keep your doctor which was a bad assumption for a plan he was trying to roll out not a lie

I see you are one of the stupid Americans that Jonathan Gruber told us about. The idiots that believed the lies of Obamacare.

Why do you think that? I simply asked for a link so I know what you are talking about. What's wrong with that and why instead of doing so do you resort to the insults? Makes you look defensive

Are you denying that you are not one of the Americans that Gruber said who believed Obama's lies on Obamacare?

Do you think the asshole told the truth? Obama's man said the bill was a lie from the beginning and that only the stupid Americans believed it. Tell me that you are not a Moon Bat that believed Obama's lies or a dumbass that is in denial about his lies.
For the third time I'll ask... tell me what lie or lies you are talking about and I'll agree or disagree. So far you haven't said anything specific.
Post a quote or video of something he lied about so I know what you're talking about

You didn't answer my question.

Do you think the asshole told the truth about Obamacare?
That's three times I've asked and three times youve avoided answering. Last chance dude or I'm gonna take it as you admitting you're a blow hard that has no clue what he is talking about. I can't answer your question because you haven't stated what lie or lies you are talking about. So state them
Trump has made the accusation of a felony against Obama. Burden of proof lies with him
Trump has provided zero proof and is now demanding that Congress provide proof for him

Defamation Law: The Basics - FindLaw

Our government places a high priority on the public being allowed to speak their mind about elected officials as well as other public figures. People in the public eye get less protection from defamatory statements and face a higher burden when attempting to win a defamation lawsuit.

When an official is criticized in a false and injurious way for something that relates to their behavior in office, the official must prove all of the above elements associated with normal defamation, and must also show that the statement was made with "actual malice."

This meant, according to the Court, that public officials could only win a defamation suit when the statement that was made was not an honest mistake and was in fact published with the actual intent to harm the public figure. According to the Court, actual malice only occurs when the person making the statement knew the statement was not true at the time he made it, or had reckless disregard for whether it was true or not.

Sounds like what Trump did when he accused Obama of wiretapping the phones in Trump Tower, with no proof, and with the intent of harming Obama by accusing him of a crime.
Reckless disregard of whether it was true or not

Trump had the means to verify whether his libel was true before he put it out there as fact

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