House approves resolution opposing Trump administration Syria troop withdrawal

Trumps support in congress among Republicans is crumbling !! He should be awfully nervous about this with the impeachment issue looming. The only question is, what will the Senate do

Syria House vote: Resolution opposing Trump administration troop withdrawal approved - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a resolution opposing the Trump administration's move to withdraw US forces from Syria. The vote was 354-60 with four members voting present.

The resolution states that "an abrupt withdrawal of United States military personnel from certain parts of Northeast Syria is beneficial to adversaries of the United States government, including Syria, Iran, and Russia."
There is no impeachment issue.
You are a silly little dupe.
ISIS was created out of Obama's incompetency and fucked up foreign policy and now the Butt Pirate Democrats want to tell Trump how to fix it? LOL!
Where do you get your horseshit from? The world Net Daily. ISIS exists because of the instability in Iraq … And who was responsible for that? Hint, it was not Obama. Obama bombed the shit out of ISIS

Timeline: the Rise, Spread, and Fall of the Islamic State

Thanks to Obama …...

OIR Spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III


ISIS has lost nearly ALL the territory they once held. More than 7.7 million people are now free, but this does NOT mark the end of the campaign. We know this enemy is as adaptive and savvy as it is cruel and evil. We will continue to support our partners & keep pressure on ISIS.

There was a time when the ME was stable for more than 59 seconds?
ISIS was created out of Obama's incompetency and fucked up foreign policy and now the Butt Pirate Democrats want to tell Trump how to fix it? LOL!
Where do you get your horseshit from? The world Net Daily. ISIS exists because of the instability in Iraq … And who was responsible for that? Hint, it was not Obama. Obama bombed the shit out of ISIS

Timeline: the Rise, Spread, and Fall of the Islamic State

Thanks to Obama …...

OIR Spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III


ISIS has lost nearly ALL the territory they once held. More than 7.7 million people are now free, but this does NOT mark the end of the campaign. We know this enemy is as adaptive and savvy as it is cruel and evil. We will continue to support our partners & keep pressure on ISIS.

You are confused

The instability in Iraq happened because that asshole Obama withdrew American troops before the country was stabilized. He was warned not to do it but he was hell bent on fucking it up.

I really get sick and tired of you stupid Moon Bats not taking responsibility for Obama's incompetency. He was the worst President this country ever had and everything he did was screwed up.
If the House wants to go to war all they have to do is declare war on Turkey or Syria or whoever.

But they won't do that because they are chickenshits. They have big mouths but no substance.
If the House wants to go to war all they have to do is declare war on Turkey or Syria or whoever.

But they won't do that because they are chickenshits. They have big mouths but no substance.

America has had these units in Syria for a long time. President Trump made the calculation that they really weren't providing any great service to the taxpayer by being there, and there were other ways to deal with the problem.

If the Democrat Party candidates want to put this on their platform, to restore American military presence and fighting in northern Syria, they should just say so.

I'd have respect for them, if they just came out in favor of war.
Well...some things can get both sides together:

House condemns Trump’s Syria withdrawal

"In a stinging bipartisan rebuke, the House on Wednesday condemned President Donald Trump's withdrawal of U.S. troops from northern Syria.
Voting 354 to 60, lawmakers approved a non-binding resolution opposing the move, which set the stage for Turkey's military assault against Kurdish forces in Syria that the U.S. partnered with to beat back Islamic State terrorists.
The withdrawal last week drew scorn from both parties, who contend the U.S. is abandoning its Kurdish allies, undermining the fight against ISIS and spurring a humanitarian catastrophe.
"What kind of message does this send to the world? How can America be trusted to keep its word when we betray one of our close partners?" House Foreign Affairs Chairman Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) asked on the House floor. "Congress must speak out against this disgrace."
The top Republican on the Foreign Affairs Committee, Rep. Michael McCaul of Texas, said he understood Trump's "legitimate concerns" about committing troops overseas, but said the president's Syria pullout had damaged U.S. interests in the region.
"I, too, want to wind down our overseas conflicts and bring our troops home," McCaul said. "But leaving [northeast] Syria now does not resolve the problem that brought us there in the first place. It only creates more."
"We need a residual force in place," he added. "The consequences of this decision have already unfolded before our very eyes."
The resolution is non-binding and doesn't condemn Trump by name. It calls on Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to halt Turkey's military campaign in Syria and urges humanitarian support to displaced Syrian Kurds and calls on the U.S. to ensure Turkey "acts with restraint and respects existing agreements related to Syria.""
Trumps support in congress among Republicans is crumbling !! He should be awfully nervous about this with the impeachment issue looming. The only question is, what will the Senate do

Syria House vote: Resolution opposing Trump administration troop withdrawal approved - CNNPolitics

Washington (CNN)The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a resolution opposing the Trump administration's move to withdraw US forces from Syria. The vote was 354-60 with four members voting present.

The resolution states that "an abrupt withdrawal of United States military personnel from certain parts of Northeast Syria is beneficial to adversaries of the United States government, including Syria, Iran, and Russia."
Can they approve bullet proof vest for black kids in democrat run Baltimore!? 2200 shot in 10 months

How are those strict gun laws working for them. Chicago too is just as bad.

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It's funny how you "progressives" are all of a sudden pro-war and world policing.

Can you clowns EVER make up your minds?
That is exceedingly stupid! This has nothing to do with being pro war. This is about honoring our commitment to our allies, trying to keep a lid on a bad situation that is the result of hard line Republican policies, and maintain some credibility on the world stage

That is funny. It’s the Republicans fault. Typical libtard Asshole answer.

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"Poor" Trump......he was only doing what Putin directed him to
ISIS was created out of Obama's incompetency and fucked up foreign policy and now the Butt Pirate Democrats want to tell Trump how to fix it? LOL!
Where do you get your horseshit from? The world Net Daily. ISIS exists because of the instability in Iraq … And who was responsible for that? Hint, it was not Obama. Obama bombed the shit out of ISIS

Timeline: the Rise, Spread, and Fall of the Islamic State

Thanks to Obama …...

OIR Spokesman Col. Myles B. Caggins III

[emoji818] @OIRSpox

ISIS has lost nearly ALL the territory they once held. More than 7.7 million people are now free, but this does NOT mark the end of the campaign. We know this enemy is as adaptive and savvy as it is cruel and evil. We will continue to support our partners & keep pressure on ISIS.

Obama didn’t bomb the shit out of ISIS. What drugs are you doing. The bombings started before Obama and had to continue. He didn’t do shit. He ducked as a president. He gave money to Iran to fund there nuclear program. He is a disgrace and his skeletons are coming out of the closet now. See Clinton, Obama and Biden picked the wrong President, President Trump to fuck with. You liberal and Democratic scum are pathetic excuses for a human.

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It's funny how you "progressives" are all of a sudden pro-war and world policing.

Can you clowns EVER make up your minds?
That is exceedingly stupid! This has nothing to do with being pro war. This is about honoring our commitment to our allies, trying to keep a lid on a bad situation that is the result of hard line Republican policies, and maintain some credibility on the world stage
Who says we committed to stay there indefinitely?
No one said that? That is a classic straw man argument .Try addressing the actual issue ....that the timing was bad and the move was done without consulting our allies and even worse, without the input of advisors or diplomats . What the fuck is wrong with you people !!??

You libtarda are all the same. Scumbags and ignorant brainwashed puppets.

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Washington (CNN)The House of Representatives on Wednesday approved a resolution opposing the Trump administration's move to withdraw US forces from Syria. The vote was 354-60 with four members voting present.

The resolution states that "an abrupt withdrawal of United States military personnel from certain parts of Northeast Syria is beneficial to adversaries of the United States government, including Syria, Iran, and Russia."
A Non-Binding Resolution?

Wow... That'll learn him...[
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Amazing ! If it was a Democrat President doing this all the leftest would be supporting it but as usual the spineless Republicans don't back their own . How much money from the defence industry is going into these bums pockets to get our kids killed or injured . That's what this is all about and we know it .
"Poor" Trump......he was only doing what Putin directed him to

Democrats are only doing what their corrupt, Neocon lobby groups tell them.

House Foreign Affairs Committee, which oversees arms controls and exports, has received campaign contributions from the U.S. defense industry and from interests identified as being pro-Israel, a top buyer of American weapons and a recipient of significant American military assistance.

Rep. Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) was in the ideological middle of the 115th Congress’ Democratic caucus, but his foreign affairs views are more conservative than the average Democrat’s, especially when it comes to Israel

New House Foreign Affairs Chair Receives Money from Weapons Contractors He Oversees
House condemns Trump’s Syria withdrawal-Bipartsan Rebuke Delivered

The bastards all have SURPRISE defense contractors in their districts and not by accident. No fighting, no jobs. Odds are pretty good that there will never be an end to active warfare in our lifetimes.

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