House bill: “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act" passes in GOP controlled House

Their physical strengths and advantages are different. In show jumping, women have an advantage because they're lighter and are required to carry lead in their saddles to compensate.
Show jumping? :lol:
Thank you for making my point.

I've wondered if there was any sport in which women had an inherent advantage over men.

Leave it to the lizard bitch to find an example of a “sport”, where the actual athlete is not the human, but the horse that has to carry a human while performing its feats of athleticism.

. Its because women aren't seeing this as a concern.

Because their bodies have matured and changed because of hormone surges.

Men are not "physically more capable". They are larger, and have more upper body strength. Women's bodies get less lean at puberty because at women need a 22% BMI for menstration and childbirth. A woman will stop menstrating if her BMI falls below 18.5%. The recommended levels of body fat are 14% in women and 6% in men.

Their physical strengths and advantages are different. In show jumping, women have an advantage because they're lighter and are required to carry lead in their saddles to compensate.

This topic is about Republicans passing a law that women didn't ask for and has no meaning in their lives, and telling us they're looking out for women, while in Florida and Texas women are bleeding out from complications of pregnancy that doctors cannot treat after 6 or 15 weeks.

1/4 American women will have an abortion before age 40. Guaranteeing access to safe reproductive care, will save literally thousands of women's lives. PASS THAT BILL, AND REPUBLCANS CAN SAY THEY CARE AB0UT W0MEN.
Actually, it's trying to protect Title IX as it stands.
Not letting the pretend girls compete against actual females.
Kinda like protecting an even field for real girls and women.
You're all wrong.

Only transgenders should be allowed to compete in women's sporting competitions.

Real women should be at home doing their Kegel exercises.
Do you have any competitors that prove your case, or just the girl you asked?
Answer the point. You can only cite two? How is this a pressing Federal issue with...two?

Ironically I agree, but this is an issue for the NCAA, not the feds. Congress should focus on Federal issues charged to them.
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Killing babies is wrong. That has nothing to do with my post. In an ectopic pregnancy an abortion is the only way way to save the mother’s life. If you outlaw abortion, every ectopic pregnancy will be government sanctioned murder.

To Bob Blaylock Please read the above.
It takes a fucked-up subhuman LIbtARd piece of shit to describe murdering innocent children in cold blood as “safe reproductive care”.

How be we make a law that says if you have sex with a woman, even if its your wife, the state can send an orphaned child to live with Y0U for the rest of your life, and you have to feed, clothe and care for this child, even if you're married and have already other obligations? You'll have no right to refuse to care for this child. After all, you could have kept it in your pants, if you don't want more children.
Killing babies is wrong. That has nothing to do with my post. In an ectopic pregnancy an abortion is the only way way to save the mother’s life. If you outlaw abortion, every ectopic pregnancy will be government sanctioned murder.
Have you ever seen the movie "The Seven Signs"? In it the mother actually sacrifices her life for her child. What a novel idea. That a babies life is more important than the mother giving birth to that child. Of course in the movie if she didnt save the child, the whole world would of ended with Jesus walking once again. Ever heard of that? End of days? Why are women so selfish that they would rather murder their child then sacrifice their own lives for it?

What does this have to do with women's sports in the real world? Are you aware that boys and girls compete together in baseball and hockey Little Leagues until puberty??? So why are trans kids banned from girls' sports???

There is exactly one high level trans swimmer in the entire USA, and she's not beating that many girls. Lia Thomas is the poster child for this law. A nationally ranked swimmer who handily won her first meet barely 12 months after starting hormone replacement therapy. There was flurry of articles in February and March of 2022 that she would be beating Katy Ledecki and saying it was unfair to the rest of the girls.

The longer Lia Thomas is on HRT, the lower her times. She's currently ranked 35th in the NCAA, and 46th in the nation overall. Hardly a threat to the entire NCAA Swimming program.

So the House just passed a bill banning one trans athlete from competing in NCAA Swimming. Because there aren't any other elite trans athletes currently competing in the NCAA, or any other nationally ranked athletic programs.

Little league, oh my, where usually girls mature faster than the boys. But then when the balls drop down, no fucking way a girl can physically compete with a boy then. Lia Thomas AKA (William Thomas), is the posterchild for the mentally insane. Just like you who think he is actually a she. 2 balls and a bat, makes you a boy anyday.
Answer the point. You can only cite two? How is this a pressing Federal issue with...two?

Ironically I agree, but this is an issue for the NCAA, not the feds. Congress should focus on Federal issues charged to them.
Are you saying there is only two? Seriously?
You brought up 0......except for :rolleyes-41: I have a buddy and she said she don't care.
Are you saying there is only two? Seriously?
You brought up 0......except for :rolleyes-41: I have a buddy and she said she don't care.
Yes, materiality matters.

OT but SCOTUS stayed the Texas court. Alito and Thomas, both vacation buddies of the right, objected of course
Yes, materiality matters.

OT but SCOTUS stayed the Texas court. Alito and Thomas, both vacation buddies of the right, objected of course
You are on the side of the pretend women, and I'm on the side of the real women.

XX and XY are two different entities. Let the real women enjoy their HS and NCAA records, and not let
the pretend women muck up the reality.
You are on the side of the pretend women, and I'm on the side of the real women.

XX and XY are two different entities. Let the real women enjoy their HS and NCAA records, and not let
the pretend women muck up the reality.
I am on the side that the MAGAs are terrified of DaGayz and aren't doing their actual jobs.
I am on the side that the MAGAs are terrified of DaGayz and aren't doing their actual jobs.
This goes beyond that and you know it.
It dudes who aren't relevant in their own gender sports going after women's records to become relevant.

They have a screw loose.
This goes beyond that and you know it.
It dudes who aren't relevant in their own gender sports going after women's records to become relevant.

They have a screw loose.
Ok. And? You have cited less people than fit in a pick up truck.
Have you ever seen the movie "The Seven Signs"? In it the mother actually sacrifices her life for her child. What a novel idea. That a babies life is more important than the mother giving birth to that child. Of course in the movie if she didnt save the child, the whole world would of ended with Jesus walking once again. Ever heard of that? End of days? Why are women so selfish that they would rather murder their child then sacrifice their own lives for it?

I have not seen that movie, but it doesn’t matter. An ectopic pregnancy is a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. It can’t survive there. It has to be removed before it kills the mother. I had a friend who went through this. If abortion was made illegal, she would be dead.
It takes a fucked-up subhuman LIbtARd piece of shit to describe murdering innocent children in cold blood as “safe reproductive care”.
How be we make a law that says if you have sex with a woman, even if its your wife, the state can send an orphaned child to live with Y0U for the rest of your life, and you have to feed, clothe and care for this child, even if you're married and have already other obligations? You'll have no right to refuse to care for this child. After all, you could have kept it in your pants, if you don't want more children.

It's not my responsibility to care for someone else's children.

Your entire argument is based on refusing to hold people responsible for their own actions; to the degree that others who had no part in those actions may be held responsible, or even to the point of murdering an innocent human being because those responsible for his existence do not want to fulfill their duty to that child.

Yours is the position of an evil and irresponsible sociopath.
But of course will go nowhere in the Democrat controlled Senate, and would be vetoed by Biden anyway.

This will at least show that Democrats, are all for biological men beating women in women's sports.

They will join Republican governors in Indiana and Utah who vetoed similar laws.

"In Utah, Cox called the issue of transgender students participating in sports “one of the most divisive of our time” and said he wanted to approach the issue with compassion. He expressed concern for the mental health of trans youths, who, he said, simply want to participate in sports as a means of belonging.

Cox said he found only one instance of a transgender student playing on a girls' high school team in Utah.

“Rarely has so much fear and anger been directed at so few,” Cox wrote in a letter explaining his veto. “I don’t understand what they are going through or why they feel the way they do. But I want them to live.”


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