House bill: “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act" passes in GOP controlled House

MMA after that fight(?) outlawed trannies in womens fights.

What does this have to do with women's sports in the real world? Are you aware that boys and girls compete together in baseball and hockey Little Leagues until puberty??? So why are trans kids banned from girls' sports???

There is exactly one high level trans swimmer in the entire USA, and she's not beating that many girls. Lia Thomas is the poster child for this law. A nationally ranked swimmer who handily won her first meet barely 12 months after starting hormone replacement therapy. There was flurry of articles in February and March of 2022 that she would be beating Katy Ledecki and saying it was unfair to the rest of the girls.

The longer Lia Thomas is on HRT, the lower her times. She's currently ranked 35th in the NCAA, and 46th in the nation overall. Hardly a threat to the entire NCAA Swimming program.

So the House just passed a bill banning one trans athlete from competing in NCAA Swimming. Because there aren't any other elite trans athletes currently competing in the NCAA, or any other nationally ranked athletic programs.
What does this have to do with women's sports in the real world? Are you aware that boys and girls compete together in baseball and hockey Little Leagues until puberty??? So why are trans kids banned from girls' sports???

There is exactly one high level trans swimmer in the entire USA, and she's not beating that many girls. Lia Thomas is the poster child for this law. A nationally ranked swimmer who handily won her first meet barely 12 months after starting hormone replacement therapy. There was flurry of articles in February and March of 2022 that she would be beating Katy Ledecki and saying it was unfair to the rest of the girls.

The longer Lia Thomas is on HRT, the lower her times. She's currently ranked 35th in the NCAA, and 46th in the nation overall. Hardly a threat to the entire NCAA Swimming program.

Dispute that
So the House just passed a bill banning one trans athlete from competing in NCAA Swimming. Because there aren't any other elite trans athletes currently competing in the NCAA, or any other nationally ranked athletic programs.

The dude Lia is a dude.
What does this have to do with women's sports in the real world? Are you aware that boys and girls compete together in baseball and hockey Little Leagues until puberty???
Why do they complete separately -after- puberty?
So why are trans kids banned from girls' sports???
Men are physically more capable than women.
So the House just passed a bill banning one trans athlete from competing in NCAA Swimming. Because there aren't any other elite trans athletes currently competing in the NCAA, or any other nationally ranked athletic programs.
Why do you hate XX people?
The dude Lia is a dude.

The dude Lia is ranked 46th in the USA. Not all that much higher than she completed as a man - 67th. Hardly a threat to Katy Ledecki or any other elite American swimmer, male or female.

Not anywhere near good enough to go to the 0lympics, to be a real threat to any "real" female athlete. Lia had a huge success in his/her first NCAA meet after only 12 months on testosterone blockers, but the longer she's on HRT, the slower her times.
The dude Lia is ranked 46th in the USA. Not all that much higher than she completed as a man - 67th. Hardly a threat to Katy Ledecki or any other elite American swimmer, male or female.

Not anywhere near good enough to go to the 0lympics, to be a real threat to any "real" female athlete. Lia had a huge success in his/her first NCAA meet after only 12 months on testosterone blockers, but the longer she's on HRT, the slower her times.

Still a dude, a biological dude...go fck yourself
Why do they complete separately -after- puberty?

Men are physically more capable than women.

Why do you hate XX people?

Because their bodies have matured and changed because of hormone surges.

Men are not "physically more capable". They are larger, and have more upper body strength. Women's bodies get less lean at puberty because at women need a 22% BMI for menstration and childbirth. A woman will stop menstrating if her BMI falls below 18.5%. The recommended levels of body fat are 14% in women and 6% in men.

Their physical strengths and advantages are different. In show jumping, women have an advantage because they're lighter and are required to carry lead in their saddles to compensate.

Why don't you start a thread on that? This topic is not about abortion.

This topic is about Republicans passing a law that women didn't ask for and has no meaning in their lives, and telling us they're looking out for women, while in Florida and Texas women are bleeding out from complications of pregnancy that doctors cannot treat after 6 or 15 weeks.

1/4 American women will have an abortion before age 40. Guaranteeing access to safe reproductive care, will save literally thousands of women's lives. PASS THAT BILL, AND REPUBLCANS CAN SAY THEY CARE AB0UT W0MEN.
Because their bodies have matured and changed because of hormone surges.
And males become stronger, faster, heavier, taller, more aggressive, with more endurance, etc etc etc...
That is, physically more capable.
Their physical strengths and advantages are different. In show jumping, women have an advantage because they're lighter and are required to carry lead in their saddles to compensate.
Show jumping? :lol:

Thank you for making my point.
What does this have to do with women's sports in the real world? Are you aware that boys and girls compete together in baseball and hockey Little Leagues until puberty??? So why are trans kids banned from girls' sports???

There is exactly one high level trans swimmer in the entire USA, and she's not beating that many girls. Lia Thomas is the poster child for this law. A nationally ranked swimmer who handily won her first meet barely 12 months after starting hormone replacement therapy. There was flurry of articles in February and March of 2022 that she would be beating Katy Ledecki and saying it was unfair to the rest of the girls.

The longer Lia Thomas is on HRT, the lower her times. She's currently ranked 35th in the NCAA, and 46th in the nation overall. Hardly a threat to the entire NCAA Swimming program.

So the House just passed a bill banning one trans athlete from competing in NCAA Swimming. Because there aren't any other elite trans athletes currently competing in the NCAA, or any other nationally ranked athletic programs.

The dude Lia is a dude.

And as such he has a male heart, male lungs, a male skeletal structure, male muscles, and just about every physical advantage that a male has over females.

All of the drugs, hormones, surgeries, and other quasi-medical Frankensteinery will not change that. None of it will change the fact that he is outright cheating, by competing as a “woman” against actual women, instead of competing against other men like himself.
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Yes I agree, killing babies is wrong. Abortion doesn't "kill a baby" because no "baby" exists when an abortion is performed. An abortion terminates a pregnancy before the fetus becomes a baby.

That isn't a dog that is murdered by every abortion. It's not an elephant nor a rotifer nor a dolphin.

It's a precious, innocent human being.

If you support abortion, then you do, undeniably, support the murder of innocent human beings. There is no spin that will change or hide this fact. To support this proves that you are a soulless, murderous, subhuman monster.
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Killing babies is wrong. That has nothing to do with my post. In an ectopic pregnancy an abortion is the only way way to save the mother’s life. If you outlaw abortion, every ectopic pregnancy will be government sanctioned murder.

If we outlawed every abortion, even in the cases where it is legitimately necessary to save a mother from a near-certain fatal pregnancy-related complications, we would save many more lives, by several orders of magnitude, than would be lost because of such a total ban.

Every successful abortion kills an innocent human being. Every one, without exception. That is its purpose and that is its intent.

I'm in favor of allowing abortion in extreme cases, where it is necessary to save the mother from death or severe permanent harm, but even there, it has to be acknowledged that saving the mother comes at the tragic price of killing her child.

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