House bill: “Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act" passes in GOP controlled House


Democrats accuse Republicans of 'BULLYING' for trying to protect women's sports from 'chicks w/di@ks'.

'Bullying' whom?

Democrats who are disrespecting women and attacking their sports?

Dudes who claim to be female because they 'associate' with / FEEL like they are girls?


They are not trying to protect women's sports. There are too few transgenders competing in women's sports.

This is "Lea" Thomas, all 6'4" of him. He now calls himself a woman so he can compete against women and he is known to swing his dick around in women's locker rooms to intimidate them. This is especially creepy inasmuch as he now refers to himself as a lesbian, as he likes to fuck women. As such, he's actually a STRAIGHT male.

Now, there are people here who have absolutely NO respect for women. They support degrading women through this spectacle where biological males who like to fuck women are swinging their dick around in front of the very women they want to fuck.

How ironic that instead of addressing their own spectacular misogyny, these people actually accuse others of "Hating da Gayz" for respecting women and thinking that they should not have to put up with this HETEROSEXUAL MALE acting this way.
I've wondered if there was any sport in which women had an inherent advantage over men.

Leave it to the lizard bitch to find an example of a “sport”, where the actual athlete is not the human, but the horse that has to carry a human while performing its feats of athleticism.

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Is that really you??? Are you really that ugly and stupid looking????
It is nether stupid nor dishonest. You're terrified of gays and trannies. You want gay people completely hidden from sight and never spoken of in the presence of children.

Why are you so determined that children need to be exposed to fucked-up sexual perversions?

No need to answer that. It was a rhetorical question. We all know the answer, don't we? We may not be allowed to say it here, but we all know.
And males become stronger, faster, heavier, taller, more aggressive, with more endurance, etc etc etc...
That is, physically more capable.

Show jumping? :lol:

Thank you for making my point.

I don’t even know what point you’re trying to make. Physical strength is not “capability”. Women are capable of doing all of the same sports as men.

Men who have transitioned to women lose muscle mass, increase their body fat, and lose upper body strength. The longer they take female hormones, and block testosterone production the less muscle mass they have.

Still a dude, a biological dude...go fck yourself

Still not a threat to any elite, female athletes, or any programs providing them financial assistance. Period.

Why do 150+ million women need a special law to protect womens’ sports from one trans athlete who is ranked 46th in the country?
Just the fact that you would call another person that you have never ever met in real life “hateful and evil”, is proof positive that you are neither sane nor sensible.
Not at all.

You have over 40,000 posts by now, and it is a simple matter to see what you are all about.
It's not my responsibility to care for someone else's children.

Your entire argument is based on refusing to hold people responsible for their own actions; to the degree that others who had no part in those actions may be held responsible, or even to the point of murdering an innocent human being because those responsible for his existence do not want to fulfill their duty to that child.

Yours is the position of an evil and irresponsible sociopath.

You’re dodging the question Bob. You don’t get to make that does the decision. The state is going to tell you that you’re going to take that child and you’re not going to have any choice about it.

Do you have a choice if you don’t want the state giving you a child. You can stop having sex with your wife.

I don’t understand why you’re having sex with this woman unless you want no to have children or your passed the age of procreation. What kind of perverts are you?
Not at all.

You have over 40,000 posts by now, and it is a simple matter to see what you are all about.

Are you saying that you read all 40,000 of my posts together with the links that were attached to them? That’s some level of obsession you have going on there.

It still doesn’t change the fact that I am neither hateful nor evil. Just the fact that you think any other human being is hateful or evil shows a lack of good sense or sanity.
It is nether stupid nor dishonest. You're terrified of gays and trannies. You want gay people completely hidden from sight and never spoken of in the presence of children.
Bring your bullshit you support to a local playground and start showing it to the kids there. The parents will beat the hell out of you. Leave kids alone.

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