House conservatives prep push to impeach Rosenstein


I’m sharing this because I’ve seen at least a dozen posts on this during my daily news scan. It appears to be legit and an actual push to kick him out of the DOJ.

The push for impeachment is reportedly being led by two of the most conservative members of the House, Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, who are both on the House Freedom Caucus.

Republicans have recently accused the DOJ of ignoring their requests to hand over documents related to ongoing probes.

This report from Report: House Conservatives Prepare Impeachment Push For Rod Rosenstein | One America News Network

Hmmm what are grounds for impeachment again?

shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Which is Rosenstein guilty of?

Or are the Republicans just going to ignore the Constitution again?

His crime is refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas, moron. That's a crime.
for an ongoing investigation?

I’m sharing this because I’ve seen at least a dozen posts on this during my daily news scan. It appears to be legit and an actual push to kick him out of the DOJ.

The push for impeachment is reportedly being led by two of the most conservative members of the House, Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, who are both on the House Freedom Caucus.

Republicans have recently accused the DOJ of ignoring their requests to hand over documents related to ongoing probes.

This report from Report: House Conservatives Prepare Impeachment Push For Rod Rosenstein | One America News Network

Hmmm what are grounds for impeachment again?

shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Which is Rosenstein guilty of?

Or are the Republicans just going to ignore the Constitution again?

His crime is refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas, moron. That's a crime.

What law did he violate?
Contempt of Congress, moron.
Sorry bout that,
  1. So the Attorney General is about to be IMPEACHED!
  2. He needs a fast track to jail, quick trial then slammer.
  3. He is a criminal for the democrats, its blatantly obvious.
  4. Won't happen fast enough first of many.
Rosenstein not smiling anymore after House Republican's spotted with his impeachment docs

He's a republican trump appointee any your criminal hero's are looking for a scapegoat.

This is a ridiculously transparent move that will only fool low information tRumpkins like you.
Sorry bout that,
  1. So the bastard Attorney General, is about to be IMPEACHED!
  2. He needs a fast track to jail, quick trial then slammer.
  3. He is a criminal for the democrats, its blatantly obvious.
  4. Won't happen fast enough first of many.
Rosenstein not smiling anymore after House Republican's spotted with his impeachment docs


The table has been set nicely for the coming purges. [Rod Rosenstein] has been on the menu for too long. Time to clear his plate.
Sorry bout that,

1. Yes Sessions is AG with my glee to get this RINO out I over looked that, we need Sessions fired as well!

Sorry bout that,
  1. So the Attorney General is about to be IMPEACHED!
  2. He needs a fast track to jail, quick trial then slammer.
  3. He is a criminal for the democrats, its blatantly obvious.
  4. Won't happen fast enough first of many.
Rosenstein not smiling anymore after House Republican's spotted with his impeachment docs

He's a republican trump appointee any your criminal hero's are looking for a scapegoat.

This is a ridiculously transparent move that will only fool low information tRumpkins like you.
What 'move'?

Rosenstein has CHOSEN, as Deputy Director of the Department of JUSTICE, to criminally refuse to comply with a Congressional Subpoena.

No one made him do so. He was given every chance to comply. Again, he has CHOSEN not to.

There are consequences...most of the time... for your own actions.

Rosenstein is responsible for Rosenstein's Impeachment.

You have 'Russia, Russia, Russia' on the brain ... and no evidence to prove the witch hunt conspiracies.
House conservatives are preparing a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources — putting the finishing touches on an impeachment filing even as Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the 2016 election.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, in fact, had the impeachment document on the floor of the House at the very moment that Rosenstein spoke to reporters and TV cameras Friday.

Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.

“It has not been filed today,” was all Meadows spokesman Ben Williamson would say. Williamson declined to rule out whether Meadows intended to file the document next week.

Much More: House conservatives prep push to impeach Rosenstein

Not surprising. House conservatives are running out of options as Mueller gets closer to Trump and his inner circle - so I'm not surprised they are planning aggressive ways to kill the investigation. They are desperate.

If does perfectly describe the governing style of republicants....the GOP controlled Congress is trying to impeach a member of the GOP controlled executive. Most
Junior High School class governments are not as disastrous as the current federal government.
Few days ago you were complaining they're not doing anything.

Now that they're doing something, you complain about that.

Does leftist ever stop complaining?


This is "doing something"...trying to impeach the deputy AG that the other body approved 94-6?

Conservatives are funny when they try and pretend to be intelligent.
Sorry bout that,
  1. So the Attorney General is about to be IMPEACHED!
  2. He needs a fast track to jail, quick trial then slammer.
  3. He is a criminal for the democrats, its blatantly obvious.
  4. Won't happen fast enough first of many.
Rosenstein not smiling anymore after House Republican's spotted with his impeachment docs

He's a republican trump appointee any your criminal hero's are looking for a scapegoat.

This is a ridiculously transparent move that will only fool low information tRumpkins like you.
What 'move'?

Rosenstein has CHOSEN, as Deputy Director of the Department of JUSTICE, to criminally refuse to comply with a Congressional Subpoena.

No one made him do so. He was given every chance to comply. Again, he has CHOSEN not to.

There are consequences...most of the time... for your own actions.

Rosenstein is responsible for Rosenstein's Impeachment.

You have 'Russia, Russia, Russia' on the brain ... and no evidence to prove the witch hunt conspiracies.
What do you mean "what move"?

Did you even bother to read the op? Can you tell me what this thread is about without scrolling up to the top to check?

I doubt it.

You are so focused on trolling me you didn't even bother.
House conservatives are preparing a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources — putting the finishing touches on an impeachment filing even as Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the 2016 election.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, in fact, had the impeachment document on the floor of the House at the very moment that Rosenstein spoke to reporters and TV cameras Friday.

Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.

“It has not been filed today,” was all Meadows spokesman Ben Williamson would say. Williamson declined to rule out whether Meadows intended to file the document next week.

Much More: House conservatives prep push to impeach Rosenstein

Not surprising. House conservatives are running out of options as Mueller gets closer to Trump and his inner circle - so I'm not surprised they are planning aggressive ways to kill the investigation. They are desperate.

If does perfectly describe the governing style of republicants....the GOP controlled Congress is trying to impeach a member of the GOP controlled executive. Most
Junior High School class governments are not as disastrous as the current federal government.
Few days ago you were complaining they're not doing anything.

Now that they're doing something, you complain about that.

Does leftist ever stop complaining?


This is "doing something"...trying to impeach the deputy AG that the other body approved 94-6?

Conservatives are funny when they try and pretend to be intelligent.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Everyone who is not doing their job should be fired. 94-6 is not giving you blank check to do whatever you want and not to respect body that constitutionally have power over you. Not understanding that shows where your intelligence really is.
Last edited:
House conservatives are preparing a new push to oust Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, according to three conservative Capitol Hill sources — putting the finishing touches on an impeachment filing even as Rosenstein announced the indictment of 12 Russian intelligence officers for interfering in the 2016 election.

House Freedom Caucus Chairman Mark Meadows, in fact, had the impeachment document on the floor of the House at the very moment that Rosenstein spoke to reporters and TV cameras Friday.

Conservative sources say they could file the impeachment document as soon as Monday, as Meadows and Freedom Caucus founder Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) look to build Republican support in the House. One source cautioned, however, that the timing was still fluid.

“It has not been filed today,” was all Meadows spokesman Ben Williamson would say. Williamson declined to rule out whether Meadows intended to file the document next week.

Much More: House conservatives prep push to impeach Rosenstein

Not surprising. House conservatives are running out of options as Mueller gets closer to Trump and his inner circle - so I'm not surprised they are planning aggressive ways to kill the investigation. They are desperate.

If does perfectly describe the governing style of republicants....the GOP controlled Congress is trying to impeach a member of the GOP controlled executive. Most
Junior High School class governments are not as disastrous as the current federal government.
Few days ago you were complaining they're not doing anything.

Now that they're doing something, you complain about that.

Does leftist ever stop complaining?


This is "doing something"...trying to impeach the deputy AG that the other body approved 94-6?

Conservatives are funny when they try and pretend to be intelligent.

Yes. Yes. Yes. Everyone who is not doing their job should be fired. 94-6 is not giving you blank check to do whatever you want and not to respect body that constitutionally have power over you. Not understanding that shows your intelligence really is.

Not understanding that shows your intelligence really is.

he he he

Ouch, hard to stay happy after that. LOL
Sorry bout that,
  1. So the Attorney General is about to be IMPEACHED!
  2. He needs a fast track to jail, quick trial then slammer.
  3. He is a criminal for the democrats, its blatantly obvious.
  4. Won't happen fast enough first of many.
Rosenstein not smiling anymore after House Republican's spotted with his impeachment docs

He's a republican trump appointee any your criminal hero's are looking for a scapegoat.

This is a ridiculously transparent move that will only fool low information tRumpkins like you.
What 'move'?

Rosenstein has CHOSEN, as Deputy Director of the Department of JUSTICE, to criminally refuse to comply with a Congressional Subpoena.

No one made him do so. He was given every chance to comply. Again, he has CHOSEN not to.

There are consequences...most of the time... for your own actions.

Rosenstein is responsible for Rosenstein's Impeachment.

You have 'Russia, Russia, Russia' on the brain ... and no evidence to prove the witch hunt conspiracies.
What do you mean "what move"?

Did you even bother to read the op? Can you tell me what this thread is about without scrolling up to the top to check?

I doubt it.

You are so focused on trolling me you didn't even bother.
ROD Rosenstein is about to be Impeached because he CHOSE to illegally refuse to comply with a Congressional Subpoena. Period.

The Deputy Director. Of The DOJ just announced the indictment of the Russian Military, declared there was / is NO link to Trump, and exposed even more that the investigation of Trump has been and is a Witch Hunt.

In his crusade against Trump Rosenstein made the choice to cross the line and break the law.

What did the President do that FORCED Rosenstein to choose to break the law?
This is long overdue.

The Mueller investigation can claim another criminal is being brought to justice...
Sorry bout that,
  1. So the Attorney General is about to be IMPEACHED!
  2. He needs a fast track to jail, quick trial then slammer.
  3. He is a criminal for the democrats, its blatantly obvious.
  4. Won't happen fast enough first of many.
Rosenstein not smiling anymore after House Republican's spotted with his impeachment docs

He's a republican trump appointee any your criminal hero's are looking for a scapegoat.

This is a ridiculously transparent move that will only fool low information tRumpkins like you.
What 'move'?

Rosenstein has CHOSEN, as Deputy Director of the Department of JUSTICE, to criminally refuse to comply with a Congressional Subpoena.

No one made him do so. He was given every chance to comply. Again, he has CHOSEN not to.

There are consequences...most of the time... for your own actions.

Rosenstein is responsible for Rosenstein's Impeachment.

You have 'Russia, Russia, Russia' on the brain ... and no evidence to prove the witch hunt conspiracies.
What do you mean "what move"?

Did you even bother to read the op? Can you tell me what this thread is about without scrolling up to the top to check?

I doubt it.

You are so focused on trolling me you didn't even bother.
ROD Rosenstein is about to be Impeached because he CHOSE to illegally refuse to comply with a Congressional Subpoena. Period.

The Deputy Director. Of The DOJ just announced the indictment of the Russian Military, declared there was / is NO link to Trump, and exposed even more that the investigation of Trump has been and is a Witch Hunt.

In his crusade against Trump Rosenstein made the choice to cross the line and break the law.

What did the President do that FORCED Rosenstein to choose to break the law?
Ok, when you decide to rejoin reality I'll be ready to discuss this with you. Until then, see yA!

I’m sharing this because I’ve seen at least a dozen posts on this during my daily news scan. It appears to be legit and an actual push to kick him out of the DOJ.

The push for impeachment is reportedly being led by two of the most conservative members of the House, Mark Meadows and Jim Jordan, who are both on the House Freedom Caucus.

Republicans have recently accused the DOJ of ignoring their requests to hand over documents related to ongoing probes.

This report from Report: House Conservatives Prepare Impeachment Push For Rod Rosenstein | One America News Network

Hmmm what are grounds for impeachment again?

shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Which is Rosenstein guilty of?

Or are the Republicans just going to ignore the Constitution again?

They wipe their ass with the constitution.

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