House Democrat (thug) proposes police registration for neighborhood watchmen


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
what a commie thug...I hope states tell her to RESIGN, kiss their ass then go to hell
a lot of comments at site

By Pete Kasperowicz - 07/24/13 10:57 AM ET

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said Wednesday that she would soon introduce legislation that would cut federal funding to any state that doesn't require neighborhood watch programs to register with police.

Jackson Lee said her Justice Exists for All Act is a response to the trial of George Zimmerman, who was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter charges after shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch coordinator in the Florida neighborhood where the shooting took place.

"We will … decrease the incidence of gun violence resulting from vigilantes by reducing by 20 percent the funds that would otherwise be allocated … to any state that does not require local neighborhood watch programs to be registered with a local [law] enforcement agency," Jackson Lee said on the House floor.

She said her bill would also use the threat of less federal money to entice states to change their "stand your ground" laws. Jackson Lee said her bill would only allow states to avoid a cut if their laws are amended to include a "duty to retreat."

"For states that do not require a duty to retreat, we will question their federal funding and assess their Justice Department funding and reduce it by 20 percent," she said. She was not specific about what the change might mean for state laws.

Read more: House Democrat proposes police registration for neighborhood watchmen - The Hill's Floor Action
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what a commie thug...I hope the 32 states tell her to RESIGN, kiss their ass then go to hell
a lot of comments at site

By Pete Kasperowicz - 07/24/13 10:57 AM ET

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) said Wednesday that she would soon introduce legislation that would cut federal funding to any state that doesn't require neighborhood watch programs to register with police.

Jackson Lee said her Justice Exists for All Act is a response to the trial of George Zimmerman, who was found not guilty of murder and manslaughter charges after shooting 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman was the neighborhood watch coordinator in the Florida neighborhood where the shooting took place.

"We will … decrease the incidence of gun violence resulting from vigilantes by reducing by 20 percent the funds that would otherwise be allocated … to any state that does not require local neighborhood watch programs to be registered with a local [law] enforcement agency," Jackson Lee said on the House floor.

She said her bill would also use the threat of less federal money to entice states to change their "stand your ground" laws. Jackson Lee said her bill would only allow states to avoid a cut if their laws are amended to include a "duty to retreat."

"For states that do not require a duty to retreat, we will question their federal funding and assess their Justice Department funding and reduce it by 20 percent," she said. She was not specific about what the change might mean for state laws.

Read more: House Democrat proposes police registration for neighborhood watchmen - The Hill's Floor Action
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Well, if we have to put up with the Steve King's of the world, I guess we'll have to put up with the Sheila Jackson Lee's too.
The problem with areas of little diversity is it allows degenerate filth like Jackson and Rangel to get elected over and over again. I'm sure the Gerrymandering is an added bonus
If you so feel the need to become a protector of the streets by joining the neighborhood watch, there should be several requirements including:

1.) You cant be a racist

2.) You must be required to take a self defense and gun safety course.

The problem is that we are empowering individuals who arent mentally living in the real world like George Zimmerman. Its not his fault that the system is designed the way it is. This wasnt a hate crime. This was some fool thinking that he was protecting the weak. He thought he was not only doing the right thing, but being heroic. Little did he know that he was actually a racist.

There are so many people like George Zimmerman. Giving a 5 year old a gun and telling him to protect the house is just asking for him to kill someone. George Zimmerman is like a 5 year old.

I take back everything I just said....what this is an issue of hate and race. Obama said so right? The television says so right? The radio says so right? Our "leaders" say so. Its right. So now what do we do? We certainly dont handle this situation rationally. Accepting the fact that George Zimmerman was just some strange person that had little to no training in how to handle a situation like the one that he was in. Maybe we just need to put a little more weight on who we call a "watcher" or "protector"

The man thought he was going to be a hero. He thought this because he wasnt thinking. Because he wasnt thinking, his case has been branded the biggest race case of our time.

It's embarrassing that Shithead Jackson Lee comes from Texas, but the ghetto rats she represents are clueless enough to just vote for the (D).
She said her bill would also use the threat of less federal money to entice states to change their "stand your ground" laws. Jackson Lee said her bill would only allow states to avoid a cut if their laws are amended to include a "duty to retreat."

Yes this is certainly the ticket, combat vigilantism by reducing the federal funding for law enforcement, what's next Sheila tackling drop out rates by burning down all the schools?

It's just too bad the House of Representatives doesn't have a "Massively Confused and Mentally Discombobulated" Committee ... she'd be a shoe in for the chair.
If you so feel the need to become a protector of the streets by joining the neighborhood watch, there should be several requirements including:

1.) You cant be a racist

2.) You must be required to take a self defense and gun safety course.

The problem is that we are empowering individuals who arent mentally living in the real world like George Zimmerman. Its not his fault that the system is designed the way it is. This wasnt a hate crime. This was some fool thinking that he was protecting the weak. He thought he was not only doing the right thing, but being heroic. Little did he know that he was actually a racist.

There are so many people like George Zimmerman. Giving a 5 year old a gun and telling him to protect the house is just asking for him to kill someone. George Zimmerman is like a 5 year old.

I take back everything I just said....what this is an issue of hate and race. Obama said so right? The television says so right? The radio says so right? Our "leaders" say so. Its right. So now what do we do? We certainly dont handle this situation rationally. Accepting the fact that George Zimmerman was just some strange person that had little to no training in how to handle a situation like the one that he was in. Maybe we just need to put a little more weight on who we call a "watcher" or "protector"

The man thought he was going to be a hero. He thought this because he wasnt thinking. Because he wasnt thinking, his case has been branded the biggest race case of our time.


there is that, YOU MUST and how about that, you can't be a racist.....good grief you have to write a book?
scratch a liberal find a fascist
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If you so feel the need to become a protector of the streets by joining the neighborhood watch, there should be several requirements including:

1.) You cant be a racist

2.) You must be required to take a self defense and gun safety course.

I agree we should do everything possible to discourage citizens from attempting to protect their own neighborhoods against crime, after all it's grossly unfair to the criminals... :rolleyes:
Where Lee's proposal runs off the rails is that having police training of neighborhood watchmen will not do anything to ordinary people going about their daily activities who happen to have a concealed weapons permit and a right to defend themselves. According to Lee, George Zimmerman was acting as a neighborhood watch when he was attacked by Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman wasn't. He was on his way to the store. He would have been armed and on his way to the store without a neighborhood watch.
I have no problem with neighborhood watches getting some kind of training. Look at all the questionable incidents we're seeing from trained law enforcement and just imagine how that could be multiplied when you throw in the untrained. If GZ had been a cop and not broken off surveillance when advised to do so, at least there would have been disciplinary consequences. As it is he got off scot free for a stupid decision.
I have no problem with neighborhood watches getting some kind of training. Look at all the questionable incidents we're seeing from trained law enforcement and just imagine how that could be multiplied when you throw in the untrained. If GZ had been a cop and not broken off surveillance when advised to do so, at least there would have been disciplinary consequences. As it is he got off scot free for a stupid decision.

Wow, you're sure desperate to cling to that narrative aren't you?

I don't know how many times I've seen you rebuked by factual evidence, but you keep regurgitating that bullshit line over and over until someone...anyone... believes it too.
I have no problem with neighborhood watches getting some kind of training. Look at all the questionable incidents we're seeing from trained law enforcement and just imagine how that could be multiplied when you throw in the untrained. If GZ had been a cop and not broken off surveillance when advised to do so, at least there would have been disciplinary consequences. As it is he got off scot free for a stupid decision.

Wow, you're sure desperate to cling to that narrative aren't you?

I don't know how many times I've seen you rebuked by factual evidence, but you keep regurgitating that bullshit line over and over until someone...anyone... believes it too.

What line would that be? You're being a little vague. Your responses should be more than knee jerk responses that fit your biases in order to be intelligible. Please, try again.
I bet Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman wished there was a NW at the time they were murdered..As it is Oj Simpson got off scot free...

makes about as much sense...sheesh
Neighborhood watch or vigilante?

If they are legit, they shouldn't mind some law enforcement oversight and training

Keep some asshole from stalking a kid armed with Skittles
Why does the Federal Government have any jurisdiction in this matter?
Neighborhood watch or vigilante?

If they are legit, they shouldn't mind some law enforcement oversight and training

Keep some asshole from stalking a kid armed with Skittles

the only Vigilantes we are seeing are you lefties, liberals and our Own elected comrades in arms administration...

so much where a man found not guilty is now being hunted and forced to go into hiding because he is afraid of being LYNCHED by you racist pos

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