House Democrats Block Bill to Declassify Intel on Origins of COVID-19 Virus in Wuhan Lab


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

House Democrats Block Bill to Declassify Intel on Origins of COVID-19 Virus in Wuhan Lab​

21 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
For over a year now The Gateway Pundit has been reporting evidence that the COVID-19 Virus originated in a Wuhan, China laboratory.
Our first report was back on April 9, 2020, when we confirmed Dr. Shi Zhengli ran the coronavirus program at the Wuhan lab AFTER her program was shut down in the US due to a prior leak that killed a researcher!

As early as 2018 US State Department officials warned about safety risks at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab on scientists conducting risky tests with the bat coronavirus.
US officials made several trips to the Wuhan laboratory.
Despite the warnings, the US National Institute of Health (NIH) under Dr. Anthony Fauci awarded a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan lab studying the bat virus. This was after State Department warned about the risky tests going on in the lab.

This is unbelievable!
The deadly China coronavirus that started in China sometime in late 2019 has now circled the globe. Evidence suggests that the coronavirus didn’t come naturally. We still don’t know whether the deadly virus was leaked intentionally or if it was an accident.
But a video has surfaced earlier this year from December 2019 of WHO official Peter Daszak admitting to coronavirus manipulation at the Wuhan Lab before the pandemic was announced.
The video interview was originally filmed on December 9, 2019. A copy was posted in May 2020.
The video was recorded at the Nipah Virus international conference in Singapore on December 9 and 10, 2019.​
At 29:52 mark of the video the WHO official says, “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens. You can get the sequence you can build the protein, we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert into the backbone of another virus and do some work in a lab.”​
But Democrats do not want the American public to know the truth. That would be damaging to their extensive propaganda network.
So this week House Democrats blocked a bill that would have released information on the origins of the pandemic to the public.
Townhall reported:
By a vote of 216 to 207 Tuesday evening, Democrats in the House of Representatives blocked consideration of a bill that would require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information related to the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, specifically information about any role the Wuhan Institute of Virology may have played in the pandemic’s outbreak.​

With Democrats in the House blocking this investigation, you have to wonder what they are hiding?
The democrat party is a criminal organization ruled by Marxists, Fascists, Globalists, and Jihadists that want to destroy America and Western civilization.
Truth of course as always is the first victim of Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist machinations.


House Democrats Block Bill to Declassify Intel on Origins of COVID-19 Virus in Wuhan Lab​

21 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jim Hoft
For over a year now The Gateway Pundit has been reporting evidence that the COVID-19 Virus originated in a Wuhan, China laboratory.
Our first report was back on April 9, 2020, when we confirmed Dr. Shi Zhengli ran the coronavirus program at the Wuhan lab AFTER her program was shut down in the US due to a prior leak that killed a researcher!

As early as 2018 US State Department officials warned about safety risks at the Wuhan Institute of Virology lab on scientists conducting risky tests with the bat coronavirus.
US officials made several trips to the Wuhan laboratory.
Despite the warnings, the US National Institute of Health (NIH) under Dr. Anthony Fauci awarded a $3.7 million grant to the Wuhan lab studying the bat virus. This was after State Department warned about the risky tests going on in the lab.

This is unbelievable!
The deadly China coronavirus that started in China sometime in late 2019 has now circled the globe. Evidence suggests that the coronavirus didn’t come naturally. We still don’t know whether the deadly virus was leaked intentionally or if it was an accident.
But a video has surfaced earlier this year from December 2019 of WHO official Peter Daszak admitting to coronavirus manipulation at the Wuhan Lab before the pandemic was announced.
The video interview was originally filmed on December 9, 2019. A copy was posted in May 2020.
The video was recorded at the Nipah Virus international conference in Singapore on December 9 and 10, 2019.​
At 29:52 mark of the video the WHO official says, “coronaviruses are pretty good… you can manipulate them in the lab pretty easily… the spiked proteins drive a lot about what happens. You can get the sequence you can build the protein, we work with Ralph Baric at UNC to do this, insert into the backbone of another virus and do some work in a lab.”​
But Democrats do not want the American public to know the truth. That would be damaging to their extensive propaganda network.
So this week House Democrats blocked a bill that would have released information on the origins of the pandemic to the public.
Townhall reported:
By a vote of 216 to 207 Tuesday evening, Democrats in the House of Representatives blocked consideration of a bill that would require the Director of National Intelligence to declassify information related to the origins of the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, specifically information about any role the Wuhan Institute of Virology may have played in the pandemic’s outbreak.​

With Democrats in the House blocking this investigation, you have to wonder what they are hiding?
The democrat party is a criminal organization ruled by Marxists, Fascists, Globalists, and Jihadists that want to destroy America and Western civilization.
Truth of course as always is the first victim of Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftist machinations.

Fauci is guilty as charged.
Killing 600,000 Americans with his paying China to do gain-of-function research on bat viruses.
Trump stopped the US from paying China to do germ warfare research. You're welcome.
Fauci is guilty as charged.
Killing 600,000 Americans with his paying China to do gain-of-function research on bat viruses.
Trump stopped the US from paying China to do germ warfare research. You're welcome.

I didn't know that. Trump is always right seems, guess we better replace him with Mad Joe Robinette and the Kosher Commie then.
It was not an accident, that is not why democrats cover it up and lie lips off, it was NOT an accident, and China didn't do it, at least not on their own. It was the democratic party, and this includes the totally treasonous silicon valley tech titans, all of whom are devoted to Marxist/Leninism, along with radical far left political zealots deep within the US intelligence apparatus, people with direct access to FT Detrick, who launched the bio-attack, this is why they are so aggressively overreacting to any push back, if folks cannot see this by now, its over for us all!

Mark my words, they are gonna launch another attack, a deadlier variant of the virus, one with say, a legitimate 3-5% fatality ratio, mark my words, this is gonna happen swiftly, may already have happened, the target is the midterm elections, they simply cannot allow Americans an honest election ever again, they got crushed in 2020, just as Bolsheviks did in 1919 when they allowed Russians to actually vote at conclusion of civil war, and just as the Bolsheviks did back then, the democrats corruptly intervened and stole election of 2020!

They know full well, as does every three digit IQ'd American, that cannot win an honest election in the United States, this is why they have gone full Maoist, you're not gonna have to wait long to find out what they intend, the midterm elections cannot be allowed to proceed honestly, that is just 14 months out.....
It was not an accident, that is not why democrats cover it up and lie lips off, it was NOT an accident, and China didn't do it, at least not on their own. It was the democratic party, and this includes the totally treasonous silicon valley tech titans, all of whom are devoted to Marxist/Leninism, along with radical far left political zealots deep within the US intelligence apparatus, people with direct access to FT Detrick, who launched the bio-attack, this is why they are so aggressively overreacting to any push back, if folks cannot see this by now, its over for us all!

Mark my words, they are gonna launch another attack, a deadlier variant of the virus, one with say, a legitimate 3-5% fatality ratio, mark my words, this is gonna happen swiftly, may already have happened, the target is the midterm elections, they simply cannot allow Americans an honest election ever again, they got crushed in 2020, just as Bolsheviks did in 1919 when they allowed Russians to actually vote at conclusion of civil war, and just as the Bolsheviks did back t

Then, the democrats corruptly intervened and stole election of 2020!

They know full well, as does every three digit IQ'd American, that cannot win an honest election in the United States, this is why they have gone full Maoist, you're not gonna have to wait long to find out what they intend, the midterm elections cannot be allowed to proceed honestly, that is just 14 months out.....

Actually the Wuhan Covid-19 virus is mutating more quickly than other SARs viruses because it was manually altered by the gain of function process. Viruses naturally mutate but not as rapidly as this Wuhan Covid -19 virus has been mutating which is a good indication that it was manipulated by the Chinese military.
"SARS-CoV-2 hasn’t actually been mutating faster, though. Instead, by letting Covid-19 spread around the world, we’ve just given it more and more opportunities to mutate as it replicates. The result is that, after countless random mutations, there are signs that the virus is beginning to adapt to our natural defenses. And because it’s completely normal for a virus to change over time, we shouldn’t expect it to stop".
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2020 summed up in a couple paragraphs:

President Trump was the first President to take on China for their unfair trade practices against the US. He also stood up against their expansionism, increased our country's strength through energy independence, and rebuilt our military that was decimated after 8 years of Obama.

China responded by unleashing a deadly virus on not only us, but the rest of the word.

We over-reacted by scurrying back to a weak, feckless political leadership similar to that of Obama or Carter, hoping that China wouldn't do us any further harm.

And now that the CCP knows how little resolve we really have, they're not only laughing at us, they've increased the threats against us.

Smooth move, you idiot Democrats, RINO Republicans, and never-Trumpers. You've really screwed the pooch this time.
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2020 summed up is a paragraph:

President Trump was the first President to take on China for their unfair trade practices against the US. He also stood up against their expansionism, increased our country's strength through energy independence, and rebuilt our military that was decimated after 8 years of Obama.

China responded by unleashing a deadly virus on not only us, but the rest of the word.

We over-reacted by scurrying back to a weak, feckless political leadership similar to that of Obama or Carter, hoping that China wouldn't do us any further harm.

And now that the CCP knows how little resolve we really have, they're not only laughing at us, they've increased the threats against us.

Smooth move, you idiot Democrats. You've really screwed the pooch this time.
While I agree with you, the Dems hardly have a monopoly on spreading our ass cheeks and letting China fuck our brains out.
Actually the Wuhan Covid-19 virus is mutating more quickly than other SARs viruses because it was manually altered by the gain of function process. Viruses naturally mutate but not as rapidly as this Wuhan Covid -19 virus has been mutating which is a good indication that it was manipulated by the Chinese military.
"SARS-CoV-2 hasn’t actually been mutating faster, though. Instead, by letting Covid-19 spread around the world, we’ve just given it more and more opportunities to mutate as it replicates. The result is that, after countless random mutations, there are signs that the virus is beginning to adapt to our natural defenses. And because it’s completely normal for a virus to change over time, we shouldn’t expect it to stop".
Do you know who was in that Wuhan lab, helping them to tweak the virus? Peter Dadzyk was in that Wuhan lab, and he is the same guy who at every point along investigative path who also obstructed any investigation into ANY close look at the lab, WHO, CDC/NIH, every step he was obstructing it all, and continues to do so to this very day.

I have no doubts whatsoever that a real investigator could easily establish links between Fauci, Dadzyk, and FT Detrick/Dugway Proving Grounds if only they looked into matter, and FT Detrick/Dugway are/were the home of Americas bio-weapons developing laboratories, which are decades beyond the puny Chinese's ability to heat up, and then manufacture a viral bio-weapon, decades ahead of them.....
2020 summed up in a couple paragraphs:

President Trump was the first President to take on China for their unfair trade practices against the US. He also stood up against their expansionism, increased our country's strength through energy independence, and rebuilt our military that was decimated after 8 years of Obama.

China responded by unleashing a deadly virus on not only us, but the rest of the word.

We over-reacted by scurrying back to a weak, feckless political leadership similar to that of Obama or Carter, hoping that China wouldn't do us any further harm.

And now that the CCP knows how little resolve we really have, they're not only laughing at us, they've increased the threats against us.

Smooth move, you idiot Democrats, RINO Republicans, and never-Trumpers. You've really screwed the pooch this time.
I hear this military talking point from you guys all the time

1) what specifically did Obama do to decimate the Military?

2). What specifically did trump do to rebuild the Military?
Do you know who was in that Wuhan lab, helping them to tweak the virus? Peter Dadzyk was in that Wuhan lab, and he is the same guy who at every point along investigative path who also obstructed any investigation into ANY close look at the lab, WHO, CDC/NIH, every step he was obstructing it all, and continues to do so to this very day.

I have no doubts whatsoever that a real investigator could easily establish links between Fauci, Dadzyk, and FT Detrick/Dugway Proving Grounds if only they looked into matter, and FT Detrick/Dugway are/were the home of Americas bio-weapons developing laboratories, which are decades beyond the puny Chinese's ability to heat up, and then manufacture a viral bio-weapon, decades ahead of them.....


Rand Paul’s Criminal Referral for Dr. Fauci Has Officially Been Delivered​

AG Garland has suddenly left for parts unknown....
Fauci has nothing to fear, as all Americans now irrefutably know and understand, the DOJ is an entirely corrupt organ of the DNC/CCP, doing the bidding of those two Maoist political cartels and nobody else.....
I hear this military talking point from you guys all the time

1) what specifically did Obama do to decimate the Military?

2). What specifically did trump do to rebuild the Military?
Whatever we spend on the military we need to get better results. To many white elephants with hundreds of billions of dollars spent on them and to many problems. China gets to much value for the dollars on the massively increasing military juggernaut. They will not be contained in the sea next to their mainland.

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