House Democrats Seek To Limit President's Insurrection Act Authority Through Amendment They Would Have To Violate / Ignore To Limit His Authority


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The 100+ days of foreign-funded, Democrat-supported racial division and violence still being perpetrate in Democrat politician-run cities show no end in sight while local and state politicians have refused all federal support / assistance offered to them to put an end to it. Instead, they have aided the criminals and domestic terrorists waging this internal, anti-US, socialist war against our nation, providing food, toilets, bases of operation / places for the out-of-town 'army' to camp, cut funding for the police, reduced the number of police, & eliminated safety and 'riot' gear needed to protect themselves and their communities. At the same time they have installed revolving doors on police stations, releasing violent criminals / terrorists back into the community to continue their looting, burning, assaulting, and even murder.

After these failed, terrorist/criminal-supporting Democrats have defiantly refused to show any desire to stop the violence being committed against their own citizens and refusing any assistance offered by the President, Trump threatened to invoke the law in June in order to send active-duty troops into cities to quell protests.

Much like with his life-saving Travel Ban, Democrats rushed to begin drafting legislation that would limit the president's authority to take action to save Americans' lives, protect their property, and provide businesses protection from looters and arsonists. Once again, the Democrats are demonstrating the will / desire to stand with America's enemies - domestic this time as well as foreign as they have done in the past - to accomplish anything that may help them retake power, even if it means betraying their own citizens, leaving them to fend for themselves against foreign-funded domestic terrorists, violent criminals the Democrats have released from prisons, and the criminals who repeatedly engage in division and destruction night after night.

The Democrats are working on an Amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) that would require the president and Defense secretary to make a certification to Congress that a state is unwilling or unable to suppress an insurrection in order to invoke the law. The certification would have to include “demonstrable” evidence that a state is unwilling or unable to act.

Is this Amendment supposed to PREVENT President Trump from executing the Insurrection Act? If this Amendment existed today, right now, the President would still be well within his authority to use the military to shut down the out-of-control violence going on in cities like Portland, where the Mayor and other Democrat officials have PUBLICLY REJECTED assistance from the President and official federal govt agencies to stop the violence in their cities. The fact that these Democrat Mayors and officials have proven they are 'unwilling or unable to suppress an insurrection' has already been proven. 100 straight days of violence in Portland, for example, has already proven that. The fact that they have done nothing to stop it, to protect their citizens, to protect businesses proves it.


Bottom Line: The Democrats can't stand Trump is in power / the President and continues to attempt to undermine both the President and United States Govt for personal / partisan political gain, endangering and even sacrificing the lives of innocent Americans in hopes it ill help them take back the WH.

This is just grandstanding by the democrats

this bill cannot become law during the trump administration

and if there is a democrat in the white house dems will not want such a law
What a great example of failed, foreign-funded pro-domestic terrorist Democrat Politicians being unwilling to do anything about the violence ravaging her city.

Do you think she is even aware of the double-standard, hypocritical, Constitution-violating, conflicting mandate she just declared as her policy? While ordering law-abiding citizens to continued to be under Lock-Down, in which they are supposed to self-quarantine, not go out, wear masks, etc....she simultaneously allowing liberal, socialist, foreign-funded domestic terrorists she is supporting / facilitating to continue to gather in large numbers to loot, burn, destroy, murder, & victimize the law=abiding citizens who don't agree with the liberal Democrat agenda, ideology, and treasonous attempt to remove he president from office.....

According to the Democrats' proposed Amendment, the President has every right to execute the Insurrection Act to send in troops to protect US citizens from these terrorists, criminals...and this Mayor!
So what’s so wrong about reigning in the out of control abuse of power of the executive branch?
It's a power grab.....and they trying to openly give aid to their riot squads, much the way Democrats try to remove the police from the equation by hamstringing them. They can't use riot gear or pepper-spray. An obvious move to render law enforcement ineffective.
So what’s so wrong about reigning in the out of control abuse of power of the executive branch?
It's a power grab.....and they trying to openly give aid to their riot squads, much the way Democrats try to remove the police from the equation by hamstringing them. They can't use riot gear or pepper-spray. An obvious move to render law enforcement ineffective.

This is what the democrat party did with the Sullivan act in New York.........they took guns away from normal people so that their goons didn't have to worry about getting shot...

This was the heyday of the pre-Prohibition gangs, roving bands of violent toughs who terrorized ethnic neighborhoods and often fought pitched battles with police. In 1903, the Battle of Rivington Street pitted a Jewish gang, the Eastmans, against the Italian Five Pointers.

When the cops showed up, the two underworld armies joined forces and blasted away, resulting in three deaths and scores of injuries. The public was clamoring for action against the gangs.

Problem was the gangs worked for Tammany. The Democratic machine used them as shtarkers (sluggers), enforcing discipline at the polls and intimidating the opposition. Gang leaders like Monk Eastman were even employed as informal “sheriffs,” keeping their turf under Tammany control.

The Tammany Tiger needed to rein in the gangs without completely crippling them. Enter Big Tim with the perfect solution: Ostensibly disarm the gangs — and ordinary citizens, too — while still keeping them on the streets.

In fact, he gave the game away during the debate on the bill, which flew through Albany: “I want to make it so the young thugs in my district will get three years for carrying dangerous weapons instead of getting a sentence in the electric chair a year from now.”

Sullivan knew the gangs would flout the law, but appearances were more important than results. Young toughs took to sewing the pockets of their coats shut, so that cops couldn’t plant firearms on them, and many gangsters stashed their weapons inside their girlfriends’ “bird cages” — wire-mesh fashion contraptions around which women would wind their hair.

Mitch Mc is one of the bad apples from the Republican side of the isle. He is blocking a Republican bill drafted to reduce drug prices. check out how much money he has taken from drug company's. now find me a Democrat in the senate doing some thing equal. We need to clean up both party's.
So what’s so wrong about reigning in the out of control abuse of power of the executive branch?
It's a power grab.....and they trying to openly give aid to their riot squads, much the way Democrats try to remove the police from the equation by hamstringing them. They can't use riot gear or pepper-spray. An obvious move to render law enforcement ineffective.
Not a power grab. Just reigning in the authority of the executive the way the founders intended.
So what’s so wrong about reigning in the out of control abuse of power of the executive branch?
It's a power grab.....and they trying to openly give aid to their riot squads, much the way Democrats try to remove the police from the equation by hamstringing them. They can't use riot gear or pepper-spray. An obvious move to render law enforcement ineffective.
Not a power grab. Just reigning in the authority of the executive the way the founders intended.
In other words a power grab.
So what’s so wrong about reigning in the out of control abuse of power of the executive branch?
It's a power grab.....and they trying to openly give aid to their riot squads, much the way Democrats try to remove the police from the equation by hamstringing them. They can't use riot gear or pepper-spray. An obvious move to render law enforcement ineffective.
Not a power grab. Just reigning in the authority of the executive the way the founders intended.
If there is a branch of government that has abused and expanded their power it is Congress. Taking power from the executive branch = giving power to the legislative. They not just getting rid of this power they are taking it. That is the very definition of a power grab. And I would trust Hiden Bidens coke head kid with power before congress.
So what’s so wrong about reigning in the out of control abuse of power of the executive branch?
It's a power grab.....and they trying to openly give aid to their riot squads, much the way Democrats try to remove the police from the equation by hamstringing them. They can't use riot gear or pepper-spray. An obvious move to render law enforcement ineffective.
Not a power grab. Just reigning in the authority of the executive the way the founders intended.
In other words a power grab.
No, restoring power to the proper place after it had been grabbed.
So what’s so wrong about reigning in the out of control abuse of power of the executive branch?
It's a power grab.....and they trying to openly give aid to their riot squads, much the way Democrats try to remove the police from the equation by hamstringing them. They can't use riot gear or pepper-spray. An obvious move to render law enforcement ineffective.
Not a power grab. Just reigning in the authority of the executive the way the founders intended.
If there is a branch of government that has abused and expanded their power it is Congress. Taking power from the executive branch = giving power to the legislative. They not just getting rid of this power they are taking it. That is the very definition of a power grab. And I would trust Hiden Bidens coke head kid with power before congress.
Absolutely not. The executive was supposed to be a weak branch, Congress was supposed to be stronger. Decades of weak willed legislatures have passed the power to the executive so that they wouldn’t have to act and has resulted in an executive with far more power than they were intended.
So what’s so wrong about reigning in the out of control abuse of power of the executive branch?
It's a power grab.....and they trying to openly give aid to their riot squads, much the way Democrats try to remove the police from the equation by hamstringing them. They can't use riot gear or pepper-spray. An obvious move to render law enforcement ineffective.
Not a power grab. Just reigning in the authority of the executive the way the founders intended.
If there is a branch of government that has abused and expanded their power it is Congress. Taking power from the executive branch = giving power to the legislative. They not just getting rid of this power they are taking it. That is the very definition of a power grab. And I would trust Hiden Bidens coke head kid with power before congress.
Absolutely not. The executive was supposed to be a weak branch, Congress was supposed to be stronger. Decades of weak willed legislatures have passed the power to the executive so that they wouldn’t have to act and has resulted in an executive with far more power than they were intended.
Would be all for limiting the Execs power. But only after congress is fixed. There should not be a single corporate or foreign dollar in congress. Any congressmen that votes in direct and obvious violation of their voters will should be impeached. I mean right now every new tax we have gotten in 20+ years is unconstitutional because CONGRESS HAS NOT REPRESENTED THE PEOPLE. And that is taxation without representation which is a founding principal of our country.

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