House Democrats send message: Impeachment is on

So they lied..... ALL of Them in the 2018 Election.

Good luck with an Impeachment when you launched 17 Investigations costing $100 Million Dollars and could not find a single

High Crime and Misdemeanor to Impeach The President with.

The house circus has commenced.

Trump has more at stake from the Southern District of New York AG's office than he does the House.
Cohen referred to the investigations in his comments to Congress last week.


Wow, one minute your totting investigations by Mueller, next it's the AG's office of NY. What's next Adam Schiff?
They have to latch onto anything that gives them hope.
So let's see, he tried to interfere with an investigation that found no evidence? Good luck with your impeachment, assholes.

Wow, aren't you up on current events.
Here, let me help you:

Investigations by special counsel Robert Mueller:

  • Russian government’s election attack (the Internet Research Agency and GRU indictments)
  • WikiLeaks
  • Middle Eastern influence: Potentially the biggest unseen aspect of Mueller’s investigation is his year-long pursuit of Middle Eastern influence targeting the Trump campaign.
  • Paul Manafort’s activity
  • Trump Tower Moscow project
  • Other campaign and transition contacts with Russia
  • Obstruction of justice
Investigations by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York:

  • Campaign conspiracy and Trump Organization finances
  • Inauguration funding
  • Trump super PAC funding
  • Foreign lobbying
Investigations by the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia:

  • Maria Butina and the NRA
Investigations by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia:

  • Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova, the alleged chief accountant of the Internet Research Agency who was indicted separately earlier this fall, charged with activity that went above and beyond the 2016 campaign. Why she was prosecuted separately remains a mystery.
  • Turkish influence: Michael Flynn’s plea agreement includes some details of the case, and he is cooperating with investigators.
Investigations by New York City, New York State and other state attorneys general:

  • Tax case: In the wake of an N.Y. Times investigation that found Trump had benefited from more than $400 million in tax schemes, city officials said they were investigating Trump’s tax payments, as did the New York State Tax Department.
  • The Trump Foundation
  • Emoluments lawsuit: The attorneys general for Maryland and D.C. sent out subpoenas earlier this month for Trump Organization and hotel financial records relating to their lawsuit that the president is in breach of the "Emoluments Clause" of the Constitution, which appears to prohibit the president from accepting payments from foreign powers while in office.
And there's a mystery investigation from an unknown office:

  • Redacted Case #2: A second, redacted Flynn investigation could be one of the other investigations mentioned here. It could also represent another as-yet-unknown unfolding criminal case or could be a counterintelligence investigation that will never become public. """"

    The 17 known Trump-related investigations
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  • .

^ Exactly what we will be voting against next. A waste of our time and our money...

Sorry, the votes have been counted and the Dems won the House.
Reality is a bitch, ain't it?
All of that voter fraud cheating. Trump's life has been laid to bear by progressives. We still do not know periods of years of Obama's. That is why the Kenya issues comes up. President Obama's life was more or less lived as a bum. Partying all the time. He was given the route to cheat by leaving legal voting rules to eliminate challengers. Just like fiefdom political power families do in our nation. Backed by the globalists as a potential president like Bill, Hillary and McCain and Romney.
So they lied..... ALL of Them in the 2018 Election.

Good luck with an Impeachment when you launched 17 Investigations costing $100 Million Dollars and could not find a single

High Crime and Misdemeanor to Impeach The President with.

The house circus has commenced.

Trump has more at stake from the Southern District of New York AG's office than he does the House.
Cohen referred to the investigations in his comments to Congress last week.


Wow, one minute your totting investigations by Mueller, next it's the AG's office of NY. What's next Adam Schiff?
McGruff the Crime Dog.
Can we say President Pence, yet?

I can't wait to watch the leftarded heads explode when (if) that ever becomes reality.
If you are on the right, the best think you can be seeing in the media is "Trump now being investigated on.....". People who vote know st00pid stuff when they see it. This crap is just an extension of the silliness we saw leading up to 2016. So on the congressional investigations....go....go....go!!

I couldn't agree more.

I hope they waste all of 2019 with these idiotic investigations.

2020 is right around the corner and the voters are getting an eye full of idiotic Dem's and their mindless investigations and their waste of tax payer dollars.

You can't cure stupid and boy are they stupid.

Go Dems.
Byron York: House Democrats send message: Impeachment is on

Byron York: House Democrats send message: Impeachment is on
By Byron York ~~ The chairman of the House Judiciary Committee says there is no doubt President Trump has obstructed justice.
"It's very clear that the president obstructed justice," Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler told ABC Sunday. "It's very clear — 1,100 times he referred to the Mueller investigation as a witch hunt, he tried to — he fired — he tried to protect Flynn from being investigated by the FBI. He fired Comey in order to stop the Russian thing, as he told NBC News. He — he's dangled part — he's threat — he's intimidated witnesses. In public."
Think what you will about the reasons — calling an investigation a "witch hunt" is obstruction of justice? — but Nadler sounded less like a man weighing the evidence than a man who has made up his mind. Given that, Nadler's ABC interview led to a question: President Nixon was threatened with impeachment for obstruction of justice. President Clinton was impeached for obstruction of justice. Why is Nadler, who heads the committee in the House that originates articles of impeachment, not moving forward with impeaching President Trump right now? "We don't have the facts yet," Nadler said — a perplexing admission for a man who had just confidently enumerated the president's crimes. "Impeachment is a long way down the road."
The timing decision is still up in the air, as is an overarching communications plan — selling impeachment to the American public, or more specifically those Americans who don't already support impeachment.... The sales campaign will most certainly be high minded. "It's our job to protect the rule of law," Nadler said Sunday, echoing the Republicans who impeached Bill Clinton in the 1990s. But whatever the stated rationale, impeachment is on.

Ironically, Nadler himself has called for the firing of Comey, as reported by New York Daily News on 14 November, 2016. (See: Nadler: ‘The President Ought to Fire Comey Immediately’ :: Grabien - The Multimedia Marketplace)
Using the fact that Trump called the Mueller Fiasco a witch-hunt is obstructing justice? Please!
Trump’s crime was beating Hillary the left, the ONLY ones that deserve to be in power are Progressive Marxist Socialist Commies that's it, welcome to the NEW Communist Democrat Party.
I doubt that they have more than 2 votes in the Senate now, although that may be on the high side, since I haven’t heard the impeachment word out of a single Republican now.
Democrats know that Trump holds MANY CARDS. He’s not going to sit back and say “I am not a crook” and be done with it. He’s going to hit them HARD on the fake dossier and the FISA warrants (in other words, an illegal investigation), and he’ll have help from his Justice Department and from the Senate. I suspect that the ONLY THING the Democrats are doing is trying to damage Trump for 2020, since they know they can’t remove him...not even close.
I think that Pres. Trump will soon go on the offensive and begin prosecuting the bad actors in the passed election, namely Comey. McCabe. Strzok and Page. That is the reason William Barr was appointed Attorney General.
We should all begin seriously thinking 'Civil War II '. They are not going away. It’s hard to believe but the truth is the truth. Jerry Nadler is the ringleader and he will bring all 1/4 of a ton of his body weight into this fight. I wish it wasn’t so but here we go again.
Elections only work when all sides agree to abide by the results of fair and honest elections, which apparently the Democratic Party has been unwilling to do since the last election. In fact it began with the election of Bush 43 and has only become worse with the election of Donald J. Trump. I suspect 2020 elections results will not be accepted either and violence will follow.
go head. jump.

it's into a void but hey, jump.
So let's see, he tried to interfere with an investigation that found no evidence? Good luck with your impeachment, assholes.

Wow, aren't you up on current events.
Here, let me help you:

Investigations by special counsel Robert Mueller:

  • Russian government’s election attack (the Internet Research Agency and GRU indictments)
  • WikiLeaks
  • Middle Eastern influence: Potentially the biggest unseen aspect of Mueller’s investigation is his year-long pursuit of Middle Eastern influence targeting the Trump campaign.
  • Paul Manafort’s activity
  • Trump Tower Moscow project
  • Other campaign and transition contacts with Russia
  • Obstruction of justice
Investigations by the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York:

  • Campaign conspiracy and Trump Organization finances
  • Inauguration funding
  • Trump super PAC funding
  • Foreign lobbying
Investigations by the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia:

  • Maria Butina and the NRA
Investigations by the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia:

  • Elena Alekseevna Khusyaynova, the alleged chief accountant of the Internet Research Agency who was indicted separately earlier this fall, charged with activity that went above and beyond the 2016 campaign. Why she was prosecuted separately remains a mystery.
  • Turkish influence: Michael Flynn’s plea agreement includes some details of the case, and he is cooperating with investigators.
Investigations by New York City, New York State and other state attorneys general:

  • Tax case: In the wake of an N.Y. Times investigation that found Trump had benefited from more than $400 million in tax schemes, city officials said they were investigating Trump’s tax payments, as did the New York State Tax Department.
  • The Trump Foundation
  • Emoluments lawsuit: The attorneys general for Maryland and D.C. sent out subpoenas earlier this month for Trump Organization and hotel financial records relating to their lawsuit that the president is in breach of the "Emoluments Clause" of the Constitution, which appears to prohibit the president from accepting payments from foreign powers while in office.
And there's a mystery investigation from an unknown office:

  • Redacted Case #2: A second, redacted Flynn investigation could be one of the other investigations mentioned here. It could also represent another as-yet-unknown unfolding criminal case or could be a counterintelligence investigation that will never become public. """"

    The 17 known Trump-related investigations
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  • .
Nice list Thanks. However, they are primarily big nothngberders. If Mueller's investigation comes up with no collusion, then the chikin-shit investigations won't find anything either. The dems can impeach, but without bipartisan agreement Trump is almost guaranteed to win in 2020. Especially considering the weak democrat field.

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