House Democtats Re-Elect Pelosi: Party is Out of Touch With Working Class

Americans go to work and build shit, and weld shit, and dig coal from the ground.

Now robots do that. Tell your kids to get an education while America is still prosperous and has the best Universities in the world so that it'll be other countries losing their jobs to robots instead of us.
Your a fucking idiot that has never worked in a factory.
Americans go to work and build shit, and weld shit, and dig coal from the ground.

Now robots do that. Tell your kids to get an education while America is still prosperous and has the best Universities in the world so that it'll be other countries losing their jobs to robots instead of us.
So true. Nearly 6 million jobs availible.

America has 5.8 million job openings, matches all-time high

Good, high paying jobs. But people don't have the skills or education. The Alt Right is following Trump's carrot believing Trump will bring high paying jobs that require no skills or education. It's so sadly obviously stupid, you have to feel sorry for these people when they become disillusioned. It's only a matter of time.

If you don't trust CNN, then here it is directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Job Openings

On the last business day of September, there were 5.5 million job openings, little changed from August.
The job openings rate was 3.7 percent in September. The number of job openings was little changed for
total private and for government. Job openings was also little changed in all industries and regions. (See
table 1.)

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
Bureau of Labor Statistics...controlled by Obama administration. Ahhhh, I see.
The Democratic Party has become so far out of touch with its FDR roots because of its subservient behavior to costal elites, it actually reconfirmed Nancy Pelosi as Minorty Leader. Total disconnected from reality of the nation. RIP Democratic Party. Idiots.

Yeah, but the Repug Party is in touch with the working class....when they refuse to even raise the minimum wage.

Got it, dumb ass.
Here is what Pelosi represents.
Three primary reasons Hillary lost by 12 Million Votes
1 }Barry
2 }Pelosi
3} Hillary {well, just for acting like a typical dumb democrat who had no idea what the letter C stood for}
The party really did care about the important stuff, back in the day.

Now it's consumed by birthday cakes, safe spaces, burkas, BLM and bathrooms.

Gotta keep those constituent groups happy. Divide, divide, divide.

Self-inflicted wound. And they will NOT see it.
Americans go to work and build shit, and weld shit, and dig coal from the ground.

Now robots do that. Tell your kids to get an education while America is still prosperous and has the best Universities in the world so that it'll be other countries losing their jobs to robots instead of us.
So true. Nearly 6 million jobs availible.

America has 5.8 million job openings, matches all-time high

Good, high paying jobs. But people don't have the skills or education. The Alt Right is following Trump's carrot believing Trump will bring high paying jobs that require no skills or education. It's so sadly obviously stupid, you have to feel sorry for these people when they become disillusioned. It's only a matter of time.

If you don't trust CNN, then here it is directly from the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Job Openings

On the last business day of September, there were 5.5 million job openings, little changed from August.
The job openings rate was 3.7 percent in September. The number of job openings was little changed for
total private and for government. Job openings was also little changed in all industries and regions. (See
table 1.)

Job Openings and Labor Turnover Summary
Job openings? You mean like work?

Screw that shit. I get all kinds of money free from various welfare programs and I don't even have to make the short walk to my mailbox any more because they're nice enough to direct deposit it all for me. And I can check when it's there on my ObamaPhone.

Work? Work is for suckers.
The Democratic Party has become so far out of touch with its FDR roots because of its subservient behavior to costal elites, it actually reconfirmed Nancy Pelosi as Minorty Leader. Total disconnected from reality of the nation. RIP Democratic Party. Idiots.
Coastal elite alert
Joe Walsh on Twitter

Joe Walsh
✔ @WalshFreedom
Mr Trump, this is bullshit. Can you hire someone who doesn't work for Goldman Sachs?

What about that swamp? Huh? Come on: Trump considering president of Goldman Sachs for budget chief? - Hot Air

Some of the responses:

Anthony F. IrwinVerified account
.@WalshFreedom you should grab your musket.

Sebastian MurdockVerified account
@WalshFreedom (pssst: he never loved you)

CyberAnil CyberDashVerified account
@WalshFreedom hey, look who forgot how to say "you lie!" when it's actually accurate. You imbecile.

torqcampbellVerified account
@WalshFreedom yeah you got played. You fucking imbecile.

Barstool Hedge
@WalshFreedom @hotairblog it's almost like you helped get a narcissist, bigot, human-cheetoh chimera that compulsively lies elected POTUS.

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