House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

-------------------- and?

Are you pissed that the article doesn't mention the main purpose ---- Slavery?
Slavery is largely illegal globally because white people ended it, although it still exists it black and brown countries.

Actually slave people ended it.

And it's been illegal here for 155 years, and it was the main impetus for even having the Electoral College.

You'll note that the other, secondary reason articulated above is also way out of date. In the 18th century internet, television, radio, even telegraph didn't exist yet. Traversing the length of the then-country would be a horse-drawn excursion over nonexistent "roads" that would take weeks if not months, meaning few ever did it, and a citizen in, say New Hampshire would know little about candidates from say Georgia That's all changed since then.

The third tertiary reason for the EC was to insert a proxy so that some demagogue charlatan couldn't hoodwink the population into a frenzy. That too has been rendered impotent by so-called "faithless elector" laws which prescribe who electors MUST vote for, and of course the corrupt "winner take all" (WTA) system, which James Madison himself wanted banned even then.

In other words every single reason the Electrical College ever had to exist, has been switched off. LONG ago.

But yanno what, let's just keep running the same system. Because no reasons.
Once again not everyone shares in your liberal ideology

--- And that's fine. All my Liberal ideology does is ensure that those variant views can exist. No big whoop.

I'm also aware that not everyone shares in my interest in history, which is what that post was actually about.

Btw might be practical to maybe just respond to ONE POST AT A TIME, K?
In two weeks they will introduce a bill to abolish the Constitution.
Jaysus, how many times do you guys have to be told that Trump lost and the Dems now control the Senate. Sheesh....Even your military (for the first time in modern memory) is giving it to Trump.
You loons are on your own.

"Meanwhile, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the group of the most senior uniformed leaders at the Pentagon, have condemned the riot at the Capitol as a “direct assault” on Congress and the constitutional process.

The statement – issued to the entire U.S. military – is extraordinary because the chiefs usually stay out of politics, and they are essentially asking to them to go against the president’s rhetoric and uphold democracy in the United States."
Thread has zero to do with Trump but you brought him into it. Explain why.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

-------------------- and?

Are you pissed that the article doesn't mention the main purpose ---- Slavery?
Slavery is largely illegal globally because white people ended it, although it still exists it black and brown countries.

Actually slave people ended it.

And it's been illegal here for 155 years, and it was the main impetus for even having the Electoral College.

You'll note that the other, secondary reason articulated above is also way out of date. In the 18th century internet, television, radio, even telegraph didn't exist yet. Traversing the length of the then-country would be a horse-drawn excursion over nonexistent "roads" that would take weeks if not months, meaning few ever did it, and a citizen in, say New Hampshire would know little about candidates from say Georgia That's all changed since then.

The third tertiary reason for the EC was to insert a proxy so that some demagogue charlatan couldn't hoodwink the population into a frenzy. That too has been rendered impotent by so-called "faithless elector" laws which prescribe who electors MUST vote for, and of course the corrupt "winner take all" (WTA) system, which James Madison himself wanted banned even then.

In other words every single reason the Electrical College ever had to exist, has been switched off. LONG ago.

But yanno what, let's just keep running the same system. Because no reasons.
Once again not everyone shares in your liberal ideology

--- And that's fine. All my Liberal ideology does is ensure that those variant views can exist. No big whoop.
Nothing wrong with that pogo, just keep it to yourself in North Carolina
House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

Can't they wait at least a month before they go big on their diabolical plans?
They are like a kid with a quarter in his pocket, cannot wait five minutes to go spend it.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

At least they are using the proper process. I am against it, but the procedure is in order.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

-------------------- and?

Are you pissed that the article doesn't mention the main purpose ---- Slavery?
Slavery is largely illegal globally because white people ended it, although it still exists it black and brown countries.

Actually slave people ended it.

And it's been illegal here for 155 years, and it was the main impetus for even having the Electoral College.

You'll note that the other, secondary reason articulated above is also way out of date. In the 18th century internet, television, radio, even telegraph didn't exist yet. Traversing the length of the then-country would be a horse-drawn excursion over nonexistent "roads" that would take weeks if not months, meaning few ever did it, and a citizen in, say New Hampshire would know little about candidates from say Georgia That's all changed since then.

The third tertiary reason for the EC was to insert a proxy so that some demagogue charlatan couldn't hoodwink the population into a frenzy. That too has been rendered impotent by so-called "faithless elector" laws which prescribe who electors MUST vote for, and of course the corrupt "winner take all" (WTA) system, which James Madison himself wanted banned even then.

In other words every single reason the Electrical College ever had to exist, has been switched off. LONG ago.

But yanno what, let's just keep running the same system. Because no reasons.
Once again not everyone shares in your liberal ideology

--- And that's fine. All my Liberal ideology does is ensure that those variant views can exist. No big whoop.
Nothing wrong with that pogo, just keep it to yourself in North Carolina

Actually it's throughout the country. That's why we have that Liberal Constitution.

However the Bill of Rights does not give you the right to not capitalize my name.
House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

Can't they wait at least a month before they go big on their diabolical plans?
They are like a kid with a quarter in his pocket, cannot wait five minutes to go spend it.

Typical. In years when the Democrat loses the Presidential election, these wags think it's "because they lost". This round they won, and y'all are STILL whining about the same thing. Grow up.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

-------------------- and?

Are you pissed that the article doesn't mention the main purpose ---- Slavery?
Slavery is largely illegal globally because white people ended it, although it still exists it black and brown countries.

Actually slave people ended it.

And it's been illegal here for 155 years, and it was the main impetus for even having the Electoral College.

You'll note that the other, secondary reason articulated above is also way out of date. In the 18th century internet, television, radio, even telegraph didn't exist yet. Traversing the length of the then-country would be a horse-drawn excursion over nonexistent "roads" that would take weeks if not months, meaning few ever did it, and a citizen in, say New Hampshire would know little about candidates from say Georgia That's all changed since then.

The third tertiary reason for the EC was to insert a proxy so that some demagogue charlatan couldn't hoodwink the population into a frenzy. That too has been rendered impotent by so-called "faithless elector" laws which prescribe who electors MUST vote for, and of course the corrupt "winner take all" (WTA) system, which James Madison himself wanted banned even then.

In other words every single reason the Electrical College ever had to exist, has been switched off. LONG ago.

But yanno what, let's just keep running the same system. Because no reasons.
Once again not everyone shares in your liberal ideology

--- And that's fine. All my Liberal ideology does is ensure that those variant views can exist. No big whoop.
Nothing wrong with that pogo, just keep it to yourself in North Carolina

Actually it's throughout the country. That's why we have that Liberal Constitution.

However the Bill of Rights does not give you the right to not capitalize my name.
No we are 50 States combined to full fill the duty's to protect each one from enemy's foreign and domestic

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

:yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::thewave::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::thankusmile:

Only a fascist loon would like this.
What's fascist about the popular vote? We use it to elect everyone else.

People like Faun can't be trusted with there vote.
Huh? I mailed my ballot in, what's not to trust.
Yeah and your dead grandma vote also.
Not only did she vote, she voted 6 times.


While you fucked the dead corpse 6 times

I always get a kick reading the bizarre rantings of you loons. Your insanity is my entertainment.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

-------------------- and?

Are you pissed that the article doesn't mention the main purpose ---- Slavery?
Slavery is largely illegal globally because white people ended it, although it still exists it black and brown countries.

Actually slave people ended it.

And it's been illegal here for 155 years, and it was the main impetus for even having the Electoral College.

You'll note that the other, secondary reason articulated above is also way out of date. In the 18th century internet, television, radio, even telegraph didn't exist yet. Traversing the length of the then-country would be a horse-drawn excursion over nonexistent "roads" that would take weeks if not months, meaning few ever did it, and a citizen in, say New Hampshire would know little about candidates from say Georgia That's all changed since then.

The third tertiary reason for the EC was to insert a proxy so that some demagogue charlatan couldn't hoodwink the population into a frenzy. That too has been rendered impotent by so-called "faithless elector" laws which prescribe who electors MUST vote for, and of course the corrupt "winner take all" (WTA) system, which James Madison himself wanted banned even then.

In other words every single reason the Electrical College ever had to exist, has been switched off. LONG ago.

But yanno what, let's just keep running the same system. Because no reasons.
Once again not everyone shares in your liberal ideology

--- And that's fine. All my Liberal ideology does is ensure that those variant views can exist. No big whoop.
Nothing wrong with that pogo, just keep it to yourself in North Carolina

Actually it's throughout the country. That's why we have that Liberal Constitution.

However the Bill of Rights does not give you the right to not capitalize my name.
No we are 50 States combined to full fill the duty's to protect each one from enemy's foreign and domestic

There oughta be a Constitutional Amendment that forces people to learn what the fuck apostrophes are for.

Here's a hint: we N E V E R, NEVER use an apostrophe to form a plural in English. EVER.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

:yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::thewave::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::thankusmile:

Only a fascist loon would like this.
What's fascist about the popular vote? We use it to elect everyone else.

People like Faun can't be trusted with there vote.
Huh? I mailed my ballot in, what's not to trust.
Yeah and your dead grandma vote also.
Not only did she vote, she voted 6 times.


While you fucked the dead corpse 6 times

I always get a kick the reading bizarre rantings of you loons. Your insanity is my entertainment.
No it's comical how I set you up..

For a burn

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

:yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::thewave::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::thankusmile:

Only a fascist loon would like this.
What's fascist about the popular vote? We use it to elect everyone else.

People like Faun can't be trusted with there vote.
Huh? I mailed my ballot in, what's not to trust.
Yeah and your dead grandma vote also.
Not only did she vote, she voted 6 times.


While you fucked the dead corpse 6 times

I always get a kick the reading bizarre rantings of you loons. Your insanity is my entertainment.
No it's comical how I set you up..

For a burn

It's funny that you think that burned.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

-------------------- and?

Are you pissed that the article doesn't mention the main purpose ---- Slavery?
Slavery is largely illegal globally because white people ended it, although it still exists it black and brown countries.

Actually slave people ended it.

And it's been illegal here for 155 years, and it was the main impetus for even having the Electoral College.

You'll note that the other, secondary reason articulated above is also way out of date. In the 18th century internet, television, radio, even telegraph didn't exist yet. Traversing the length of the then-country would be a horse-drawn excursion over nonexistent "roads" that would take weeks if not months, meaning few ever did it, and a citizen in, say New Hampshire would know little about candidates from say Georgia That's all changed since then.

The third tertiary reason for the EC was to insert a proxy so that some demagogue charlatan couldn't hoodwink the population into a frenzy. That too has been rendered impotent by so-called "faithless elector" laws which prescribe who electors MUST vote for, and of course the corrupt "winner take all" (WTA) system, which James Madison himself wanted banned even then.

In other words every single reason the Electrical College ever had to exist, has been switched off. LONG ago.

But yanno what, let's just keep running the same system. Because no reasons.
Once again not everyone shares in your liberal ideology

--- And that's fine. All my Liberal ideology does is ensure that those variant views can exist. No big whoop.
Nothing wrong with that pogo, just keep it to yourself in North Carolina

Actually it's throughout the country. That's why we have that Liberal Constitution.

However the Bill of Rights does not give you the right to not capitalize my name.
No we are 50 States combined to full fill the duty's to protect each one from enemy's foreign and domestic

There oughta be a Constitutional Amendment that forces people to learn what the fuck apostrophes are for.

Here's a hint: we N E V E R, NEVER use an apostrophe to form a plural in English. EVER.
That's spell checker, and English is not math it's a made up language
And they wonder why January 6th happened.

Because of unfounded conspiracy theories fomented by a greatly unpopular 1 term impeached (soon to be twice) president who never managed to come close to winning the popular vote in two elections?

Stop making excuses for insurrection and sedition.
House Dems Introduce Bill To ‘Abolish Electoral College’

Can't they wait at least a month before they go big on their diabolical plans?
They are like a kid with a quarter in his pocket, cannot wait five minutes to go spend it.

Typical. In years when the Democrat loses the Presidential election, these wags think it's "because they lost". This round they won, and y'all are STILL whining about the same thing. Grow up.
I couldn't follow that? Nor do I know what a 'wag' is. I will grant you we all need to do some "growing up" though.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

:yes_text12: :TH_WAY~113::clap::clap::clap::thewave::WooHooSmileyWave-vi::thankusmile:

Only a fascist loon would like this.
What's fascist about the popular vote? We use it to elect everyone else.

People like Faun can't be trusted with there vote.

He cannot be trusted with here vote either!

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

In 2012 Trump ranted and raved endlessly about abolishing the Electoral College.

More pandering

Introduced on January 11th and referred to the House Judiciary Committee, the resolution proposes an “amendment to the Constitution of the United States to abolish the electoral college and to provide for the direct election of the President and Vice President of the United States.”

Authors of the bill include Rep. Cohen, Rep. Zoe Lofgren, Rep. Jan Schakowsky, Rep. Julia Brownley, Peter DeFazio, Rep. Adriano Espaillat, Rep. John Garamendi, and Rep. Jim Cooper.

Before revealing what the constitutional amendment would look like, the bill rebukes the electoral college as created in “an era of limited nationwide communication and information sharing” and resting on “an antiquated theory that citizens will have a better chance of knowing about electors from their home States than about Presidential candidates from out of State”

-------------------- and?

Are you pissed that the article doesn't mention the main purpose ---- Slavery?
Slavery is largely illegal globally because white people ended it, although it still exists it black and brown countries.

Actually slave people ended it.

And it's been illegal here for 155 years, and it was the main impetus for even having the Electoral College.

You'll note that the other, secondary reason articulated above is also way out of date. In the 18th century internet, television, radio, even telegraph didn't exist yet. Traversing the length of the then-country would be a horse-drawn excursion over nonexistent "roads" that would take weeks if not months, meaning few ever did it, and a citizen in, say New Hampshire would know little about candidates from say Georgia That's all changed since then.

The third tertiary reason for the EC was to insert a proxy so that some demagogue charlatan couldn't hoodwink the population into a frenzy. That too has been rendered impotent by so-called "faithless elector" laws which prescribe who electors MUST vote for, and of course the corrupt "winner take all" (WTA) system, which James Madison himself wanted banned even then.

In other words every single reason the Electrical College ever had to exist, has been switched off. LONG ago.

But yanno what, let's just keep running the same system. Because no reasons.
Once again not everyone shares in your liberal ideology

--- And that's fine. All my Liberal ideology does is ensure that those variant views can exist. No big whoop.
Nothing wrong with that pogo, just keep it to yourself in North Carolina

Actually it's throughout the country. That's why we have that Liberal Constitution.

However the Bill of Rights does not give you the right to not capitalize my name.
No we are 50 States combined to full fill the duty's to protect each one from enemy's foreign and domestic
"full fill"?

Speak English, much?

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