House Dems raise money at record pace for 2014

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
House Democrats Fundraising At Record Pace (UPDATE)

House Democrats' chief political arm maintained a record-breaking fundraising pace in October, adding $7 million to its existing $25 million cash horde as campaigning for next year's election intensifies, according to a Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee aide.

The DCCC has raised more money at this point than in any prior election cycle, even when adjusting for inflation. The committee has raised $65.2 million through the end of October.

“House Republicans’ reckless and irresponsible agenda is not only driving their approval ratings to record lows -– it’s rallying our support to record highs," DCCC Chairman Steve Israel (D-N.Y.) said in a statement. "The American people believe enough is enough -– and they’ve had enough with the dysfunction of this Republican Congress and the pain they’ve caused America’s middle class.”

The big money Rs aren't giving as much.

Gee, I wonder why.
Maybe we aren't as frightened as you and the rest of that lying cheating party. You're doing a fine job of imploding on your own.
Or maybe your wealthy sugar daddies saw how close you came to blowing up the country and decided to stop funding it.
They will need it. Just much more since Obamas numbers are falling like a hot rock as the Tea Party numbers are improving

Alls good in the world

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The Teabaggers ratings were down there with the Ebola virus and they still are...
The Teabaggers ratings were down there with the Ebola virus and they still are...

Hidden gem in ABC/WaPo Poll: Strong Tea Party support

Posted by William A. Jacobson Tuesday, November 19, 2013 at 10:51am

We have addressed many times recently the misleading claim that support for the Tea Party Movement was at historic lows or reflected the near-end of the movement:

The ABC News – Washington Post poll released just after midnight has generated headlines for the sharp decline in Obama’s favorability ratings by just about every measure, and the growing unpopularity of Obamacare.

But there is a hidden gem in the poll that is not receiving much attention.

Support for the Tea Party movement is at 38% for all registered voters, not far below the 41% approval rating and 46% favorability rating for Obama.

Moreover, 46% think the Tea Party has too little/just about right influence versus 43% who think it has too much influence. 49% think the Tea Party political views are about right or too liberal, versus only 40% who think too conservative.

Tea Party Support | Favorability | Poll
Not to worry, guy, the Teabaggers will remind us all why we hate them again soon enough.
Rich democrats believe they can buy another election, or pay off enough people to steal it.

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