House GOPers War On Birth Control

It is harder than hell for me to stay on top of all the anti-woman legislation being bandied about, Trajan, but I am reasonably sure the Planned Parenthood defunding bill is a different one.

Why do you think they're crooks?

anti woman?

There's been a flurry of this crapola lately, Trajan. Possibly the most vile are the bills that seek to redefine rape, but that's only one (or a few) of many.

and how did it all work out maddie?
why yes because ,like, the 2 are totally equal:rolleyes:

The two are exactly equal. If you tether me to another human that uses my organs to live and I sever that tether, have I committed murder?
YOU were the one that did the tethering

And as long as there is no contractual obligation entered into by legal persons, I can sever it anytime I want to within the first trimester. A consequence of opening my front door may be that an uninvited guest with a certainty of doing harm to me may enter and take up residence, using my resources without my permission. Are you saying I can't use lethal force against such an intruder?
The two are exactly equal. If you tether me to another human that uses my organs to live and I sever that tether, have I committed murder?
YOU were the one that did the tethering

And as long as there is no contractual obligation entered into by legal persons, I can sever it anytime I want to within the first trimester. A consequence of opening my front door may be that an uninvited guest with a certainty of doing harm to me may enter and take up residence, using my resources without my permission. Are you saying I can't use lethal force against such an intruder?
WOW what a massive stretch you took there

and now a baby is breaking and entering
Right wingers love WAR.

War on the Middle Class.

War on Science.

War on Iraq.

War on the Poor.

War on women.

War against Muslims.

War against Hispanics.
The two are exactly equal. If you tether me to another human that uses my organs to live and I sever that tether, have I committed murder?
YOU were the one that did the tethering

And as long as there is no contractual obligation entered into by legal persons, I can sever it anytime I want to within the first trimester. A consequence of opening my front door may be that an uninvited guest with a certainty of doing harm to me may enter and take up residence, using my resources without my permission. Are you saying I can't use lethal force against such an intruder?
Dear Ms Room Temperature IQ...This is not about abortion or contracts.
You can legally undergo an abortion. Pay for it yourself. The issue of this thread begins and ends there.
You've allowed yourself to get all lathered up over your perception of a federal entitlement.
Not much of a stretch if you believe in the sovereignty of an individual over their bodies and that they should have full control over who may benefit from that body. Anytime you can come up with a solution that allows the state to remove said intruder intact and place in the state's surrogate, then I'm down with that. Sterilization for welfare and pell grants, fine. But if you disagree with the state forcing money out of your wallet to aid in the support of another human being, then you would have to disagree with the state forcing you to offer your very body in the support of another human being.
Pay for it yourself. The issue of this thread begins and ends there.

To which I have already responded that it is in the best interest of the state and the general welfare to reduce the number of unwanted, uncared for children.
Pay for it yourself. The issue of this thread begins and ends there.

To which I have already responded that it is in the best interest of the state and the general welfare to reduce the number of unwanted, uncared for children.

Hey Einstein, the answer is to teach adults to love their children, not to kill the kids the parents have not developed the heart to love.
The two are exactly equal. If you tether me to another human that uses my organs to live and I sever that tether, have I committed murder?
YOU were the one that did the tethering

And as long as there is no contractual obligation entered into by legal persons, I can sever it anytime I want to within the first trimester. A consequence of opening my front door may be that an uninvited guest with a certainty of doing harm to me may enter and take up residence, using my resources without my permission. Are you saying I can't use lethal force against such an intruder?

My God, are you, IMO, ever sick. Get a good mental health specialist. I am in no way whatsoever kidding. The content of that post is entirely, 100% pathological. You're off your rocker. I'm serious, now.
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Pay for it yourself. The issue of this thread begins and ends there.

To which I have already responded that it is in the best interest of the state and the general welfare to reduce the number of unwanted, uncared for children.

Hey Einstein, the answer is to teach adults to love their children, not to kill the kids the parents have not developed the heart to love.
it would also help if parents taught their children that sex, while pleasurable, also comes with consequences and responsibilities
and that the results of that act can be the creation of another life
one that should not be thrown away like a diseased piece of bio-matter
To which I have already responded that it is in the best interest of the state and the general welfare to reduce the number of unwanted, uncared for children.

Hey Einstein, the answer is to teach adults to love their children, not to kill the kids the parents have not developed the heart to love.
it would also help if parents taught their children that sex, while pleasurable, also comes with consequences and responsibilities
and that the results of that act can be the creation of another life
one that should not be thrown away like a diseased piece of bio-matter

Well said. IMO, we have some very, very seriously fucked up people on this board talking about their own babies as intruders in their households against whom lethal force is an option and any number of things. I have never seen such a collection of entirely pathological pro-abortion posts in my life. I'm stunned and, quite frankly, shocked to think that any number of these people could be serious, and it seems on the surface as though they are. I am absolutely not kidding. Some of these people should never, ever be allowed near a handgun. I wish I could say that that was a joke. It wasn't.
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Pay for it yourself. The issue of this thread begins and ends there.

To which I have already responded that it is in the best interest of the state and the general welfare to reduce the number of unwanted, uncared for children.
Yes, by practicing proper behavior and personal responsibility. Not using abortion as a means of birth control.
Having said that, why the hell are you dragging in unrelated issues into this discussion?
Or do you just feel an insatiable desire to vent your spleen?
I'll never understand why the left doesn't see the danger to themselves in allowing someone's right to be alive to be determined by how much OTHER people want them around.

And I'll never understand why the right can complain ad nauseum about others making a demand on their pocket book but a fetus can demand the use of my body

I agree

I can only assume mandatory organ donation is next.
And I don't understand when a liberal makes a good point they can't stop. They have to make some ridiculous point that has nothing to do with anything which kills the validity of their original point to a critical mind. No one is discussing this and the Right is less likely to force this then the Left.
Right wingers love WAR.

War on the Middle Class.

War on Science.

War on Iraq.

War on the Poor.

War on women.

War against Muslims.

War against Hispanics.

Right Adolf, the Jews, er, the Republicans, cause all the problems. We need to exterminate them. Liberals, an uncanny ability to make any conversation more stupid
Not much of a stretch if you believe in the sovereignty of an individual over their bodies and that they should have full control over who may benefit from that body. Anytime you can come up with a solution that allows the state to remove said intruder intact and place in the state's surrogate, then I'm down with that. Sterilization for welfare and pell grants, fine. But if you disagree with the state forcing money out of your wallet to aid in the support of another human being, then you would have to disagree with the state forcing you to offer your very body in the support of another human being.
Did you have children, were they "intruders?" I'm with you in being pro-choice, but this argument only applies to rape or incest. To compare a woman having sex by choice and getting pregnant to someone breaking in your house is just intellectually challenged
Pay for it yourself. The issue of this thread begins and ends there.

To which I have already responded that it is in the best interest of the state and the general welfare to reduce the number of unwanted, uncared for children.
So using this argument, why don't we kill foster children?
The Pitts bill is part of the war on contraception that's being waged by House Republican leaders. They're pushing a spending plan that eliminates the Title X family planning program, which for forty years has provided contraceptives and other basic preventive health care to women in need. They're trying to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest provider of contraceptive care. They are trying to prevent states from even exercising an option to expand contraceptive coverage under state Medicaid programs. And now, they are allowing states to deny women coverage of contraception under the Affordable Care Act.

The Affordable Care Act included, as part of the compromise on abortion, a provision that made clear that nothing in the health care law would preempt state laws on abortion. H.R. 358 expands this provision, preventing the new health care law from preempting any state law - now or in the future - that has to do with "conscience rights." The Energy and Commerce Committee counsel admitted today that this provision goes WAY beyond abortion. In fact, it gives states carte blanche to undo, in the name of “conscience,” almost any federal requirement in the Affordable Care Act.

This loophole means that, under H.R. 358, a state could exempt any insurance plan from a requirement under the Affordable Care Act that insurance plans cover birth control or any other essential health benefits if complying is against its - the health insurance plan's -- "moral convictions."

The Affordable Care Act may finally mean that all new health insurance plans will cover contraceptives. And now, under the cloak of "taxpayer funded abortion," members of the Energy and Commerce Committee admitted today that the bill would allow states to opt-out of this guarantee.
"war on contraception"???

oh PAHLEEEZE:tinfoil:

Under H.R. 358, a state could exempt any insurance plan from a requirement under the Affordable Care Act that insurance plans cover birth control or any other essential health benefits if complying is against its - the health insurance plan's -- "moral convictions."

So again, NOT forcing people to fund birth control is an "attack on birth control". Funny thing is, sane people would define an "attack on birth control" as . . . oh, I don't know, passing laws prohibiting the production and sale of birth control, rather than as not legally mandating that some people spend their money on other people's birth control.

Perhaps you haven't heard yet, but this is a free country, where businesses SHOULD be able to decide what services they do and do not wish to provide, rather than having the state's jackbooted thugs come in and say, "You WILL sell this, whether you want to or not."
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Under H.R. 358, a state could exempt any insurance plan from a requirement under the Affordable Care Act that insurance plans cover birth control or any other essential health benefits if complying is against its - the health insurance plan's -- "moral convictions."

Are you saying government needs to not only fund contraceptives but it must force private insurance companies to fund them as well? If private insurance companies are able to not fund contraceptives that would certainly be an attack on birth control, don't you think?

It needs to allow private insurance companies to fund contraception. I'm in favor of the government funding contraceptive services for women who have no health insurance and no other way to pay for it.

Thanks for returning to civility.

Since absolutely nobody - especially not you - has managed to show that the federal government is preventing private insurance companies from paying for contraception if they so desire, it's disingenuous in the extreme for you to continue preaching on about the evils of this apocryphal "attack", and excoriating the GOP or anyone else for doing something you and your compatriots have failed in spades in showing they are guilty of.

Demonstrate first, THEN attack. Otherwise, you're just an empty hypocrite. And if you find it uncivil for me to call you a hypocrite, please keep in mind that I find it uncivil for you to BE a hypocrite. If you have to demand respect, you don't deserve it.
anti woman?

There's been a flurry of this crapola lately, Trajan. Possibly the most vile are the bills that seek to redefine rape, but that's only one (or a few) of many.

and how did it all work out maddie?

T'aint over yet, Trajan. My guess is when all these bills are passed, if they are, there'll be some nasty unexpected surprises, and the health care law from hell will be even harder to understand, comply with and live with than it was already.

By the way, does this Congress ever plan to get back to Jobs, Jobs, Jobs? or are they just gonna cope with the threat to national security posed by sexually active women?

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