House GOPers War On Birth Control

Jarhead wrote:

I agree with this post 100%.
But I still do not feel it is the tax payers responsibility to supoport someone who cast aside caution and had unsafe sex knowing they can not afford to abort the child.
Sex without intention of having a child is not something that MUST be is something people OPT to do for pleasure.
No different than satisfying ones urge to smopke, drink, gamble or do drugs....
It is an urge for pleasure.....

The US taxpayer, via Medicaid, Medicare and CHAMPUS (health care for veterans) pays for NO other abortions, Jarhead. Poor women who want such procedures done are required to pay cash, and it has been that way for over twenty years now.

wow, it is nice to see they FINALLY admit ABORTION (the killing off of ones own child) is being used as a form of birth control.

Have we become this sick and twisted of a Society where we think THIS IS OK?

make me ill.

If this is your POV, Stephanie, then contact your elected representatives to oppose the bill under discussion. One sure way to create a greater demand for abortion procedures is to limit access to birth control.

This is, of course, assuming that you are as willfully ignorant and gullible as Mad, stubbornly believing that this bill contains some provision prohibiting access to birth control because the National Bitches' Lie Center told you so, rather than believing the evidence of your own eyes that said it's not there.

If, on the other hand, you can read and think for yourself, I wouldn't bother calling your Congressman on this one, except maybe to say, "Good job. Keep it up."
Not every American believes in God. Not every American believes that each and every zygote is a "person". You are entitled to your POV and there are ways to ensure you never inceminate a woman who does not want to be pregnant -- in fact, we began this thread discussing the insanity of limiting access to birth control, if I remember correctly.

Holy shit Maddie, I can't believe you just called a child, a Zygote. Is that what it take to be able to convince oneself they are NOT KILLING THEIR OWN CHILD?
you are one sick and twisted person.
now I go and puke.

a very generous number of people believe this Stephanie. I disagree with them.....but we must respect the sentiments of others if we expect them to respect our own.

No. There is no need to either respect other people's opinions simply because they exist, nor is there any need to care if those people respect our opinions.

It is only necessary to respect someone else's RIGHT to have an opinion, and for them to respect YOUR right to have one. It's possible to do that while viewing the opinion itself as the biggest bunch of self-serving, ignorant twaddle ever concocted. And caring about whether someone who would believe such a bunch of bilge respects YOUR opinion is an utter waste of time.

Stephanie was dead right on this one.
Today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held its first business meeting of the year to consider H.R. 358, the misnamed Protect Life Act, that would prevent women from using even their own private funds to pay for insurance plans that cover abortion and would significantly expand refusal calls that allow women to be denied treatment, even in circumstances where their health or lives are in jeopardy.

During the debate, members of the Committee finally admitted what we knew to be true: hidden under the cloak of so-called "taxpayer funding for abortion," H.R. 358 allows states to deny insurance coverage of birth control.

That's right: the Pitts bill is part of the war on contraception that's being waged by House Republican leaders. They're pushing a spending plan that eliminates the Title X family planning program, which for forty years has provided contraceptives and other basic preventive health care to women in need. They're trying to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest provider of contraceptive care. They are trying to prevent states from even exercising an option to expand contraceptive coverage under state Medicaid programs. And now, they are allowing states to deny women coverage of contraception under the Affordable Care Act.

H.R. 358 is Part of House Republican Leadership War on Contraception | National Women's Law Center

Angry yet? I know I'd like to punch someone.

These guys did say they would be all about jobs, am I correct? And instead, they're about setting back women's rights 100 years?

Your thoughts?

I have no problem with them stopping the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. I think they run a crooked shop.
Today, the House Energy and Commerce Committee held its first business meeting of the year to consider H.R. 358, the misnamed Protect Life Act, that would prevent women from using even their own private funds to pay for insurance plans that cover abortion and would significantly expand refusal calls that allow women to be denied treatment, even in circumstances where their health or lives are in jeopardy.

During the debate, members of the Committee finally admitted what we knew to be true: hidden under the cloak of so-called "taxpayer funding for abortion," H.R. 358 allows states to deny insurance coverage of birth control.

That's right: the Pitts bill is part of the war on contraception that's being waged by House Republican leaders. They're pushing a spending plan that eliminates the Title X family planning program, which for forty years has provided contraceptives and other basic preventive health care to women in need. They're trying to defund Planned Parenthood, the nation's largest provider of contraceptive care. They are trying to prevent states from even exercising an option to expand contraceptive coverage under state Medicaid programs. And now, they are allowing states to deny women coverage of contraception under the Affordable Care Act.

H.R. 358 is Part of House Republican Leadership War on Contraception | National Women's Law Center

Angry yet? I know I'd like to punch someone.

These guys did say they would be all about jobs, am I correct? And instead, they're about setting back women's rights 100 years?

Your thoughts?

I have no problem with them stopping the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. I think they run a crooked shop.

It is harder than hell for me to stay on top of all the anti-woman legislation being bandied about, Trajan, but I am reasonably sure the Planned Parenthood defunding bill is a different one.

Why do you think they're crooks?
I agree with your sentiment, but why don't liberals ever say "I" instead of "the state?" Why don't you raise money for it? I'll contribute.

Kaz, paying taxes = "raising money for birth control". What's your gripe about public funds for public health?

This is an incredibly stupid response, unworthy of inclusion in any substantial discussion.

It isn't public health, it's your health. Emergency rooms are public health. Deciding that a beautiful, newborn child who may grow up to be the person who cures cancer or ends international aggression should be murdered before experiencing life outside the womb - yes, they're technically experiencing life inside the womb - after you screwed around and got that kid, for whatever reason - yeah, even rape, because that kid isn't responsible for how his or her life began - is not the same has falling off a ladder and getting a severe spinal cord injury, or getting in a car crash and needing immediate treatment, or even spraining an ankle playing sports in school.

IMO Your attitude is callous and cold-blooded beyond any reasonable discourse. As far as the existence of God being the standard by which we judge right or wrong when it comes to abortion, consider this: if there is no God, then that child became a manifest living human being by chances so slim that anyone who could buy a lottery ticket should never complain if they never win that game, because they already beat odds so astronomical that expecting to get even remotely that lucky again is greedy and unrealistic. To kill that child after a statistical miracle - from that child's point of view - is so selfish and greedy and cold-blooded and uncaring that anyone who espouses it - especially the manifestly hypocritical liberal in this context - should never advocate anything under the guise of caring, because they have mitigated that self-aggrandizing posture with such a cold-blooded ideological position regarding murdering an unborn child.

Abortion as a form of public health concern is the ultimate in revolting social/political posturing. Unless you regard that child as dangerous as an outbreak of cholera. That child isn't. Murderous abortion advocates just don;t give a damn about anything but themselves, and don't argue that point, because by taking the position they do, they have made that fact manifest.

"Zygote". Who made up that term? By what authority did they do so in which they were able to distinguish the term from "human being". Who wrote the dictionary that defines the terms as being separate? The point is those people were not God, the authority placed upon them by other human beings to behave as though they are, notwithstanding.

You want to murder your own unborn as long as the law allows it? Fine. Kill all the future Einsteins you hate so you can screw around at your uncomplicated leisure. But the idea that those of us who are fair, and caring, and loving, and give people who need a break the break they deserve - even the unborn - just because we believe that our fellow human beings are worth more than the water and chemicals that make up their being don't want to pay for the convenience your crave to rid yourself of the consequences of your lazy, hedonistic, morally and ethically revolting lifestyle. We all like sex. But some things are more important to anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty.

Next you'll be telling us that we should pay for the whores of financially challenged Johns because without sex they will be frustrated and hence that, too, should be legislated into a public health concern.

Bullshit. You want to murder your kid? Pay for it yourself.

Have a really nice day. I have no doubt whatsoever that you'll enjoy it. You seem really good at enjoying yourself.

I think you are my new hero this week.

For the record, though, the people who made up the term "zygote" never intended it to denote something different from a human being (or whatever animal's zygote is being referenced). And technically speaking, it still doesn't.

The problem here is that some leftist leadership broad somewhere told Mad that using words like "zygote", "embryo", and "fetus" would somehow differentiate from a child, and Mad never bothers to check the source material (in this case, the dictionary). Even if she DID, she's the world's most perfect useful idiot, willingly denying the evidence of her own eyes in favor of blind faith in whatever she's told. She would simply assume that the dictionary was wrong.
Kaz, paying taxes = "raising money for birth control". What's your gripe about public funds for public health?

This is an incredibly stupid response, unworthy of inclusion in any substantial discussion.

It isn't public health, it's your health. Emergency rooms are public health. Deciding that a beautiful, newborn child who may grow up to be the person who cures cancer or ends international aggression should be murdered before experiencing life outside the womb - yes, they're technically experiencing life inside the womb - after you screwed around and got that kid, for whatever reason - yeah, even rape, because that kid isn't responsible for how his or her life began - is not the same has falling off a ladder and getting a severe spinal cord injury, or getting in a car crash and needing immediate treatment, or even spraining an ankle playing sports in school.

IMO Your attitude is callous and cold-blooded beyond any reasonable discourse. As far as the existence of God being the standard by which we judge right or wrong when it comes to abortion, consider this: if there is no God, then that child became a manifest living human being by chances so slim that anyone who could buy a lottery ticket should never complain if they never win that game, because they already beat odds so astronomical that expecting to get even remotely that lucky again is greedy and unrealistic. To kill that child after a statistical miracle - from that child's point of view - is so selfish and greedy and cold-blooded and uncaring that anyone who espouses it - especially the manifestly hypocritical liberal in this context - should never advocate anything under the guise of caring, because they have mitigated that self-aggrandizing posture with such a cold-blooded ideological position regarding murdering an unborn child.

Abortion as a form of public health concern is the ultimate in revolting social/political posturing. Unless you regard that child as dangerous as an outbreak of cholera. That child isn't. Murderous abortion advocates just don;t give a damn about anything but themselves, and don't argue that point, because by taking the position they do, they have made that fact manifest.

"Zygote". Who made up that term? By what authority did they do so in which they were able to distinguish the term from "human being". Who wrote the dictionary that defines the terms as being separate? The point is those people were not God, the authority placed upon them by other human beings to behave as though they are, notwithstanding.

You want to murder your own unborn as long as the law allows it? Fine. Kill all the future Einsteins you hate so you can screw around at your uncomplicated leisure. But the idea that those of us who are fair, and caring, and loving, and give people who need a break the break they deserve - even the unborn - just because we believe that our fellow human beings are worth more than the water and chemicals that make up their being don't want to pay for the convenience your crave to rid yourself of the consequences of your lazy, hedonistic, morally and ethically revolting lifestyle. We all like sex. But some things are more important to anyone with an ounce of intellectual honesty.

Next you'll be telling us that we should pay for the whores of financially challenged Johns because without sex they will be frustrated and hence that, too, should be legislated into a public health concern.

Bullshit. You want to murder your kid? Pay for it yourself.

Have a really nice day. I have no doubt whatsoever that you'll enjoy it. You seem really good at enjoying yourself.

This may just be the most mysoginistic post I have ever read on USMB. Amazing that anyone could hate women this may want to have that seen to, GStarz.

Funny. I'M a woman, and I don't feel hated by this post at all. On the other hand, my major political issue isn't the defense of my right to fuck men I don't like and wouldn't want to have children with, or getting into positions where pregnancy is a desperate situation calling for killing. Maybe that makes a difference. :eusa_whistle:
Holy shit Maddie, I can't believe you just called a child, a Zygote. Is that what it take to be able to convince oneself they are NOT KILLING THEIR OWN CHILD?
you are one sick and twisted person.
now I go and puke.

a very generous number of people believe this Stephanie. I disagree with them.....but we must respect the sentiments of others if we expect them to respect our own.

I wonder what other biology terms make Stephanie ill? Reality is just not her bag, I guess.

I wonder how many times Stephanie has spent eleven pages ranting about how she's "angry enough to punch a wall" over something that turned out not to exist, and THEN declared that it must exist, and she just needs to talk to someone to have them explain how to disbelieve her own eyes.

Reality certainly isn't SOMEONE'S bag around here. :eusa_angel:
H.R. 358 is Part of House Republican Leadership War on Contraception | National Women's Law Center

Angry yet? I know I'd like to punch someone.

These guys did say they would be all about jobs, am I correct? And instead, they're about setting back women's rights 100 years?

Your thoughts?

I have no problem with them stopping the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. I think they run a crooked shop.

It is harder than hell for me to stay on top of all the anti-woman legislation being bandied about, Trajan, but I am reasonably sure the Planned Parenthood defunding bill is a different one.

Why do you think they're crooks?

anti woman?
I'll never understand why the left doesn't see the danger to themselves in allowing someone's right to be alive to be determined by how much OTHER people want them around.

And I'll never understand why the right can complain ad nauseum about others making a demand on their pocket book but a fetus can demand the use of my body. I can only assume mandatory organ donation is next.
I'll never understand why the left doesn't see the danger to themselves in allowing someone's right to be alive to be determined by how much OTHER people want them around.

And I'll never understand why the right can complain ad nauseum about others making a demand on their pocket book but a fetus can demand the use of my body. I can only assume mandatory organ donation is next.

why yes because ,like, the 2 are totally equal:rolleyes:
It boggles the mind that ANYONE would have a problem with birth control. Free condoms, free the Pill!

The GOP has lost it's mind.
You're late to the party. The GOP isn't against birth control. That was a

...wait for it...

lie. If liberalism made sense they wouldn't have to resort to lies. But it doesn't so they do. And this is one of the more stupid ones.

How dare you call me a liar? The GOP is against birth control and is trying to put Planned Parenthood out of business. HR 358 will prevent private insurance companies from paying for birth control. They're pushing a spending plan that eliminates the Title X family planning program, which for forty years has provided contraceptives and other basic preventive health care to women in need.

"A draft continuing resolution to fund the government, due out tomorrow from the House appropriations committee, will cut $327 million in family planning funding that goes to organizations like Planned Parenthood but that cannot be used to pay for abortions. This money, instead, is used to fund cancer screenings, birth control, and other health care services for poor people. The $327 million is the sum total of this sort of funding under current law. The House GOP is trying to zero out Planned Parenthood."
House GOP Declares War on Planned Parenthood | Mother Jones

GOP sucks.

Oh, Jesus Christ on a crippled hobby horse. First the National Women's Law Center, and now Mother Jones. The parade of ignorant coochies walking like humans just continues unabated.

It's enough to make a woman secede from the female gender in protest, I swear.
I'll never understand why the left doesn't see the danger to themselves in allowing someone's right to be alive to be determined by how much OTHER people want them around.

And I'll never understand why the right can complain ad nauseum about others making a demand on their pocket book but a fetus can demand the use of my body. I can only assume mandatory organ donation is next.

why yes because ,like, the 2 are totally equal:rolleyes:

The two are exactly equal. If you tether me to another human that uses my organs to live and I sever that tether, have I committed murder?
And I'll never understand why the right can complain ad nauseum about others making a demand on their pocket book but a fetus can demand the use of my body. I can only assume mandatory organ donation is next.

why yes because ,like, the 2 are totally equal:rolleyes:

The two are exactly equal. If you tether me to another human that uses my organs to live and I sever that tether, have I committed murder?
YOU were the one that did the tethering
I have no problem with them stopping the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. I think they run a crooked shop.

It is harder than hell for me to stay on top of all the anti-woman legislation being bandied about, Trajan, but I am reasonably sure the Planned Parenthood defunding bill is a different one.

Why do you think they're crooks?

anti woman?

There's been a flurry of this crapola lately, Trajan. Possibly the most vile are the bills that seek to redefine rape, but that's only one (or a few) of many.
These guys did say they would be all about jobs, am I correct? And instead, they're about setting back women's rights 100 years?

Movement Conservatism uses the cultural war (abortion, gay marriage, family values, creationism) not only to maintain its evangelical coalition, but as a legislative distraction to cover up the fact that they 1) cannot cut the "big 3": SS, Medicare, Defense, and 2) they support policies which help business slash jobs and/or ship them overseas.

Meaning: the Culture War gets people to vote their values not their shrinking wallets.

How does the Right get away with giving capital such a naked advantage over the middle class, that is, how do they get working class voters to buy into the Culture War? Over the last 30 years, the Right has used religious or values populism to move workers away from the old anti-business populism of the postwar years. This populist shift was made possible by a very powerful coalition of wealthy interests who took over the Conservative party in the 70s. These people pumped money into think tanks, publishing groups, political action committees, mailing campaigns, and popular media. They had one goal: move the the voter's anger away from corporations and their top-hat wearing fat cats toward the hippies, bra burners, atheists, multiculturalists, and government brown shirts. Essentially, business took over the Republican Party and huge swaths of pop media, and then proceeded to use their newfound bullhorn to teach Americans how to hate government. They did this to weaken government's ability to tax and regulate them. [Unfortunately, this had the effect of destroying the middle class, whose solvency was literally created and protected by government policies, from unionization to anti-trust laws]

Reagan did populism brilliantly. In the front of the house he would talk about the Evil Empire and family values, while in the back of the house he crushed middle class wages and benefits, which had the effect of sending parents into the workforce for longer hours -- thus hurting families terribly. Bush did the same bait and switch. He sent his base into the voting booth for faith based initiatives, but they came out with the Iraq War and Big Government Conservatism. The culture war is the carrot which leads the voter into the voting booth. (And it never fails with the low-information voter)

It was a vast ideological game designed to help business. Abortion was and still is a necessary element to get Americans to think about values instead of the unequal wealth distribution of Reaganomics. (Reagan and Bush played the fundies to a T)
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