House overwhelmingly passes bipartisan prison reform bill


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
This is inspiring and I am going to tell you it is going to be a big winner for Trump in crossover voters and with Independents. Hell, even some fiscal conservatives like myself see the fiscal benefit.

Some people deserve second chances and there are a multitude of reasons why this is an important step. Some people are obviously too far gone or committed such a heinous crime that they need to be away from society. This is a small minority though.

Far too many rot away in prison, and become WORSE criminals. Some petty criminal or a guy who did stupid things as a kid is housed with the hardcore, lifers. They leave prison, armed with more knowledge of crime, no job prospects and reoffend. Is anyone surprised? A guy can't work, what does he turn to?

There is a famous quote, to the effect, "give me a child and I will raise him to be a doctor, a lawyer or a thief". I'm not a bleeding heart, and I don't like sociology in the extreme, but there is clear logic in ones upbringing and their path in life.

One final point, the world sees a guy like Trump, his swagger and ambition and he's telling America, "you can be anything you want". To the average kid living in poverty, this gives them hope. They think to themselves, "why should I be a goon and criminal when I can make gobs of money in business" etc. I remember reading about Trump when I was in grade school, read two books in fact, on his life. Learned a great deal about high leverage in particular. If Trump can be president, some kid living in the ghetto can make it if they apply themselves.

WASHINGTON — The House by an overwhelming 360-59 vote passed a bipartisan reform bill Tuesday that provides more education for federal prisoners and gives them a second chance after their release.

Authored by Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-Brooklyn) and Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), the First Step Act would authorize $250 million over five years to develop and expand programs that reduce recidivism and give incentives for good behavior.

The bill would also boost current inmates’ chances for a GED, vocational and college courses as well as substance abuse and mental health help, Jeffries told lawmakers on the House floor.

“These are individuals who are in the system right now without hope, without opportunity, without a meaningful chance at transforming themselves,” Jeffries said. “And the First Step Act will provide that. … Why would we possibly refuse that?”

A chief opponent of the bill, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan), said the legislation fails to reform sentencing guidelines and could even “exacerbate racial biases” when prison officials conduct a risk assessment for each offender.

“On principle, I cannot support legislation which fails to address the larger issues of sentencing reform,” said Nadler, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee. “Though this bill makes some modest improvements in areas related to our prisons, it actually does more harm by cementing into our system new areas of racial biases and disadvantage that make worse a criminal justice system desperately in need of reform.”
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Just what this country needs,

smarter criminals.
Just what this country needs,

smarter criminals.

I would say they become smarter criminals by staying in jail. Getting out and applying themselves and turning their life around is a win all around and across so many different variables.
Just what this country needs,

smarter criminals.

I would say they become smarter criminals by staying in jail. Getting out and applying themselves and turning their life around is a win all around and across so many different variables.
One inmate purposely got busted after his release, so he could come back and finish his degree.

and another, man in his mid 50s, couldn't read more than his own name.

THAT one needed some education.
Also, Mitch McConnell has said he won’t bring the bill up for vote in the Senate. MAGA.
WRONG. Prison reform just signed into law. It addresses the very flawed 3 strikes law signed by Clinton targeting "predatory Black criminals" and over sentencing of minor drug offenses. Aren't you glad you finally have a President who got prison reform DONE? Sure you are, you just won't admit it.
Also, Mitch McConnell has said he won’t bring the bill up for vote in the Senate. MAGA.
WRONG. Prison reform just signed into law. It addresses the very flawed 3 strikes law signed by Clinton targeting "predatory Black criminals" and over sentencing of minor drug offenses. Aren't you glad you finally have a President who got prison reform DONE? Sure you are, you just won't admit it.
This is inspiring and I am going to tell you it is going to be a big winner for Trump in crossover voters and with Independents. Hell, even some fiscal conservatives like myself see the fiscal benefit.

Some people deserve second chances and there are a multitude of reasons why this is an important step. Some people are obviously too far gone or committed such a heinous crime that they need to be away from society. This is a small minority though.

Far too many rot away in prison, and become WORSE criminals. Some petty criminal or a guy who did stupid things as a kid is housed with the hardcore, lifers. They leave prison, armed with more knowledge of crime, no job prospects and reoffend. Is anyone surprised? A guy can't work, what does he turn to?

There is a famous quote, to the effect, "give me a child and I will raise him to be a doctor, a lawyer or a thief". I'm not a bleeding heart, and I don't like sociology in the extreme, but there is clear logic in ones upbringing and their path in life.

One final point, the world sees a guy like Trump, his swagger and ambition and he's telling America, "you can be anything you want". To the average kid living in poverty, this gives them hope. They think to themselves, "why should I be a goon and criminal when I can make gobs of money in business" etc. I remember reading about Trump when I was in grade school, read two books in fact, on his life. Learned a great deal about high leverage in particular. If Trump can be president, some kid living in the ghetto can make it if they apply themselves.

WASHINGTON — The House by an overwhelming 360-59 vote passed a bipartisan reform bill Tuesday that provides more education for federal prisoners and gives them a second chance after their release.

Authored by Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (D-Brooklyn) and Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.), the First Step Act would authorize $250 million over five years to develop and expand programs that reduce recidivism and give incentives for good behavior.

The bill would also boost current inmates’ chances for a GED, vocational and college courses as well as substance abuse and mental health help, Jeffries told lawmakers on the House floor.

“These are individuals who are in the system right now without hope, without opportunity, without a meaningful chance at transforming themselves,” Jeffries said. “And the First Step Act will provide that. … Why would we possibly refuse that?”

A chief opponent of the bill, Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-Manhattan), said the legislation fails to reform sentencing guidelines and could even “exacerbate racial biases” when prison officials conduct a risk assessment for each offender.

“On principle, I cannot support legislation which fails to address the larger issues of sentencing reform,” said Nadler, the top Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee. “Though this bill makes some modest improvements in areas related to our prisons, it actually does more harm by cementing into our system new areas of racial biases and disadvantage that make worse a criminal justice system desperately in need of reform.”

There's no denying it's a good thing (well, there's always denying, but ...). But I have to admit, I thought it was an Onion headline when I first saw it. ;)

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