House passes tough immigration bill

The bill pays to send the children home to their parents in to speed up the process. It also pays National Guard Troops currently on the border.

Just curious here...what procedure has the House incorporated into this bill for payment, from the public purse, to these NG troops without Federalizing the Guard units involved?

That would take deeper research. Not sure on that one. However I do know from a previous thread that Texas has raised about 800 Million Dollars from the State Legislature to attempt to protect the border. In that issue, from a previous thread, 1200 illegals a day into Texas. 25% are children, 25% have criminal records.

I read the comments of Rick Perry which basically stated he was so disgusted with the detainment facilities of the children that he felt Texas should act to improve these conditions. Which is why he is currently building tent cities in an attempt to change the conditions of the illegals until deportation via ICE. Texas is paying for this and the NG at this time. They've been raising funds via the state legislature for many years now.

Oh, OK! I was just wondering how the US House was going to Federalize the Texas Army NG (TANG) in the bill to pay for their contribution on the Border from the US Treasury. That explains it then...maybe.

So the funds are not going to come from the Treasury, but the House bill is somehow going to require/force Texas to pay the TANG troops who will be under Federal control. So, in other words, the House is going to Federalize the TANG and the TANG troops will be paid by Texas. But with the House exercising an authority which is the sole prerogative of the President, isn't that obliterating the doctrine of separation of powers? How does the bill get around that obstacle?

Hey, you're the one with all of the knowledge of that bill I'm ignorant of, so I'm asking questions to become better informed. Just sayin'...
TK, please look at reality. Hispanics do not look at this like you do. There is nothing at all that is going to make them change their collective mind that I can see. If they keep voting with the female majority against our GOP (are you a Republican again?), we will be in the continually shrinking minority.

Are you Hispanic? Then be quiet, Jake. You have no clue how Hispanics look at anything.

TK, you are hugely overweight, white, dysfunctional millennial, living in your grandmother's basement, who can't hold a job, yet you feel you are qualified to judge those who know far better than you. The voting percentages by Hispanics out weigh anything you have to say, TK, so step along.

Either we in the GOP pull our collective head out of our collective ass, or the white left and their minority allies are going to kick it so hard our ears will ring for years.

And if only the Hispanics can speak for themselves, then I suggest we all listen to them and not the crazy far right.
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TK, please look at reality. Hispanics do not look at this like you do. There is nothing at all that is going to make them change their collective mind that I can see. If they keep voting with the female majority against our GOP (are you a Republican again?), we will be in the continually shrinking minority.

Are you Hispanic? Then be quiet, Jake. You have no clue how Hispanics look at anything.

They are waiting with baited breath Obama readies executive action on immigration - DREAM Act Portal Forum
WE need to allow immigration based on our needs not theirs. And we don't need more cheap labor.
TK, please look at reality. Hispanics do not look at this like you do. There is nothing at all that is going to make them change their collective mind that I can see. If they keep voting with the female majority against our GOP (are you a Republican again?), we will be in the continually shrinking minority.

Are you Hispanic? Then be quiet, Jake. You have no clue how Hispanics look at anything.

They are waiting with baited breath Obama readies executive action on immigration - DREAM Act Portal Forum
WE need to allow immigration based on our needs not theirs. And we don't need more cheap labor.

Yes, we do need to control immigration, and that requires both parties.

The dems have the presidency and the senate, and they will not budge on immigration reform. And they will require an omnibus bill of all components.

Thus, we demand in the House and the Senate that an omnibus passes with the $$$ already set aside to fund NG and state run tent cities on the border. The governors would act immediately with that set up.
"Jake angry! Jake smash!"

Seriously, you aren't Hispanic Jake, so stop acting like you know what it is they want. Using your logic, your perspective is just as incredible as mine. Also, stop acting like a Republican, you aren't one. If it wasn't obvious before, it is now. You're a closet liberal. You are bitter, on the wrong side of middle age, whittling your life away on a computer while talking down to a young whippersnapper like me. As for me being overweight, I'm losing three pounds a week. I'll be on the underside of 220 by the end of the year. I don't live in a basement either.

It's good to know that you have little other argument than to criticize my standing in life.
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"Jake angry! Jake smash!"

Seriously, you aren't Hispanic Jake, so stop acting like you know what it is they want. Using your logic, your perspective is just as incredible as mine. Also, stop acting like a Republican, you aren't one. If it wasn't obvious before, it is now. You're a closet liberal. You are bitter, on the wrong side of middle age, whittling your life away on a computer while talking down to a young whippersnapper like me.

You know that (as I have told you) if you are polite, I will be the same, if you are trying to smash, I will hit you twice as hard. So: be nice, TK. You will always look stupid in a clash with me.

Yes, I am GOP, no, you are not. You are a closet fool.

The Hispanics are voting against the GOP in greater numbers the last few elections, so I would suggest, TK, you listen to them, because they are certainly not going to listen to you
Just curious here...what procedure has the House incorporated into this bill for payment, from the public purse, to these NG troops without Federalizing the Guard units involved?

That would take deeper research. Not sure on that one. However I do know from a previous thread that Texas has raised about 800 Million Dollars from the State Legislature to attempt to protect the border. In that issue, from a previous thread, 1200 illegals a day into Texas. 25% are children, 25% have criminal records.

I read the comments of Rick Perry which basically stated he was so disgusted with the detainment facilities of the children that he felt Texas should act to improve these conditions. Which is why he is currently building tent cities in an attempt to change the conditions of the illegals until deportation via ICE. Texas is paying for this and the NG at this time. They've been raising funds via the state legislature for many years now.

Oh, OK! I was just wondering how the US House was going to Federalize the Texas Army NG (TANG) in the bill to pay for their contribution on the Border from the US Treasury. That explains it then...maybe.

So the funds are not going to come from the Treasury, but the House bill is somehow going to require/force Texas to pay the TANG troops who will be under Federal control. So, in other words, the House is going to Federalize the TANG and the TANG troops will be paid by Texas. But with the House exercising an authority which is the sole prerogative of the President, isn't that obliterating the doctrine of separation of powers? How does the bill get around that obstacle?

Hey, you're the one with all of the knowledge of that bill I'm ignorant of, so I'm asking questions to become better informed. Just sayin'...

I highly doubt on my better informed on the issue. I've just been reading and making observations. On the bill, they included paying the NG on the border now. Which means the bill will use the Treasury to pay them. I believe they are being paid by Texas now and are using part of the DOT budget as well.
HYPOCRISY - Harry Reid said in 1993 what Republicans say now about Illegal Immigrants
[ame=]HYPOCRISY - Harry Reid said in 1993 what Republicans say now about Illegal Immigrants - YouTube[/ame]
Poverty & Equity Data | Latin America & Caribbean | The World Bank

Data at the root of the problem.

Central America and the Caribbean data on poverty. Living on less than $4 a day

53.5% in Guatemala live on less than $4 a day. 33% of these on less than $2.5 a day.

Which is why they are flooding the USA.

This is why we shouldn't let them in to this country.

I understand and agree. Immigration is a numbers game and we can't handle the numbers. There are another 220 million who might want to come up here if we send the wrong message.

We have got to secure the border. The problem is down there and not the U.S.

We have got to show them that we aren't going to take in millions of them again and again and again if they simply just show up.

If we go easy on it, we'll see even larger numbers coming.
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If you want all that, buddies: an omnibus bill with $$$ set aside for the governors to use to move the NG to the borders and set up tent cities for processing; immigration reform; business-illegal employee reform.

It's the only way we can all get what we want.
If you want all that, buddies: an omnibus bill with $$$ set aside for the governors to use to move the NG to the borders and set up tent cities for processing; immigration reform; business-illegal employee reform.

It's the only way we can all get what we want.

1. The only way to secure the border is through added manpower. Border Control numbers are at 19,000 to 20,000 to handle all the borders in the United States. New York has 40,000 police officers in comparison.

2. Tent cities are about the only emergency measure that can be employed in a time of crisis. There is no other way to improve the conditions of detainment in a hurry without them.

3. Employers should be punished for hiring illegals. Verification in employment is the only way to do this.

4. Cut the red tape on sponsorship and work visa's. So perhaps some will try to come here LEGALLY instead of through Coyotes............ If the farming industry needs these workers then they should SPONSOR THEM, and PAY a LIVABLE SCALE.........and that these workers have to pay a TAX on wages earned even though they are not citizens.
Other countries tax guest workers and we should be no different.
I think drones would be better investment, make better use of manpower you have, for that matter mini sat might be even better.... no reason you cant watch every square inch in real time with full playback.
I think drones would be better investment, make better use of manpower you have, for that matter mini sat might be even better.... no reason you cant watch every square inch in real time with full playback.

You still need the numbers to be at those locations. Can't do it with only 19,000 Border patrol agents for the entire country.

I agree that we need the tech as well, but boots on the ground are the only way to secure it. Which means increased manpower.
Why not a amnesty for the illegals that can be proven to of worked for over 5 years in this country. Sure, deport the rest.

Amnesty was done under Reagan and it didn't fix jack squat. We cannot send the wrong signals on this issue as millions more will come as a result. In Central America alone about 220 million live on less than $4 a day.

You'd open the flood gates even more. Which is why we must send them back and enforce the laws.

The only area to really address is the red tape of LEGAL IMMIGRATION. Perhaps it is time to simplify the process on work visa's and sponsorship.
Stiffed neck evangelicals with a hard least for da brown kids...

Why do "brown" people get a pass when it comes to violations of the law?

Race baiting faggot

How many white illegals do you bitch about? I've never seen you post a thread on the subject, but you damn sure do about the southern border....

Faggot!? Are you smokin' dat crack pipe again and need a light?

Can you say all of them? I told my congresscritters that we need to require everyone applying for a visa to buy a return to country bond. If they fail to return then we send private bounty hunters after them and put them on a plane with just the shirts on their backs. We get 40% of the illegals through over stayed visas and it would be easy to put a stop to it.
Why not a amnesty for the illegals that can be proven to of worked for over 5 years in this country. Sure, deport the rest.
Why let any of them stay? What for? We don't need to reward such behavior, as a bad example for others in future.

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