House passes tough immigration bill

Always assume liberals lie about everything.

Hell, it wouldn't matter if the House gave that Chicago thug every single thing he asked for, he would STILL call it unworkable. Understand this - anything short of blanket amnesty for the world and it won't work for this clown.

Fuck that half breed.

Congratulations Republicans. You WILL take the Senate this year and increase your seats in the House. Hillary is already proving that she is too stupid to be the CIC so 16 looks goo as well.

FINALLY, a little sanity might be returning to DC and we can kick these asshole Nazi's to the curb.
Obama wants to add 6 million New Democrats to the welfare rolls with a stroke of his pen.

Where can I read that? WND, Faux News, Heritage or was it a Palin quote; WHERE? Inquiring minds want to know.

Jesus, Mary and Joseph! You left and uber-right wing bat-shit crazy wacko's can come up with some of the most laughable and utterly stupid lies and distortions with your giant leaps of fantasy!
Your way will never happen. All of it at once. That is the only way.
Not until after January 20, 2017, anyway.

If we lose the presidency and the senate again to the dems, then possibly we may realize we have to give.

I hope that does not take those conditions for both parties' to put aside differences and work for the greater good.
This will definitely rally Hispanic voters, who are sick and tired of GOP bigotry.

Actually, this crisis is good for the GOP. Hispanics already here will vote according to how their kin are being treated at the border.

A silly statement, yes, by TK. The Hispanics will not be blaming the Dems on the border issue, but looking straight at the GOP and asking "why".

You do realize that Democrats are the other half of Congress, don't you?
TK, please look at reality. Hispanics do not look at this like you do. There is nothing at all that is going to make them change their collective mind that I can see. If they keep voting with the female majority against our GOP (are you a Republican again?), we will be in the continually shrinking minority.
The bill is an emergency measure bill due to the problems on the border now. Yet any bill passed will have to wait for 5 weeks as the Senate is on vacation.

Reid will probably not even bring it to a vote, and if by some miracle it was brought to the Senate Floor and passed Obama would Veto it.

The bill pays to send the children home to their parents in to speed up the process. It also pays National Guard Troops currently on the border.
TK, please look at reality. Hispanics do not look at this like you do. There is nothing at all that is going to make them change their collective mind that I can see. If they keep voting with the female majority against our GOP (are you a Republican again?), we will be in the continually shrinking minority.

White Woman went 56% republican last election. So I don't understand why the democrats keep on the sexist shit.

The race issue is a successful and workable approach sadly. So a leftist white, hispanic, asian and black voting block is what they should focus on.
As I was looking at the root of the problem in Central America I noticed about 220 MILLION in that region living on less than $4 a day.

Go further south and Argentina just Defaulted again.

Whether you like it or not, we cannot handle the numbers of those coming to escape poverty down there. Which means we must secure the border. I also listened to the Guatemalan and Honduran Presidents saying the solution is U.S. Dollars to their countries to create jobs down there.

I'm just slinging out some data on the situation. In order to deal with a crisis you must address the CAUSES OF THE CRISIS. That is a basic problem solving approach. This doesn't even go into the violent world of the Drug Cartels down there. Which has caused the deaths of over 100,000 people in approximately a decade.
The bill pays to send the children home to their parents in to speed up the process. It also pays National Guard Troops currently on the border.

Just curious here...what procedure has the House incorporated into this bill for payment, from the public purse, to these NG troops without Federalizing the Guard units involved?
TK, please look at reality. Hispanics do not look at this like you do. There is nothing at all that is going to make them change their collective mind that I can see. If they keep voting with the female majority against our GOP (are you a Republican again?), we will be in the continually shrinking minority.

White Woman went 56% republican last election. So I don't understand why the democrats keep on the sexist shit.

The race issue is a successful and workable approach sadly. So a leftist white, hispanic, asian and black voting block is what they should focus on.

55% of all women and 66% of unmarried women, and more than 80% of millennial women voted Dem in the last presidential election.
The bill pays to send the children home to their parents in to speed up the process. It also pays National Guard Troops currently on the border.

Just curious here...what procedure has the House incorporated into this bill for payment, from the public purse, to these NG troops without Federalizing the Guard units involved?

That would take deeper research. Not sure on that one. However I do know from a previous thread that Texas has raised about 800 Million Dollars from the State Legislature to attempt to protect the border. In that issue, from a previous thread, 1200 illegals a day into Texas. 25% are children, 25% have criminal records.

I read the comments of Rick Perry which basically stated he was so disgusted with the detainment facilities of the children that he felt Texas should act to improve these conditions. Which is why he is currently building tent cities in an attempt to change the conditions of the illegals until deportation via ICE. Texas is paying for this and the NG at this time. They've been raising funds via the state legislature for many years now.
This will definitely rally Hispanic voters, who are sick and tired of GOP bigotry.

Actually, this crisis is good for the GOP. Hispanics already here will vote according to how their kin are being treated at the border.

A silly statement, yes, by TK. The Hispanics will not be blaming the Dems on the border issue, but looking straight at the GOP and asking "why".

If resident Mexicans don't understand that a country needs a border then they can get the fuck out too.
TK, please look at reality. Hispanics do not look at this like you do. There is nothing at all that is going to make them change their collective mind that I can see. If they keep voting with the female majority against our GOP (are you a Republican again?), we will be in the continually shrinking minority.

Are you Hispanic? Then be quiet, Jake. You have no clue how Hispanics look at anything.

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