House passes tough immigration bill

So we're going to attempt to deport god knows how many hispanics out of this country. Some of these people been working here for decades.

We'd need to use the military.

1. make it illegal to give an Illegal Alien a job

2. make it illegal to sell or rent housing to an Illegal Alien

3. make it illegal to provide educational services to an Illegal Alien

4. make it illegal to rent or sell a vehicle to an Illegal Alien

5. make it illegal to provide an Illegal Alien with any kind of license (driver's, etc.)

6. make it illegal for an Illegal Alien to own a business in this country

7. make it illegal to provide medical treatment for an Illegal Alien (except for life-saving emergency measures)

8. make it illegal to provide an Illegal Alien with any form of welfare or social services

9. make it illegal to provide an Illegal Alien with banking services

10. make it illegal for an Illegal Alien to wire money out of the country

11. make it illegal for an Illegal Alien to serve in the Armed Forces.

12. make it illegal to provide sanctuary for an Illegal Alien - including prohibitions on declaring a town or city or state to be such a sanctuary.

...and, I'm sure, a few other well-deserved Draconian measures...

...and give 'em a 6-month or 12-month Fair Advance Warning before it all goes into effect.

13. seize the assets (bank accounts, cars, homes, etc.) of any Illegal Aliens still on US soil after the deadline.

14. crucify (metaphorically, legally) businesses who fail to comply with hiring restrictions

15. crucify (metaphorically, legally) organizations that provide services after the deadline.

Then watch the fun, as the Intruders sell-off assets, close bank accounts, and fall all over each other, running for the border, before the deadline.

Self-deportation... doesn't cost the US taxpayer a dime in physical deportation costs.
Please don't "secure the border" until after my dental appointment in Nogales in Sept. I want to make sure that I can come home again afterwards....
Deportation is the only option for the latest arrivals, perhaps the Senate can persuade the less radical in the House to accept some amendments to the draconian provisions, though I doubt it.
Cruz pushed the house to move n this. The Canadian has a tiny heart.
House passes tough immigration bills that President Obama calls 'extreme and unworkable' |

This will bring out a lot of the far right base this fall.

How much it will bring out counter voters is unknown?

Boehner is throwing the dice on the election.

I think he has to.

Which is ridiculous given the fact this will ultimately hurt the GOP come 2016.

Republicans might win the battle in 2014 by taking the Senate, but lose the war when a democrat is elected president in 2016 and democrats take back control of the Senate.

Hope springs eternal from the breast of the disappointed.
"The republicans new motto, "There is no problem that is too big to block a solution, and then blame the inactivity on the democrats".
Cruz pushed the house to move n this. The Canadian has a tiny heart.

He gave up his Canadian citizenship a few months ago, though he was born there, I guess you can call him Texacanadian:lol::lol:
House passes tough immigration bills that President Obama calls 'extreme and unworkable' |

This will bring out a lot of the far right base this fall.

How much it will bring out counter voters is unknown?

Boehner is throwing the dice on the election.

I think he has to.

This will definitely rally Hispanic voters, who are sick and tired of GOP bigotry.

Actually, this crisis is good for the GOP. Hispanics already here will vote according to how their kin are being treated at the border.
House passes tough immigration bills that President Obama calls 'extreme and unworkable' |

This will bring out a lot of the far right base this fall.

How much it will bring out counter voters is unknown?

Boehner is throwing the dice on the election.

I think he has to.

This will definitely rally Hispanic voters, who are sick and tired of GOP bigotry.

Actually, this crisis is good for the GOP. Hispanics already here will vote according to how their kin are being treated at the border.

A silly statement, yes, by TK. The Hispanics will not be blaming the Dems on the border issue, but looking straight at the GOP and asking "why".
"The republicans new motto, "There is no problem that is too big to block a solution, and then blame the inactivity on the democrats".

What are you talking about? The Republican lead house passed immigration reform it is now the democrats turn and they won't even vote on it because it isn't exactly what they want. This problem is all democrat.
House passes tough immigration bills that President Obama calls 'extreme and unworkable' |

This will bring out a lot of the far right base this fall.

How much it will bring out counter voters is unknown?

Boehner is throwing the dice on the election.

I think he has to.

This will definitely rally Hispanic voters, who are sick and tired of GOP bigotry.

Actually, this crisis is good for the GOP. Hispanics already here will vote according to how their kin are being treated at the border.

Actually, it should be a rally point for the GOP and Hispanics. The democrats created a man made humanitarian disaster, begged for immigration reform they said was so badly needed, and got the reform but won't vote on it. How two faced can a party be then what we see with the democrats?
"The republicans new motto, "There is no problem that is too big to block a solution, and then blame the inactivity on the democrats".

What are you talking about? The Republican lead house passed immigration reform it is now the democrats turn and they won't even vote on it because it isn't exactly what they want. This problem is all democrat.

According to the bozo far right reactionary wing of the GOP.

If boehner would hold an up and down vote (as he will) just like the debt and budget votes, a good bill would pass.
The southern border needs to be contained, yes.

The business-employee situation needs to be contained, yes.

A immigration reform bill needs to be passed.
1. secure the border

2. revise laws to make the environment very hostile to Illegal Aliens

3. wait a year or so after revising the laws, to see how many left on their own

4. then - and only then - consider so-called 'immigration reform'

As things stand now, 'Immigration Reform (in the Liberal sense) = codespeak for Shamnesty'.

Your way will never happen. All of it at once. That is the only way.

I heard this exact argument in 1985.

Guess didn't work. Want it is....we're discussing this same crisis 30 years later.
The last time Congress enacted sweeping immigration reform was back in 1986. That bill, signed by Ronald Reagan, looked a lot like the proposals being put forward today. There was a path to citizenship for existing illegal immigrants, coupled with tighter border enforcement.

There was just one problem — the 1986 reform didn't work. The law was supposed to put a stop to illegal immigration into the United States once and for all. Instead, the exact opposite happened. The number of unauthorized immigrants living in the country soared, from an estimated 5 million in 1986 to 11.1 million today.

Congress tried to fix immigration back in 1986. Why did it fail? - The Washington Post

"But...but...but...this time we're going to..." they say.


Fix the border FIRST...then will go forward from there.

While the border remains the porous failure it is today, immigration reform is a dead issue.

Simple as that.
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"The republicans new motto, "There is no problem that is too big to block a solution, and then blame the inactivity on the democrats".

What are you talking about? The Republican lead house passed immigration reform it is now the democrats turn and they won't even vote on it because it isn't exactly what they want. This problem is all democrat.

According to the bozo far right reactionary wing of the GOP.

If boehner would hold an up and down vote (as he will) just like the debt and budget votes, a good bill would pass.

Left wing reactionaries sure have a comprehension problem. Boehner did put a reform bill up for a vote and it passed, isn't that what your thread is all about? Funny now that the ball is in the democrat court left wing reactionaries ignore their responsibility. So typical.
1. secure the border

2. revise laws to make the environment very hostile to Illegal Aliens

3. wait a year or so after revising the laws, to see how many left on their own

4. then - and only then - consider so-called 'immigration reform'

As things stand now, 'Immigration Reform (in the Liberal sense) = codespeak for Shamnesty'.

Your way will never happen. All of it at once. That is the only way.

I heard this exact argument in 1985.

Guess didn't work. Want it is....we're discussing this same crisis 30 years later.
The last time Congress enacted sweeping immigration reform was back in 1986. That bill, signed by Ronald Reagan, looked a lot like the proposals being put forward today. There was a path to citizenship for existing illegal immigrants, coupled with tighter border enforcement.

There was just one problem — the 1986 reform didn't work. The law was supposed to put a stop to illegal immigration into the United States once and for all. Instead, the exact opposite happened. The number of unauthorized immigrants living in the country soared, from an estimated 5 million in 1986 to 11.1 million today.

Congress tried to fix immigration back in 1986. Why did it fail? - The Washington Post

"But...but...but...this time we're going to..." they say.


Fix the border FIRST...then will go forward from there.

While the border remains the porous failure it is today, immigration reform is a dead issue.

Simple as that.

The border can't be secured fully the left wing reactionaries know this as fact. So what is the alternative? Either make it desirable to come, as Obama and the left wing reactionaries have done, or make it undesirable that way people don't leave their children behind expecting them to come later. So no, as long as their is a golden parachute for those who make it across the Rio Grande no reform is going to slow the flood.
Please don't "secure the border" until after my dental appointment in Nogales in Sept. I want to make sure that I can come home again afterwards....

Just don't take a gun with you the Mexicans take their laws seriously.
No, we are not going to fix the border before business and immigration reform: the Dems will never, ever permit it.

Yes, we can seal the border fairly easily if we so wish.

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