House Passes Volunteerism Bill Critics Call forced

oh no... the HORROR... LOOKING INTO the feasability of people helping other people.

how suckish!!!

I think volunteering is a great thing, when it is done with the heart of the volunteer, but when one is not volunteering, but rather being forced to serve, that is something much more akin to slavery than volunteerism.

One hell of you pampered nitwits would be far better people had you found yourselves having to help people.

A little humility wouldn't kill you.

I'm not sure what you mean by "one hell of you".

I don't think it works when you force someone to help someone else. A person should volunteer because they want to not because they are forced to. If the government wants to force indentured servitude, then at least call it what it is, don't call it "volunteering" because that is not what people who are forced into this are going to be doing.

And yes, you are absolutely right, a little bit of humility would help us all. :lol:

oh no... the HORROR... LOOKING INTO the feasability of people helping other people.

how suckish!!!

I think volunteering is a great thing, when it is done with the heart of the volunteer, but when one is not volunteering, but rather being forced to serve, that is something much more akin to slavery than volunteerism.

One hell of you pampered nitwits would be far better people had you found yourselves having to help people.

A little humility wouldn't kill you.

I'm not sure what you mean by "one hell of you".

I don't think it works when you force someone to help someone else. A person should volunteer because they want to not because they are forced to. If the government wants to force indentured servitude, then at least call it what it is, don't call it "volunteering" because that is not what people who are forced into this are going to be doing.

And yes, you are absolutely right, a little bit of humility would help us all. :lol:


oh the IRONY! :lol: (sorry, couldn't resist)
One hell of you pampered nitwits would be far better people had you found yourselves having to help people.

A little humility wouldn't kill you.

that's a pretty judgmental statement toward a group of nitwits you don't even know donchyathink?

Hell yes.

When have I ever claimed not to be an opinionated son of a bitch, Willow?
One hell of you pampered nitwits would be far better people had you found yourselves having to help people.

A little humility wouldn't kill you.

that's a pretty judgmental statement toward a group of nitwits you don't even know donchyathink?

Hell yes.

When have I ever claimed not to be an opinionated son of a bitch, Willow?

well, ya got me there edict! ya got me there.. :lol:
1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

why do you dems want to dismantle and violate the constitution?
One hell of you pampered nitwits would be far better people had you found yourselves having to help people.

A little humility wouldn't kill you.

Oh how wonderful,endearing gracious,kind,sweet,helpful,generousGo Fuck Yourself

Let's keep the blatant stuff to a minimum on the upper part of the board, huh? If you must melt down, that is what the Flame Zone is for.

oh no... the HORROR... LOOKING INTO the feasability of people helping other people.

how suckish!!!

I think volunteering is a great thing, when it is done with the heart of the volunteer, but when one is not volunteering, but rather being forced to serve, that is something much more akin to slavery than volunteerism.

One hell of you pampered nitwits would be far better people had you found yourselves having to help people.

A little humility wouldn't kill you.

I'm not sure what you mean by "one hell of you".

I don't think it works when you force someone to help someone else. A person should volunteer because they want to not because they are forced to. If the government wants to force indentured servitude, then at least call it what it is, don't call it "volunteering" because that is not what people who are forced into this are going to be doing.

And yes, you are absolutely right, a little bit of humility would help us all. :lol:


Thing is, I DO volunteer. I helped out unloading trucks at the old mall they used to house Katrina refugees, and I have "donated" free electrical work to homeless shelters here in town.

But if you tell me I HAVE TO? Piss off.:eusa_hand:
Thing is, I DO volunteer. I helped out unloading trucks at the old mall they used to house Katrina refugees, and I have "donated" free electrical work to homeless shelters here in town.

But if you tell me I HAVE TO? Piss off.:eusa_hand:

Exactly what I mean.

Sounds like we're headed towards a police state and all good job will be with the government.

On Sat. Feb. 7, 2009

Sen. Jay Rockefeller D - West Virgina, Commerce, Science & Transporation Cmte. Chairman. Said, There should be a bill that everyone in the United States be required to serve in Public Service, ie. the military...
- Presidential Politics | Political News -

The House of Representatives passed a measure Wednesday that supporters are calling the most sweeping reform of nationally-backed volunteer programs since AmeriCorps. But some opponents are strongly criticizing the legislation, calling it expensive indoctrination and forced advocacy.

Under section 6104 of the bill, entitled “Duties,” in subsection B6, the legislation states that a commission will be set up to investigate, “Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.”

Section 120 of the bill also discusses the “Youth Engagement Zone Program” and states that “service learning” will be “a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.”
In Obama's own words

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.” President Obama July 2008
Change is coming....

I really don't see this passing. I think the campaign talk was so Obama could look more hawkish without having it tied to foreign po,licy. He knew his strengths were in domestic policy and he wanted to work in the hawkish message.

I can't see mandatory service passing - I could see it being tied to a benefit, like a scholarship, like the teaching service etc that clinton did, like the NIH service I had to do for my fellowship money - But not some sort of draft for all youth. That's nuts, it won't fly.

The house is a bunch of crazies anyway, ignore them, they pass everything.
- Presidential Politics | Political News -

The House of Representatives passed a measure Wednesday that supporters are calling the most sweeping reform of nationally-backed volunteer programs since AmeriCorps. But some opponents are strongly criticizing the legislation, calling it expensive indoctrination and forced advocacy.

Under section 6104 of the bill, entitled “Duties,” in subsection B6, the legislation states that a commission will be set up to investigate, “Whether a workable, fair, and reasonable mandatory service requirement for all able young people could be developed, and how such a requirement could be implemented in a manner that would strengthen the social fabric of the Nation and overcome civic challenges by bringing together people from diverse economic, ethnic, and educational backgrounds.”

Section 120 of the bill also discusses the “Youth Engagement Zone Program” and states that “service learning” will be “a mandatory part of the curriculum in all of the secondary schools served by the local educational agency.”
In Obama's own words

“We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that is just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded.” President Obama July 2008
Change is coming....

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oh no... the HORROR... LOOKING INTO the feasability of people helping other people.

how suckish!!!

We tried it before and you Democrats loved it then too.....only way back then it was called
Well let me clue some of you in....involuntary servitude is already a fact of life where I live....its a mandatory requirement for HS graduation....thats MANDATORY....
I've seen 4 year honor students be refused a diploma because they didn't fulfill this mandatory community service.....this tour of slavery....
1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

why do you dems want to dismantle and violate the constitution?

the silence of the dems....

what say you, jillian...and does this not violate the 13th?
When does he plan to have these "volunteers" serve? After HS? What about college? Are they going to take few classes so they can do their "duty?" What will that do so college scholarships? When will people in Law School or Medical School study? What if they are athletes? The multi-million dollar industry that revolves around college athletics would come to a screeching stop. People will have to take less school hours so it takes longer to graduate? Won't that put a strain on working America - longer to get qualified people to do the job? I guess people can't join the real military if they have to "volunteer."

This is going to be a logistical nightmare. How do they plan on making this work?

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